序号 | 主题 | 回帖 | 发帖人 | 最后回复 |
651 | Please support this campaign---ACE China Earthquake Relife Campaign | 0 | l*******r 08-06-05 | l*******r 06-05 16:00 |
652 | 慈济大爱电视四川新闻 (6/5/08) | 0 | r**k 08-06-05 | r**k 06-05 13:47 |
653 | 【请求置顶】摄影作品赈灾义卖 | 6 | l*********i 08-06-04 | j**d 06-05 13:16 |
654 | 赈灾任重道远 | 0 | w*******s 08-06-05 | w*******s 06-05 10:17 |
655 | 我们永远和你在一起 | 1 | p**********a 08-06-05 | h*****o 06-05 01:04 |
656 | 巴基斯坦兄弟 | 3 | k**9 08-06-04 | N**D 06-04 22:55 |
657 | paypal $285 to [email protected] | 0 | s******n 08-06-04 | s******n 06-04 21:28 |
658 | 慈济大爱电视四川新闻 (6/4/08) | 0 | r**k 08-06-04 | r**k 06-04 15:47 |
659 | $101 to [email protected] by paypal | 0 | s******h 08-06-04 | s******h 06-04 00:31 |
660 | where can I find the latest poster for donation call? | 0 | a***c 08-06-03 | a***c 06-03 23:53 |
661 | donated $200 to OSCCF | 1 | w****1 08-05-31 | f*****n 06-03 22:42 |
662 | 慈济大爱电视四川新闻 (6/3/08) | 0 | r**k 08-06-03 | r**k 06-03 13:53 |
663 | 召集的志愿者做帐篷团的信息收集 | 53 | n*******r 08-05-26 | s**a 06-03 10:54 |
664 | [email protected] 捐款 update_8 | 0 | r********g 08-06-03 | r********g 06-03 02:01 |
665 | $100 to [email protected] | 0 | f**g 08-06-02 | f**g 06-02 23:02 |
666 | 终身难忘的一个个震撼镜头视频:震撼—汶川大地震纪实 | 0 | q***g 08-06-02 | q***g 06-02 22:37 |
667 | 募集賑災帳篷給四川地震災民zz from 北加州万佛圣城 | 2 | p******0 08-06-01 | b****7 06-02 19:45 |
668 | 建议:把mitbbs捐的钱用于学校建筑物鉴定 | 4 | t****p 08-05-30 | B********e 06-02 19:40 |
669 | 需要免费飞中国机票和托运方面帮助的慈善机构请跟我联系 | 0 | b****7 08-06-02 | b****7 06-02 10:16 |
670 | $50.03 sent to [email protected] | 2 | b***y 08-05-30 | l*********e 06-01 22:10 |
671 | I am in Chengdu | 22 | p*****1 08-05-16 | n*******r 06-01 21:59 |
672 | 请问OSCCF捐款的receipt | 6 | w********u 08-05-26 | e*******e 06-01 17:31 |
673 | 急问:我现在在北京,怎么联系OSCCF的义工组织?想加入! | 1 | f*******0 08-06-01 | n*******r 06-01 07:40 |
674 | $100 donation to [email protected] | 0 | m*********g 08-06-01 | m*********g 06-01 01:20 |
675 | 捐款的个人体会。 | 0 | l**h 08-05-31 | l**h 05-31 23:34 |
676 | 成都军区抗震救灾部队一架执行救灾任务的直升飞机失事 | 0 | q******7 08-05-31 | q******7 05-31 22:48 |
677 | 80后志愿者现场亲历(zz) | 0 | n*******r 08-05-31 | n*******r 05-31 22:30 |
678 | 地震flash的背景音乐 | 0 | p*******g 08-05-31 | p*******g 05-31 18:30 |
679 | 关于OSCCF志愿者 | 3 | d*****e 08-05-22 | e*******e 05-31 14:45 |
680 | 多少人在麒麟卫视捐过款? | 5 | d*****e 08-05-21 | e*******e 05-31 14:26 |
681 | 给红十字会的donation信用卡被reject,状态是未支付,但是卡已经被charge | 8 | b*******e 08-05-20 | e*******e 05-31 14:23 |
682 | 西北航空的救世军捐mileage match | 0 | r***r 08-05-31 | r***r 05-31 14:14 |
683 | *****关于捐赠零散物资的具体事宜**** | 2 | h***y 08-05-30 | h***y 05-31 13:38 |
684 | $50 sent to [email protected] | 0 | y****o 08-05-31 | y****o 05-31 11:39 |
685 | My 2nd donation of $100 to [email protected] | 0 | W**********r 08-05-31 | W**********r 05-31 09:59 |
686 | Donated $150 to SVTN on May 28 through google checkout. | 1 | s******z 08-05-29 | l******n 05-30 20:04 |
687 | Uhaul都没了,急(更新,找到26'Uhaul) | 3 | n*******r 08-05-30 | e*****g 05-30 19:26 |
688 | $200 to [email protected] sent | 0 | z*********g 08-05-30 | z*********g 05-30 16:22 |
689 | 从美国买什么好,个人总结观点 | 9 | n*******r 08-05-29 | D********e 05-30 15:52 |
690 | ++++从国内团购捐献N95口罩的活动正式开始!++++ (转载) | 4 | er 08-05-30 | f*****n 05-30 15:16 |
691 | 寄奶粉和coupon行吗?往哪寄? | 0 | i**e 08-05-30 | i**e 05-30 14:55 |
692 | $500 donated to OSCCF via GoogleCheckout | 1 | N********o 08-05-30 | f*****n 05-30 14:08 |
693 | $500 donated to OSCCF | 1 | p*****o 08-05-30 | f*****n 05-30 14:08 |
694 | $50 sent to [email protected] | 0 | x*******l 08-05-30 | x*******l 05-30 13:03 |
695 | $100 to [email protected] sent | 0 | S****M 08-05-30 | S****M 05-30 11:34 |
696 | Memorial Video: "China Shaken" (9 min) (请斑竹置顶) | 0 | s*******o 08-05-30 | s*******o 05-30 11:11 |
697 | $100 donated to [email protected] | 2 | o*********r 08-05-30 | o*********r 05-30 11:08 |
698 | 鲁豫灾区有约ZT | 0 | i*****s 08-05-30 | i*****s 05-30 09:47 |
699 | donation $50 | 0 | n********e 08-05-30 | n********e 05-30 08:50 |
700 | 地震求救信息发布平台 | 0 | l**********e 08-05-30 | l**********e 05-30 08:21 |