序号 | 主题 | 回帖 | 发帖人 | 最后回复 |
1551 | 如何删除RAMDISK? | 1 | M*****r 12-06-21 | x****s 06-25 19:37 |
1552 | 日哦,Linus 骂娘了 | 11 | G*****h 12-06-17 | c*****m 06-25 16:26 |
1553 | 初见mackintosh | 3 | j**********i 12-06-24 | a********t 06-25 11:54 |
1554 | 泥马坑爹的tcp stack的作者 | 26 | i*****o 12-05-18 | N*n 06-25 10:55 |
1555 | Linux 的毛病, 更新太快 | 27 | G*****h 12-03-29 | s*******a 06-23 05:05 |
1556 | Can you guys discuss something deeper? | 0 | s*****g 12-06-23 | s*****g 06-23 02:02 |
1557 | 为毛 Ubuntu 不能 hibernate? | 11 | G*****h 12-06-16 | n******7 06-21 23:09 |
1558 | 原来gnome 3的那个bar也是抄apple的 | 9 | d*b 12-06-15 | l*********s 06-21 15:40 |
1559 | 一些微软“小丑” (转载) | 0 | j**********i 12-06-20 | j**********i 06-20 23:57 |
1560 | D语言为毛不流行? | 9 | m********5 12-06-17 | a9 06-18 10:16 |
1561 | 排名 (转载) | 0 | j**********i 12-06-17 | j**********i 06-17 23:12 |
1562 | 从aix挪到linux | 4 | p**********r 12-06-16 | p**********r 06-17 20:51 |
1563 | Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored | 1 | g****e 12-06-16 | G*****h 06-16 11:24 |
1564 | 悲剧,untar不了tarball | 5 | D******n 12-06-14 | D******n 06-15 14:26 |
1565 | 说实话这个fedora 17连windows 98都不如 | 7 | d*b 12-06-11 | w****g 06-15 11:19 |
1566 | 哎,发现需要大屏幕了 | 4 | G*****h 12-06-12 | h*****i 06-15 01:15 |
1567 | mintBox 太爽了。。。 | 5 | G*****h 12-06-08 | S***d 06-14 18:56 |
1568 | misc fixed 字体哪去了? | 0 | s******i 12-06-14 | s******i 06-14 12:57 |
1569 | glusterfs, FreeNas? | 15 | c*********3 12-06-11 | d********g 06-14 04:38 |
1570 | X11 on Waykand video | 0 | G*****h 12-06-14 | G*****h 06-14 01:27 |
1571 | linux cifs file sharing? | 2 | m******t 12-06-12 | z*****g 06-13 19:12 |
1572 | 这个字体方面,真是恨铁不成钢啊 | 11 | G*****h 12-06-11 | G*****h 06-13 12:58 |
1573 | debian iso 下载不够快 | 4 | G*****h 12-06-10 | D***h 06-12 22:14 |
1574 | 有人玩过 FlightGear 么 | 3 | G*****h 12-06-11 | h*i 06-12 14:31 |
1575 | ubuntu 还真是坑爹,gdm 配置文件都找不到 | 8 | G*****h 12-06-10 | G*****h 06-11 11:38 |
1576 | 有没有玩 Wayland 的,怎么编译亚 | 3 | G*****h 12-06-10 | G*****h 06-11 11:35 |
1577 | RMS has his bag stolen in Argentina | 1 | D***h 12-06-10 | L***n 06-10 22:42 |
1578 | 跑这个 Ubuntu 了。。。 | 0 | G*****h 12-06-10 | G*****h 06-10 12:06 |
1579 | 擦,ubuntu hd-media 装不了 | 1 | G*****h 12-06-10 | G*****h 06-10 05:46 |
1580 | 求助:Dockstar/Goflex Net 安装Debian后的启动问题! | 2 | o*****g 12-06-09 | o*****g 06-09 22:40 |
1581 | 重新命名文件 | 4 | t**********y 12-06-06 | t**********y 06-09 16:54 |
1582 | Linux 就象个孩子, 还没长大, 但很健康 | 2 | G*****h 12-06-09 | G*****h 06-09 07:58 |
1583 | Linux里对应putty+xming的是什么? | 10 | h*k 12-05-28 | e******d 06-08 20:43 |
1584 | 为嘛 Linux 桌面失败啊, 这个话题真火 | 18 | G*****h 12-06-06 | c***u 06-08 15:44 |
1585 | 现在哪个版本的Linux最稳,最Secure? | 10 | c*****v 12-05-27 | c***u 06-08 15:42 |
1586 | 发牢骚是最大的贡献? | 30 | S*A 12-06-04 | S***d 06-08 14:13 |
1587 | session manager这个idea太傻B了 | 0 | w***g 12-06-08 | w***g 06-08 14:09 |
1588 | fedora真是过气了 | 24 | d*b 12-06-02 | S***d 06-08 14:04 |
1589 | 每天看各种Linux的desktop distro被骂就有一种快感... | 4 | x**n 12-06-07 | z**r 06-07 17:38 |
1590 | The basic failure of the free Linux desktop is that it's, perversely, not free enough. | 4 | D***h 12-06-06 | S***d 06-07 13:41 |
1591 | mac + iterm2 + bash; how to display the chinese characters? | 1 | b****o 12-06-06 | d*b 06-06 21:40 |
1592 | 卖猪娃也挺不住了, 送给社区了 | 5 | G*****h 12-05-20 | y****e 06-06 10:41 |
1593 | Linux下多点触摸有啥比较好的Framework? | 2 | m********5 12-06-03 | m********5 06-06 07:03 |
1594 | 键盘经常就不响应了 | 2 | k**l 12-05-24 | k**l 06-05 18:28 |
1595 | 为什么要更新? | 3 | d*b 12-06-03 | i****y 06-05 15:44 |
1596 | Mint 下载都两倍于 Ubuntu 了 | 5 | G*****h 12-06-03 | a9 06-05 14:02 |
1597 | Scientific Linux | 4 | m******1 12-06-03 | G*****h 06-04 21:52 |
1598 | how to build a tiny size of ubuntu rootfs ? | 2 | w*s 12-06-04 | w*s 06-04 17:44 |
1599 | fedora 17 is out | 5 | j*a 12-05-29 | y****e 06-04 14:49 |
1600 | 你们吵distro吵得火热,是不是因为在用GUI? | 1 | N*****m 12-06-04 | r****c 06-04 13:56 |