q********u 发帖数: 15519 | 1 银子双倍ETN的AGQ的确是炒作银子的好工具?
是不? |
t***y 发帖数: 2276 | 2 今天银子比上周五跌了,SLV -0.70%正常。
AGQ今天输了,通常AGQ -1.4%才对; 但是今天AGQ实际 -4.63%。
欢迎探讨。 |
l******c 发帖数: 2555 | 3 disagree
SLV you can buy and hold, average down, even if you buy at 48, you can get
money back.
USO & AGQ: similiar
AGQ in the long term, it goes to ZERO. After three years, the price of AGQ is below that of SLV. (today is 180 : 34)
USO future contract issue, it goes down slowly in the long term, like UNG
rebound |
M*****8 发帖数: 17722 | 4 【 以下文字转载自 Stock 讨论区 】
发信人: MB80528 (肥猫(Contrarian)[食MM而肥]), 信区: Stock
标 题: Re: AGQ跌费一批人
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Aug 24 12:23:22 2011, 美东)
That is the way AGQ is supposed to behave,
having peaked on Aug. 22, 2011, with HUGE
downside having been forecast
http://bit.ly/n7Mzmb |
n******D 发帖数: 193 | 5 提醒的好
short AGQ也没有行动,同样的原因,把握不是很大。
不用非逮着SLV, AGQ才能挣钱对吧,尤其在这个上下都是飞刀的关口 |
p**8 发帖数: 3883 | 6 看你紧张的。
对SLV/AGQ不是坏消息。更多的人参与SLV/AGQ的交易。变化幅度可能变小。 |
X*********r 发帖数: 11803 | 8 I have 300 shares of agq before selling this, 150 loaded on Wednesday at 225
.5 and the other 150 loaded this morning at 223.5. I should have sold all if
the fxxking Indian didn't come to my office when agq was around 222.
fxxking indian
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb - 中文网站浏览器 |
X*********r 发帖数: 2649 | 9 Thanks. I just have time to come here and it is too late to sell agq. I will
sell agq at 59 at least |
N********n 发帖数: 8363 | 10
At high 20s I expect silver to generate an easy 10X gain down the road
but I am STRONGLY AGAINST stuff like AGQ.
#1 It decays. #2 It is not physical silver so it's not really silver
investment. By the time silver makes that 10X gain the AGQ Casino might
have long shut down already.
Don't think #2 is impossible. Those MF Global customers bought gold
at 1400 and wanted physical delivery in Dec found out their contracts
got canceled. It's an engineered default. The Casino will not let you
collect ... 阅读全帖 |
b******r 发帖数: 16603 | 11 面壁很久没来了!
AGQ的人气很久不旺了! |
M*****8 发帖数: 17722 | 12 【 以下文字转载自 Stock 讨论区 】
发信人: MB80528 (肥猫(Contrarian)[食MM而肥]), 信区: Stock
标 题: Re: AGQ跌费一批人
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Aug 24 12:23:22 2011, 美东)
That is the way AGQ is supposed to behave,
having peaked on Aug. 22, 2011, with HUGE
downside having been forecast
http://bit.ly/n7Mzmb |
s*k 发帖数: 2941 | 13 最近不见荷包蛋pump AGQ 了, 赫赫,人影都没了 |
X*********r 发帖数: 11803 | 14 我今天short了agq@376.本来不太想short它的,但它这样狂飙我也没买过赚过,心里有
点不平衡,所以short它一把玩玩 |
b******r 发帖数: 16603 | 16 AGO还是AGQ啊。。AGO是我最喜欢的保险股。。 |
X*********r 发帖数: 11803 | 18 别说了。前几天买的zsl昨天卖掉了,少赚了1个金灯。更惨的是今天在半山腰进了agq |
s*****r 发帖数: 2729 | 19 别提了。偶也是全仓普特,赚了个零头跑了。现在可好,套住了。明天被迫嫁仓
agq |
g***c 发帖数: 11523 | 20 由于交易不活跃
禁止场外交易是不是跟股票变pink差不多? |
X*********r 发帖数: 11803 | 21 看情况吧。我打算明天撤,后天short,然后星期一卖掉再long。不过长期来说,agq应
该是向上的,就像wsn早上起床前的死翘翘 |
M*****8 发帖数: 17722 | 22
That is the way AGQ is supposed to behave,
having peaked on Aug. 22, 2011, with HUGE
downside having been forecast
http://bit.ly/n7Mzmb |
X*********r 发帖数: 11803 | 24 Hold it, you might find a good time to exit. I still have a lot of agq even
though sold 100 this morning |
t******y 发帖数: 6206 | 25 个人意见,如果赌银价暴涨All in AGQ,不如3X做空。欢迎讨论。 |
s***7 发帖数: 1644 | 26 AGQ的option 怎么这么贵啊,无语了,谁来解释一下? |
X*********r 发帖数: 11803 | 27 Loaded another 150 shares of agq at 223.5 this morning before the market
opens. I will dump all by today if cot reports look ugly
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb - 中文网站浏览器 |
t******e 发帖数: 78 | 30 他说了SHORT AGQ 了。 可惜我没有听。 |
l********g 发帖数: 5070 | 31 人家SHORT AGQ来HEDGE SPY PUT,妈的,我当时是买SLV来HEDGE LONG仓,幸好我39的
时候跑了,还是听教授说的,然后看到形势不对 |
l********g 发帖数: 5070 | 33 以前就这样过好几回,ZSL最坑爹了,不过还是比SHORT AGQ赚,如果你进得早 |
k***e 发帖数: 62 | 34 有谁给解释下银子的ZSL和AGQ有什么区别?怎么它们涨跌幅度不一样啊? 还有那个SLV
? |
w*********i 发帖数: 3092 | 36 空AGQ,最好是上 SLV的put
要有比较大的外在动力才能向下 |
l********g 发帖数: 5070 | 37 我被银子两面抽好几回了,上次大跌的时候,再也不做了,躲掉了这回大跌。按理来说
2X ETF应该是买ZSL划算,最牛那阵ZSL到20,买一万块在12,到20快翻倍了,赚快一万
敢上,现在30了,妈的 |
a**u 发帖数: 7128 | 38 100買的AGQ, 本來1000股, 現在變成2000股了? 怎麼回事了?
價格跌倒才70了。 |
X*********r 发帖数: 2649 | 39 Nobody load agq this morning? Ok
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb - 中文网站浏览器 |
X*********r 发帖数: 2649 | 40 Please give me the answer before 4:30pm such that I have time to dump agq
before the day. Thanks
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb - 中文网站浏览器 |
X*********r 发帖数: 11803 | 41 上星期四中午已经转成agq了,都已经玩了两手了。现在还有差不多400股 |
X*********r 发帖数: 11803 | 42 希望如此。不过明天不管涨跌我都可能将agq放掉,然后再搞回zsl |
X*********r 发帖数: 2649 | 43 Daniu, please let me know before you dump your agq |
a******1 发帖数: 4654 | 45 美院最紧张疯了,同时暴跌的空间也很大。我看好agq打仗,祝你好运 |
X*********r 发帖数: 11803 | 46 今天不走运被德国猪搞掉了3个淫灯。关于淫子,说句实话,我从来都是自己操作的,
意切掉jj给本版的女大牛。lol |