b******s 发帖数: 1572 | 1 希拉里在昨天纽约集资晚宴上的讲话创造了新闻,多日来“风头”终于第一次压倒了川
普。她声称一半左右的川普支持者“deplorable”, 不是种族主义者,就是性别歧视
话都敢... 阅读全帖 |
b******s 发帖数: 1572 | 2 But what's most deplorable is the knee-jerk pushback against anyone who
dares point out this reality, as though exposing the deplorable is worse
than the deplorable things themselves. Maybe the best way to avoid being
labeled deplorable is to stop doing and saying and standing for deplorable
things? |
b******s 发帖数: 1572 | 3 It is deplorable to undermine the credibility of a federal judge based on
his Mexican heritage.
It is deplorable to demean a Gold Star family and propose to ban all Muslims
from entering the United States.
It is deplorable for a candidate for president of a major party to kick off
his campaign by labeling most Mexicans as rapists and murderers.
It is deplorable when the Justice Department feels it has to sue you a
second time for racial discrimination because you didn't get the hint the
first ti... 阅读全帖 |
b******s 发帖数: 1572 | 4 It is deplorable that the list of deplorable things done and said by the
Republican nominee for president is so long it's hard and exhausting to try
to remember them all.
It is deplorable that a sizable percentage of his supporters love him
because of those awful things -- deplorable that they now feel it is OK to
express those views in public. That is not excusable -- no matter how much
economic pain they've contended with these past few decades. |
S*******h 发帖数: 7021 | 5 【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: thinkhard (think hard), 信区: USANews
标 题: 【川普拉励】迈阿密 with Deplorable Entrance
关键字: 创普 Deplorables Les Miserables
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Sep 16 16:59:16 2016, 美东)
Donald Trump is taking the stage in Miami with a new backdrop — a tribute
to the French Revolution with the banner “Les Deplorables.”
The song “Do You Hear the People Sing?” from the Broadway hit “Les
Miserables” played as Trump saluted the crowd at the James L. Knight Center.... 阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 6 【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: ldy (大才001), 信区: USANews
标 题: 当希拉里说出basket of deplorable这三个字的一刻
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Sep 16 08:56:22 2016, 美东)
这三个字 如此准确直接 令人印象深刻 而更重要的是 引起了广大中间选民的强烈共鸣!
大部分人不identify with either candidate 但是与其说恨Trump 不如说是恨那些
Trump supporters!Trump无非是个商业骗子 一个为了讨好选民满口胡喷的喷子 但是
他多激起的那群racist 白人至上者 底层白垃圾 才是人们最不能容忍的 破坏性最大的
这是为什么那么多人去偷别人家的Trump牌子 去Trump rally上与川粉发生冲突。他们
也许反感 但犯不上“恨”一个无耻的骗子富翁 毕竟他跟大家关系不大 但身边这些支
持trump的deplorable people 才是实实在在的威胁 实实在在的可恨!
本来很多人都不打算投票 因为实在不想投给任何一个候选人 ... 阅读全帖 |
b******s 发帖数: 1572 | 7 【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: ldy (大才001), 信区: USANews
标 题: 当希拉里说出basket of deplorable这三个字的一刻
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Sep 16 08:56:22 2016, 美东)
这三个字 如此准确直接 令人印象深刻 而更重要的是 引起了广大中间选民的强烈共鸣!
大部分人不identify with either candidate 但是与其说恨Trump 不如说是恨那些
Trump supporters!Trump无非是个商业骗子 一个为了讨好选民满口胡喷的喷子 但是
他多激起的那群racist 白人至上者 底层白垃圾 才是人们最不能容忍的 破坏性最大的
这就是为什么那么多人去偷别人家的Trump牌子 去Trump rally上与川粉发生冲突。他们
也许反感 但犯不上“恨”一个无耻的骗子富翁 毕竟他跟大家关系不大 但身边这些支
持trump的deplorable people 才是实实在在的威胁 实实在在的可恨!
本来很多人都不打算投票 因为实在不想投给任何一个候选人... 阅读全帖 |
f*********1 发帖数: 2518 | 8 我觉得跟这里的右派一起做deplorable也是件挺骄傲的事。现在deplorable是一个
trend,谁不deplorable谁都没朋友。 |
发帖数: 1 | 9 当希拉里说出basket of
ldy (大才001) - 买买提 1.23.01
1 50.* 9/16/16, 7:56:22 AM (56'52")
9/16/16, 7:57:2 AM (56'12"), 172.*
这三个字 如此准确直接 令人印象深刻 而更重要的是 引起了广大中间选民的强烈共鸣!
大部分人不identify with either candidate 但是与其说恨Trump 不如说是恨那些
Trump supporters!Trump无非是个商业骗子 一个为了讨好选民满口胡喷的喷子 但是
他多激起的那群racist 白人至上者 底层白垃圾 才是人们最不能容忍的 破坏性最大的
这是为什么那么多人去偷别人家的Trump牌子 去Trump rally上与川粉发生冲突。他们
也许反感 但犯不上“恨”一个无耻的骗子富翁 毕竟他跟大家关系不大 但身边这些支
持trump的deplorable people 才是实实在在的威胁 实实在在的可恨!
本来很多人都不打算投票 因为实在不想投给任何一个候选人... 阅读全帖 |
C****t 发帖数: 3813 | 11 I quickly read through the whole thing and reached this conclusion.
This woman is really a deplorable, she said his word deplorable In this
short post for more than 20 times. Clearly she has no substance and is
uneducated. I guess trump must have grabbed her pussy a lot.
Hillary Clinton may think we are deplorable, but we are ordinary Americans
who believe the country deserves better than business as usual.
In this election, we have proudly joined the political revolution that Trump
has inspired... 阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 12 【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: ldy (大才001), 信区: USANews
标 题: 当希拉里说出basket of deplorable这三个字的一刻
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Sep 16 08:56:22 2016, 美东)
这三个字 如此准确直接 令人印象深刻 而更重要的是 引起了广大中间选民的强烈共鸣!
大部分人不identify with either candidate 但是与其说恨Trump 不如说是恨那些
Trump supporters!Trump无非是个商业骗子 一个为了讨好选民满口胡喷的喷子 但是
他多激起的那群racist 白人至上者 底层白垃圾 才是人们最不能容忍的 破坏性最大的
这是为什么那么多人去偷别人家的Trump牌子 去Trump rally上与川粉发生冲突。他们
也许反感 但犯不上“恨”一个无耻的骗子富翁 毕竟他跟大家关系不大 但身边这些支
持trump的deplorable people 才是实实在在的威胁 实实在在的可恨!
本来很多人都不打算投票 因为实在不想投给任何一个候选人 ... 阅读全帖 |
m**********n 发帖数: 27535 | 13 Kissinger Deplores 'Cheating' China Campaign Ads
Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger is sharply criticizing both U.S.
presidential candidates for appealing to American suspicions of China in
their campaigns.
Kissinger said Wednesday the candidates have used "extremely deplorable"
language, labeling China a cheat.
Last week both campaigns issued ads promising to get tough over alleged
Chinese trade violations often blamed for major U.S. job losses.
Kissinger was the architect of U.S. re-eng... 阅读全帖 |
m**********2 发帖数: 6568 | 14 一个动词一个形容词。动词总是更有力。再deplorable也不等于你真的deplore了他。 |
b******s 发帖数: 1572 | 15 It is deplorable to rise to national political prominence on the bigotry
that is "birtherism," even more deplorable to have neither the character nor
the courage either publicly to renounce or repeat that assertion while
touting your supposed toughness as a primary reason to vote for you. |
发帖数: 1 | 16 【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: HillaryClint (test), 信区: USANews
标 题: 川粉是切切实实的deplorable
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Nov 6 12:57:23 2016, 美东)
bigot 愚蠢 贪婪 自私 短视
希拉里的deplorable是绝对给她拉分的 |
a***r 发帖数: 594 | 18 Stephen Lendman – Hillary Clinton: A Deplorable Choice for President. “The
Most Dangerous of the Bunch”
Posted on January 25, 2016 by Jason in Politics
Among an array of deplorable Republican and Democrat presidential aspirants,
Clinton stands out as the most dangerous and sinister of the bunch – an
unrequited war goddess, risking nuclear confrontation if elected.
Her record in office and since leaving government shows support for imperial
lawlessness, indifference to human suffering, and addict... 阅读全帖 |
l*y 发帖数: 21010 | 19 我就知道她赢定了
这三个字 如此准确直接 令人印象深刻 而更重要的是 引起了广大中间选民的强烈共鸣!
大部分人不identify with either candidate 但是与其说恨Trump 不如说是恨那些
Trump supporters!Trump无非是个商业骗子 一个为了讨好选民满口胡喷的喷子 但是
他多激起的那群racist 白人至上者 底层白垃圾 才是人们最不能容忍的 破坏性最大的
这就是为什么那么多人去偷别人家的Trump牌子 去Trump rally上与川粉发生冲突。他们
也许反感 但犯不上“恨”一个无耻的骗子富翁 毕竟他跟大家关系不大 但身边这些支
持trump的deplorable people 才是实实在在的威胁 实实在在的可恨!
本来很多人都不打算投票 因为实在不想投给任何一个候选人 但到了选举的那天 想起
这个伟大的国家要被这basket of deplorable take over 那说什么也得捏着鼻子投希
拉里! |
发帖数: 1 | 20 Proud to be a deplorable!
I studied hard to get my degree, got a job and work hard, put bread on the
table for my family, pay taxes, obey the law,
now I m a lazy deplorable looser. I am so proud of myself.
me |
t*******d 发帖数: 12895 | 21 川普马不停蹄高能量又一周,11场演讲,今晚在迈阿密拉励,明天还有2场。
Donald Trump is taking the stage in Miami with a new backdrop — a tribute
to the French Revolution with the banner “Les Deplorables.”
The song “Do You Hear the People Sing?” from the Broadway hit “Les
Miserables” played as Trump saluted the crowd at the James L. Knight Center.
“Welcome to all of you deplorables!” Trump said. The screen behind him
glowed with a mock-up of Trump and some supporters in French Revolutionary
garb. (18楼zhyue)
https://youtu.be/TEiTKl... 阅读全帖 |
z***e 发帖数: 1757 | 22 6:30 p.m.
Donald Trump is taking the stage in Miami with a new backdrop — a tribute
to the French Revolution with the banner “Les Deplorables.”
The song “Do You Hear the People Sing?” from the Broadway hit “Les
Miserables” played as Trump saluted the crowd at the James L. Knight Center.
“Welcome to all of you deplorables!” Trump said. The screen behind him
glowed with a mock-up of Trump and some supporters in French Revolutionary
garb. |
发帖数: 1 | 23 得道多助,失道寡助。这个创意是川普粉丝在社交网站上先搞起来的吧?然后被他的竞
Stainmaster Zinc
Hillary is going to lose.
1: Trump is NOT stupid. While his ego is about the size of the Death Star
his intelligence is great enough to control it.
2: Hillary is running on Ambition more than intelligence.
3: The election was NOT for Trump to win but for the Others - of Both
Parties - to LOSE.
4: Hillary's speech of "Deplorable's" is a classic case of political Hoof &
... 阅读全帖 |
p*****y 发帖数: 529 | 24 没有左逼的deplorable, 哪来的右逼的les deplorable? 谁太狠了点啊? |
s*******1 发帖数: 16479 | 25 Les miserables 就是新生资产阶级和劳动人民反对旧贵族。
Les deplorables 就是中产阶级和劳动人民反对嗜血的权贵
如果一个人反感les deplorables 的话倒要问问自己了,是权贵呢,还是权贵的打手或
乏走狗 |
N*******M 发帖数: 3963 | 26 看看老美是怎样评价Trump的支持着。提示,这里用到了些不干净的字像 shitty,
"Hillary Clinton was wrong in saying that half of Trump’s supporters are
deplorables. Because they all are. Every single one. If you are willing to
vote for Donald Trump today, to elect this man President of the United
States in spite of everything we know, you are a shitty person. A gotdamn
nincompoop. A horrible motherfucker." |
m****g 发帖数: 2215 | 27 【 以下文字转载自 USChineseRight 俱乐部 】
发信人: mofang (mofang), 信区: USChineseRight
标 题: I'm Asian, a woman and a proud Trump deplorable
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Oct 12 16:10:10 2016, 美东)
I’m a woman, a racial minority, and an immigrant, and I grew up in inner-
city America. I have two university degrees, one from Cornell University and
another from Stanford Law School. I have worked for some of the most elite
institutions ... 阅读全帖 |
a*******l 发帖数: 15032 | 28 就是希拉里眼中的deplorable, hard working ppl are deplorable. |
b*****d 发帖数: 61690 | 29 Secretary of State John Kerry says events in Egypt "are deplorable" and
counter to "genuine democracy." |
b*****d 发帖数: 61690 | 30 deplorable和condemn那个更强硬? |
m*******l 发帖数: 12782 | 31 deplorable 没有condemn的含义
但是白宫发言人说condemn了 |
b******s 发帖数: 1572 | 32 It is deplorable to play footsie with David Duke, to repeatedly retweet
white nationalists and false stats about black men and crime, to praise the
enthusiasm of supporters who beat a homeless Hispanic man in Boston and
punch a black man at rally, to say black people have a lazy trait and have
them ushered off the casino floor when you show up. |
S******8 发帖数: 24594 | 34 No deplorable, no crooked, no liar, no banghazi, no illegal immigrants, no
terror attack。 |
w******z 发帖数: 1872 | 35 川普完全没有提deplorable, 其实今晚 川普刚开始还不错, 谈生活下降,谈工作流
失 然后到了什么出生证、税开始不行了, 光顾自我辩解去了, 让老巫婆活过来掌握
主动 |
b********t 发帖数: 1776 | 37 难得床轮说实话,deplorable and shameless. |
b********t 发帖数: 1776 | 38 proud to be deplorable 不是shameless? |
s*******1 发帖数: 16479 | 39 Illumination should produce a new animation with all the minions as the
deplorables and Hillary as the bad evil woman who eventually is locked up
behind bars |
发帖数: 1 | 40 理发时和一个白牛少妇小心翼翼地谈了大选的事,没想到她不仅是个坚定的"Trump's
deplorable"而且对Crooked Hillary和democRATs的Voter Fraud很有见地:“Please
check to see how many registered voters are in your state/area. My state
updates daily. When voting report any problems immediately to election
officials. Make sure after the November election that the numbers make sense
. Electoral College should give their votes to the winner in your state. Let
’s prevent Voter Fraud. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could the message to all
50 states. REMEMBER T... 阅读全帖 |
f********8 发帖数: 5601 | 42 老子昨天才被bill骂成racist。今天一觉醒来就deplorable了。。。What did I do???
操! |
c*******d 发帖数: 1283 | 44 100-% of the trump supporters on mitbbs have never voted in USA. They are
really deplorable . |
w****v 发帖数: 2756 | 46 不大认的这个词, 查了一下, 这词挺狠
synonyms: disgraceful, shameful, dishonorable, unworthy, inexcusable,
unpardonable, unforgivable, reprehensible, despicable, abominable,
contemptible, |