发帖数: 1 | 1 明天买卡塔尔的ETF: QAT,有跟的吗?DIP |
发帖数: 1 | 2 This month can be called "BUY DIP MONTH" |
F*****O 发帖数: 338 | 4 yes, we need buy dip today.
money are flowing in. they beat the market very hard to get some cheap chips
. |
r*****e 发帖数: 7853 | 6 盘前买了,现在卖了。刚开盘的dip还是有点儿吓人 |
r*****e 发帖数: 7853 | 8 主要看三胖砸的坑有多大
[在 IDjia (酱油兔) 的大作中提到:]
:周二会有什么样的dip? |
s****n 发帖数: 2305 | 9 现在是内政影响大吧,如果政府关门估计大dip,三胖放个炮仗还好啦 |
Q********g 发帖数: 2465 | 11 I did but got fucked at my dip.... |
发帖数: 1 | 12 解释一下为啥aws改价格策略会崩大盘?改价格的解读是aws利润率下降,导致大盘dip?
:amzn aws开始价格战了. |
发帖数: 1 | 13 大早上起来一看,跳空高开了
说好的今天dip呢!早知道昨天买spy了! |
a******n 发帖数: 206 | 14 刚才找了半天dip,把一直猪着的XLF 换成BAC 了 |
发帖数: 1 | 16 那今天买两股spy
明天要是dip了就多买两股 |
t*********e 发帖数: 540 | 17 要耐心,估计等你耐不住寂寞,all in了就有dip了 |
发帖数: 1 | 19 球神说这周可以跌5刀再买
: 从350下来的,还不算dip?
发帖数: 1 | 23 seriously, the worst you guys can do is to short from 65 to make decent
money, instead of buying dip. |
l******2 发帖数: 5522 | 24 【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: ljiiuan2 (文刀兄), 信区: Military
标 题: 我不想上来就说buy fucking dip
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Mar 23 21:04:10 2018, 美东)
我只想问问多少人像我这样满仓了 |
F*****O 发帖数: 338 | 25 the fvcking dip is on Monday.
SPX 从星期一到今天,已经涨了100点。 |
Y*****e 发帖数: 619 | 26 就是骂街的那个,爽到的肯定不用骂街,buy the fucking dip 不对吗,你不操我操。。 |
发帖数: 1 | 30 擦,美女,死皮那么大的dip(>1%)没看见? |
i******r 发帖数: 1175 | 34 re,buy every dip
: 看看鼓板稀里哗啦,就是买入点。伪牛就是哪些准时地板叫割的。跌惨了就拣起
: 的,添一半利再还人家。
: 。每次
l****u 发帖数: 980 | 35 sp也有六、七年在水下的时候,还不止一次。qqq就更不用说了,十几年在水下。买dip
真要省心还是退休帐户的方法好,不问价,每月定量买入。 |
R*******0 发帖数: 1866 | 36 现在是熊市,buy the dip有可能buy在半山腰上,青蛙们要有自己的判断,不要听所谓
upside。 |
e****t 发帖数: 17914 | 37 Buy the fucking dip, short the fucking top
来回抽插mm |
c*s 发帖数: 2145 | 38 昨天不小心倒车的时候碰了个卡车,虽然不大的一个dip,看着实在丑陋,大侠们有啥
建议,用锤子敲行么? |
d**n 发帖数: 3172 | 39 double dip 对心理打击是很大的,以前抄到底很高兴,现在发现居然不是底。。。。
抄底群众的情绪波动,不利于团结稳定的局面。【 在 PTO (越多越好) 的大作中提到:
】 |
b*********n 发帖数: 1258 | 41 不是锅底料,是那种已经调好的那种dipping sauce
在de enza的大华和永和都没有找到 |
k*****a 发帖数: 1463 | 42 House price continue to slide...
Employment unexpected weaken...
Seattle house price poised to go back to 2002-2003 levels as nationwide
price level.
European is undoubtly heading towards double dip with government unable to raise money for their lofty people's spending promises and unrealistic welfare. People will have to cut every spending, which will hurt business. |
s*********6 发帖数: 252 | 43 If there will be double dip, it's still not too late to get on board. |
Q*K 发帖数: 3464 | 44 Microsoft’s Windows Phone 7 failed to halt the company's market-share slide
in smartphones during its first few months of release, according to a
comScore report.
Windows Phone 7 failed to halt Microsoft’s decline in smartphone market-
share during its first few months of release, according to new data from
research firm comScore.
In a new report, comScore suggests Microsoft’s share of the U.S. smartphone
platform market dipped 1.7 percent between October 2010 and January 2011,
from 9.7 percent ... 阅读全帖 |
s********2 发帖数: 631 | 45 不好意思,俺英文烂。
今天刚试了一下这个动作,感觉还不错,而且也买了dipping belt,可以负重来练习。
我现在的卧推瓶颈就在三头上了,很着急。 |
t*********r 发帖数: 1822 | 46 就是说正常人dip的重量就比pullup大对吧。 |
z********0 发帖数: 9013 | 47 我觉得不是。
以前中学,我人瘦,PULL UP可以做挺多的,但DIP一个不行,胸肌,三头啥的太差了,
一下去就起不来了,呵呵 |
n***s 发帖数: 10056 | 48 不同的肌肉群?
我不加载dip可做至少16个。宽握pull up 一个也做不了。背肌弱。 |
e*****e 发帖数: 2233 | 49 不错, 想起warrenwang挂4个大片dip的video了
继续加油 |
n***s 发帖数: 10056 | 50 Question: what made you try it using 110lbs. I am thinking to try weighted
dip but don't know what weight to try. How did you come up with 110lbs? |