t******r 发帖数: 8600 | 1 给没有时间细看的ID大概总结一下事件:
wikileaks已经公布了一些Clinton Foundation的内幕,可能还有更多要公布。美国时
,Clinton Foundation前CEO Eric Braverman感觉自己的生命安全也受到威胁,于10月
与Wikileaks公布的Clinton Foundation的资料来源有关。 |
c*c 发帖数: 2983 | 2 两个都该解散,尼玛看看trump foundation干了啥好事,收了别人捐的钱,然后都他妈
”The largest donation in the foundation's history — a $264,231 gift to the
Central Park Conservancy in 1989 — appeared to benefit Trump's business:
It paid to restore a fountain outside Trump's Plaza Hotel.“ |
m*****a 发帖数: 382 | 3 你说的是mat foundation,还是一般的基础呢,其实做房子(木头,没有basement),很多时
候都不会有soils report的,因为花那个钱没有多大必要,很多人都是挖下去24寸,然后
就会要求提供soils report或者做mat foundation,或者做tie beam 把foundation tie
在一起.如果你不放心,你可以去问问施工队,有没有soils report,里面会详细说的. |
r*****n 发帖数: 964 | 4 在看一房子,准备买,但是里面的有两道门上有裂缝,两道门是相对的,而且裂缝是一
个方向,裂缝是在dry wall上。朋友说可能foundation有问题。这个房子是crossbase
这边有懂的兄弟不吝赐教,先谢了。 |
r*****n 发帖数: 964 | 5 在看一房子,准备买,但是里面的有两道门上有裂缝,两道门是相对的,而且裂缝是一
个方向,裂缝是在dry wall上。朋友说可能foundation有问题。这个房子是crossbase
图二:4.jpg |
i***f 发帖数: 331 | 6 最近看到一个房子比较喜欢,但是property inspection上说在anchor bolt上有一条垂
seller特意请了foundation inspector,result是说裂缝可能是上一次大地震造成的。
inspector给了修理的建议,最后还说了这么一句:“Based on my cursory review of
foundation and specific cracked condition, if the crack is repaired
properly, the foundation will function at or above the original design
这个是不是可信?这个房子还能买吗? |
b*******a 发帖数: 38 | 7 【 以下文字转载自 SanFrancisco 讨论区 】
发信人: bankofUSA (fish), 信区: SanFrancisco
标 题: [购房求助]湾区homeguard又推荐我去做foundation报告
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Feb 28 19:13:29 2011, 美东)
已经花了750多做了白蚁和房屋检测(一万4的白蚁, 15-20年的房顶,), 今天的报告出来说推荐再
花500做foundation/structure报告. 不知道大家啥意见, 第一次买房, 还请不吝赐教.
1. 主卧室从洗手间出来的门附近比洗手间里面低一些. inspector那天一说, 我走出来
1. Substantial floor sloping and/or movement was observed the master
bathroom . This implies that structural movement of the building may
have occurred. The rate of movement cannot b... 阅读全帖 |
p********k 发帖数: 887 | 8 是个小的townhouse,房子内、外墙都有裂缝,地板也倾斜,2楼的所有门基本都关不上
1)Interior wall cracks and floor slope. Large exterior brick crack to east
side wall of complex of south facing townhome. Recommend structural engineer
to further evaluate foundations performance.
2)Interior floors slope. Cracks to ceiling in upper foyer stairway landing.
3)Pocket door between kitchen and utility area does not close, is stuck in
wall cavity,rot to lower area of trim at this pocket door. many of the
interior doors... 阅读全帖 |
u****n 发帖数: 181 | 9 很长时间一直这样,非常少,附近foundation墙上只是潮湿的,但没有水流。
这种可能是sewer pipe本身漏水还是跟foundation wall连接的地方没有seal好?
这种是找Plumbing的人来看还是foundation的人来看? |
C*K 发帖数: 62 | 10 看上一个TH,刚做完inspection,现在被foundation的问题纠结着。这个是80年左右的
建议修理。这个地方应该是under warranty的,可想想这个foundation以后可能还得
它给买下来?多谢了! |
c****m 发帖数: 855 | 11 今天本来说是用snake通一个排水管。让foundation周围的水留走。。但是却发现
? 这个对foundation 来说 是很严重的问题吗? |
v*******7 发帖数: 883 | 12 如下是我专业的inspector看图写的话。
The cracks in the images supplied do not look to be structural on the
concrete foundation. The crack that looks to be potentially serious is the
brick crack that is cracking laterally to horizontal. This crack may not be
an issue as log as it is connected to a crack in the concrete foundation.
When cracks occur in the concrete foundation then cracks may be seen in the
brick facade. The brick on the front of the home is a single brick wall
installed for looks. The home... 阅读全帖 |
j*******8 发帖数: 260 | 13 Ijust saw a house. The foundation of the house is a slab from 1955. The
house was built in 2009 on the old foundation.
I found the floor is not level. You can see it. There are two cracks on the
side walls of the foundation. There are cracks in the four corners of each
Is it Ok to buy such a house?
Thank you! |
p****o 发帖数: 96 | 14 房子是poured concrete foundation,地下室在地面上,concrete foundation的外墙
结构上的严重问题吗?可以自己修补还是应该请专门的修补foundation wall的人来?
多谢! |
b**********r 发帖数: 2664 | 15 【 以下文字转载自 SanFrancisco 讨论区 】
发信人: blueskywater (冬天的宝宝), 信区: SanFrancisco
标 题: foundation inspection的价格快$700块,是不是太贵了?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Oct 12 16:08:17 2015, 美东)
我们为了保险,想做一个FOUNDATION INSPECTION. 可是代理找的报价$679.是不是太贵
买个房子不容易,大家给点意见.谢谢! |
d*******s 发帖数: 208 | 17 在收到校长的信后打电话跟校长办公室的人确认了几点:
3。ASU FOUNDATION答应会MATCH UP我们的捐款,至少100%,也就是说,我们捐100块
的话,ASU FOUNDATION最终会最少给国内200块!并且目前没有上限!
所以如果跟ASU有关系的朋友们还要捐款的话,请考虑给ASU FOUNDATION! |
b*******a 发帖数: 38 | 18 问题是不是所有做report的人都为了赚钱夸大其词呢? 结果给他500, 他若查下来偶说
foundation没啥大问题, 那岂不是很郁闷.
因为那天检查的时候, 这个写报告的人就说这房子foundation还不错. 结果今天收到报
告, 他又说foundation需要再加个报告. |
s***f 发帖数: 2 | 19 大家如果对SVCAF有兴趣,欢迎现场交流了解。
专题论坛:挑战名校对亚裔的种族歧视 --Blum亲自解析哈佛和德州大学诉讼
主办:Silicon Valley Chinese Association Foundation (SVCAF)
主讲:Edward Blum, William Consovoy
专家讨论: Edward Blum, William Consovoy, Ward Connerly, Prof. Chenming Hu
地点:2077 Gold St., Alviso CA 95002
2014年, 我们成功阻击了SCA5。然而,这场胜利仅仅局限于加州公立大学。在全美其他
要进一流名校,亚裔的SAT平均成绩必须比其他族裔高... 阅读全帖 |
W**J 发帖数: 117 | 20 房子因为过去的drainage问题,有foundation settlement,想找foundation公司打桩加
? |
l*x 发帖数: 14021 | 21 绿湾球员阿猫阿狗都有foundation。其他队伍不了解。具体动机是什么,漏洞是什么,
Players’ Foundations
Many Packers players take their dedication to the community to another level
by creating foundations to impact the lives of those around them. |
k****i 发帖数: 40 | 22 不是一个东西的哇。pressed powder一般色号少,比较透明。compact foundation色号
比如Chantecaille,pressed powder就俩色号。compact foundation分两个系列,每个
系列N多色号。版上推荐的补妆粉饼大多是compact foundation里的色号。 |
A***e 发帖数: 186 | 23 我用过的就是 TEINT IDOLE ULTRA (foundation) 和 DUAL FINISH (power), 觉得都还
不错。Foundation 刚用上的时候感觉不是很自然,但是过个一两个小时可能皮肤出点
油了就好了。我现在用的时候就会用有点油的面霜,涂 Foundation 的时候混合一点爽
肤水,看着挺自然的。Powder 我用的还是比较少,有时候不化妆只在鼻子和下巴迅速
不是很干净,下巴有痘疤)。 |
a***8 发帖数: 4735 | 24 What is your budget, what coverage you need, sheer/light, medium or full??
For cheaper brand, you can get Revlon Color Stay in the drug stores, e.g.
Walmart, CVS. It is highly rated drug store foundation. But it is so hard to
find the color to match you since no tester to test the color and this one
is full coverage. This is the only less expensive liquid foundation i have
used, and i like it.
For high end product, i have used Bobbi brown, NARS, Dior and Laura Mercier.
You can find your shape ... 阅读全帖 |
a***8 发帖数: 4735 | 25 It depends.
I like to apply SPF primer before foundation to protect my skin from UV
demage. And some primer help your foundation to stay all day long and make
your skin look more even. If you don't have too much skin concern, you don'
t even need primer/foundation. |
z****u 发帖数: 2629 | 26 我用的foundation都不是很贵的,都是100刀以下,40多到60,70刀那种。
用了一段时间的make up forever,HD
,擦一点点在两颊和T zone,抹抹开就行了,因为颜色对,没有全脸cover到也看不出
散粉我都懒的用。如果需要的话,还是Lar mer家的translucent散粉好用,很大的包装
http://www.cremedelamer.com/... 阅读全帖 |
b*****r 发帖数: 321 | 27 发信人: slli (老良), 信区: SFworld
标 题: Foundation and Earth 19
发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Wed Aug 11 12:00:16 1999)
Foundation and Earth
Part Two
Chapter 5
Struggle for the ship
Minister Lizalor was still at her desk when they returned to her
office. Her face broke into a grim smile as they walked in.
She said, "I trust, Councilman Trevize, that you have returned to
tell me that you are giving up this Foundation ship you have."
"I have come, Minister," said Treviz |
b*****r 发帖数: 321 | 28 发信人: slli (老良), 信区: SFworld
标 题: Foundation and Earth 21
发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Fri Aug 13 13:34:27 1999)
Foundation and Earth
Part Two
Chapter 5
Struggle for the ship
The Meal might have been a nourishing one, but it was not one to
delight the palate. The main course consisted of boiled beef in a mustardy
sauce, resting on a foundation of a leafy vegetable Trevize did not
recognize. Nor did he like it for it
had a bitter-salty taste he did not enjoy. He found o |
z*****8 发帖数: 35 | 29 Host: Fudan Fuzhong Overseas Foundation (fdfzalumni.org)
Location: Cara Mia (caramiany.com), 212-262-6767
654 9th Avenue
New York, NY 10036 US
When: Saturday, March 26, 12:00PM to 3:00PM
Inquiry: 617-642-1097 (Minhua Zhang)
RSVP: http://goo.gl/zyOts
It's the time of the year again! We welcome all alumni and friends to
our 5th annual Spring Luncheon, a great way to meet new friends, catch
up with old ones and make valuable connections. We look forw... 阅读全帖 |
z*****8 发帖数: 35 | 30 Host: Fudan Fuzhong Overseas Foundation (fdfzalumni.org)
Location: Maria Pia (mariapiany.com)
319 W 51st Street (btwn 8th and 9th Ave), New York, NY 10019
When: Saturday, March 24, Noon to 3:00PM
Inquiry: 617-642-1097 (Minhua Zhang)
RSVP: http://goo.gl/97tT7 (open to public)
It’s the time of the year again! We welcome all alumni and friends to our
6th annual Spring Luncheon, a great way to meet new friends, catch up with
old ones and ... 阅读全帖 |
i*****s 发帖数: 438 | 31 Tsinghua Foundation just raised $680K donation for the earthquake relief.
Will HUST Foundation do the same? Is there an HUST Foundation? |
c**c 发帖数: 2593 | 32 【 以下文字转载自 Translation 讨论区,原文如下 】
发信人: calc (calc), 信区: Translation
标 题: 翻译Foundation杂感
发信站: Unknown Space - 未名空间 (Tue Oct 28 20:58:02 2003) WWW-POST
基地(Foundation)三部曲是阿西莫夫(Isaac Asimov)
1966年的雨果奖(Hugo's Award,科幻界最高奖)评出一
个特别奖项叫“历来最佳系列”(Best All-Time Series),
(Foundation's Edge)。我们可以想象一下,金庸封笔这
种轰动。当时阿西莫夫造成的就是这 |
w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 33 Bare Escentuals has their original foundation samples available (you may get
one of each available color for a total of 5). Each sample comes with a
mini buki brush.
They also have a couple of packets of serum/moisturizer for free.
Shipping is $1
There's an additional offer for a deluxe serum sample for $5 which comes
with a BE gift card for the same amount, essentially making the sample free.
ORIGINAL SPF 15 Foundation Sample Kit:
... 阅读全帖 |
w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 34 Beauty.com: Spend $10 get 2 free deluxe samples of Urban Decay+ free deluxe
sample of Perricone MD No Foundation + 3 Free Samples + Free Shipping with
Shoprunner or $25
They currently have 2 offers that can be combined:
With any $10 purchase receive free deluxe samples of Urban Decay All Nighter
Long-Lasting Makeup Setting Spray and Complexion Primer Potion. No code
needed but you must click on the link to get the offer. While supplies last.
Shipping is free with shoprunner or when you spend $25... 阅读全帖 |
u****p 发帖数: 25 | 35 http://www.necfoundation.org/index.htm
NEC Foundation of America makes grants twice a year: March 1, September 1
What We Fund
NEC Foundation of America makes cash grants to nonprofit organizations in support of the development, application and use of technology by and for people with disabilities. Eligible proposals must demonstrate national reach and impact.
Prior to January 1, 2003, NEC Foundation of America also supported national programs in science and technology education, principally at t |
w*********r 发帖数: 42116 | 37 A foundation (also a charitable foundation) is a legal categorization of
nonprofit organizations that will typically either donate funds and support
to other organizations, or provide the source of funding for its own
charitable purposes. |
w*********r 发帖数: 42116 | 38 A foundation (also a charitable foundation) is a legal categorization of
nonprofit organizations that will typically either donate funds and support
to other organizations, or provide the source of funding for its own
charitable purposes. |
d*******2 发帖数: 3045 | 39 Why would pence bring up foundations when trump foundation is a fraud? |
l****z 发帖数: 29846 | 41 Obama appointee’s foundation supported group of convicted domestic
by Jammie
President Barack Obama’s latest round of appointments includes the head
of a nonprofit that gave tens of thousands of dollars to a group run by a
convicted domestic terrorist.
Obama nominated Lisa Green Hall to the Treasury Department’s Community
Development Advisory Board last week. She is the president and CEO of the
nonprofit Calvert Foundation, which gave $30,000 over three years to the
Justice Thr... 阅读全帖 |
v**********m 发帖数: 5516 | 42 80-20 National Asian American Educational Foundation(http://www.80-20educationalfoundation.org/politicaledu/posterboard.asp#
Discrimination Is Obvious
S.B. Woo
S.B. Woo, a physicist and former lieutenant governor of Delaware, was the
founding president of the 80-20 National Asian American Educational
Foundation, which filed an amicus brief, supporting race-neutral admissions,
in the Supreme Court case Fisher v. University of Texas.
S. B. Woo http://www.nytimes.... 阅读全帖 |
g********2 发帖数: 6571 | 44 WSJ太变态了,一定要subscribed了才让看全文。
Gifts to Hillary Clinton’s Family Charity Are Scrutinized in Wake of Book
State Department sat on a panel that approved sale of mine involving
contributor to foundation
Hillary Clinton’s State department was part of a panel that approved the
sale of one of America’s largest uranium mines at the same time a
foundation controlled by the seller’s chairman was making donations to a
Clinton family charity, records reviewed by the Wall Street Journal show. |
r******n 发帖数: 149 | 45 Clinton foundation 是帮助第三世界国家的。联邦税收还真帮不上忙
11.5M+ people access HIV/AIDS drugs
150K+ African farmers improve yields & incomes
Plant 8M+ trees & tree seedlings
Trump foundation 也没起避税作用。因为他本来就”合法“避税了,因此2008以后他
一个子儿都没有捐。倒是用fundation 别人捐的钱做点政治捐款,买自己画像,资助自
donation? |
D**s 发帖数: 6361 | 46 美国人是更关心自己缴税,还是更关心富人打着去帮助第三世界幌子去避税,政客那么
[在 redlemon (heehe) 的大作中提到:]
:Clinton foundation 是帮助第三世界国家的。联邦税收还真帮不上忙
:Plant 8M+ trees & tree seedlings
:Trump foundation 也没起避税作用。因为他本来就”合法“避税了,因此2008以后他
:一个子儿都没有捐。倒是用fundation 别人捐的钱做点政治捐款,买自己画像,资助
:donation? |
M******e 发帖数: 1193 | 47 终于开始反攻了。
A lawsuit has been filed against the State Department demanding information
about its cooperation with the Clinton Foundation, as “pay-for-play”
allegations swirl around the Democratic candidate and the possibility a
Hillary Clinton victory could embroil the presidency in the same activities.
“Answers to these questions are extremely important to the American people,
as they involve potential pay-for-play corruption at the highest levels of
government. Furthermore, it is critical that g... 阅读全帖 |
b********n 发帖数: 38600 | 49 http://dcwhispers.com/breaking-doj-denied-fbis-grand-jury-request-clinton-foundation/
Whoa. According to CNN contributor Hugh Hewitt, (no friend of Donald Trump)
the Obama Justice Department denied the FBI’s request for a grand jury
pertaining to an investigation into the Clinton Foundation:
Might this be why Barack Obama was playing so nice with FBI Director James
Comey today, declaring Comey wasn’t doing anything wrong in updating
Congress on new evidence pertaining to the ongoing Clinton inve... 阅读全帖 |