p*******n 发帖数: 4824 | 1 难以想象当年木有问问那锅美少女英语老师沙漠里怎么会有青草。。。
An Arab was walking alone through the desert when he met two men. The
men looked worried. It seemed that they had lost something. The Arab
went over to them.
“Have you lost one of your camels?” he asked them.
“Yes,” they said.
“Was he blind in the right eye and lame in the left foot?” asked the
“Yes, he was.”
“Had he lost a tooth and was he carrying corn?”
“Yes,” said the men. “Please tell us where he is.”
“I don’t know where he is,” s... 阅读全帖 |
c*****n 发帖数: 601 | 4 不吃鱼/海鲜帮助不大。
放射污染进入人体的最主要途径是奶,其次是蔬菜/谷物/肉类。 都不吃的话就要饿死
了 :(
The principal route of human absorption is ingestion via fresh milk by the
grass ® cow ® milk ® human food chain, with rapid distribution
of milk being a primary consideration. Concentration of radionuclides in milk reaches a peak days after deposition on forage. Iodine -131 can also cause exposure by ingestion (consumption of green leafy vegetables, drinking water, fish and shellfish), as well as exposure by inhalation a... 阅读全帖 |
P*****r 发帖数: 87 | 6 The original grass doesn't need to be removed. The first step, put the
cardboard or newspaper on top of the grass then cover with 3-5 inches of
mulch. The grass will be dead under cardboard or newspaper in 3 months.
cardboard or newspaper will decompose within 9 months in the soil. This is
the most environmental friendly way to kill the lawn. |
c********n 发帖数: 2166 | 7 谢谢加了我!
我LD建议grass lawn park. 我查了,比较一下 grass lawn park 和 Lake Sammamish
grass lawn park:
4pm 到晚上的reservation fee 是$90
坏处:没有湖景;只一个Picnic Shelter,如果被占了就不能去。
Lake Sammamish Park:
有不同点可以预订,最好(大)的是$200, (小的还没问价)
好处:大,有湖景, 没预订也能找到一空地
可能较远 ,除非占在那旁边空地 |
j*****y 发帖数: 1916 | 8 一不留心,门前路边的草坪死了一块,大概1.5 X 7 米的大小。HOA来信了,原文:
Violation: Landscaping
Location: Right side
Please sod bare areas in front yard.
请问,现在买草籽恐怕来不及了吧?那么只有直接去买grass sod来补上了。
原来常常收到Homedepot的广告 --- $1 per square feet. 现在真要买了,反而找不到
地方了。请问最便宜的grass sod在哪里去买?大概多少钱?
最后,请问买来grass sod, 怎么样铺上去?希望不要铺上去后3天就死光光。
多谢了! |
c*******s 发帖数: 5839 | 9 COMMON CARP, GRASS CARP, SILVER CARP和BIGHEAD CARP这几个叫法挺合理,各叫各的
黑龙江的pike官名黑斑狗鱼,北美的northern pike叫白斑狗鱼,这种叫法早已形成,
chain pikeerel就是屁股肉,小很多,还有更小的grass pike,这两个估计不会引进,
中文就直译链狗鱼或草狗鱼就可以了。你给出的第二张图是redfin grass pikeerel
,和pike谁吃谁不一定,看大小。另外和northern pike 杂交的叫tiger muskellunge
花太搞了,可爱皮其实是音,意俱佳的译法,叫鲫没有任何道理 |
W*******s 发帖数: 18705 | 10 大嘴小嘴是不同的,包括习性不同,饮食不同。
1. open water,大嘴会群游,或者2、3个一组一起游动,junior大嘴更明显。所以有
一个,即使一个点因为bait fish很多小嘴聚一块,也是单独作战。
大嘴小嘴群游那叫Loose School,(不是皮皮白鲈那种Tight School)3,5条尺寸相当
的合组可分可合在瞬息之间。说到合组,小嘴在春秋冬夏都可以很密集的集中在某... 阅读全帖 |
t***e 发帖数: 3601 | 11 grass carp eat floating things too. They eat insects and grass. I've fished
them in china with floating criket or new grass head. |
m****n 发帖数: 815 | 12 Please do not put words in my mouth. That is not what I meant. Let me make
it clear to you.
Today, I went to the driving range, which is mat based. Due to construction,
the staff asked us to swing on the grass. And this is the first time ever I
swing on a grass field. I struggled mightily. I don't expect I'll swing as
good as I am on a mat, but I certainly did not expect to struggle as bad as
I was today. That is why I came to this board and asked what is the deal
with grass field? Is it somethi |
t*******t 发帖数: 1656 | 13 around south bay, I've been to 3 ranges with grass tees.
Shoreline in Mountain View
Cinnabar Hills in San Jose
Coyote Creek in Morgan Hill
The best is Cinnabar Hills. They have matts only days on Mon-Wed and rotate/
move the grass band for other days. The grass is good enough for practice. |
m******i 发帖数: 9479 | 14 差别还是有的。
便宜的都是whey protein concentrate做的,好一点的是whey protein isolate做的,
再好一点的还有hydro 什么什么的。吸收速度不一样。
至于grain fed cow 和grass fed cow,这个理论上也有区别。据说grass fed的牛肉的
某些营养成分比grain fed的要高不少。不过我认为,吃不吃organic,吃不吃grass
fed meat,是要综合考虑经济实力以及生活消费观的一个哲学问题,不能一概而论。
PT |
H******n 发帖数: 4072 | 15 Kao,今天踢到铁板了,觉着能打赢桃妹,可是总是差口气,大败而归,TNND。主要是
,结果1胜3负。俺和他们仨个交手5场,4胜1负(对grass 1-1,克星2-0,无名老黑1-0
9 |
J********9 发帖数: 36508 | 16 教授怒了 哈哈哈
,结果1胜3负。俺和他们仨个交手5场,4胜1负(对grass 1-1,克星2-0,无名老黑1-0
9 |
j******w 发帖数: 4429 | 17 上次让我吃球无数的老黑又来踢馆(下次再来准备收他钱转曼波了)。看着2桌的老中
打球还是要拼啊,不能想太多。 |
l*******y 发帖数: 3987 | 18 最近好几个人都说我发球比以前好了,尤其是给七雪那个胶皮的老干部说我现在发球比
任重道远啊。。。。。。。。。。 |
a*****3 发帖数: 10373 | 20 你这分析似对非对.对的是把交手记录按不同场地分,非对的是没有再数据化下去.我来
where a+b+c = 1
如果你认为三种场地是均等的话, a = b = c = 1/3
(9-2)*1/3 + (1-2)*1/3 + (3-3)*1/3 = 2 > 0
(9-2)*a + (1-2)*b + (3-3)*c = 7a - b <= 0 ===> 7a <= b
所以不用争,这胜负之差完全是你的一念之差. it is all about your mind! |
K****D 发帖数: 30533 | 21 Grass is Joker's worst surface. He had 0 title on grass and 4 on
clay. His disadvantage on grass is slightly bigger than on clay.
if |
l*****r 发帖数: 393 | 22 在创造大满贯历史后输给野兔4场,总战绩4:5,不难看. 有些跑题了,你认为桑神的14个
2002 ATP Masters Series Indian Wells
California, USA Hard S Hewitt, Lleyton
6-2, 6-4 Stats
2001 US Open
NY, U.S.A. Hard F Hewitt, Lleyton
7-6(4), 6-1, 6-1 Stats
2001 London / Queen's Club
England Grass S Hewitt, Lleyton
3-6, 6-3, 6-2 Stats
2000 Tennis Masters Cup
Lisbon, Portugal Hard RR Hewitt, Lleyton
7-5, 6-0 Stats
2000 US Open
NY, U.S.A. Hard S S... 阅读全帖 |
g***e 发帖数: 577 | 23 Park courts are no good. You do need to join a tennis club to get better
courts. There is no good hard courts in general but it is just a tradition
thing. People here like to play on grass courts, ( though to be practical
and economic, there are not many grass courts and instead there are many
fake-grass courts ).
It is just different but you can still enjoy tennis if you try. |
c*****n 发帖数: 14445 | 24 Federer vs Nadal
non clay 2:3
2005 France Roland Garros Clay Semi-final Nadal 6–3,
4–6, 6–4, 6–3
2006 France Roland Garros Clay Final Nadal 1–6, 6–1, 6
–4, 7–6(7–4)
2006 United Kingdom Wimbledon Grass Final Federer 6–0,
7–6(7–5), 6–7(2–7), 6–3
2007 France Roland Garros Clay Final Nadal 6–3, 4–6, 6
–3, 6–4
2007 United Kingdom Wimbledon Grass Final Federer 7–6(9
–7), 4–6, 7–6(7–3), 2–6, 6–2
2008... 阅读全帖 |
Q*****n 发帖数: 4546 | 25 又看到有人提到纳豆与狒狒的对战记录,就到官网上去复习了一下,总结如下:
1. 总记录是18:10,纳豆占优。泥地交手14次,12:2;其余14次,6:8.
2. 04-07交手14次,8:6,泥地7次,6:1,其余7次,2:5.
3. 08-12交手14次,10:4,泥地7次,6:1,其余7次,4:3
4. 两段时期纳豆各有一次5连胜。前一次是4场泥地加上迪拜,后一次是3场泥地加上温
1. 不管你怎么辩,这个记录对老费不可能有利。虽然记录的一边倒主要是因为纳豆在
2. 08以后,老费开始下坡,而纳豆步入巅峰,这时老费不仅在泥地打不过,在其它场
地也难说优势了,输了温网和两次澳网。纳豆的年龄优势在那儿,这个记录只... 阅读全帖 |
w**w 发帖数: 5391 | 26 Federer has a winning record on grass (2–1) and indoor hard courts (4–0)
while Nadal leads the outdoor hard courts by 6–2 and clay by 12–2.
Djokovic and Nadal have met 33 times (which is the sixth-most head-to-head
meetings in the Open Era)[159] with Nadal having a 19–14 advantage.[160]
Nadal leads on grass 2–1 and clay 12–2, but Djokovic leads on hard courts
Nadal and Andy Murray have met on 18 occasions since 2007, with Nadal
leading 13–5. Nadal leads 4–0 on clay, 3–0 on grass and 6... 阅读全帖 |
n*********e 发帖数: 25274 | 27 才没呢,他说只有老人/小孩才爱看别人打球。。。
While the tennis world had its collective eyes on the Roland Garros final on
Sunday, Rafael Nadal was back to his usual training routine.
“I did not watch the match; I was practising,” admitted Nadal, who has
been hard at work in Stuttgart, making the transition from clay to grass
court rather than dwelling much on his quarter-final loss against Novak
Djokovic in Paris.
“It’s not the time to think about it today. It’s time to think about
p... 阅读全帖 |
v*****r 发帖数: 2325 | 28 有半个月没有去GYM了,最近 发现门口的环境其实可以做一个所谓的 JUNGLE GYM
1)the road ----very little traffic, used for running, warm up, sprint
2)stairs from the road side curb to tennis court ----
在台阶上往上跳, 着地非常SOFT, EASY ON KNEE. 在台阶头往下做付卧撑, 加上调整手的位置, 我觉得可以获得单 手80 - 120+磅的RESISTANCE。
3)curb --- 测或练立定跳. rotation jump
4)a large flat grass area next to the tennis court --- 变速跑, 变线跑,
running on grass seems easy on knee
5) several big trees in the grass area --- use the low hang brances for chin
up, or hanging leg raise |
r******s 发帖数: 602 | 29 St Aug are warm season grass and it's time for them to be yellow. Dont!!
fertilizer if the grass are in dorm which can harm the grass. show the pic
and we can give you some recommendation |
t*1 发帖数: 124 | 30 which state do you live at? if you live north, cool season grass will be the
choice such as tall fescue, if you live very hot place, bermuda will be
good one, if you live warm and moisture place, st. augustine will be the one.
if you want to repair the lawn, make sure you know what kind of grass you
otherwise, your lawn will mix different kind of grass.
take a picture, maybe we can help you identify it. |
S*A 发帖数: 7142 | 31
不是泼凉水。相比之下还是 Crab Grass 比较容易控制。如果是 Poa T.
你就拿他没有办法了。这个 Crab Grass 有特效药可以控制。
那就肯定不是 Grass. 长成这个样子多数就是 nut sedge. |
S*A 发帖数: 7142 | 32 St Augustin is using less water than Tall Fescue as well.
Bermuda is even less.
Bermuda, St Augustin & Zoyia grass are the most popular
warm season grass in US.
Tall Fescue is cool season grass. |
S*A 发帖数: 7142 | 33 多谢关心。 我用的是红色 90 - 210 degree 的喷头。
你看到的是 illusion 而已。如果那个喷头的水流打到墙上,
Grass. I like to mow my grass high. It is better for
the lawn. I sharpen my mower blade every two weeks.
I know what I am doing with my lawn :-)
Given that, yes, I am 3 days late than my normal mowing
schedule due to replace the irrigation. But it is not
as bad as you think. I mow my lawn at 4 inch, it is tall
to begin with. I can wait until 6 inch to mow it still not
more than 1/3 of th... 阅读全帖 |
s******r 发帖数: 4749 | 34 ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆
zhanglaosan (张老三) 于 (Mon Nov 15 12:52:01 2010, 美东) 提到:
周末买了十几株玫瑰(ok, 月季)下种了,的确院子变得有生机呢。最牛的是,昨晚一
大家在这种玫瑰间的土地上弄啥呢? ground cover野花?树皮?石子?
eastfire (~~随便提高晓松) 于 (Mon Nov 15 13:09:58 2010, 美东) 提到:
zhanglaosan (张老三) 于 (Mon Nov 15 13:10:58 2010, 美东) 提到:
☆───... 阅读全帖 |
t*1 发帖数: 124 | 35 there is too much study for the grass. I don't think I will go more deep of
that. Grass is the grass. this is it. |
S*A 发帖数: 7142 | 36 Every one have their mark in the pursuit of perfection grass.
Some one might be 10%, some one might be 50%. I might
be a little bit more than you do.
But trust me, when I started, I did not expect that.
I was thinking, Nah, 50% is at most what I will do.
But things changed when you get there. I am getting
very picky about grass. Oh, well, you get carry away
when you have too much fun with the grass.
Didn't you start with no lawn and against having lawn at
all? |
S*A 发帖数: 7142 | 37 The one you pull with your hand and very tall grass seeding
is Tall Fescue. That is lawn grass.
The rest is a lot of weed grass. |
h******2 发帖数: 102 | 38 people do not plant grass in summer not because seeds donot sprount rather
new grass wont have enough time to establish. New grass will die in hot
summer unless you water them like crazy. |
k********u 发帖数: 148 | 39 前院斑秃了,虽然不是小区里最糟糕的,但有一块差不多光了。
昨天找2个landscaper来估价,前院估800sqft,分别要1300 和 1200. 自己看看面积
翻了1天帖子, 依然有如下疑问,望版上有经验和热心人帮忙解答。
Q1. 都说春天是万物生长季,但版上说秋天种草比较好,春天种可以么?(秋天会比较
Q2. 如果春天种需要注意哪些事项和利弊? 需要全部换原来的top soil么?
Q3. 在德州,天热,种什么草比较好?
我们这里HD Bermuda有seed, St Auguestine只有sod. 还有以前没接触过的 Sun
and Shade North Grass Seed 可以种么? 前院两块地,一块是暴露在阳光下的,一块
有两个大树,树荫比较多。 Pennington Annual Ryegrass Grass 这种草有种过的的同
学么? Bermuda据说冬天都变黄了,什么草黄的情况好些呢? (自动浇水系统,每周2次浇水)
Q4. 买top soil 还是 turf underlay呢? 都如何... 阅读全帖 |
e*f 发帖数: 1709 | 40 The simplest way is to plant a quality ground cover. I like liriope spicata
(麦冬), which you can get from HD. It looks like narrow-bladed grass,
evergreen, fast-spreading, grows in any soil and tolerates drought, sun or
shade. It's tough as hell and will choke out all weeds. Its weakness is that
it won't tolerate your walking on it like a turf grass. Therefore as long
as if you mow frequently, it won't invade your grass. Once it is established
, you can pant some flowering shrubs in it. |
t****n 发帖数: 278 | 41 洋相 1:种annual grass seeds
早春前院砍掉一棵树,大约有~250sf,第一次种草,LOWES看到一小袋grass seed,
quick fix的,也没细看,就买了种下了。还好几天就发芽了,不到两周就冲起来了,
Fast growth turf for a temporary lawn",再看成分, 悲剧了,88.9% annual
WK, 居然还有卖annual grass seeds的,谁没事年年种草啊! |
l*n 发帖数: 2590 | 42 最好的compost application是自己做的。
那就是勤剪草,不要把grass chipping装袋。只要温度湿度合适,剪下来的草只要一两
我每年只是在九月下旬把grass chipping装袋两次,然后撒草籽。两次装袋的草,就可
以装满我一整个cold compost bin。加上收起的树叶,完全够下一年菜地使用。
我最不理解的就是,每次花钱把grass chipping运走,到头来又要花钱把compost加到
草地上。 |
e*f 发帖数: 1709 | 43 You should ask your neighbors what type of grass is in your yard, or post a
picture here. A warm
season grass is most likely a hybrid and doesn't produce viable seeds, but
it can creep into bare spots to repair itself. The safest way is to buy some
fine mulch or compost and spread them to bare spots, which provides an
insulating layer to keep moisture and suitable temperature, thus attracts
nearby grass to creep in. |
x*******a 发帖数: 11067 | 44 我们是7区的。多谢楼上的各位。我看了些文献,貌似我家草剪得太短了,这个可能是
为什么Crab grass多了的原因。我们请人两周割一次。
好像Crab grass不耐寒。那么是不是在冬天到来之前,它们可能就死的差不多了。那我
可以耙去一些干草,然后做cold season grass overseeding. 然后等早春的时候撒
weed and feed.? 可以推荐一个牌子的产品吗?
另外,树下的草越来越差是因为没有阳光还是树和草争水肥呢?有什么办法吗? |
f*1 发帖数: 837 | 45 Never walk on or mow your lawn when it is frozen.
You can still mow your lawn, if it is dry and above freezing temperature for
some hours so you are sure that your grass isn't frozen.
In general you should increase the mowing height towards summer (say 3.5" or
even 4") and decrease the mowing height towards winter (say 2.5"). The
danger of high grass in the winter is that they mat down easily during snow
period thus promoting snow mold.
As always, don't cut more than 1/3rd of your current grass... 阅读全帖 |
f*1 发帖数: 837 | 46 That's definitely not crabgrass. You should check the ligule. If it is
pointed and silvery, and the tip of the grass blade is boat/canoe head
shaped, then it is Poa Annua.
Poa Annua is mostly a winter annual in that it germinates and grows in the
fall (you probably didn't notice them then), and matures and seeds in the
spring, then dies off in the summer. People consider them weeds because
their color is lighter and when they die they leave an unsightly patch.
The best defense against weeds i... 阅读全帖 |
f*1 发帖数: 837 | 47 If you decide to use chemicals, two types will kill many broadleaf weeds
including Broadleaf Plantain:
1. Glyphosate. This is the single active ingredient in Roundup. Don't
worry about the different names/brands. Get a product with high
concentration of glyphosate. They all have similar effectiveness. Note
this one is non-selective in that it kills almost all grasses, including
good ones.
2. 2,4-D plus Dicamba and/or MCPP, for example, Ortho Weed-B-Gon regular,
not the Max or CCO version, w... 阅读全帖 |
f*1 发帖数: 837 | 48 If you decide to use chemicals, two types will kill many broadleaf weeds
including Broadleaf Plantain:
1. Glyphosate. This is the single active ingredient in Roundup. Don't
worry about the different names/brands. Get a product with high
concentration of glyphosate. They all have similar effects. Note
this one is non-selective in that it kills almost all grasses, including
good ones.
2. 2,4-D plus Dicamba and/or MCPP, for example, Ortho Weed-B-Gon regular,
not the Max or CCO version, where C... 阅读全帖 |
f*1 发帖数: 837 | 49 The responses from the lawn service company is interesting: No soil test;
assuming neighbourhood lawn conditions are the same; not sure how to handle
moss. Hmm ...
I think your priorities are (from higher priorities to lower ones):
1. Get soil samples from your lawn and send for a soil test.
While you are waiting for the soil test:
2. Do the soil drainage and compaction tests yourself to get to know your
soil better. Since you already have some bare spots from raking out the
moss, it will be e... 阅读全帖 |
f*1 发帖数: 837 | 50 Grassy weeds like crabgrass and poa annua are harder to control post-
emergently because they are also grasses. Broadleaf weeds like chickweed
and oxalis are easier to control post-emergently because they are not
grasses. All the above four can be effectively controlled by most pre-
emergent herbicides (i.e. crabgrass preventers).
Coalpilerd already identified chickweed in your first picture, although I
saw more poa annua there than chickweed so I reminded you the grassy ones as
well. Your se... 阅读全帖 |