J****i 发帖数: 470 | 1 至少老钱没有低三下四地再去签证。
[在 tosylate (neal) 的大作中提到:]
:于授予钱学森“国家勋章”, 既然是科学院院长Frank Press来,估计是National
:Medal of Science。
:但是,关于Pressy要授予老钱这个勋章, 似乎从来没有在英文报道和文章中出现过。
:而且,这个Medal第一个要求是美国公民或正在申请美国公民的绿卡持有者, 老钱也
:至于什么“钱老去世的时候,白宫降半旗三天三夜”, 那肯定是YY了。 |
x****6 发帖数: 4339 | 2 本千少来给你科普一下 拿炸药奖的农业科学家长什么样,看看袁隆平跟他比差几条街:
Norman Ernest Borlaug (/ˈbɔːrlɔːɡ/; March 25, 1914
– September 12, 2009)[3] was an American agronomist and humanitarian who
led initiatives worldwide that contributed to the extensive increases in
agricultural production termed the Green Revolution. Borlaug was awarded
multiple honors for his work, including the Nobel Peace Prize, the
Presidential Medal of Freedom and the Congressional Gold Medal.
Borlaug received his B.S. in fores... 阅读全帖 |
g**1 发帖数: 10330 | 3 美国华裔物理学家张首晟教授去世,终年55岁
2018-12-06 11:34:45字号:A- A A+来源:观察者网综合
关键字: 张首晟美国华裔物理学家
张首晟(Shou-Cheng Zhang),美籍华裔物理学家,美国文理科学院院士、美国国家科
人选。2... 阅读全帖 |
l*******s 发帖数: 7316 | 4 【转】为保护别人而牺牲的英雄气概对华人形象的提升不是一般学术或经济成就所能替
Peter Wang 在18年的情人节, 弗罗里达高中 Marjory Stoneman Douglas HS 的枪杀案
到的。今天(18年的感恩节),这场枪杀案的幸存者Peter生前的同学Kyle Kashuv (非华
裔)向白宫发起请愿请求川甫总统为Peter Wang追颁总统自由奖 the Presidential
Medal of Freedom。我们全美华裔更要积极响应, 请上白宫官网签名, 认确。谢谢大家。
parkland-shooting-hero-and-victim-peter-wang-who-died-saving-others |
发帖数: 1 | 5 https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/award-presidential-medal-freedom-
Hello everyone,
My name is Kyle Kashuv; last year I was a student at Marjory Stoneman
Douglas, where a tragic shooting took place on February 14, 2018. One of the
victims, Peter Wang, died trying to save my classmates.
His dream was to become a soldier and was buried in his Junior Reserve
Officers' Training Corps (JROTC) uniform. He was even wearing a JR... 阅读全帖 |
s*****m 发帖数: 215 | 7 杞彂锛nbsp; 涓轰繚鎶ゅ埆浜鸿鐗虹壊鐨勮嫳闆勬皵姒傚鍗庝汉褰㈣薄鐨勬彁鍗囦
涓轰簡浣犵殑鍚庝唬锛岃鑰冭檻杞彂鍜岀涓笅杩欎釜璇锋効銆br />
Peter Wang
鍦8骞寸殑鎯呬汉鑺 寮楃綏閲岃揪楂樹腑 Marjory Stoneman Douglas HS 鐨勬灙
仼鑺锛岃繖鍦烘灙鏉鐨勫垢瀛樿Peter鐢熷墠鐨勫悓瀛yle Kashuv (闈炲崕
瑁鍚戠櫧瀹彂璧疯鎰胯姹傚窛鐢缁熶负Peter Wang杩介鎬荤粺鑷敱濂
the Presidential Medal of Freedom銆傛垜浠叏缇庡崕瑁旀洿瑕佺Н鏋佸搷搴
璇蜂笂鐧藉瀹樼綉绛惧悕, 璁ょ‘銆傝阿璋㈠ぇ瀹躲
... 阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 8 Naval History and Heritage Command
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1902... 阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 10 Hate-spewing lying traitor Trump awards medal of "freedom"
to hate-spewing, lying traitor Rush.
Maybe that's the "medal" he said he deserved for smoking.
Anyway, both with be with their MASTER Satan for ETERNITY. |
v**e 发帖数: 8422 | 11 【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: siphon (西风), 信区: Military
标 题: 挪威枪手赞道:阿里巴巴是很好的网站
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jul 27 12:23:46 2011, 美东)
While a significant number of citizens in Islamic or Muslim countries are
directly hostile to Europeans, Chinese are usually just after your money. It
is unbearable to live the rest of your life in a country where there is a
constant and an overwhelming danger of being “Shanghaied”. My stepmother
was the Norwegian Vice C... 阅读全帖 |
L**r 发帖数: 411 | 13 【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: Lhor (Lhor), 信区: Military
标 题: 朝鲜百万大军2010年军费开支才60亿美元
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Dec 21 15:43:54 2011, 美东)
百万大军 每个军人头上也就6000美元左右, 人均可真是不高, 这点钱, 放中国估计
连士兵工资都不够 人家还要造蛋蛋放卫星都在里面了, 真的不容易
服... 阅读全帖 |
G*****a 发帖数: 183 | 14 Nikolaos SIRANIDIS (GRE) - gold medal
On their victory:
"I cannot believe it. I have not realised it yet. We are living in a fairy tale. We feel the warmth of the Greek people around us. I can hardly speak."
Thomas BIMIS (GRE) - gold medal
On their performance and on their opponents:
"I had said it so many times before, that we were getting into this race with
no stress and no anxiety.
It was the others who were stressed, not us. We felt free."
On the Greek performance in the Olympic Games:
"Th |
b**y 发帖数: 94 | 15 Hanxiong WU (CHN): Silver medallist
“ It was my first time in the Olympic Games and I feel great because we won
the silver medal. Italy was strong and very well prepared for the gold medal.
We are young and after four years in our home we will get the first place.”
Chong YE (CHN): Silver medallist
“ Italians stopped the game all the time. They played smart tactic and
confused us but it wasn’t fair. Nevertheless my career ends here, in Athens.
” |
r*****t 发帖数: 11 | 16 Internet surfers posted complaints and called for an online campaign
to “win back the lost gold.”
Naver.com, a major South Korean Internet portal, carried a series of
protest messages.
“Let’s flood the IOC web site with our protests, urging it to
reverse the decision on the medals. We should ask IOC, ’What makes it
so afraid of the United States?”’ one person wrote.
Another said: “I can’t understand why FIG cannot reverse its medal
decision while acknowledging its mistake. The American athlete w |
e*******r 发帖数: 2 | 17 Golds for 2 Chinese Runners Could Be Harbinger of 2008
Golds for 2 Chinese Runners Could Be Harbinger of 2008
Published: August 28, 2004
THENS, Aug. 27 - The Chinese surge up the Olympic medal table spread to the
track Friday as Xiang Liu won the men's 110-meter hurdles and Xing Huina won
the women's 10,000 meters.
When Xing crossed the finish line ahead of two Ethiopians, she took China's
total of gold medals in Athens to 27, one short of its record total at the |
N*C 发帖数: 1987 | 18 China to Turn Economic Growth Into Olympic Gold, End U.S. Reign
By Simon Kennedy
July 29 (Bloomberg) -- China's economic boom may be as good
as gold at the Beijing Olympics.
China stands to win more gold medals than any other country
at the Aug. 8-24 Summer Games, according to an economic model
created by Colorado College economist Daniel Johnson. John
Hawksworth of PriceWaterhouseCoopers LLC projects it to win the
most gold, silver and bronze medals combined.
``China is the big s |
o********d 发帖数: 7 | 19 I did a little calculation for which country is dominated by men, and women.
I got a stunning findings as of today. USA is kinda women strong, while
france's men are absolute ruler in their countries. see table below.
men medal women medal men/female ratio
15 ROU - Romania 1 7 0.14
12 JAM - Jamaica 2 7 0.29
10 NED - Netherlands 3 10 0.30
1 CHN - China 32 50 0.64
5 AUS - Australia 15 21 0.71
2 USA - United States |
m**m 发帖数: 5500 | 20 If, instead, the medals awarded to each individual are counted, the totals
underscore the American commitment to team sports. They read like this:
Americans: 315 medals.
Chinese: 186. |
T**********r 发帖数: 1223 | 21 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2004_Summer_Olympics
Main article: 2004 Summer Olympics medal count
These are the top ten nations that won medals at these Games:
Rank Nation Gold Silver Bronze Total
1 United States United States 36 39 27 102
2 China China 32 17 14 63
3 Russia Russia 27 27 38 92
4 Australia Australia 17 16 16 49
5 Japan Japan 16 9 12 37
6 Germany Germany |
w*******r 发帖数: 7276 | 22 U.S. will be rocked by China’s heavy medals
By Dan Wetzel, Yahoo! Sports
Aug 22, 3:45 pm EDT
Buzz Up Print
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Beijing Olympics' winners and losers Aug 24, 2008 Beijing Olympics' winners
and losers Aug 24, 2008
BEIJING – Across the Chinese media, the story has hit saturation coverage.
China, once mocked as “the weaklings of Asia,” is going to win what it
calls the total medal count for the Beijing G |
G***G 发帖数: 16778 | 24 who knows how far they can go even from now when they got gold medal?
anything can happen, just like they can win the gold medal. |
u*********e 发帖数: 9616 | 25 But what's that to do with Korean's gold medals? If some Korean player who
won the gold medal has a touching story, he/she has more 影响?
S/Z is my favorite pair in all time but this thread is just plain silly. |
u*********e 发帖数: 9616 | 26 My point is, S/Z's gold medal is important. But I don't understand what's
that to do with Korean's gold medal. If you think pairs figure skating gold
is more worthy than Korean's multiple golds in speed skating, well, they
have a huge chance in winning Ladies which is a far more important event
than pairs. Besides, since Wang Meng just won a gold in speed skating, does
that mean her gold is not as worthy as S/Z's ? |
u*********e 发帖数: 9616 | 27 Lambiel went for Quad because he could not do triple axel which is a huge
disadvantage. To have any chance for a medal, he had to go for quad although
it was very rare for him to land it clean anyway. I am a huge Lambiel fan but this season he's no way close to 08. And even in 08, he could not land quad.
Weir's program may earn him a medal in ladies event. Slow movement, simple
footwork, no quad, suites that event well.
Wait, he could not do sparrow. never mind. |
e***t 发帖数: 14386 | 28 according to wiki
However, in the United States it is more common to publish medal tables
ordered by the total number of medals won,[8][9][10][11][12] although the
gold first ranking has been used on occasion,[13][14] including in the
official report of the 2002 Winter Olympics, the most recent Games held in
the United States.[15]
是因为 |
F*********u 发帖数: 12190 | 36 旁边的poll,你最喜欢的运动是什么,最高的是体操,打脸打的,呵呵 |
g******l 发帖数: 6660 | 43 我操,太不要脸了这个
不先看看在打分项目上中国吃了多少亏 |
a*****0 发帖数: 6788 | 45 呵呵, 无意间透露了红脖们也在看奥运,不仅看,还很在意啊。这个是不是该转给公
知们阅? |
S*****e 发帖数: 425 | 47 这个的链接,不过美国女队的不可思议的表情显然没有剪辑进来。不过你听几个
Al Brautwig - OMG, Zanetti was given the gold medal for the 15.9, and he had
a stubble on the landing.
Tim Daggett - WoW (Speechless)
Elfi Schlegel - Talk about the turn of the bets?
Tim Daggett - Boy, did I get that wrong? (Questionable)
Al Brautwig - Boy, it worked out perfectly.
Tim Daggett - It surely did (Sarcastically)
Al Brautwig - You were about as positively as I ha... 阅读全帖 |
l******8 发帖数: 11 | 48 看看下面NY Times和AP的文章
Liu of China Crashes Out of 110-Meter Men’s Hurdles
761 words
8 August 2012
NYTimes.com Feed
Copyright 2012. The New York Times Company. All Rights Reserved.
LONDON — The champion hurdler Liu Xiang, the most prominent athlete from
China competing in the London Games, suffered another painful Olympic exit
on Tuesday morning.
Four years after Liu had to withdraw from the men’s 110-meter hurdles in
the Beijing Olympics, devastating his millions of ad... 阅读全帖 |
P*****t 发帖数: 4978 | 50 被人黑了,whine了一下,反倒要被fifa惩罚。这世道真是...
FIFA may discipline Canadian players, coach over ref remarks
The governing body of soccer is considering disciplinary action over
blistering comments made by Canada's coach and players following a loss to
the United States in the semifinals of the Olympic women's soccer tournament.
FIFA says it will analyze the remarks by the Canadians, who were upset with
the referee over a call rarely seen. Goalkeeper Erin McLeod was whistled for
holding the ball too long, sta... 阅读全帖 |