h*****g 发帖数: 596 | 1 Trend Micro Titanium Internet Security 2013 (1 User) + Kaspersky PURE 2.0 (3
User) Software - FAR + FS (Possible $60 Money Maker) @ Frys.com
Hey guys,
I didn't see this posted, so I thought I'd share.
Trend Micro Titanium Internet Security 2013 (1 User)
LINK [frys.com]
Item Price: $49.99
$50 Mail-In Rebate [frys.com] - Product Rebate
$25 Mail-In Rebate [frys.com] - Upgrade Rebate (For previous owners of stand
-alone versions of Trend Micro, Norton, or McAfee products)
AR Cost: $25 Money Maker
Ka... 阅读全帖 |
l*******m 发帖数: 88 | 2 有没有public health方面的faculty,是不是一般public health的faculty,即使9个月
的appointment也一般像medical school是soft money based, 不像engineering大部分
都是hard money based? 谢谢。 |
l*****n 发帖数: 1333 | 3 Three additional points:
1. many people here dislike interracial marriages, ignore their opinion.
2. when you say your husband spends too much money on himself, does he also
spend money on you or the children? that makes the biggest difference in the
3. assuming your husband treats the children well, maybe he just needs a
little help managing money; that is far better than being with a cheap man
who never spends a penny. |
l*****n 发帖数: 1333 | 4 How about getting him some finance/ money management resource? Books, or
tapes for him to listen in the car if you are both too busy? Watch Suze
Orman? Sounds to me your husband is a good, caring man, just needs some new
perspective about money.
cause |
b******n 发帖数: 66 | 5 多谢回复!我也觉得奇怪,为什么这么多reply都是从美国以外来的,而且都自称是
nurse/pharmist,都说可以先付房租"to secure your room",而且都是money order。
按说事有反常即为妖!可是。。。今天我问了一下银行,却告诉我Money Order可以看
作Cash, 比Check 要安全!而且问了两个都这么说。既然这样是不是可以认为,只要我
先收到Money Order, 那么就掌握了主动,应该不会吃亏? |
r**********r 发帖数: 12 | 6 Hi 各位前辈,
想请假一个棘手的问题。我和朋友hold了一个公寓,我们交了2100刀的money order作
这是一个经营apartment的公司,一直打交道的是一个挺威严的leasing manager。但是
我们临时有变动,没法住这个房子了,想stop payment。因为目前距离我们sign
现在我们的money order是pending。我问了银行,银行说我只要拿着自己的customer
copy of money order就可以stop这个payment,然后两个工作日后,钱就会打回到账户
会利用这个惩罚我们... 阅读全帖 |
s********r 发帖数: 2067 | 7 我的ROTH IRA早已经全部是Money Market Fund。
Fidelity现在利息最高的Money Market Fund是哪支?
另外请教怎么才能查到Fidelity所有Money Market Fund的利息列表?
谢谢指教! |
j******a 发帖数: 1599 | 8 【 以下文字转载自 Money 讨论区 】
发信人: jiamajia (日), 信区: Money
标 题: Roth-IRA里的money market有多少的利率?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Mar 21 14:45:38 2009)
现在放进去还能享受2008年的tax credit吗? |
n********e 发帖数: 92 | 9 I have an account with TD Ameritrade with some cash balance and money market
balance. I'd like to put all cash balance to money market but don't see how
to do it. Can anybody show me?
thx |
r******r 发帖数: 77 | 10 想先买vanguard的money market fund,等钱到账后想等合适的时机买一些其他的fund
1.有推荐的money market fund吗?
2.如果用moeny market fund里面的钱买其他的fund,是要先卖掉money market fund
谢谢。 |
m**i 发帖数: 394 | 11 If you could share your experiences or give advice, that must be valuable.
It is a personal choice about how much effort, like time or money, one is
willing to spend to manage one's own money. Some people may not do anything,
and they live happy. That is completely fine.
But, if someone wants to put some effort on it or thinks about it from time
to time, this books gives some basic knowledge about managing one's own
money. I know the title is a little misleading, but think what is behind. :P
The... 阅读全帖 |
l***q 发帖数: 235 | 12 多谢多谢!
也就是说先开一个Money Market Account(不是Money Market Fund),然后用这个账户
原来Money Market Account是tax-deferred?以前一直不知道啊,一直用cash account
在搞…… |
z*********7 发帖数: 372 | 13 Was in academic two years, left retirement money in TIAA.
Now already got a job in industry using Vanguard for 401K.
1. Should I (or can I) transfer my money in TIAA to Vanguard, and use the
consolidated money there to invest(Stock or bond?)?
2. BTW, which one I should choose among so many kinds of 401K plan?
Thanks |
b*********n 发帖数: 182 | 14 最近听到朋友说money market fund 比把钱放银行划算,还可以避税,不知道到底是怎
么操作的。比如,我在maryland, 可以买什么money market fund 呢。目前的网上银
行有大约1%的利率, money market fund的yield 和银行利率一样吗。 谢谢大侠指点
! |
M********r 发帖数: 278 | 15 普通的money market fund 不能避税,除非是tax-exempt money market fund.
想避税,需要开IRA/RothIRA 之类的account, 这些只是account, 不是具体的投资产品
,在这些account 里放任何投资产品都可以避税
1%的利率很好了,绝大部部分money market yield 几乎为零。
找些书学一点基本的理财常识,就不用靠朋友了。 |
b*********n 发帖数: 182 | 16 有专家说,债券还比不上money market, 建议完全不买债券,问什么呢?照我想着,债
券至少比money market好啊,大多数时候债券divident 还是比money market 或银行利
还有, 现在利率上行,债券价格下滑,但是价格下滑了,不是正是买进的好时机吗?
我是通过vanguard total bond mutual fund 买的债券, 和直接买债券有什么区别吗
? |
A****Z 发帖数: 52 | 17 Seller's agent and buyer's agant are from same realty company. The buyer's
agent asked the buyer to send the deposit money to the realty company.Is
there any problem to give the money to realty company? Several days ago,
someone said the money should be sent to third party. Thanks. |
h*********w 发帖数: 171 | 19 我们以前都是给支票,或扫描支票就行了。这次去银行买了money order,1000块,
后来代理说不够,还要500快,我们就开了个人支票给代理,让他去买money order.
我们已经签了sales contract, 可现在发现这里代理总是前话不同于后话,虽然房
所以明天付300快home inspector,反正300快买个教训了。 |
d*******n 发帖数: 369 | 20 我的理解是Loan Contigency 的保护是包括earnest money的。如果贷不到款earnest
earnest money. 上一个agent不是这么说的)。 那这个Loan Contigency到底保护什么
?( |
p******t 发帖数: 3764 | 21 your agent can argue for you about the assurance money, but if you walk away
at this point, when you are far passed that "free option period“, you
might not get that earnest money back, depending on which account the money
is in right now, and the seller/seller agent might sue you.
btw, why you have to worry about title insurance stuff yourself? your agent
would take care of that normally. |
s*********g 发帖数: 2350 | 22 今天看到commitment letter 是The Money Store开出来的,有点疑惑, 来问问大家。
The Money Store到底是 Mortgage company 还是lending company/bank?
谁最后会take my loan? 在我印象里, 贷款的都是银行啊。。。
用过的人或了解的人说说 The Money Store 靠谱吗?
BTW, 我在NJ。
Thanks. |
m*******d 发帖数: 274 | 23 My agent sent off an offer letter, saying we will put down 10% when we sign
the contract. The contract will be signed after the inspection. I am
wondering if 10% as deposit is common, it as around 50K, which seems to be a
lot to me. The agent said that we can get the money back if we cannot get
the loan, we have loan contigency. The money is in escrow account. I just
think 50K is too much. If our loan cannot go through, can we get thie money
back for sure? Thank you. |
x********u 发帖数: 390 | 24 如果我作为买方毁了合同,卖家就把我的earnest money 收下了。那如果作为卖方毁了
合同我有什么补偿呢?如果只是把earnest money 还给我,那岂不是太便宜卖方了,这
钱本来就不是他的啊。他是不是应该出了还给 earnest money 之外,还要再给另外的
赔偿啊。 |
s*******a 发帖数: 213 | 25 周一刚递了一个short sale的offer,今天listing agent 发信来说要seller 已经
signed contract, 让我赶快交earnest money 还有5天之内要做home inspection.
银行还没有说话呢,我交什么earnest money 和 inspection呀?
这个listing agent 应该在这个地区做了很久了,不可能连这个都不知道。
我就搞不懂了,她到底这样做是为了什么?骗我这点earnest money?不想卖?我应该这
这个版上大家都见多识广,这个lising agent 到底想搞什么?
谢谢! |
l******r 发帖数: 4021 | 26 为啥?如果我在contingency期间,要跑路也是合情合理的,就算earnst money给的是
money order也没用吧? |
l******r 发帖数: 4021 | 27 我我的意思是说,如果我在contingency期间退出,这个earnst money是要退还给我的
管是个人支票,还是money order。 |
r********n 发帖数: 132 | 28 【 以下文字转载自 Texas 讨论区 】
发信人: ritzcalton (Rock), 信区: Texas
标 题: closing不了的话earnest money能拿回吗
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue May 14 22:57:52 2013, 美东)
准备下一个short sale的offer,网上看了一些帖子,有帖子提到可能closing的时候发
现seller欠税或者HOA的钱导致closing不了,请问这种情况下earnest money能拿回吗
money。 谢谢 |
l****8 发帖数: 628 | 29 我买的房子,在签合同前,我发现这房子在town 记录是一个半卫生间,但实际是2个卫
那一个卫生间要co, 最后我们是closing with escrew money. 过了一个月我们就拿到
escrew money应该没有什么问题,就是escrew money这个钱你要估算一下 |
n****y 发帖数: 656 | 30 谢谢回复。
你说的估算escrew money 是指?
我想应该是卖家把钱放到escrew吧?卖家提的建议是他们出secrew money ,由银行hold
the escrew money.. |
I****g 发帖数: 102 | 31 1.捐赠人负责缴税, 除非捐赠人和受捐赠人之间有合约要求受捐赠人缴税。所以如果
捐赠人不在美国, 而且不是美国公民和绿卡, 不需要考虑Gift Money的缴税问题。需
要注意的是, 受捐赠人如果在一年内接受超过10万美元的外国人的Gift Money需要填
一个IRS 3520表, 但是不需要缴税。
母可以给一对夫妻56,000美元而不需要填税表。即使超过了额度, 也只是在报当年税
的时候需要填一个IRS 709 表, 捐赠人只有在超标的部分累计大于525万美元的时候,
超标的部分才需要缴税, 当前的税率是40%。
3.如果受捐赠人是美国公民, 夫妻一方给另外一方的Gift Money 不需要缴税。如果受
捐赠人不是美国公民, 2013年夫妻一方可以给另外一方14万3千美元不需要报税,超过
的部分要填IRS 709表, 会被考虑进第2条提到的525万美元的限制。
gift |
I****g 发帖数: 102 | 32 1.捐赠人负责缴税, 除非捐赠人和受捐赠人之间有合约要求受捐赠人缴税。所以如果
捐赠人不在美国, 而且不是美国公民和绿卡, 不需要考虑Gift Money的缴税问题。需
要注意的是, 受捐赠人如果在一年内接受超过10万美元的外国人的Gift Money需要填
一个IRS 3520表, 但是不需要缴税。
母可以给一对夫妻56,000美元而不需要填税表。即使超过了额度, 也只是在报当年税
的时候需要填一个IRS 709 表, 捐赠人只有在超标的部分累计大于525万美元的时候,
超标的部分才需要缴税, 当前的税率是40%。
3.如果受捐赠人是美国公民, 夫妻一方给另外一方的Gift Money 不需要缴税。如果受
捐赠人不是美国公民, 2013年夫妻一方可以给另外一方14万3千美元不需要报税,超过
的部分要填IRS 709表, 会被考虑进第2条提到的525万美元的限制。
gift |
y**********i 发帖数: 3 | 33 各位大侠,本人这两天被这个gift money申报税务的事情搞得非常忧心,现在请高手给予
2014年, 父母在国内通过大约10个不同的户头,给我和我其他两个在美国工作的朋友,一
共三个人进行了汇款. 我们每个人收到的钱都大于10万.钱到了我美国两个朋友的手上
觉得应该去补填3520 form.请问:
(1)因为我们无知,不知道此事,然后现在主动补报2014年的gift money,我们需要付late
fee吗?大概要多少late fee?
(2)我的两个朋友其实不是receiver,只是他们的银行账户帮我接收这个gift money,不
到一周,就全部转到了我的账户.请问这中间他们会需要申报3520 form吗?他们给我转钱
各位大侠,如果有熟知如何处理此情况的会计师可否介绍给我,也可以直接回复.... 阅读全帖 |
c***z 发帖数: 6348 | 34 I consulted a tax professional and the answer is negative, I don't need to
pay tax for gift. Thanks so much! :)
Below is my question and her answer:
I am a resident alien (H1B visa holder and lived in the US full year for the
past 12 years) and I received a gift money of $50K from my parents in law,
who live in China (foreign persons not filing US tax, that is).
I understand that under normal circumstances the gift giver pays the tax:
https://www.irs.gov/Businesses/Small-Businesses-&-Self-Emp... 阅读全帖 |
e******e 发帖数: 185 | 35 我看版上关于用gift money买房的讨论中说,如果用gift money当首付,钱到账一个月
内好像不能用。我想问,如果我全款买房,没有贷款,那么从国内汇来的gift money是
还有,关于gift letter,如果全款买房,是不是就不需要准备了?
多谢了! |
x*b 发帖数: 4 | 36 You might need to do more research before you raise these
questions here. It is always good to open a savings account once
get more money. By that way you can earn some interest, not
much but better than nothing. Usually opening checking account
and savings account in the same bank is a better idea because
it is easy to transfer money between two accounts. Checking
account usually has no interest or less interest than savings
account, so you want to put most of your money in savings
account when |
b****b 发帖数: 199 | 37 Money and Quicken: you do need to spend a significant amount of time to enter
the information regularly. Persistency is the key to manange your finance well
. Both are great but it seems more banks and credit cards can allow you to
download to quicken than Money. But you actually don't need that feature. They
are extremely flexible and you add everything as accounts such as a car and
house, and tax. There is MS-Money master who is a chinese fellow named MM working at microsoft and I visited his |
p*******g 发帖数: 31 | 38 Recieved checks from citi credit card, which allow money tranfer with 0 APR.
My question is if they calculate the interest rate seperately for purchase
and money transfer? For example, I have purchase balance on my card and also
transfer money using the offered checks. Will my purchase balance affect
the interest rate of the transfer balance. I had an experience before that
the 0 APR rate went away when my credit card has balance due to other uses.
Anybody can clear this for me? |
n*****n 发帖数: 57 | 39 从来没办理过money order。 对方要求是money order must be drawn on a bank
located in the united states. cvs money order可以在美国的任何一个银行取出来
吗?谢谢 |
v**a 发帖数: 366 | 40 快抓狂了。本来用money用的好好的,多少年了。突然ms不支持money了,那就转到
quicken吧。买了quicken 2011 starter edition,结果发现inventment accounts不能
自动convert,好多网上账户还是继续用.ofx, .qif格式下载文件,然后quicken就不能
Import. Money 可以把单个account的数据用.qif输出,但是quicken不能import,怎么
谢谢。 |
u***r 发帖数: 4825 | 41 "A sender cannot use Money Messenger to send money to themselves."
Money Messenger Terms of Use |
f**********n 发帖数: 3081 | 42 昨天下午play的,今天就收到10刀. I am 10 bucks richer!
对已有serve account的人, quick free 10 bucks.
Serve Money mover has sent you the following funds:
Amount: $10.00
Message: Congrats on scoring $10 with Money Mover! As great as it would
be if the money could magically poof out of your monitor, you’ve gotta
accept the transfer for it to appear in your account. You’ve got 7 days,
otherwise the cash is gone. So get going! |
b**********e 发帖数: 126 | 43 【 以下文字转载自 Complain 讨论区 】
发信人: bluesapphire (rabbit), 信区: Complain
标 题: [投诉]海外理财(money )版主[bssd]需要个负责常期在线的版主
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Mar 12 17:51:08 2012, 美东)
海外理财(money )版主
4. 版上有版友投诉也从来不管不问 |
y***m 发帖数: 7027 | 44 任期满没改选? DC版原版二虽然很nice但长期潜水不干活,被下岗,风云人物上任后
不错,版主 newjersey Linsanity 是抢deal高手,身体力行,带头分享总结,
deal,并且主动把好文好deal m/g. |
p**5 发帖数: 2544 | 45 yes, from the link in my original post:
Google has a service called Google Checkout that allows you to send money to
a person with a Google Checkout account. Google Checkout is safe and secure
and allows you to send money to another party without divulging your
personal information. In addition, there is no charge to send money using
Google Checkout. |
t*******9 发帖数: 15 | 46 找到一个更好的房子,之前deposit money order已经写了pay给谁,当时这个money
order是用cash在一个wine小店买的,去小店说他们不能cache back。这种情况怎么把
money order的钱拿回来? |
B**********1 发帖数: 393 | 47 一直想发个贴, 感谢一下money版的童鞋! 在过去的一年里从money版收获颇丰! 祝大家
年初申的Chase UA,拿了5万的UA points.10 月份关了.虽然又有了好deal, 不敢申了.
哈哈 d等等. 最大的收获是赶上了fidelity的triple deal. 3月份申了 freedom , 拿
了有史以来最高的35k points. 刚好用这些点买了两张暑期回国的往返票. 自从上了
money版才知道点的好处,才知道怎么换机票! 非常感谢!
年底还赶上了american express的small business, 四张卡,$100 AE credits.
没敢查credit report, 估计降了不少.:)
希望童鞋们在新的一年里健康快乐!我继续潜水去! 哈哈.
忘了说一句, Fidelity的deal 还有,就是只能选一个了. |
g**n 发帖数: 25142 | 49 发信人: deliver (自动发信系统), 信区:
标 题: geon 封 thhddd 在 Money 版
发信站: BBS 未名空间站自动发信系统 (Sun Jan 27 00:11:07 2013)
由于 thhddd 在 Money 版的 ws无耻,超越money版底线 行为,
被暂时取消在本版的发文权力 14 天。
Sun Jan 27 00:11:06 2013 |
g**n 发帖数: 25142 | 50 ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆
geon (真子) 于 (Sun Jan 27 00:40:18 2013, 美东) 提到:
发信人: deliver (自动发信系统), 信区:
标 题: geon 封 thhddd 在 Money 版
发信站: BBS 未名空间站自动发信系统 (Sun Jan 27 00:11:07 2013)
由于 thhddd 在 Money 版的 ws无耻,超越money版底线 行为,
被暂时取消在本版的发文权力 14 天。
Sun Jan 27 00:11:06 2013
ttsillybear (ttsillybear) 于 (Sun Jan 27 00:42:47 2013, 美东) 提到:
good to know
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