发帖数: 1 | 1 民主党新星之一Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez最近风头十足
President Ocasio-Cortez?不太可能。
当然President O'Rourke听起来也很奇怪。太Irish。 |
发帖数: 1 | 2 祝贺 Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez 获胜
民主党需要新鲜血液, medicare for all 是目前最好的选择
既公平又可降低医疗费用, 由政府统一定价, 不接受的医师吊销执照
纽约的左派兄弟如果不喜欢Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez,可考虑搬家到加州
专舔白人的黄右派,请搬到田纳西天天看大奶子白牛 |
e****n 发帖数: 370 | 5 Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez BBBBB:
美国人:leader ship,民主,自由,先选议员,再选她当总统! |
发帖数: 1 | 6 Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez说 $3 billion tax credits 应该给美国民众而不是amazon
。本人认为:说得好。 |
f******s 发帖数: 178 | 7 Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, 15,897票, 是24万DEM 6.6%
这两Demo的turnout, 统共只有10%. 剩下的90%没吱声.
16年这个区27万人中期投票, 在midterm, 这个 waitress还能招来多少选票?
等看热闹. |
r*********t 发帖数: 4911 | 8 多好。“纽约的左派兄弟如果不喜欢Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez,可考虑搬家到加州”
。左派内部也开始细分了。 |
c*******d 发帖数: 1283 | 9 Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez就是华人从政的楷模, 都是新移民的后代,都支持民主社
会主义, Medicare for All, a job guarantee,tuition-free public college, and
enacting gun-control policies. |
c*******d 发帖数: 1283 | 10 美国华人支持 Elizabeth Warren +Ocasio-Cortez 2020 |
N*******M 发帖数: 3963 | 11 有多少扭腰的老中投了女共产党Ocasio-Cortez的票? |
b********n 发帖数: 38600 | 12 I was going to say that Ocasio-Cortex is also the dumbest person ever to
hold a position in any national government. But then I remembered Maxine
Waters and decided not to leave any comment at all. |
g****h 发帖数: 481 | 13 https://www.foxnews.com/politics/most-voters-support-70-percent-tax-hike-on-
A majority of voters support a proposal floated by U.S. Rep. Alexandria
Ocasio-Cortez to dramatically increase the highest tax rate on the
wealthiest Americans to as high as 70 percent.
Around 59 percent of registered voters support the idea, according to a Hill
-HarrisX survey, which was conducted Jan. 12-13 after the New York Democrat
set off a nationwide debate with her comments on CBS's &ldquo... 阅读全帖 |
a**t 发帖数: 3833 | 14 Trump的总统只有一年多的时间,但是,充斥了大量的失败和谎言,嫖娼都是光彩的,
1. 前美国第一夫人Michelle Obama.
2. 前前前美国第一夫人Hillary Clinton.
3. 参议员Elizabeth Warren.
到了2024年,国会议员Ocasio-Cortez 将逐渐成熟。 如此看来, 未来的至少8年, 美
国总统都是女人的. |
a**t 发帖数: 3833 | 15 I watched her show tonight, Ocasio-Cortez is definitely the most beautiful
woman in Congress. Her dress is so white, like an angel |
a**t 发帖数: 3833 | 16 美女Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez真是个天才:不服不行!
Cortez propose:
- 重建美国的每栋建筑物
- 将在未来十年内结束所有传统形式的能源
- 计划在可能的情况下在10年内禁止核能
- 在海洋上建造火车并结束所有航空旅行!
- 不要投资碳捕集与封存的新技术,只需植树
- 要求所有新工作都要加入工会 |
发帖数: 1 | 17 The International Astronomical Union named the asteroid 23238 Ocasio-Cortez
after Ocasio-Cortez when she was a senior in high school by for her second-
place finish in the 2007 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair.[
14][15] Ocasio-Cortez was named the 2017 National Hispanic Institute Person
of the Year by Ernesto Nieto.[16]
Early life and education
Ocasio-Cortez was born in the Bronx, New York City, on October 13, 1989, to
Blanca Ocasio-Cortez (née Cortez) and Sergio Ocasio.[9] Her f... 阅读全帖 |
u***r 发帖数: 4825 | 18 https://time.com/5770140/millennials-change-american-politics/?utm_source=
How Millennial Leaders Will Change America
Love ’em or hate ’em, this much is true: one day soon, millennials will
rule America.
This is neither wish nor warning but fact, rooted in the physics of time and
the biology of human cells... 阅读全帖 |
f******s 发帖数: 178 | 19 同意
NY-house 14的 Ocasio 28岁的共产党, 今天拿到了78.6%, 初选是5.1%
那个10届的DEM 第3号人物Crowley, 今天只拿到 6.5%, 初选是4.8%. DEM
所以, Crowley个人的基本盘大约只有5%左右, 估计其他DEM 传统人物根基也很弱. 没
了DEM的光环, 不堪一击.
DEM提名给Ocasio带来了73%的选票. Ocasio本人不会这样解读她的选票. Ocasio作为象
征人物, 会确认far-left力量无限, 会激励其他far-left 向更加极端发展.
所以,far-left的新生代, 会剧烈挑战DEM传统人物, DEM的中生代会偏向far-left, 求
自保. 佩洛西做梦都想当speaker.
Ocasio 和 Pelosi 没有任何共同语言的. Pelosi要想得到far-left的拥戴, 需要谈条
28岁共产党自认为拥有无比的战斗力, 在Ocasio眼里, Pelosi占茅坑不拉屎
28岁共产党还没有认可Pelosi的时候, 川普就打电话认可Pelosi.
昨天晚上川普的电话就打过去了, 没有确实hous... 阅读全帖 |
d******a 发帖数: 32122 | 20
这么牛逼的人,专业还是international relations and economics,怎么会不知道
Ocasio-Cortez attended Yorktown High School, graduating in 2007.[20] She won
second prize in the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair with a
microbiology research project on the effect of antioxidants on the lifespan
of the nematode C. elegans.[21] In a show of appreciation for her efforts,
the International Astronomical Union named a small asteroid after her: 23238
Ocasio-Cortez.[22][23] In high school, she took part in the Na... 阅读全帖 |
a********9 发帖数: 3813 | 21 发信人: fastness (mower), 信区: USANews
标 题: 中期之后, house里面的DEM内斗可能会很血腥
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Nov 6 23:53:34 2018, 美东)
NY-house 14的 Ocasio 28岁的共产党, 今天拿到了78.6%, 初选是5.1%
那个10届的DEM 第3号人物Crowley, 今天只拿到 6.5%, 初选是4.8%. DEM
所以, Crowley个人的基本盘大约只有5%左右, 估计其他DEM 传统人物根基也很弱. 没
了DEM的光环, 不堪一击.
DEM提名给Ocasio带来了73%的选票. Ocasio本人不会这样解读她的选票. Ocasio作为象
征人物, 会确认far-left力量无限, 会激励其他far-left 向更加极端发展.
所以,far-left的新生代, 会剧烈挑战DEM传统人物, DEM的中生代会偏向far-left, 求
自保. 佩洛西只能做梦当speaker.
但是, 这次中期, DEM推出了一些中庸的人物来对付GOP, 这些中庸的DEM将要和far-
left的新生... 阅读全帖 |
f******s 发帖数: 178 | 22 NY-house 14的 Ocasio 28岁的共产党, 今天拿到了78.6%, 初选是5.1%
那个10届的DEM 第3号人物Crowley, 今天只拿到 6.5%, 初选是4.8%. DEM
所以, Crowley个人的基本盘大约只有5%左右, 估计其他DEM 传统人物根基也很弱. 没
了DEM的光环, 不堪一击.
DEM提名给Ocasio带来了73%的选票. Ocasio本人不会这样解读她的选票. Ocasio作为象
征人物, 会确认far-left力量无限, 会激励其他far-left 向更加极端发展.
所以,far-left的新生代, 会剧烈挑战DEM传统人物, DEM的中生代会偏向far-left, 求
自保. 佩洛西只能做梦当speaker.
但是, 这次中期, DEM推出了一些中庸的人物来对付GOP, 这些中庸的DEM将要和far-
left的新生代剧烈冲突. 中庸的DEM, 需要生存, 没有后退的余地.
far-left的新生代, 渴望lord-of-ring的权力, 没有后退的欲望. 不排除中庸的DEM联
所以, 中期... 阅读全帖 |
j*********r 发帖数: 24733 | 23 文革婆拿出珍藏的武装带,电诈高举着廉价镰刀,就等着AOC的号令,革命鸟革命鸟
Bill Gates slams Ocasio-Cortez, says her tax policy is 'missing the picture'
Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, who has a net worth approaching $100
billion, has slammed tax policies like the one put forth by Alexandria
Ocasio-Cortez, saying they miss the larger picture and could create tax
Speaking on a podcast at tech website The Verge, Gates noted that while tax
rates can be "more progressive," going to extremes such as the one put forth
by Ocasio... 阅读全帖 |
c*******2 发帖数: 617 | 24 Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Rep. Joe Crowley, one of the top Democrats in the House of Representatives,
lost his New York primary in a shocking upset on Tuesday night to community
organizer Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
Crowley, having fundraised nearly $3 million for the race in New York’s
14th District, fell easily to a first-time candidate with a viral
introduction video, a Democratic Socialists of America membership card, and
a proudly leftist agenda. She ran on Medicare-for-all, a ... 阅读全帖 |
a******g 发帖数: 13519 | 25 美国中选刚刚结束一周,民主党从特朗普和共和党手中夺下众议院,破除了共和党全面
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez,有史以来最年轻的女议员,出身民主党铁票仓的纽约。
老白男Joe Crowley。
不论你是否赞同她的政见,至少到目前为止,她表现出了一个革命... 阅读全帖 |
b********n 发帖数: 38600 | 28 “As you are speaking as the oracle of science, tell us, what exactly is a Y
chromosome?” Cruz responded on Twitter. “And at what age of gestation
does science tell us that an unborn child feels physical pain?”
He may have picked the wrong opponent – Ocasio-Cortez, it transpires, holds
an award for microbiology from MIT.
Despite reports in the past of the two lawmakers, surprisingly, finding
common ground on other issues, Ocasio-Cortez did not let the slight go
unaddressed. Touting her scientific... 阅读全帖 |
j*********r 发帖数: 24733 | 29 马上就要共产共妻了,托尼洞洞拐,撅井老毕,文革婆子纷纷都兴粪异常鸟。
发信人: tonyxu007 (tony), 信区: USANews
标 题: Re: 老实说,我有点嫉妒老医生了。起码五千万
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Apr 13 17:05:43 2017, 美东)
90% tax rate
发信人: tonyxu007 (tony), 信区: USANews
标 题: 祝贺 Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez 获胜
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jun 27 13:33:39 2018, 美东)
祝贺 Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez 获胜
民主党需要新鲜血液, medicare for all 是目前最好的选择
既公平又可降低医疗费用, 由政府统一定价, 不接受的医师吊销执照
纽约的左派兄弟如果不喜欢Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez,可考虑搬家到加州
专舔白人的黄右派,请搬到田纳西天天看大奶子白牛 |
c*******e 发帖数: 5818 | 30 Conservative's satirical Ocasio-Cortez 'interview' triggers media uproar
Comedian Stephen Colbert routinely wins media cheers for his “hilarious”
satirical and obviously fake interviews with President Trump, in which the
talk show host splices his own questions with the president’s answers from
real interviews.
Those on the left howl with laughter and folks on the other side of the
political spectrum might even be forced to chuckle. But when the tables are
turned, one side doesn't seem to get th... 阅读全帖 |
d*****g 发帖数: 106 | 31 发信人: tonyxu007 (tony), 信区: USANews
标 题: 祝贺 Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez 获胜
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jun 27 13:33:39 2018, 美东)
祝贺 Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez 获胜
民主党需要新鲜血液, medicare for all 是目前最好的选择
既公平又可降低医疗费用, 由政府统一定价, 不接受的医师吊销执照
纽约的左派兄弟如果不喜欢Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez,可考虑搬家到加州
发信人: tonyxu007 (tony), 信区: USANews
标 题: 定居东西海岸, 选民主党
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jun 20 13:44:00 2018, 美东)
定居东西海岸, 选民主党
宁可不投票, 绝不投票给共和党 |
c*******e 发帖数: 5818 | 32 估计意识这是个 负资产,如果这样,民主党进步了,
New York congressional candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has excited the
liberal base with her media blitz touting Medicare-for-all, the elimination
of ICE and more.
But the Democrat's rapid-fire claims about the state of the economy and
other issues have fact-checkers scrambling to provide a reality check.
The Washington Post was the latest to put her myriad claims under the
The newspaper took issue, for instance, with her claim that unemployment is
low “be... 阅读全帖 |
c*******e 发帖数: 5818 | 34 还不承认!左派搞别人时,就没想到会搞到自己头上!?
Ex-NY assemblyman blasts ‘coward’ AOC over response to Twitter blocking
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., is asking a judge to dismiss the
lawsuit brought by former Assemblyman Dov Hikind that he filed after she
blocked him on Twitter -- and now Hikind claims she’s “afraid.”
Hikind, a Democrat, sued right after the Second Circuit Court of Appeals
ruled that President Trump violated the Constitution by blocking Twitter
users whose posts he did not like. In a... 阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 35 民主党28岁拉丁裔参选人初选爆冷获胜 震惊美国政坛
2018-06-27 23:09:13 字号:A- A A+ 来源:观察者网
关键字: 民主党
【文/观察者网 奕含】她从未担任过任何公职,目前还在偿还学生贷款,今年也才28岁。
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez)曾在一顿视频中如此评价自己。
裔妹子奥卡西奥-科特兹打败了在国会任职多年的乔·克劳利(Joe Crowley),赢下该
随之而来,亚历山大·奥卡西奥-科特兹(Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez)迅速成为美国
人才辈出 年轻一代候选人撼动纽约政坛
意... 阅读全帖 |
M****1 发帖数: 702 | 38 Lincoln Laboratory at MIT named a small asteroid after her: 23238 Ocasio-
Cortez. While a student at Boston University, Ocasio-Cortez was an intern in
the immigration office of U.S. Senator Ted Kennedy. She graduated from
Boston University in 2011 with a bachelor's degree in economics and
international relations
MIT以她名字命名小行星,Boston U毕业,Ted K办公室实习,这么牛叉的简历怎么会去
当服务员的? |
a**e 发帖数: 8800 | 39 你看看人家一天多少小费
:Lincoln Laboratory at MIT named a small asteroid after her: 23238 Ocasio-
:Cortez. While a student at Boston University, Ocasio-Cortez was an intern
in the immigration office of U.S. Senator Ted Kennedy. She graduated from |
f******s 发帖数: 178 | 42 Ocasio 和 Feinstein Pelosi 没有任何共同语言.
现在,Trump called Pelosi, 明显是给Ocasio树立靶子 |
R***a 发帖数: 41892 | 43 警察没查查tracy的车里有没有suspect的气味? |
R***a 发帖数: 41892 | 45 为啥tracy的车里没有tracy的气味?
驾驶座上有suspect的气味或者其他痕迹么? |
d******g 发帖数: 5484 | 46 说用blookdhound闻了车里(具体怎么操作不得而知)总之得出结论,不是翠喜自己把
不过也怪,为什么停在haraway家200码的地方呢 |
R***a 发帖数: 41892 | 47 我怀疑就闻了后备箱。
车厢内suppose会有她的味道 |
c***s 发帖数: 70028 | 48 悲伤的亲属。图片来自Getty
莉萨·奥提兹(Lisa Ortiz)从波多黎各前往奥兰多,与从纽约前往奥兰多的表姐辛迪会合,打算度过一个美好的假期。在被问及事发当晚的情况时,莉萨表示自己虽然就在不远处,却完全不知情。事发后辛迪收到亲朋好友问安的短信,随后莉萨收到手机上Facebook的安全确认(safety check)提醒,该功能可以使处于紧急状况或危险区域中的Facebook用户向亲友报平安。
“我打开Facebook发现家人都在为艾瑞克祈祷,”莉萨说。艾瑞克·奥提兹(Eric Ortiz-Rivera)是莉萨的堂弟,今年36岁,生于波多黎各,拉丁美裔,当晚在Pulse酒吧欢度“拉丁之夜”,随后与家人失去联系。当天下午2时许,莉萨的另一堂弟发来消息证实艾瑞克已经遇害。
据莉萨描述,艾瑞克是个幽默、好相处且爱笑的人。莉萨是家中长姐,艾瑞克最后一次和莉萨同游是去冰场滑冰,随后艾瑞克去波多黎各另外的城市读书,后移居奥兰多工作,... 阅读全帖 |
b*****d 发帖数: 61690 | 49 Mexican government gets ready for Trump’s deportation plans
By Bianca Padró Ocasio
11/15/16 05:50 PM EST
Mexico is bracing itself for President-elect Donald Trump’s mass
deportation plans, according to a government spokesperson.
“We will have to see how many of those deportations, usually done by the
United States government to the countries where the illegal immigrants are
from, are for Mexico," Eduardo Sánchez said in a press conference on Monday.
The statements come after Trump’s interview Su... 阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 50 只…只有“社会主义”,才能救美国了???
当前位置:主页 > 百家争鸣 > 耿直哥 · 2018-07-01 · 来源:环球时报 · 浏览数
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这个女孩名叫亚历山珊德拉(Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez),一年前还在酒吧里做着服
举前几乎没人看好那个28岁的姑娘。... 阅读全帖 |