U********n 发帖数: 1010 | 1 Investing around OE a look at GOOG history
Options expiration is a just another day that occurs 12 times per year. Many
people who would be called conspiracy theorists watch what is called Max
pain (tm) or maximum pain. This is a point where the most option contracts
are out of the money. If the market makers at OCC etal. where able to make
the stock finish at this point, the most contracts would expire worthless.
The more otm contracts, the less the market makers would have to absorb. I
just di... 阅读全帖 |
b*****h 发帖数: 3386 | 2 //多谢!
* 由 walstudio 于 2009 年5月15日 日 10时56分am 点在 大势判断 中发布
上次谈过从Point & Figure看大势,今天讲讲从OE周表现看大势,今年的
1月,OE前大势: 跌, OE周表现: 杀Call 杀Put -->Market is looking for direction
, FA counts
2月, OE前大势: 跌, OE周表现: 一路跌杀Call, 不理Put --> Market is weak, more
down coming
3月,OE前大势: 涨, OE周表现: 一路涨杀Put, 不理Call --> Market is strong,
more up coming
4月, OE前大势: 涨, OE周表现: 一路涨杀Put, 不理Call --> Market is strong,
more up coming
5月, OE前大势: 涨, OE周表现: 杀Call, 杀Putl --> Market is looking for
direction, FA again
(补充一下,早上发这个的时 |
O**e 发帖数: 569 | 3 22/05/14 Chong Wei Lee 2-1 Jan Oe. Joergensen
Thomas Cup, Male Single
18/01/14 Chong Wei Lee 2-0 Jan Oe. Joergensen
Malaysia Open Super Series, Male Single
14/12/13 Chong Wei Lee 2-0 Jan Oe. Joergensen
World Superseries Finals, Male Single
13/12/13 Chong Wei Lee 2-0 Jan Oe. Joergensen
World Superseries Finals, Male Single
22/11/13 Chong Wei Lee 2-0 Jan Oe. Joergensen
Hong Kong Open Super Series, Male Single
18/10/13 Chong Wei Lee ... 阅读全帖 |
m******y 发帖数: 200 | 4 过分夸大了OE week的影响,建议大家自己好好研究一下,不要听别人瞎说。OE对股价
会有冲击,但并不会影响其本质,option 本来就都是建立在对未来的估计上的,大多
take it or leave it.如果大多数人估计的价格都远低于/或高于实际股价,那说明什
麽?如果大多数人都选择leave it又说明什麽?如果只是少数人exercise option,那
week没那么可怕,就好象日全食,其实正好是观测太阳的最好时机一样,OE week也是
保守的投资人、机构因此会格外谨慎,避免在OE week投资,相应的volumn 也会偏低,
不过这一切都是正常的,没什麽好紧张的,不必要谈虎色变,大可以继续照常操作,要坚信自己的pick,只要基本面还在,跌也跌不到那里去的,很快又会收复失地。DT的高手们反而可以利用OE股价的非正常起伏而大赚一笔(这几天 |
f*****f 发帖数: 29 | 5 None of the 3 jumped up as the wish.
Mr. Audi made it even due to his great pick of the Russian ETF RSX.
So only one pick jumped up out of a total of 6.
The problem was the seeking of call jumps in a down market, it is not
totally impossible, but very difficult.
The OE play does not work well when both the market or the picked individual
stock are not in a strong up or down ward trend.
This Week is in a down market trend since Thursday, I should not have traded
as stated in my starting post.
PS.... 阅读全帖 |
w*******o 发帖数: 6125 | 6 "如果一定要给这个月的OE周定个调的话,我认为是猪,而不是你说的很牛"
只有7月OE周的那种才算"很牛", 看看这个OE周怎么走
//不好意思,今天BSO了两回,大家给个包子堵住我的口? |
f*****f 发帖数: 29 | 7 Story for other two stocks:
TSLA, opened at 268.70, the peak was 272, closing around 270.
very difficult to make any money.
TWTR, opened at 49.89 and closing 49.66. Surely to lose money no matter how
skilled you are.
I saved my ass a lot on GPRO by buying 51 call at the lowest point, with a
lot of panic, and still losing $400.
Lessons learned,
1. Must find good stocks which could have strong climbing potential on OE
2. Must invest in more than o... 阅读全帖 |
f********a 发帖数: 367 | 8 what the fuck? is Sep 5 a fucking OE day? do u even know what OE means?
before the weekly options started trading, the OE means the third fucking
friday of every months! sep 5th is not even a fucking OE day!
oh btw, there are still a lot of stocks that do not have weeklies...
not every friday is fucking the same! or yeah, first friday of every month
is the all important jobs report..
the idiot level on this board is just astoishing |
D*********a 发帖数: 398 | 9 对,忘记说了,玩OE一定要用OE前两周short赚到的钱玩,这也我的一条铁律
OE前两周内不是short/put赚到的钱坚决不玩。 |
l*****n 发帖数: 1064 | 10 【 以下文字转载自 Reunion 讨论区 】
发信人: luckman (俺是新警察), 信区: Reunion
标 题: Monday or Tuesday will be a short-term bottom till OE
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Feb 6 19:38:42 2010, 美东)
the Friday's up is a short cover for sure.
the market will drive again by selling (not by shorting, so it will be a
Monday and Tudeday will be a perfect day to pull down the market to 10% for
SP index. MMs will sure get their truck loaded for the OE killing.
After the OE, the market wiill continue the down trend and go to 880 |
z****g 发帖数: 4616 | 11 是这样的。但通常OE前几天涨很多,OE后周一跌。这次OE前没怎么涨。 |
o**********n 发帖数: 367 | 12 Theory,
Option expiration (OE) closing prices are controlled by MM. MM sell large
amount of options in advance based on their planned OE prices. by observing
what option they sell in advance, you know the OE prices in advance. |
f*****f 发帖数: 29 | 13 Several years ago, I traded a lot of GOOG options on OE days based on Option
Pain theory. The result was not good since the MM have too many degrees of
freedom on OE days.
The post by ID NFLX was truly good and I decided to try OE play again on
August 29, 2014.
Being in California is a bad drawback since you have to get up around 5:30
AM to figure out the situation.
Last night, I studied several candidates.
1. GPRO: it jumped from 45 to 49.5 on Thursday, Aug 28, 2014. It is clear
the MM wants to... 阅读全帖 |
H*******s 发帖数: 209 | 14 假设一只股票的ex dividend 刚好是OE (option expiration)
那样的话是不是可以事先卖OE ITM call,这样保证在OE的时候就可以拿到dividend又
可以让股票assigned没有任何risk,还可以赚call option premium,请问这样计划可
天以后的record date |
y*****2 发帖数: 2435 | 15 如果DAILY VOLUME太低,容易卖不出去啊。。。
我总觉得时间隔的太远,TIME VALUE太大,options可能对短期的涨跌没有太多的反应。
我现在一个客户,2月24报ER,准备上OPTION了,所以来问问。。。 |
D*********a 发帖数: 398 | 16 仔细观察下那些出现了惊天大逆转的OE周及OE-1周,你就会最近两周的走势与那些火爆
的OE有极大的相似度。甚至很多图线都是完全重叠地。 |
j***g 发帖数: 11325 | 17 川粉想表达什么?被骂了就不爽了?
另外,是EO不是OE,你法拉盛的? |
a******g 发帖数: 13519 | 19 OE! 吼吼!
我早说了,黄皮床粪都是拉盛震屁,应该立即遣返! |
z****n 发帖数: 1514 | 20 今天的GOOG走势有以下几个特征
1. 今天是GOOG上个ER(07/18)以来量最大的一天
2. 在量大而且大盘跌的情况下GOOG收绿
3. 今天一半以上的量是在2-4pm,这段时间GOOG始终横盘在461-466之间,并未出现放
尤其是GOOG向下的空间比较小,我继续持有,同时买入了第一批QQQQ OCT 47 Calls (
ave cost = 1.10). 我会在9月OE附近才开始考虑做空。 |
f****n 发帖数: 4615 | 21 【 以下文字转载自 PraticalTrading 俱乐部 】
发信人: fasten (人间正道是沧桑), 信区: PraticalTrading
标 题: OE周
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Jan 7 16:24:59 2010, 美东)
本月的OE周, 是下周还是下下周?? |
a********x 发帖数: 12 | 23 OE option expire day
max pain / 10x lottery 乐园.
也是大量写option的人pocket money的日子. |
g*****u 发帖数: 14294 | 25 "MMs will sure get their truck loaded for the OE killing."
Please explain how the OE killing works. Thank you. |
i**y 发帖数: 1170 | 26 I sell calls every month on the Monday after OE. Before next OE, I will make
a decision, either roll it to the next month or let it be.
Not a good strategy but in this case I don't really need to follow market
everyday. |
B*9 发帖数: 55 | 27 版上的大牛们, 请原谅我的无知。翻遍了整个版面,大家都在说OE。google了一下给
了一堆乱七八糟别的东西。谁给解释一下什么是OE,对股市有什么影响? |
z****n 发帖数: 1514 | 29 我的意思是如果还要继续跌的话,MM为什么不等到OE过了再砸盘? 反向推理,有可能
了。 |
o****r 发帖数: 132 | 30 兵法有云:兵不厌诈。
所谓OE效应,更多反映在心里层面。 |
P******l 发帖数: 1648 | 32 1 我是第一次见到这样的OE走法
能想起来唯一可以相提并论的是 9/19/2008 OE 在悬崖边上
+6% gap up开盘收大阴线 后来过了两年多才拉回来
反之 如果明天大gap down 收光头光脚大阳线是大牛
2 spy max pain 142
3 Quadruple Witching 是不是一般日内走势是V或者倒V? |
p**8 发帖数: 3883 | 33 发信人: p838 (挣钱快乐!), 信区: Stock
标 题: Re: 万一mcp接下来暴涨,大牛之争如何收场?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Feb 24 10:14:06 2013, 美东)
发信人: p838 (挣钱快乐!), 信区: Stock
标 题: 关于MCP.
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Feb 20 12:13:22 2013, 美东)
http://www.mitbbs.com/article_t/Stock/34615171.html |
p**8 发帖数: 3883 | 34 发信人: p838 (挣钱快乐!), 信区: Stock
标 题: Re: 万一mcp接下来暴涨,大牛之争如何收场?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Feb 24 10:14:06 2013, 美东)
发信人: p838 (挣钱快乐!), 信区: Stock
标 题: 关于MCP.
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Feb 20 12:13:22 2013, 美东)
http://www.mitbbs.com/article_t/Stock/34615171.html |
o**********n 发帖数: 367 | 35 Example 2.
MM sold FB $65 call one week in advance in June 2014 OE. FB closed below $65
at 64.5 on OE. All calls became waste paper. |
f*****f 发帖数: 29 | 36 Last OE, one of the lessons learned was that the stock may jump up at Friday
's market open, then remains flat.
This week, I wish to do a test on how to catch jumps from Thursday market
close to Friday market open.
So the stocks have to be selected by Thursday market close.
The basic theory is to equally invest in 3 or more calls, hoping one of them
jumps up by more than 3x.
It has been difficult to find a really strong stocks (maybe I should not
trade on this OE day)?
Here is the calls that I h... 阅读全帖 |
f*****f 发帖数: 29 | 37 Another OE day trading strategy could be waiting for the deep dips on Friday
, normal occurring between 7:00PST to 9:00PST, buy expiring call options at
the bottom, and then sell it on the rebound.
TWTR on 9/5/ gave an example.
on Last Friday, GPRO opened high, then had a dip then bounced back.
This trading strategy requires:
1. Extreme patient since the dip may appear late such as 10 PST.
2. High skill of picking dip and peak under the high pressure of OE trading. |
b**k 发帖数: 1219 | 38 I have several email accounts all set up in OE , one of them is temporarily down, so everytime my OE would get stuck forever checking that account, anyone knows how to avoid this if I don't want to remove it ( something like somewhere it can be set to check for only a limited amount of time, it doesn't work ?then it gives up? ) ? thanks! |
W***i 发帖数: 833 | 39 原来家里台式机一直用OE 的POP3来收取和处理gmail邮件,然后再到gmail的web上面把
相关的邮件tag, archive。
不到新邮件,有没有办法解决这个问题? |
W***i 发帖数: 833 | 40 终于找到解决的办法了。
终于两全其美了,外出时,简单就用gail Web处理邮件。复杂查询时,用U盘上的
另外,感谢上面二位的帮助。 |
b*********e 发帖数: 2642 | 41 偶觉得挺好的.至于大家说的一些毛病,偶觉得都有办法解决.
备份问题,偶是用一个叫oe backup的软件,定期让它自动备份,它会同时备份所有设置,
混乱啊 |
h****a 发帖数: 229 | 42 Re,能从OE weekend分析出下面的走法才是重要的
高手们反而可以利用OE股价的非正常起伏而大赚一笔(这几天DT的如何盈利patern 还
,系好安全带,准备数钱吧。 |
b*****h 发帖数: 3386 | 43 【 以下文字转载自 pennystock 俱乐部 】
发信人: badfish (badfish), 信区: pennystock
标 题: Re: 2009 Option expiration (OE) calendar
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Aug 21 16:04:18 2009, 美东)
Month OE week Next Monday Whole Month
Open Close Up/Down Open Close Up/Down
1 927 850 -77 849 804 -45 Bear
2 818 770 -48 773 743 -30 Bear
3 758 768 10 772 782 10 Bull
4 855 869 |
s***7 发帖数: 1644 | 44 看到有不少人拿OE week说事,那OE week到底什么特征?对市场什么影响? 烦请各位
解答! |
y****n 发帖数: 743 | 45 C帅,有时间谈谈OE对股价的影响。
1. 为什么OE会对股价有影响?
2. MM一般喜欢玩而什么操作?
谢谢! |
c*****k 发帖数: 2080 | 46 我也不懂啊。
如果MM卖得call多,call又很肥,打压股价void call。
如果MM short的股票多或要建仓,时间合适了,买deep ITM的call来cover short,又
如果MM已经hold股票,那么卖call收取primum,又不会被call away,也需要股票收在某
个价位。 |
b******t 发帖数: 126 | 47 这说的好像是Option Pain理论。就是说股票在OE那一天收在让绝大部分的call/put
Option都expire worthlessly。我还记得去年4,5月份的时候我观察过MSFT的2次OE
day close,居然都一分不差的收在当月max pain点,让我好生佩服mm的手段。。。 |
y**i 发帖数: 1050 | 48 如题?
还有就是BOSCH ICON OE 和BOSCH ICON 有区别吗?我怎么感觉AMAZON上有两种价格
还有问问大家有谁知道2013 GMC TERRAIN应该用哪种BLADE合适。找不到合适的。 |
n*****0 发帖数: 1721 | 49 Amazon buyer ID: OE
Amazon下单shipping address: 7324 Lawndale Ave zip 60076
下单收货人的名字是各种各样的business name
有被这个buyer或相关地址的buyer FBA evil的受害卖家请站内交流。 |
b*******e 发帖数: 24532 | 50 总得给人家一点惊慌失措的机会吧 。
人妖要过个第一个紧张的OE,可以理解。 |