

全部话题 - 话题: questions
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发帖数: 3525
【 以下文字转载自 ChinaNews 讨论区 】
发信人: agostic (2008年起,暂停使用本ID数个月), 信区: ChinaNews
标 题: 【征集】10 questions to ask Dalai Lama
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Apr 1 01:14:00 2008)
1、宣传海报:简洁直白,graphic design
2、展板: 展现真实的西藏 (04/06,材料收集;04/13,材料遴选编排;04/17,打印
3、传单:10 questions you may ask to Dalai Lama +introduction
4、横幅: The Truth of Tibet
发帖数: 231
this is an example of introductory question...start from easy ones and say
how it goes, and set traps and bomb him later a ....
发帖数: 4824
来自主题: NewJersey版 - An interview question (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 Joke 讨论区 】
发信人: VeryBusy (lunZi), 信区: Joke
标 题: An interview question
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Jan 16 04:55:51 2011, 美东)
You have eight balls all of the same size. Seven of them weigh the same, and
one of them weighs slightly more. How can you find the ball that is heavier
by using a balance and only two weighings?
Someone Answering:
The bigger question: Why the fuck do I have eight balls?
发帖数: 1644
【 以下文字转载自 BackHome 讨论区 】
发信人: SAPChina (love SAP), 信区: BackHome
标 题: Question on Newark -> Shanghai -> Beijing
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jan 4 11:17:15 2012, 美东)
I want to go from Newark to Shanghai using mileages to book. There is no non
-stop option, but I happen to see that if I book from Newark to Beijing,
then a one-stop option is Newark -> Shanghai -> Beijing. My question is if
I can just book a one way ticket from Newark -> Shanghai -> Beijing, and
give up the second portion of the trip from... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 12
来自主题: NewJersey版 - NJ speeding ticket question (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 Automobile 讨论区 】
发信人: smartupid (小聪明大糊涂), 信区: Automobile
标 题: NJ speeding ticket question
关键字: speeding,plea,insurance,defense
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Oct 23 21:45:55 2012, 美东)
Got a speeding ticket (41 in 25 zone) in NJ. Want to ask experts on the
board two questions:
1) Can I ask to take defense driving class and not to have the ticket put on
my record (to save on insurance)?
2) My car is a bluish gray color (registration says it's blue). The ticket
says the color is silver. Can I use t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 66
来自主题: NewYork版 - Need interview questions of Conductor
I need info on Conductor's interview questions on software engineers. Please
let me know what questions asked. Thanks!
发帖数: 67
来自主题: NewYork版 - A question about NYU stern MBA
Really srry for typing in English, as I can't type Chinese with Company's
So my question is: Do I need to take both TOEFL and GMAT exam for NYU Stern
part-time MBA, or, I just need to take GMAT exam for that part-time program?
I am a Chinese with H1B visa here currently.
One more question, I believe that Columbia doesn't provide part-time MBA
program based on my research, am I correct?
发帖数: 208
来自主题: Oregon版 - Questions bout Intel
You are right. maybe i shouldn't ask such questions that mostly depends on
individual situation. I ask these questions because my current company is kind
of stingy on everything although it's a big company, and I was not fully
aware this kind of "culture".
That's why I want to know Intel's salary and benefits. Maybe I should ask if
you are satisfied with your income and benefits compared to the similar
positions in other companies.
Again, thanks a lot for your information!

发帖数: 58
本来准备一月末去工作,结果export license办了一个半月,今天收到公司律师的信息
,说要政府要问我一个additional question
这种被问additional questions,是不是就要被拖延很久,比如好几个月?是不是又需
要high level approval,这种说法靠谱么?但愿不要耽误了我重新找工作的时间啊。
发帖数: 904
【 以下文字转载自 NextGeneration 讨论区 】
发信人: marchjuly (marchjuly), 信区: NextGeneration
标 题: CA maternity short term disability question
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue May 14 15:23:08 2013, 美东)
For the 6 (or 8) weeks post partum VDI, does the coverage start from the
delivery date, or the day after delivery date?
For example, assume delivery is 5/14, does the first week coverage start on
5/14 (covering 5/14 -5/20) or on 5/15 (covering 5/15 -5/21)?
Any official link/resource that answers this question? Thanks a lot!
发帖数: 4414
来自主题: SanFrancisco版 - Help! Tax Question
“We'll the following income for 2013 (married file jointly): and $35K is
salary and $10K is qualified dividends; $5K is ordinary dividends; $60K is
capital gains ($20K is short term capital gain and $40K is long term). Say
the 10% tax bracket is at $17,850 and the 15% bracket is at $72,500, what is
the best way to estimate our taxes?”
I tried to answer this question as the following. Am I correct?
Salary + ST capital gain + Ordinary Div first. Then subtract our deductions
(itemized or ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 122
来自主题: Seattle版 - One questions about buying new house
I am looking to buy a new house in Redmond Ridge. I want to consult one
question regarding the PSA contract of new constructions:
Question A:
item 16 in form 21 of Purchase and Sales agreement:
16: Charges and Assessments Due After closing: □ assumed by Buyer; □
prepaid in full by seller at closing.
The builder check “assumed by Buyer”. They said it’s common to pay the
fee by the buyer for all the new constructions. It’s about 40 box per month
for sewer fee which last 10 years.
I want to learn f... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 17798
Minsco (Minsco) 于 (Thu May 3 16:04:28 2007) 提到:
发信人: Minsco (Minsco), 信区: Golf
标 题: Urgent questions regarding golf set purchase!!!
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu May 3 15:59:52 2007)
Hello everyone! I'm going back to China in June and I want to buy a golf
set for my cousin (female) and bring it back with me. I have several
questions here:
1. I found these sets on Costco.com but don't know if they are good or not:
发帖数: 9501
来自主题: Basketball版 - Hey, Lin skeptics: Any more questions?
Hey, Lin skeptics: Any more questions?
"He's not a fluke," teammate says after Knicks point guard drops 38
on Lakers
By Ian Begley
Special to ESPNNewYork.com
NEW YORK -- At first, people thought he couldn't play defense. Then,
said he couldn't shoot. Next, it was that he hadn't beaten anybody.
After each breakout performance by Jeremy Lin, people found reasons to
what they were seeing.
That'll be much harder to do after Lin's performance Friday night.
The former Harvard star we... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 16778
来自主题: Fishing版 - being asked several questions
recently, always being asked such questions by american.
1) do you eat them?
2) does it taste good?
3) do you catch and release?
4) where are you from?
5) how old are you?
6) what's your job? do you have a job?
7) do you have a good salary?
8) where is your stringer, fishnet? where are your fish?
did you encounter these while fishing? How to answer them?
Yesterday when I was fishing, one white man boating came to bank and asked
those questions. Five minutes later, one police boat came to c
发帖数: 8961
My computer does not have Chinese input, I will use Chinse when I go home --
I am a new handgun shooter. I got my Glock 17 not long ago, and only put
through 200 rounds. I have some questions to more experienced shooters and
any recommendations are appreciated.
1. I am unwilling to go to the shooting range every week, so I bought 3 soft
BB handguns to practice shooting in home. One of the soft BB handgun is CO2
powered with Muzzle Velocity 380fps. Question is - if Soft BB gun practice
helps my G
发帖数: 12289

My computer does not have Chinese input, I will use Chinse when I go home --
I am a new handgun shooter. I got my Glock 17 not long ago, and only put
through 200 rounds. I have some questions to more experienced shooters and
any recommendations are appreciated.
1. I am unwilling to go to the shooting range every week, so I bought 3 soft
BB handguns to practice shooting in home. One of the soft BB handgun is CO2
powered with Muzzle Velocity 380fps. Question is - if Soft BB gun practice
helps my
发帖数: 8706
来自主题: GunsAndGears版 - 308 reload question
Thank you for all your responses.
With all the responses posted here and some other gun forums, the situation
mentioned in the 2nd question (black residues on the neck after firing) is
normal. It's caused by the gas remaining after pressure has decreased enough
for the case necks to release their grip from the walls of the chamber.
The heated discussion comes from the 1st question, "cannot chamber problem".
The possible causes are: (sorted according to the number of posters who
believe this is t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 52743
来自主题: NBA版 - questionable是不是50%可能

:★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 1.0.6
发帖数: 2256
来自主题: NCAA版 - NCAA questions pair about Newton Sr.
NCAA investigators have interviewed two Atlanta-area men about whether they
were asked to or did deliver
money to the father of Auburn quarterback Cameron Newton in connection with
repairs to Cecil Newton
Sr.’s church in Newnan, Ga.
Emory Wilcox and Eddie Norris were separately questioned the week before
Christmas by two NCAA
investigators, one of which was Jackie Thurnes, the NCAA’s associate
director of enforcemen... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 270
来自主题: BrainTeaser版 - A brain teaser question (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 Quant 讨论区 】
发信人: JetMax (JetMax), 信区: Quant
标 题: A brain teaser question
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Dec 16 14:03:40 2007)
Given a grid, each square in the grid has a light bulb and a button.
Everytime you press the button in a square, the light in this square and all
those in the immediately directly adjacent squares (i.e., the up, down,
left, and right squares; note that diagnally adjacent squares do not count)
are turned off. All lights are on initially.
Then question is: what is the minim
发帖数: 2682
Many thanks in advance, here are my few questions:
1. Would you please name a few 1-tier MFA in dance programs in the US? A few 2
2. For a Chinese student majoring in Chinese folk dance and looking forward to
applying for mordern dance, is there any US universities that are specially
interested in this kind of students or have a tradition to accept Chinese
3. Program aside, any other things to consider? For example, location?
4. Kind of similar to question 2, any US universitie
发帖数: 2223
来自主题: PhotoGear版 - questions
Thanks very much for your help,
several questions on your comment,
1. If don't use Auto-iso,,what I should use as a new user,
2. if don't use center weighted, what I should use...(sorry for too easy
发帖数: 8550
来自主题: WaterWorld版 - Ethics 101 question (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 NewYork 讨论区 】
发信人: rainnight (雨夜), 信区: NewYork
标 题: Ethics 101 question
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Dec 11 00:38:15 2010, 美东)
Today some posts remind me this real question:
If you are working for an International Car Maker legal dept, and you know
the car maker are hiding lot of accident reports and they do not report to
US government because they want to cover their long lasting reputation of
fake "excelllent quality". You insist to report but the executives don't
allow you to do so. They ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2198
来自主题: WaterWorld版 - Questions for wuliubajiu
You are pretty darn good at questioning, let's see how good you are at
Please answer following questions in one sentence in simple language.
1. What do you think of Islam?
2. What do you think of Buddhism?
3. What do you think of Christianity?
4. What do you think of Judaism?
5. What's the difference between them?
发帖数: 4174
I have been ordained as a minister in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) for
35 years. About 12 years ago, I experienced an awakening -- I realized that
the confusing feelings I had had all my adult life came from being bisexual.
Through the process of coming out as bi to myself, my loved ones -- husband
, teenage sons, brothers, father -- and friends and colleagues in the church
, a number of questions have risen to the surface as those most frequently
I thought it would be helpful to othe... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3525
【 以下文字转载自 ChinaNews 讨论区 】
发信人: agostic (2008年起,暂停使用本ID数个月), 信区: ChinaNews
标 题: 【征集】10 questions to ask Dalai Lama
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Apr 1 01:14:00 2008)
1、宣传海报:简洁直白,graphic design
2、展板: 展现真实的西藏 (04/06,材料收集;04/13,材料遴选编排;04/17,打印
3、传单:10 questions you may ask to Dalai Lama +introduction
4、横幅: The Truth of Tibet
发帖数: 30080
来自主题: Poetry版 - Sir here’s the question (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 mitOCEF 讨论区 】
发信人: airdragon77 (仍然自由自我永远高唱我歌), 信区: mitOCEF
标 题: Sir here’s the question
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Nov 26 23:31:56 2012, 美东)
Sir here’s the question:
Who’s the sister, and who’s the brother?
Oops, bummer
I meant to ask
Who’s the elder brother, who’s the younger sister?
Uhhh, forget it
Can’’t do the cuteness either
Everyone can tell that I’m the cuter
Ou---------------ch, all right all right
Here’s a real tough one
Who loves whom more?
She does me, or I do her?
发帖数: 1448
Jimmy Carter served as the 39th president of the United States, founded the
Carter Center and was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. President Carter is
also a Sunday School teacher and has followed that avocation since his
earliest years. In this interview, HuffPost's Senior Religion Editor Paul
Brandeis Raushenbush spoke to President Carter by phone about the hardest
questions presented in the Bible: from gays, science, the role of women,
slavery passages and more. The former president offered ans... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3612
来自主题: Wisdom版 - One more question on 生灭

Good question,
I heard that in fact the impression of order is formed by ourselves,
we human see many things always happen in such way, and we call it order.
For a person who can see many different realms, they know this is not order,
for example, in our world, if the temprature gets lower tthan zero degree,
the water will get frozen.
but in another world, the water will not frozen by lowing the temperature,
but by slapping on the surface of water.
My understanding is the so called order is ju... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6523
来自主题: Wisdom版 - One more question on 生灭
Hi, freeman08, thanks for your input.
I have a couple of follow-up questions.
1. "For a person who can see many different realms, they know this is not
Regarding this, I am not saying that our physical world is the only
dimension, or realm. Actually I think not, as there are that spiritual
dimension. Souls reincarnate, and they rest there in between, and they
interact with this physical dimension. However, within this physical
dimension, things seem ordered.
Let's take a movie for an exa... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6523
来自主题: Wisdom版 - One more question on 生灭
I see that more answers lead to more questions.
What is that 东西 to connect 外在的苦和内在的苦? Or first thing, how do you
define 外在的苦和内在的苦?
I still want to know your answers to my earlier questions. :-)
发帖数: 6523
来自主题: Wisdom版 - One more question: Are there only ONE?
I want to start a new post on this question, also as a response to Yisu's
post earlier.
I also feel that the will to understand the Truth is very important, and it
is closely related to the faith.
Well, what is the will to find the Truth? What is it exactly? Is it the
belief that there must be a reason, aka, karma? Is it the faith that there
must be a way out, aka, nirvana? Or is it the intuition (built-in essence of
a soul, or collective unconscious, or whatever it's called) that keeps
calling ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6523
I googled and found this:
From Venerable Bodhi
There definitely seem to be suggestions in the suttas that there is a
temporal gap, an intermediate state, between lives, at least with respect to
rebirth in the human realm and in the case of non-returners. I have a long
note to the Connected Discourses of the Buddha (Samyutta Nikaya), chapter 46
, which explores this question in regard to the fivefold distinction among
non-returners. I will ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10783
Research finds that the answers to secret questions used to retrieve
forgotten passwords are easily guessed.
Brian Green's experience with not-so-secret questions began when he logged
on to his World of Warcraft account in March of this year and found all of
his characters in their underwear. Someone had stolen the account and sold
off all of his virtual equipment.
"My first thought was that I might have a keylogger on my computer," Green
wrote in a des
发帖数: 475
来自主题: BuildingWeb版 - Question on this ASP code.
I have a question about the following ASP code written in VBScript. There are
two procedures, the first one was written in VBScript, the second one is in
My question is:
1) for the first procedure, where will it be run? server or client?(I think it
should be at server because it is in the <%...%>, am I right?)
2) for the second procedure, if there is no statement of runat="server", where
will it be run? server or client?
Thank you!
发帖数: 152
【 以下文字转载自 EE 讨论区,原文如下 】
发信人: sighaaa (sighaaa), 信区: EE
标 题: A Question about image registration
发信站: Unknown Space - 未名空间 (Sun Aug 1 19:47:11 2004) WWW-POST
Here I have a simple question about image registration. Is Euler 3D Transform
a non-linear transform? Thanks.
发帖数: 35
As I said, it is not a programmer job. I love to have it. They also tested me
tons of brainteaser questions, and I got them all. I worked out the o(nlogn)
algorithm in front of the interviewer.
I know this is a hard question for o(n). Just wondering if some CS guy knows
how to do it.
发帖数: 25
It is hard to list those typical questions for phone interviews. Some
questions you expect during on-site interviews can be asked during phone
Some collected tips for preparing job huntings can be found at:
Good luck!

发帖数: 17
【 以下文字转载自 Graphics 讨论区 】
发信人: mritrio (MRI), 信区: Graphics
标 题: A question about selecting u,v in a parametric surface
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Nov 2 14:03:15 2006)
Dear all,
I have a basic question about the parametric surface. I have a set of
unstructured 3D points acquired by a scanner. A coarse mesh was generated
based on the geometry of the subject that was scanned. Now I want to get a
parametric representation of the surface, but some global fitting is needed
since the data is too noisy.
发帖数: 17
【 以下文字转载自 EE 讨论区 】
发信人: mritrio (MRI), 信区: EE
标 题: A question on pattern recognition
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Sep 13 19:39:47 2007)
Can anybody share some thoughts on the 1st problem of chapter 2 in the
classis book "Pattern Classification, 2nd Edition" by Richard O. Duda. It's
probably a very simple question, but I just can't figure it out. Have left
school too long ... Thanks a lot.
发帖数: 519
【 以下文字转载自 EE 讨论区 】
发信人: Riemannian (Manifold), 信区: EE
标 题: Question of review paper for DySPAN08
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Jul 19 18:29:26 2008)
Now I am reviewing a paper which is submitted to DySPAN08, and have some
1 What's the level of this conference, I have never submitted a paper to
DySPAN, just heard about it. This conference is new, only hold on 2005, 2007
and 2008. For the spectrum access network area, ICC/Globecom <= DySPAN <
2 What is the difference between Technology
发帖数: 2300
【 以下文字转载自 JobHunting 讨论区,原文如下 】
发信人: kreisler (little Kreisler), 信区: JobHunting
标 题: Sybase/MS sql server interview questions
发信站: Unknown Space - 未名空间 (Tue Dec 14 20:26:14 2004) WWW-POST
Where can I find Sybase/MS sql server interview questions from the internet?
Thanks a lot.
发帖数: 1
来自主题: Database版 - Database Interview Questions
From http://www.devbistro.com/tech-interview-questions/Database.jsp
Interview questions for Oracle database administrator
1. Differentiate between TRUNCATE and DELETE
2. What is the maximum buffer size that can be specified using the DBMS_
3. Can you use a commit statement within a database trigger?
4. What is an UTL_FILE.What are different procedures and functions
associated with it?
5. Difference between database triggers and form triggers?
6. What is
发帖数: 26
Question # 1:
Why build a customized B-tree/Hash table ?
How is it different from the B-tree implementation in a database server?
Why the B-tree/Hash table implemented in mysql server is NOT good ?
How can a customized B-tree/Hash table benefit ?
Somebody cannot drive a car from Boston to S.F. in one hour
does not necesserily mean you can do it if you drive by yourself.
Question # 2:
How upgrading hardware will make the application faster ...
say from 5 minutes per query to 1 minute per query ?
发帖数: 144
来自主题: Database版 - SQL Servedr complete recovery question

==> I did not choose, so the default is:
"Leave the database ready to use by rolling back uncommitted transactions.
Additional transaction logs cannot be restored.(RESTORE WITH RECOVERY)."
I asked the question to a fellow SQL Server DBA in my work. He said in this
case we cannot do complete recovery without do transaction log backup after
step 3 and before step 4 , I can hardly believe from Oracle perspective. So
I ask this question just want to make sure.
发帖数: 138
来自主题: Database版 - An Access report question....
I'm doing a survey report. The table structure includes questions fields Q1
- Q15. The responses are options from value 1 to 5. How can I present the
percentage of each responses for each questions as follows in the ACCESSS
1 2 3 4 5
Q1 20% 10% 20% 30% 20%
Q2 20% 0% 30% 40% 10%
Q15 20% 10% 20% 30% 20%
发帖数: 5177
来自主题: DotNet版 - A question about JavaScript (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 Internet 讨论区 】
发信人: flyfire (flyfire), 信区: Internet
标 题: A question about JavaScript
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Jun 12 10:36:46 2006)
I would like to build a customized delete confirm window works just like
confirm() of javascript but with my own buttons. When the user want to delete
a file, the window pop up with "yes" and "no" option. If the user click "yes",
the file should be deleted and window closed. My question is, how to bind the
server side action (delete the file) with client side
发帖数: 36252
来自主题: DotNet版 - SQL 2008 question (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 Database 讨论区 】
发信人: iMaJia (iMac,iPod,iPad,i馬甲), 信区: Database
标 题: SQL 2008 question
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Apr 19 20:14:08 2010, 美东)
For example, for geography data type
you can do
SET @geo1 = geography::STGeomFromText('LINESTRING(47.656 -19.360, 47.656 -
19.343)', 4326)
SET @result = @geo1.STIntersection(@geo2)
Why are some methods being called by ::, some are being called by .?
It's probably a .net question?
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