i**n 发帖数: 1481 | 1 http://www.bbc.co.uk/cbeebies/tweenies/songtime/songs/t/ram/10fatsausages.ram
Ten Fat Sausages
Ten fat sausages sizzling in a pan
Ten fat sausages sizzling in a pan
One went pop!
and the other went bang!
There were eight fat sausages sizzling in a pan
Eight fat sausages sizzling in a pan
Eight fat sausages sizzling in a pan
One went pop!
and the other went bang!
There were six fat sausages sizzling in a pan
Six fat sausages sizzling in a pan
Six fat sausages sizzling in a pan
One went pop!
and t |
h*h 发帖数: 27852 | 2 肉不如italian sausage,估计也不如人家干净
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: V123 (文成武德全能神教教主-求双规), 信区: Military
标 题: Re: 旁边那个x妈妈香肠
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jan 28 21:03:34 2015, 美东)
正宗香肠要阴干, 这个同时是aging 的过程, 四川腊肠的风味就从此而来,但是阴干
过程严重减重, 一磅湿的能出也就半磅干的
这个烂妈妈卖的香肠不晾干, 一个是出分量,一个是周转快, 都是他合适了,结果网
友买到手里的是假货,压根不是四川香肠, 而是跟美国超市买的那种italian sausage
可是超市的italian sausage 才三块多四块多一磅啊
另外没有晾干的香肠在常温下邮寄,极易发生霉变,危害健康 |
k******u 发帖数: 34 | 3 这个很搞
from www.businessinsider.com:
The Korean Sausage Stylus For The iPhone Now Available In The U.S.!
Remember when Koreans were using sausages as a stylus for the iPhone
this winter?
If you were American, you might have been jealous and tried using a Slim
Jim for the same effect. But it just greased up your screen and made you
depressed. (We're speaking hypothetically here. We would never do this
Well, good news, America! You're getting the Korean sausage stylus too,
says The Unoff |
s******7 发帖数: 24 | 4 I bought some sausages at Trader's Joe. They are disaster.Pls recommend some
good sausages which do not have yiweir. Thanks~~ |
J*L 发帖数: 2659 | 5 先煮sausage。
翻炒一下就可以吃了 |
R*****s 发帖数: 41236 | 6 (俺做菜没啥看相啊, 味道还不错的, 鸡肉很嫩的 :D)
饿死了, 却什么吃的也没有, 打电话叫pizza? NO, u can make it in 20 mins :)
1 把冰箱里chicken tender扔微波炉解冻, 5分钟, 同时烧上一锅水
2 chicken tender解冻后, 放teriyaki sauce腌10分钟, 同时切sausage, 切小蘑菇
热锅少许油, 把sausage放入锅, 放alfredo sauce, 放小蘑菇, 放一些水煮。 同时
下spaghetti细面。 再切青红椒入锅, 等面8分熟后也入锅搅拌中火煮, 放点胡椒粉
3 上grill锅,把腌好的chicken tender煎, 大约5分钟, 切开没有红色就好了
done, 吃! |
q**********n 发帖数: 4160 | 7 孩子们小的时候吃的最多的之一就是Macaroni and Cheese 了,也不知道为什么,每次
在家翻腾厨房的壁橱,看到了这盒Macaroni,那好吧,我们做Sausage 味道的。
热锅,橄榄油,bacon, sweet sausage,garlic, red onion, salt, black pepper,
dried parsley,butter,炒匀,放入土豆块,zucchini 块,番茄丁,搅拌均匀,一杯鸡
然后放入macaroni,拌匀,然后撒上pamesan cheese, 开吃!
来,但是空气已经开始清新~ |
z****i 发帖数: 126 | 9 Bought 8 pounds homemade sichuan sausage , too spicy for us(Cantonese), so
would like to sell them. I bought them at $10 per pound, now would like to
sell at $8/ pound.
The sausage actually is good, no preservative added, according to
sichuannese, it's very "zhengzhong" just not for us.
Interested, please PM me.
Thanks and sorry for bothering others. |
k**y 发帖数: 5 | 10 I want to make sausages, but I don't know where to buy the sausage casing.
Does anyone know where to buy them? Thanks :) |
H*****r 发帖数: 764 | 11 INDIANAPOLIS -- The NCAA called it the "Enforcement Experience" like it was
an Epcot attraction.
First thought? It wouldn't be the first time the words "Mickey Mouse" were
attached to the association's mysterious investigative process.
But give the monolithic organization credit. It tried to be a little less
monolithic this week by inviting two dozen or so media members to Indy to
share how its (punitive) sausage is made.
Boise State's violations would appear to be minor, but Chris Petersen's
pr... 阅读全帖 |
b*w 发帖数: 14917 | 12 美国店里有很多Sausage,不知道哪些可以直接吃,哪些要cook后才能吃?
像italian dry sausage,pepperoni应该可以直接吃吧? |
w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 13 4-Pack 20-Ounce Jack Links Deli Cuts, Original Summer Sausage (5-Pounds
Total) $11.08 Free shipping from Amazon
Use Subscribe and Save to get Price and Free shipping
4-PK Jack Links Deli Cuts, Original Summer Sausage, 20-Oz Packages:
L******8 发帖数: 4093 | 14 【 以下文字转载自 Food 讨论区 】
发信人: Lucky888 (吉祥如意||福寿安康||鸿运当头||洪福齐天), 信区: Food
标 题: sausage casings
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed May 5 10:56:06 2010, 美东)
did anyone find sausage casings in local stores in DC metro area?
thanks! |
发帖数: 1 | 15 有一次我老吃whole foods sausage吃出一根鸡巴毛 |
s******y 发帖数: 220 | 16 天气冷了,不想bbq了,但是还有些没吃完的sausage,粗的那种,好像里面还有cheese
, 除了放烤箱里烤,还有别的吃
多谢大家了:) |
r********e 发帖数: 1686 | 17 俺上次也买了一大盒,吃伤了。
然后,做pasta,切成小块的锅里煎熟出油,然后就继续加番茄sauce,Alfredo sauce
,pesto也醒,反正就是爱吃的,半半加面,OK~ 撒点cheese 碎屑
俺觉得因为这种sausage里面加了挺多italian的seasoning 貌似你那里面还有cheese,
如果用来中式炒菜,味道怪怪滴~ 所以就都整西式了 |
b*****k 发帖数: 56 | 18 在超市里,经常看到包成像粗火腿肠那样的上面名字是sausage的生肉,打开看就是颗
粒比较大,稍有些肥肉的肉馅而已,那和盒装的ground pork啥区别? |
g*******2 发帖数: 3306 | 19 sausage在肠衣里面经过了一段时间的发酵,中国的香肠就是经过了这样的发酵的肉。 |
y****i 发帖数: 4109 | 20 我觉得sausage是加了料的,ground pork是纯肉末,没有调料。 |
L******8 发帖数: 4093 | 21 did anyone find sausage casings in local stores in DC metro area?
thanks! |
J*L 发帖数: 2659 | 22 受到朋友刺激,今天做饭的时候又跑去拍照片了。
1。 Italian Sausages,用了五根。分两顿吃
4。 tomatos,2个
5。 香菜,少许 |
e****q 发帖数: 1668 | 24 挺好,我们经常这么做,那捆绿菜是parsley吧?切一切更入味。sausage要是辣的那种更好吃了。
和米饭吃可以中和一下油腻。 |
c*********h 发帖数: 324 | 25 上周末做的早餐:french toast + asparagus and sausage |
m*****8 发帖数: 2323 | 30 突然非常非常想吃italian style sasuage,但是看到有人说sausage含维生素A高,很
奇怪,sasauge里面什么成份会导致高维生素A呢 |
c**********0 发帖数: 836 | 31 我的医生说不要吃hotdog, sausage什么的. |
c**********0 发帖数: 836 | 32 我没问她为什么因为我本来就不怎么吃这两个,我觉得一个原因可能是hotdog和sausage
杂. |
c**********0 发帖数: 836 | 33 我那PA-C听我说基本不吃鱼,要我吃一点鱼,说否则缺乏一种东西. 我问她什么不能吃,
hotdog和sausage不能吃. 不过我想少量吃应该都没有太大问题. |
d******m 发帖数: 311 | 34 我怀孕的时候都不知道这些..sausage经常吃,因为当时懒得做肉菜,觉得这东西
所以楼主如果想吃,适当的少吃没啥问题吧.. |
n***y 发帖数: 15001 | 35 come on...
it s just sausage...
not poison.... |
s*******s 发帖数: 441 | 36 我的ob没有说sausage不能吃,只告诉我鱼,茶,咖啡最好不要吃,我想如果真得想吃,也可
以吃点吧,适量就可以了,不然孕妇实在太苦了. |
r****y 发帖数: 4494 | 37 最好别吃,偶尔吃一点没事
我孕期sausage可能吃过四五次吧 |
j*****u 发帖数: 2004 | 39 还有那个sausage也可以买,这周1.25,有3*0.75的eq,另外有0.75的IP |
j*****u 发帖数: 2004 | 40 0.75 Farmer John Sausage
不知道现在加有几个eq,都在sc |
j*****u 发帖数: 2004 | 41 sausage我前天晚上打还有的 0.75off的,难道木有了已经? |
l*****n 发帖数: 577 | 42 can't find the sausage 0.75 coupon on the sc site either |
G*8 发帖数: 13261 | 43 这个Sausage胖子Mercury News有,Chrionical反而没有。
太阳打西边出来了?让我跌破眼镜。 |
y*******y 发帖数: 1093 | 44 买了两个大饼,两盒sausage,一瓶饮料,给了个买两盒香肠去1刀的胖子,一共收了我1
刀3分,这样对吗?好像饮料2刀多,没掉钱。太奇怪了。 |
r*****e 发帖数: 1584 | 46 我买了2个大饼+2盒sausage,用的是2off1的胖子2张,最后是2盒大饼0.75,香肠0.99
/盒*2。 |
l*****j 发帖数: 4788 | 47 木看明白
反正结论是不可复制 |
D*****a 发帖数: 810 | 48 Target便宜的Hillshire Farm American Craft Smoked Sausage
Update: 加了一个胖子 |
f*******w 发帖数: 13821 | 49 johnsville的sausage,我看是有盐分的,就不知道是不是还有别的味道,能用作肉馅
包饺子么 |
f*******w 发帖数: 13821 | 50 因为有一盒sausage,人家给的,又不想搞肉饼之类的不喜欢 |