x******j 发帖数: 216 | 1 儿子马上三岁了,想要送他上school了。
附近有Montessori和Goddard School。今天去tour了Goddard School。是新修的学校。
下个礼拜准备去tour这里的Montessori school.
不知道有没有哪位送过孩子去过Goddard School,能不能说说怎么样。 |
x******j 发帖数: 216 | 2 儿子马上三岁了,想要送他上school了。
附近有Montessori和Goddard School。今天去tour了Goddard School。是新修的学校。
下个礼拜准备去tour这里的Montessori school.
不知道有没有哪位送过孩子去过Goddard School,能不能说说怎么样。 |
D*****3 发帖数: 259 | 3 因为有老人照顾,老人也有文化。 考虑到3岁的小孩要开始social 和同龄小朋友玩是
最启发智力的所以还是觉得要在3岁左右上 day care或 pre-school. day care 里小孩
就是玩 和家里不同的是有其他小朋友, 但是其他小朋友有的很小。 pre-
school了小孩可以学习些规矩,也可以玩, 小朋友年龄更接近些。 2.5/3 岁的小孩开
始考虑上day care 还是 preschool? 上pre-school的话估计是教会或是私立的了。 (好
像没有公立小学的pre-school 哈。) 看到周围的小朋友很多还是上day care. 我们一直
和老人在家呆着的小朋友直接去pre-school好吗?去之前应该教些什么呢? |
D*******o 发帖数: 3229 | 4 即使一个学区内,neighborhood的差别也可以是天上地下。就Seattle来说,整个市是
发信人: Chopard (chopard), 信区: Parenting
标 题: Re: 征求大家关于charter school的看法 (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon May 20 16:22:50 2013, 美东)
charter school是针对城里那些烂到不能再烂的学区的。那里的娃如果有个有一点点靠
谱的妈, 哪怕穷得叮当响,有了charter school, 至少有一线生机。
再说你为什么觉得charter school分了你的税钱,税钱是跟学生走的,烂区的娃在自己
的区的学校上学, 和去charter school上学, 分到的你的税钱是一样的。要想不被人
分税钱, 就得去个平均房子比你的贵的学区, 这样就是别人的税钱分给你的娃了。 |
A***u 发帖数: 3714 | 5 注意一下,关于那个John Holt自己的说法: 在历史那一段:
n 1976, Holt published Instead of Education; Ways to Help People Do Things
Better. In its conclusion, he called for a "Children's Underground Railroad"
to help children escape compulsory schooling.[10] In response, Holt was
contacted by families from around the U.S. to tell him that they were
educating their children at home. In 1977, after corresponding with a number
of these families, Holt began producing Growing Without Schooling, a
newsletter dedicated to hom... 阅读全帖 |
a*****g 发帖数: 19398 | 6 Fla. school incorporates song and dance into math, reading
Students at an elementary school in Florida are using song and dance to
remember key math and reading concepts. Students use the program --
developed by a former teacher -- to learn concepts, including how many sides
are in an octagon and other polygons. "It's a great way for the children to... 阅读全帖 |
a*****g 发帖数: 19398 | 7 By Corey Mitchell on December 18, 2014 12:29 PM
A federal lawsuit filed today by the American Civil Liberties Union alleges
that school board elections in Ferguson, Mo., use a system that keeps blacks
"all but locked out of the political process."
The suit seeks to ban the Ferguson-Florissant school board's use of an at-la
rge voting system. Courts have found that at-large systems can make it impos
sible for groups that are in the numerical minority to gain representation.
Despite a student popu... 阅读全帖 |
C**********e 发帖数: 1608 | 8 我们这里学校里的after school是county 管的。after school报了名,然后另外可以
再报一些足球篮球画画舞蹈之类的。after school里的人会负责把小孩带到指定的活动
地点。也就是校内的教室之类。上完课,再负责送回after school.当然这样教的钱就
有什么过分的行为。基本男孩和男孩玩。女孩和女孩玩。NO TOUCH. NO BULLY。这些学
校老师也都强调再三的。after school一直有人看着盯着,直到最后一个学生被接走。 |
N*******m 发帖数: 517 | 9 after school跟小学不是同一个地方,你要打电话给after school问,越早越好,有些
可能会满员。我们这儿的after school说白了就是个托儿所,啥都不交。
如果外面有after school的中文学校之类的,还是让他们接去比较好,但是时间可能还
是衔接不上,搞不好你还是得上一会儿after school。 |
a*****g 发帖数: 19398 | 10 Written by Heartland News
(KFVS) - Administrators say they are finding it harder and harder to get
qualified teachers into Illinois classroom.
More than half of Illinois school districts (60 percent) responding to a
recent survey say they're having trouble filling teaching positions. Three-
quarters say they're seeing fewer qualified candidates than in previous
It found rural school districts in central and northwest Illinois are having
the toughest time finding qualified teachers.
St... 阅读全帖 |
a*****g 发帖数: 19398 | 11 TO: Illinois High School Guidance Counselors and Mathematics Teachers
FROM: Dr. Krzysztof M. Ostaszewski, FSA, CERA, FSAS, CFA, MAAA
Actuarial Program Director, Illinois State University
DATE: January 2016
SUBJECT: Midwest High School Scholars Actuarial Academy For Underrepresented
Groups/Summer Programs for high school students at Illinois State
Illinois State University will be conducting the 21st annual Midwest High
School Scholars Actuarial Academy For Under... 阅读全帖 |
f***8 发帖数: 641 | 12 我的一个同学在国内,很有雄心壮志,非常想了解香港、新加坡、亚洲最好的 law
他不是要了解美国的law school。
香港最好、第二好的law school是哪两所?
新加坡最好、第二好的law school是哪两所?
亚洲最好的law school是哪所?
的朋友。多谢! |
f***8 发帖数: 641 | 13 我的一个同学在国内,很有雄心壮志,非常想了解香港、新加坡、亚洲最好的 law
他不是要了解美国的law school。
香港最好、第二好的law school是哪两所?
新加坡最好、第二好的law school是哪两所?
亚洲最好的law school是哪所?
的朋友。多谢! |
B*****s 发帖数: 3463 | 14 靠! 人家没有说啊, 谁闲的没事,算个Mean 然后看看weight 是多少
Our rankings were computed by statistician George Recck, director of the
Math Resources Center at Babson College. We gathered the most recent
available data on area school districts by consulting school officials and
websites, as well as the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and
Secondary Education. With this information, Recck calculated the mean scores
for each category, then ranked the districts based on a weighted average of
each school data point’... 阅读全帖 |
g*********n 发帖数: 364 | 15 儿子目前在brirhton 的 conservatory lab charter school K1, 今年抽签抽到west
Roxbury 的Kilmmer public school k2。和好学区的学校比起来,这两个学校当然都不
Kilmmer 的academic 好一点,成绩大概排200多300的(麻州800个elementary school
)样子,离家近,但是时间是从9:00~3:00, 而且儿子之所以在K2能抽中是因为他
们这一届增加一个班,班上有几个孩子是轻微需要 special needs的,听老师介绍说是
conservatory lab是charter school,上课时间长,从早上8:30~5:00, 而且这个
学校孩子从grade 1 就选一种乐器,下午多出来的时间基本上音乐为主。缺点就是离家
远,schoolbus 要将近一小时(考虑交通状况),另外academic成绩差点,大概400多
位500的... 阅读全帖 |
z*******3 发帖数: 36 | 16 Hello, everyone,
Sorry I can not type Chinese in my computer.
I am moving to UNC at Chapel Hill at the end of August, and I have a
daughter who is going to the 9th grade of high school in this coming fall.
Anyone who could provide me any information regarding which high school and
which apartment (for temporary like 6 months, and we will buy a house later).
I checked the web site and found the East Chapel Hill high school and an
apartment called the point at Chapel Hill that close to the above h... 阅读全帖 |
g******4 发帖数: 6339 | 17 Thirty years ago, Chicago Public Schools (CPS) signed a desegregation
consent decree with the federal government. The CPS agreed to take steps to
increase student desegregation, and one of the major tools to be used was
the creation of magnet schools.
The hope was that by offering special schools, children from all over the
city would be attracted to them. Thus, a multiracial student body could be
achieved in some schools in a system that had far too many racially isolated
schools due to the hou |
g******4 发帖数: 6339 | 18 [1] In Chicago, there are several good public schools which are not magnet
schools. No test, no lottery required for admission
As you know, there are 2,605 public elementary schools in IL.
Top 100 elementary schools means top 4%. |
g******4 发帖数: 6339 | 19
[1] Thank you for "ding". You are right, 大多水民还没关心学区.
I hope the info will be of help for those who are about to move to Chicago
with kids.
[2] Sending kids to Chicago public schools is an option. The advantage is
that those kids will have a chance to get in magnet schools (the name was
BTW, those schools in my posts are very good. ex. Oriole Park Elementary
[3] There are two groups of best high schools in IL:
(1) Urban: No |
g******4 发帖数: 6339 | 20 All applications for magnet, magnet cluster, and open enrollment schools;
Selective Enrollment Elementary Schools (SEES-- formerly GEAP); Selective
Enrollment High Schools (SEHS) and Military Academies; and College and
Career Academies for the 2011-2012 school year will be available Oct. 1.
Please check cpsoae.org on or after this date to obtain applications and for
further instructions.
Options for Knowledge Elementary School Fair |
g******4 发帖数: 6339 | 21 My two cents after reading those posts:
[1] "STEVENSON HIGH要我说就是个传说,这么大的学校怎么可能搞好, 据说只有最好
的前几个学生才能选择想去的大学, 1000多人, 这个比例和东岸根本就没法比。大学
走向不好, 几个高中毕业生给的奖, 比如说西门子数学奖比起别的高中获奖人数也少
。数学竞赛这几年也不行。这个学校还是白人太多, 虽然白人对孩子教育抓得比较严
, 比起移民还是差一些。
STEVEVSON 给学生分了几级, 没进最好的班的孩子大学走向差, 所以家长有意见,
一直想把这个分级制给取消了, 取消以后就会更差。NEW TRIER高中也是搞分级的"
I agree with it. Actually, many Chinese parents who have kids at those two
schools know it, but they do not want to talk about it online or in the
Chinese community. I believe that many Chin... 阅读全帖 |
g******4 发帖数: 6339 | 22 [1] In Chicago, there are several good public schools which are not magnet
schools. No test, no lottery required for admission
As you know, there are 2,605 public elementary schools in IL.
Top 100 elementary schools means top 4%. |
g******4 发帖数: 6339 | 23 [1] In Chicago, there are several good public schools which are not magnet
schools. No test, no lottery is required for admission
As you know, there are 2,605 public elementary schools in IL.
Top 100 elementary schools means top 4%.
The following are three of them and they are in very good neighborhoods. |
s******s 发帖数: 13035 | 24 芝加哥的public school很烂啊。
基本上就是普通的public school,相当于国内普通公立小学,按
还有对政府管的public school不满,有些人自己出来办的public
普通的public school里面也搞一些特色学校/特色班级,好像三种
magnet/magnet cluster,属于特色,比如语言,科学等等;gifted,
人根据住址和抽签;后两个要考试。 |
c****2 发帖数: 318 | 26 decatur is just a classical school in Chicago public school system.
it is not a special program or school designed for gifted kid.
some schools are desgined for gifted kids:
Quest Academy in Palatine
Da Vinci Academy in Elgin
Midwest center for the gifted in Des Plains
washington gifted school in Peria
wish you fully understand LZ's topic. |
g******4 发帖数: 6339 | 27
CPS = Chicago Public Schools
Unlike most school systems, CPS is headed by a chief executive officer
rather than a superintendent. The position was redefined after Mayor Richard
M. Daley convinced the Illinois General Assembly to place CPS under the
mayor's control. Illinois school districts are generally governed by locally
-elected school boards, where each district board hires a superintendent,
who in turn hires administrators such as principals, who then must be
approved by the school board.... 阅读全帖 |
b*********k 发帖数: 335 | 28 http://kathyforstaterep.com/issues/education/
Here is how the bill would affect schools in District 17 (numbers from ISBE):
Northbrook / Glenview Dist. 30
FY13 Disbursements = $648,051
Disbursements Under SB 16 = $190,759
Loss = $457,292
- Loses 70% of state funding
Glenview School Dist. 34
FY13 Disbursements = $4,374,854
Disbursements Under SB 16 = $776,666
Loss = $3,598,188
- Loses 82% of state funding
Avoca School Dist. 37
FY 13 Disbursements = $396,564
Dis... 阅读全帖 |
a*****g 发帖数: 19398 | 29 Written by Heartland News
(KFVS) - Administrators say they are finding it harder and harder to get
qualified teachers into Illinois classroom.
More than half of Illinois school districts (60 percent) responding to a
recent survey say they're having trouble filling teaching positions. Three-
quarters say they're seeing fewer qualified candidates than in previous
It found rural school districts in central and northwest Illinois are having
the toughest time finding qualified teachers.
St... 阅读全帖 |
a*****g 发帖数: 19398 | 30 TO: Illinois High School Guidance Counselors and Mathematics Teachers
FROM: Dr. Krzysztof M. Ostaszewski, FSA, CERA, FSAS, CFA, MAAA
Actuarial Program Director, Illinois State University
DATE: January 2016
SUBJECT: Midwest High School Scholars Actuarial Academy For Underrepresented
Groups/Summer Programs for high school students at Illinois State
Illinois State University will be conducting the 21st annual Midwest High
School Scholars Actuarial Academy For Under... 阅读全帖 |
a*******0 发帖数: 444 | 32 请问佛州相比其他州来说,public school在全美整体上是个什么水平呢?有些朋友说不是很好,可看了全国前100 public school的排名,佛州还有不少呢。
比如这个MIAMI的Design and Architecture Senior High School在US NEWS 2010 best high school上排NO.15, Jacksonville的Stanton College Preparatory School排第17,不知实际情况如何? |
l****7 发帖数: 11 | 33 I will move to Duluth area for my new job. There are some good school
systems in Johns Creek under Fulton County. For elementary schools, I found
some good schools with the high ranking in GA public schools (from
schooldigger.com), such as Shakerag, Findley Oaks, Wilson Creek, and Medlock
Because I can only rent an apartment at the beginning and may or may not buy
a house a year later, could you please share your experience of those
schools above? Also, there is no apartment associated w |
i****a 发帖数: 36252 | 34 taft union high school
Taft Union High School evacuated after shooting; 2 reported injured
January 10, 2013 | 10:27 am
Students have been evacuated from Taft Union High School in Kern County
after a shooting Thursday morning that reportedly left two people injured, a
city official confirmed.
Debra Elliott, with the city manager's office, confirmed that a shooting was
reported at the high school shortly after 9 a.m. Two people h... 阅读全帖 |
s******e 发帖数: 1985 | 35 Lindbergh Schools is Ranked No. 1 District in Missouri by Schooldigger.com
Tuesday, August 17 2010 @ 02:56 CDT
Lindbergh Schools has been ranked as the No. 1 school district in Missouri
by Schooldigger.com, a national Web site that compares profiles of more than
136,000 school districts nationwide.
Schooldigger.com ranks districts based on the most recent MAP test scores
for math and English, in this case 2009-10. The rankings include 476 school
districts throughout Missouri. In addition, Crestw |
l******3 发帖数: 1478 | 36 五岁开始上K1,一直到K12,12年。这是East Brunswick的情况,如果属实,我女儿17岁
果你愿意孩子早点毕业,欢迎搬到East Brunswick.
“In this district students attend an elementary school from Kindergarten
through 5th grade. They then go to Hammarskjold Middle School for grades 6
and 7, Churchill Junior High School for grades 8 and 9 and then East
Brunswick High school for grade 10 through 12.”
Doreen Puliafico
Technical Specialist
Superintendent's Office/Special Projects and Community Relations
East Brun... 阅读全帖 |
D********7 发帖数: 11 | 37 We are planning to move to Niskayuna, NY soon. Does anyone know which one is
the best pramary public school? I search grestschool.org. Both
Hillside school and Birchwood elementary school have high rating. Does
anyone know about these two schools? We also look for a temporary 2-3
bedroom apartment with rent-to-buy option that near these two schools. Does
anyone have any recommendation? Thanks for your help |
G***Y 发帖数: 9698 | 38 亚裔夫妇捐资1亿 纽约大学Poly理工学院更名Tandon
Oct 5, 2015, 15:30 PM
【侨报纽约网综合报道】纽约大学理工学院(NYU POLY)接受印度裔美籍Tandon夫妇
的一亿美元(100 million)捐款,周一宣布正式由原来的Polytechnic改名为Tandon
School of Engineering。该笔捐款主要用于教授招聘和助学。
据华尔街日报报道 纽约大学理工学院(New York University Polytechnic School
of Engineering)是纽约大学的工学院,位于布碌仑,成立于1854年,是美国第二所成
,2013年秋季学期之後,也就是 2014-2015 學年度,学院名称由 NYU Po... 阅读全帖 |
S**P 发帖数: 835 | 39 谁能给科普一下,我对这个PA Local Tax System 比较糊涂.
1.据我理解,你如果在A Township 工作,那你的工资里要预先扣除A Township的 Local
2.如果你居住在 B Township, 你要交B Township的Local tax
这样一来我岂不是要交两个Township的local tax?
另外, 我还要交Property Tax 和 School Tax. 买房时在房子的Listing上看到的应交
税是不是包括 Property Tax 和School Tax这两部分?
1. PA 州税
4. Property Tax
5. School Tax
但是,我听说TOWNSHIP 的LOCAL TAX 里包括Municiple Resident EIT (earned income
tax) 和 School District Resident EIT. 也就是说交的TOWNSHIP LOCAL... 阅读全帖 |
l***u 发帖数: 27 | 40 As a resident of PV, I don't like the new redistricting plan either.
I wish that the politicians would leave us alone.
A lartge portion of a school district's budget come from property taxes
collected from the residents in its district. Tenants who live in
apartments don't pay property taxes. Because no apartments are allowed
to be built in PV and there are no condos in PV, PV is the most expensive
place to buy a house in Poway Unified School District (PUSD). Each year,
PV contributes huge amoun... 阅读全帖 |
m*****m 发帖数: 242 | 41 Del Norte High School 的preschool 如何?谢谢
另外, Legacy Montessori School 如何? 好像很多蒙校, 哪个好?
刚刚搬来, 孩子4岁, 明年上kingdergarden, 现在还得找个preschool。
Del Norte High School 的preschool
Full Day Preschool
Children receive instruction five days per week (8:30—11:30 a.m.), using
developmentally appropriate activities that are offered through an
integrated curriculum model that emphasizes school readiness tasks.
Monday - Friday
6:30 a.m. - 6:00 pm
Monthly Fee: $850
... 阅读全帖 |
d********a 发帖数: 55 | 42 这两天在研究学区,查了一下2013年各个学校的API,比如poway high school的API是
868,rancho bernardo high school的API是866,westview high school的API是869,
Torrey Pines High school的API是895,这几所都是大家众所周知的好高中,另人意外
的是scripps ranch high school的API是914,因为我看之前大家发的帖子里提到
scripps ranch high 是要比我以上提到的那几所高中差一些的学校,可是2013年的API
这么高,是因为他近两年变强了吗?还是说我的信息有误,scripps ranch high本来就
很强?是否有高人给予解惑,感谢! |
S**r 发帖数: 2478 | 43 San Diego Unified School District is closing all its schools on Thursday,
May 15, due to the brush fires throughout the county.
San Diego Unified School District
Parents and district staff members are receiving automated telephone
messages with information on the closure.
At this time, it is expected that all schools will reopen on Friday.
For more information, visit www.sandi.net/hotweather. For updates on school
status, check the district's website at www.sandi.net, or on Facebook or
Twitter. |
w******t 发帖数: 1422 | 44 Any parents please kindly share your experience on which private school is
good - I
start to do research on private elementary schools in San Jose area, and
find it is not easy to find a good private school:
Harker is hard to be accepted -the waiting list is already 20+.
Challenger seems to only focus on academy, without too much fun
How about stratford schools? or any other private school?
Many thanks! |
s******r 发帖数: 1439 | 45 ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆
wildwest (let's go) 于 (Mon Mar 24 08:03:31 2008) 提到:
Any parents please kindly share your experience on which private school is
good - I
start to do research on private elementary schools in San Jose area, and
find it is not easy to find a good private school:
Harker is hard to be accepted -the waiting list is already 20+.
Challenger seems to only focus on academy, without too much fun
How about stratford schools? or any other private school?
Many tha |
l*******5 发帖数: 20 | 47 谢谢, 我用schoolandhousing.com 找了,说no bountary school info, do you want
nearby school? I said yes. 然后 search result 显示了7所学校,只有2所
elementary school,K-5, 可我要找K-4.
孩子现在是pre-K4, 这是不是说如果不搬家的话,我只能让孩子在 private school 上
K4, 然后到public school上 K-5? 后年上K-5, 是不是现在就要申请呢?
county 还 |
l*******5 发帖数: 20 | 48 谢谢, 我用schoolandhousing.com 找了,说no bountary school info, do you want
nearby school? I said yes. 然后 search result 显示了7所学校,只有2所
elementary school,K-5, 可我要找K-4.
孩子现在是pre-K4, 这是不是说如果不搬家的话,我只能让孩子在 private school 上
K4, 然后到public school上 K-5? 后年上K-5, 是不是现在就要申请呢?
county 还 |
T*****s 发帖数: 113 | 49 http://m.nbcbayarea.com/nbcbayarea/pm_108022/contentdetail.htm?
UPDATED: Cupertino Schools Closed Because of Bomb Threat
Posted: 12/13/2012 9:04 AM
More images >>
The Santa Clara County Sheriff's office said on Wednesday that two Cupertino
schools are canceled today because of graffiti that boasted a bomb threat.
Sgt. Jose Cardoza said that authorities received a report on Thursday at 6:
39 a.m. about graffiti sprayed on Lynbrook High School on 1280 Johnson
Avenue in San J... 阅读全帖 |
m*******l 发帖数: 621 | 50 发帖问一下,有没有准备在Campbell Forest Hill Elementary 上学需要找after
另外,Campbell Forest Hill Elementary 全校dismiss的时间是一样的,所以,任何
谢谢 |