t*****e 发帖数: 15794 | 1 Dear sir/madam,To whom it may concern,
Recently, sayings like, “Kill everyone in China”, "should we allow Chinese
to live" were heard on Jimmy Kimmel Show by air, In such a national
Broadcasting Company, American Broadcasting Company(ABC).
It was a voice, exactly same as Adolf Hitler, a Nazi terrorist, &
#160; a human
being slaughterer, yelled out in front of German people decades before.
Adolf Hitler, the bloody slaughterer, and his followers, abused, mistreated,
Je... 阅读全帖 |
r***e 发帖数: 10135 | 2 文章原标题:处于十字路口的国家
作者:大卫•布鲁克斯 文 郭承斌 译
“新基础”(new foundation)。不过,克林顿总对桥梁另一方的土地是何种情形含糊
哈佛大学的霍华德·加德纳(Howard Gardner)曾经构想了一幅合成图景来描绘具
找到了一群和自己志趣相投的人,并且参... 阅读全帖 |
z********6 发帖数: 852 | 3 古兰经有164处关于对异教徒发动圣战(jihad)的描述
The Koran's 164 Jihad Verses
K 2:178-179
Set 1, Count 1+2 [2.178] O you who believe! retaliation is prescribed for
you in the matter of the slain, the free for the free, and the slave for
the slave, and the female for the female, but if any remission is made to
any one by his (aggrieved) brother, then prosecution (for the bloodwit)
should be made according to usage, and payment should be made to him in a
good manner; this is an alleviation from your Lord and a mer... 阅读全帖 |
n********n 发帖数: 8336 | 4 http://www.jw.org/en/publications/bible/nwt/books/revelation/5/
Revelation 5
1 And I saw in the right hand of the One seated on the throne+ a scroll
written on both sides,* sealed tight with seven seals. 2 And I saw a strong
angel proclaiming with a loud voice: “Who is worthy to open the scroll and
break its seals?” 3 But no one in heaven or on earth or underneath the
earth was able to open the scroll or to look into it. 4 I gave way to a
great deal of weeping because no one was found worthy... 阅读全帖 |
l*****a 发帖数: 38403 | 5 3) Murdering Children
Kill Sons of Sinners
Make ready to slaughter his sons for the guilt of their
fathers; Lest they rise and posses the earth, and fill the breadth of the
world with tyrants. (Isaiah 14:21 NAB)
God Will Kill Children
The glory of Israel will fly away like a bird, for your
children will die at birth or perish in the womb or never even be conceived.
Even if your children do survive to grow up, I will take them from
... 阅读全帖 |
D*****r 发帖数: 6791 | 6 http://www.gutenberg.org/files/37726/37726-h/37726-h.htm
In the melting snow on the hill-side by the sea, in the last rays of the
evening sun, stood a boy of fourteen, awestruck. He looked toward the west,
out across the sea; he looked toward the east, over town and shore and the
broad hills; in the background still higher peaks rose far away in the clear
The storm had lasted a long time; it had been more terrible, too, than any
the old people could remember. In ... 阅读全帖 |
W***q 发帖数: 152 | 7 The following conversation is fictitious as presented here, but it is based
on many actual conversations and exchanges in which I have participated over
the years. “Arnie's” responses would represent my own under similar
Arnie: How's it going, Joe? Where do things stand in your spiritual search
since we last talked?
Joe: Well, some things seem to be coming together for me, Arnie. But others
… gee, I don't know. there are other issues that I just can't seem to
Arnie: You k... 阅读全帖 |
W***q 发帖数: 152 | 8 Why was the ancient God so “cruel”?
The following conversation is fictitious as presented here, but it is based
on many actual conversations and exchanges in which I have participated over
the years. “Arnie's” responses would represent my own under similar
Arnie: How's it going, Joe? Where do things stand in your spiritual search
since we last talked?
Joe: Well, some things seem to be coming together for me, Arnie. But others
… gee, I don't know. there are other issues that I just... 阅读全帖 |
g*****n 发帖数: 591 | 9 美学者出书指涉及器官贩售 柯文哲严正驳斥
前美国智库学者、资深调查记者葛特曼(Ethan Gutmann)日前出版新书《大屠杀》(
The Slaughter),书中揭露在中国发生强摘死刑犯或法轮功学员器官做为移植的来源
今天晚间柯文哲办公室对于《大屠杀》(The Slaughter)一书中所指事项以及网路流
四、柯文哲医师已正式委请律... 阅读全帖 |
p********a 发帖数: 6437 | 10 u hate general lee,
understood, i don't support him
but ur question is dumb and naive
and easy to answer
kill citizen when NEEDED(or provoked) in a war is NORMAL
all military personels do that
but slaughter, organized slaughter like nanjing is NOT normal
why ask this silly question? |
r*****y 发帖数: 53800 | 11 你的问题很无聊,这位网友已经回答的够好了。你的500包子呢?白纸黑字,转眼就打
发信人: phantasima (射中面门), 信区: History
标 题: Re: 枪杀平民是不是正常战争行为?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jan 31 13:53:07 2012, 美东)
u hate general lee,
understood, i don't support him
but ur question is dumb and naive
and easy to answer
kill citizen when NEEDED(or provoked) in a war is NORMAL
all military personels do that
but slaughter, organized slaughter like nanjing is NOT normal
why ask this silly question? |
d*****s 发帖数: 5610 | 12 错了,以前历史界一直认为苏联得到盟国的援助所以才赢。后来东欧,苏联解体后得到
现在历史界说:后期,苏联红军slaughter德军,用的是slaughter这个词。 |
x****g 发帖数: 6597 | 13 slaughter:这个是说苏军屠杀战俘和平民吧。
德军一战俘虏苏军75万,也没有说slaughter. |
R****a 发帖数: 6858 | 14 帝国的陨落
来源: ognc 于 2010-12-12 05:58:18 [档案] [博客] 旧帖] [转至博客] [给我悄悄话
] 本文已被阅读:254次 字体:调大/调小/重置 | 加入书签 | 打印 | 所有跟帖 | 加
跟贴 | 查看当前最热讨论主题 0
The Decline and Fall of the American Empire
By Alfred W. McCoy
December 11, 2010 "The Nation" - - A soft landing for America 40 years from
now? Don’t bet on it. The demise of the United States as the global
superpower could come far more quickly than anyone imagines. If Washington
is dreaming of 2040 or 2050 as the end of the American Century, a more
realistic asses... 阅读全帖 |
x*********g 发帖数: 11508 | 15 Editor's note: David Frum writes a weekly column for CNN.com. A special
assistant to President George W. Bush from 2001 to 2002, he is the author of
six books, including "Comeback: Conservatism That Can Win Again," and is
the editor of FrumForum.
Washington (CNN) -- President Barack Obama is wrestling with a decision
whether or not to intervene in Libya.
Here is a consideration that should top the president's thinking process:
What message will it send if Moammar Gadhafi survives?
An anti-Americ... 阅读全帖 |
d*****s 发帖数: 5610 | 16 西方历史学家以前一直以为美国的援助帮助了苏联战胜德国,后来苏联破了后,很多秘
观点,也来引用一些历史资料。 |
M*****8 发帖数: 17722 | 17 Thousands of US, UK and other western troops, on the orders of their
respective governments, have been blown to bits in Iraq &Afghanistan over
the last decade at the hands of al-Qaeda & the Taliban.
Even though the West has been obliterating Afghanistan for the past 10 years
since 9/11, August 2011 has been the deadliest month for US troops since
the start of the "war on terror" 10 years ago, with 66 young soldiers being
blown up in just the one month. The total tally of dead US troops in 2011 s... 阅读全帖 |
w**j 发帖数: 1032 | 18 The glory of Israel will fly away like a bird, for your children will
die at birth or perish in the womb or never even be conceived. Even if your
children do survive to grow up, I will take them from you. It will be a
terrible day when I turn away and leave you alone. I have watched Israel
become as beautiful and pleasant as Tyre. But now Israel will bring out her
children to be slaughtered." O LORD, what should I request for your people
? I will ask for wombs that don't give birth and bre... 阅读全帖 |
B*V 发帖数: 3365 | 19 什么是老将,这就是老将 之 三十二
发信人: lopt (好好学习天天向上), 信区: Military
标 题: 所谓美国杀猪不放血也是胡说八道
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Sep 18 02:58:18 2011, 美东)
Before slaughter, pigs are first rendered unconscious using one of the
following means: stunning using electric current applied with electrodes, or
stunning using captive bolt pistol, or inhalation of CO2. They... 阅读全帖 |
l**i 发帖数: 8144 | 20 程序正确 被国内文科脑残文人阉党 翻译为程序正义
这帮傻逼真应该送到我说的指定地点 进行升华
关于所谓只看程序的傻逼们 应该送到生猪屠宰场 体验一下程序的精确性
1 范围
2 规范性引用文件
GB 5749 生活饮用水卫生标准
GB/T 6388 运输包装收发货标志
GB 7718 食品标签通用标准
GB 9959.2 分割鲜、冻猪瘦肉
GB 9959.3 分部位分割冻猪肉 ... 阅读全帖 |
P*****t 发帖数: 4978 | 21 Mad Cow Disease Confirmed In California Dairy Cow, USDA Says
Mad Cow Disease Confirmed In California Dairy Cow, USDA Says
Posted: 04/24/2012 3:08 pm Updated: 04/24/2012 3:47 pm
Share on Google+
Mad Cow Disease California
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Food Politics, Video, Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy, Creutzfeldt-Jakob
Disease, Mad Cow Disease Prevention, USDA Mad Cow, Bse, Cattle, Mad Cow, Mad
Cow California, Mad Cow Disease, Mad Cow Risks, Meat, Usda, Food News
The USDA ... 阅读全帖 |
R**********n 发帖数: 523 | 22 http://www.weidb.com/voice/index.php?title=Millions_of_Broken_A
Millions of Broken American Dreams -- An Open Letter to the World
November 12, 2013
Dear Fair and Righteous Citizens of the World,
We don't know who you are, but we know you are out there. We are
asking for your urgent help. We have been rendered voiceless, powerless, and
hopeless by the American mass media and many Americans. The American mass
media have lost journalistic ethics and objectivity and have been blatantly... 阅读全帖 |
s********1 发帖数: 1383 | 23 一片叫好声啊
Illya Nickovetch Kuryakin 54 minutes ago 0 32
A perfect example of mans stupidity today " Why did they need to shoot them
dead on the spot?" These People set out to kill and maim as many innocents
as possible with a truck load of explosives. Fortunately they failed.
Shooting them dead on the spot is the perfect response and a clear message
of ZERO tolerance. Bleeding heats cry me a river this is the only solution
to today's s... 阅读全帖 |
h****g 发帖数: 11365 | 24
你去youtube上搜索:horse slaughter/rabbit slaughter。出来的结果很多,美国吃
兔子很多,欧洲吃马肉很多。 |
y***u 发帖数: 7039 | 25 看来邪恶的北莫魔鬼上身了,目的是为了激怒普京大帝
Malaysian Plane Crash: Lies and Sinister Political Agenda by the West
by: Alexander Clackson
Almost immediately after the news began to spread that a Malaysian Airlines
plane was apparently shot down over Ukraine, Western media and politicians
blamed Russia for the event, claiming that Russian President Vladimir Putin
should be directly responsible, despite complete lack of concrete evidence
about who is to blame. This event is being used by the United States and its
Wes... 阅读全帖 |
x****y 发帖数: 1853 | 26 By Pepe Escobar
"The intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy." Everyone
remembers the Downing Street Memo, which unveiled the Bush/Blair "policy" in
the run-up to the 2003 bombing/invasion/occupation of Iraq. The "policy"
was to get rid of Saddam Hussein via a lightning war. The justification was
"terrorism" and (non-existent) weapons of mass destruction (WMD), which had
"disappeared", mounted in trucks, deep into Syria. Forget about intelligence
and facts.
The tragedy of MH17 ... 阅读全帖 |
G****e 发帖数: 11198 | 27 【 以下文字转载自 WaterWorld 讨论区 】
发信人: GoBlue (Wolverines), 信区: WaterWorld
标 题: 有关穆斯林总结,一切尽在此回复中
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Jan 22 02:32:21 2015, 美东)
有关穆斯林宗教,来自Facebook上Michael Shea的回复:
For all of the “We want peace, let’s welcome our peaceful Muslim brothers
” people out there and all the do-gooders out there, and all those “
Coexist” folks, let me share a little bit of an inconvenient truth about
the world of Islam.
Islam is fundamentally an “expansionist” religion, with no pretenses to
accept or even tole... 阅读全帖 |
g***j 发帖数: 40861 | 29 A beef cow-calf operation is on notice from the Food and Drug Administration
because of the presence of three drugs in edible tissue samples collected
by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Testing showed residue of one drug at
more than 8,000 percent the amount allowed by law.
Photo illustration
Officials from the USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS)
inspected the Newcastle, NE, farm owned by Janine and Jerald Stewart, where
the company produces animals offered for use as food. Acco... 阅读全帖 |
f******t 发帖数: 19544 | 30 mazungo
We(UK) slaughter over 2 million cattle a year. They frequently live in dire
conditions and over 200,000 are not slaughtered humanely.
40,000 fighting bulls die across the whole of Europe annually. They live
well until their final day. After death they are eaten. |
发帖数: 1 | 31 What Really Happened in Tiananmen Square 25 Years Ago
The massacre that wasn’t
By Brian Becker
Global Research, June 04, 2014
Region: Asia
Theme: History, Media Disinformation, US NATO War Agenda
414 76
Twenty-five years ago today, every U.S. media outlet, along with then
President Bush and the U.S. Congress were whipping up a full scale frenzied
hysteria and attack against the Chinese government for what was described as
the cold-blooded massacre of many ... 阅读全帖 |
M*****8 发帖数: 17722 | 32
“You must understand. The leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia
were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians.
Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of
Russians without a shred of human remorse. The October Revolution
was not what you call in America the “Russian Revolution.”
It was an invasion and conquest over the Russian people. More of
my countrymen suffered horrific crimes at their bloodstained hands
than any people or nation ever suffered in the ... 阅读全帖 |
b*********3 发帖数: 1709 | 33 How the War Party Lost the Middle East
"Assad must go, Obama says."
So read the headline in The Washington Post, Aug. 18, 2011.
The story quoted President Barack Obama directly:
"The future of Syria must be determined by its people, but President Bashar
al-Assad is standing in their way... the time has come for President Assad
to step aside."
France's Nicolas Sarkozy and Britain's David Camero... 阅读全帖 |
v**e 发帖数: 8422 | 34 CIA 利比亚反叛者们是来自伊拉克的基地武装分子ZT- 到底是谁利用了谁还真难说
来源: 没底 于 2011-10-30
CIA Libya Rebels are Al-Qaeda Fighters From Iraq
Politics / Al-Qeeda Mar 29, 2011 - 07:54 AM
By: Global_Research
Diamond Rated - Best Financial Markets Analysis ArticleDr. Webster G.
Tarpley writes: “Serpents, thirst, heat, and sand … Libya alone can
present a multitude of woes that it would beseem men to fly from.” Lucan,
Washington DC, March 24, 2011 — The current military attack on Libya has
been motivated by UN S... 阅读全帖 |
l********g 发帖数: 2970 | 35 葛特曼(Ethan Gutmann)日前出版新书《大屠杀》(The Slaughter),其书中指出无
改正。柯文哲办公室对于《大屠杀》(The Slaughter)一书中所指事项以及网路流传
文哲声明,书中所指事项与事实完全不符。 |
g*****n 发帖数: 591 | 36 美学者出书指涉及器官贩售 柯文哲严正驳斥
前美国智库学者、资深调查记者葛特曼(Ethan Gutmann)日前出版新书《大屠杀》(
The Slaughter),书中揭露在中国发生强摘死刑犯或法轮功学员器官做为移植的来源
今天晚间柯文哲办公室对于《大屠杀》(The Slaughter)一书中所指事项以及网路流
四、柯文哲医师已正式委请律... 阅读全帖 |
f****o 发帖数: 8105 | 37 【 以下文字转载自 WoldMiscNews 俱乐部 】
发信人: fuxeto (富士德), 信区: WoldMiscNews
标 题: 反腐落马高官都是因为迫害法轮功而遭恶报 血腥的腐败
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jul 19 13:31:09 2016, 美东)
里面的“大户”,按照他们的这个“40倍”推广到全国,恐怕这“... 阅读全帖 |
f****o 发帖数: 8105 | 38 【 以下文字转载自 WoldMiscNews 俱乐部 】
发信人: fuxeto (富士德), 信区: WoldMiscNews
标 题: 外媒:活摘器官问题上中共难以圆谎和招架
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Sep 5 08:47:49 2016, 美东)
器官移植学会的前任会长杰里米·查普曼(Jeremy Chapman,左)和器官移植学会的现
任会长菲利普·奥康纳(Philip O’Connell,中),世界卫生组织的何塞·努涅斯(
Jose Nunez,右),在8月19日在香港的新闻发布会上,查普曼和奥康纳批评中共滥用
移植。 (孙明国/Epoch Times)
美国学者巴斯托学院(Barstow College)前教授里博(Richard Reeb)表示,尽管中
里博在评论文章《摘取器官问题上中共招架不住(Red China plays defense on its
organ harvesting)》文中写道 ,中共官媒自称,香港举行的国际器官移植大会表明
,曾在数十年间使... 阅读全帖 |
l****z 发帖数: 29846 | 39 Posted by Rick
Published: April 23, 2011 - 11:55 AM
I'm talking of course about these words spoken by our President in late
March in response to events taking place then in Libya:
"To brush aside America's responsibility as a leader and more profoundly
our responsibilities to our fellow human beings under such circumstances
would have been a betrayal of who we are," Obama said "Some nations may be
able to turn a blind eye to atrocities in other countries. The United States
of America is diff... 阅读全帖 |
T**********1 发帖数: 2406 | 40 Integrity from a liberal, nobody was expecting that.
ps, Che was not about politics, Che was about slaughtering innocent people:
men, women and children. where is your integrity on that?
Did he or did he not do that: slaughtering?
Did he or did he not subscribe to the quoate, judging from what he did?
would a normal average human being be more likely or less likely to believe
he said that?
am I more about polictics or are you more about politics than about
how about some decency, lik... 阅读全帖 |
l****z 发帖数: 29846 | 41 Teacher’s Union Head: Keep Teachers Disarmed So More Can Be Slaughtered
by Jammie
Sure, why give them a chance to prevent the next slaughter? To think
teachers pay union dues so their “leaders” can hasten their demise if, God
forbid, they’re the next ones under attack from some maniac.
Michigan state senators voted Thursday to allow citizens with concealed
carry permits to carry their weapons on school property, but the American
Federation of Teachers argues that the Friday shooting in Conne... 阅读全帖 |
l****z 发帖数: 29846 | 42 'Gee, I wonder if the instructor would dare do this with the name of
Published: 16 hours ago
Deandre Poole
A Florida college professor causing national outrage for requiring students
to write “Jesus” on a piece of paper, then put it on the floor and stomp
on it, turns out also to be a top official in the local Democratic Party –
the latest in a string of acute leadership embarrassments.
Although one student who refused to participate claims he was punished by
being suspended from the c... 阅读全帖 |
o*****t 发帖数: 1540 | 43 基本上是说昨天,这个路易斯安那州8岁男孩玩完暴力电子游戏以后,故意,持枪开枪
Police: 8-year-old shoots, kills elderly caregiver after playing video game。
(CNN) -- An 8-year-old Louisiana boy intentionally shot and killed his
elderly caregiver after playing a violent video game, authorities say.
Marie Smothers was pronounced dead at the scene with a gunshot wound to the
head in a mobile home park in Slaughter, Louisi... 阅读全帖 |
R**********n 发帖数: 523 | 44 http://www.weidb.com/voice/index.php?title=Millions_of_Broken_A
Millions of Broken American Dreams -- An Open Letter to the World
November 12, 2013
Dear Fair and Righteous Citizens of the World,
We don't know who you are, but we know you are out there. We are
asking for your urgent help. We have been rendered voiceless, powerless, and
hopeless by the American mass media and many Americans. The American mass
media have lost journalistic ethics and objectivity and have been blatantly... 阅读全帖 |
l****z 发帖数: 29846 | 46 Terrorism and the silent majority. Canadian view.
This is by far the best explanation of the relationship between Islam and
the spreading terrorist situation, I have ever read. His references to past
history are accurate and clear. Not long, easy to understand, and well worth
the read. The author of this memoir is Dr. Emanuel Tanya, a well-known and
well-respected psychiatrist. A man, whose family was German aristocracy
prior to World War II, owned a number of large industries and estates. When
... 阅读全帖 |
l****z 发帖数: 29846 | 47 A new batch of emails was released by the State Dept. today and so far one
of them is of concern as in June 2011 Clinton’s Chief of Staff Cheryl Mills
warned about private emails being hacked.
It took place after Google announced that Chinese hackers tried to grab
login information of people who used gmail.
In A June 4, 2011 email chain between Hillary Clinton, her Chief of Staff
Cheryl Mills and senior aides Huma Abedin and Jake Sullivan, all of whom
used private email accounts, and in Clinton ... 阅读全帖 |
T**********e 发帖数: 29576 | 49 Las Vegas gunman filmed himself during slaughter
Las Vegas madman Stephen Paddock set up a camera inside his hotel room to
capture his deadly shooting rampage — and other surveillance in the hallway
to alert him as cops closed in on him, according to reports.
The shooter had at least one lens set up to tape himself as he unleashed
hell on thousands of unsuspecting concertgoers several hundred yards below
his ritzy casino suite, according to ABC News.
Apparently knowing cops would eventually catc... 阅读全帖 |
b*******t 发帖数: 33714 | 50 ppt直接导出来的,格式有点乱,不过有耐心的话看看还挺有意思的。
Part 3: Arts and Methods of Kitchen Arts
Cooking meat
Cooking meat is all about producing the right texture and flavours.
Texture concerns the structure of meat.
Flavours are all about chemistry –the Maillard reaction.
Components of muscle
Water: 75%
Protein: 18%
Fat: ~4-10%, varies among different types of meat
Carbohydrate: just over 1%
Vitamins, minerals, various organic compounds…
Sliding-filament model of muscle... 阅读全帖 |