K*N 发帖数: 7494 | 1 恭喜。我有点小郁闷。前两天看好了这两个,由于资金有限,就只进了SODA,结果刚爬
上去有立马PIAJI了。 |
i*****8 发帖数: 3942 | 4 我有2个 现在和soda已经不放调料了
感觉soso啦 |
H*****D 发帖数: 4462 | 5 soda is going down, sell when you can, short is better |
l********i 发帖数: 2503 | 7 你和SODA干上了?记得我70多还买过这个,居然没有赔钱 |
m********o 发帖数: 2088 | 8 SODA这公司是挺操蛋的。打着绿色的旗号买特贵的CO2罐子,还没有Generic的可用. |
b*********n 发帖数: 182 | 11 我们还是租了一辆SUV打算去soda lake,小尾羊,留下个你的联系方法,以后有活动叫
你,这次车坐满了啊 |
h****e 发帖数: 243 | 12 我要找舒味思(schweppes cream soda)
请问在洛杉矶,那里能买到??? |
B****n 发帖数: 1404 | 13 http://health.yahoo.com/experts/eatthis/22630/the-truth-about-diet-soda/
We talk a lot about ''watching what we eat,'' but if you never gave a
thought to what you ate and instead watched only what you drank, you could
probably cut 450 calories a day out of your life. (Yes, nearly a pound of
fat loss a week!) That's what a study from the University of North Carolina
found. Americans today drink about 192 gallons of liquid a year—or about 2
liters a day. To put it into perspective, this is nearly |
p*****a 发帖数: 1435 | 14 这个图不错,以前只以为西岸叫pop,东岸叫soda,原来还可以分得这么细。南边叫
coke是不是跟可口可乐公司有关? |
p*****a 发帖数: 1435 | 15 你去西北的话大家都这么叫,我是到了这边才知道原来还能这么有板有眼的叫soda。 |
m****s 发帖数: 7397 | 17 yes
coke is soda, coke is pop, to them.
hence this map. duh! |
g*c 发帖数: 4510 | 18 喜欢喝这种soda,可是哪家超市都买不到,可街边的中东烤肉盖饭小贩们都有卖,他们
从哪儿买的? |
l**********e 发帖数: 138 | 19 soda springs滑雪场附近有旅馆吗?各大网站一查怎么都指到donner, truckee, tahoe
city去了?有好的旅馆请推荐,谢谢! |
m**********n 发帖数: 1271 | 20 truckee, donner旅店少贵
soda spring更适合小小孩,大人去,就几个lifts超绿,几趟就回家了 |
G***G 发帖数: 16778 | 21 where to recyle soda can for money? |
b*********s 发帖数: 5382 | 23 baking powder is similar to yeast. it makes the dough puffy. in Chinese, it's called 发酵粉.
baking soda is 苏打粉,碱性. It is used to balance the PH value of the dough. |
h**********p 发帖数: 176 | 24 不可以的。
1tsp baking powder = 1/2 tsp cream of tartar + 1/4 tsp baking soda |
h**********p 发帖数: 176 | 25 前面你问baking powder和baking soda能不能替代,我还硬给你找了个解决方法。
这个baking powder和yeast完全不可以互相替代的。他们发酵原理不一样的。
你是不是买了盒baking powder不知道该用在哪里? |
O*******d 发帖数: 20343 | 26 Baking Soda是碳酸氢钠,只要不受热,不见酸,就不会过期。 |
S*A 发帖数: 7142 | 27 为什么要用 baking soda 呢,这个大量会影响 PH 的。 |
xt 发帖数: 17532 | 28 有用!你只要把螃蟹草拔出来,放到Baking Soda
粉末里面,一周内草就死了。 |
q**c 发帖数: 284 | 29 后院的南瓜,叶子全长了白粉,连附近的clover叶子也长白粉。
网上说是霉菌。有说用baking soda兑水能治,有的说不行。不知道版上的大虾可有试
多谢! |
q**c 发帖数: 284 | 30 按网上的介绍应该放些洗洁精在苏打水里,我觉得用了那个瓜都被污染了,不救也罢,
所以只放了baking soda. 1加仑水,随便放了些,可能2tsp的样子。用淋花的壶装了洒
明天继续观察。 |
j****n 发帖数: 3370 | 34 干红葡萄酒加soda是挺sb的 虽然很多人这么做
干红不知道经过多少道工序把糖清除干净 雪碧一家全搞回去了
无糖或者低糖的 貌似喝了不容易头疼 |
发帖数: 1 | 35 呵呵以前见过小留买soda,先用自己的保温杯装了一瓶,然后又接了一个cup |
T****e 发帖数: 2167 | 36 ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆
pandalv (守得云开见月明) 于 (Fri Apr 21 12:54:54 2006) 提到:
aladdin (渔夫) 于 (Fri Apr 21 12:58:36 2006) 提到:
"哇~~~ "是什么意思?
rcf (~-~☆盼望周末) 于 (Sat Apr 22 23:16:21 2006) 提到:
Soda (^@^) 于 (Sat Apr 22 11:38:34 2006) 提到:
who's majia?
Toffee (Gals On Demand) 于 (Sat Apr 22 |
y***u 发帖数: 101 | 39 Anybody going to SODA'05 wants to share a hotel room at the conference?
Please email y**[email protected]
Thanks! |
G*****a 发帖数: 205 | 40 SODA is a good conference!
在 robertt (陈龙川) 的大作中提到: 】 |
M*********e 发帖数: 1988 | 41 you are comparing apple with orange.
SODA is a decent conference in theory, not as good as STOC and FOCS though,
but also quite decent. |
d****i 发帖数: 77 | 42 right. last year soda is about 40%, focs is 1/3. I didn't remember these
figures clearly, but must be around 1/2~1/3. And connections are important
sometimes for getting in for those papers on threshold, too.
the |
d****i 发帖数: 77 | 43 The problem is even the accpeting rate is attractive and your paper is good,
it is not easy to get in if they are not familiar with you. sigh...
Soemtimes it quite strange of their standard. I know a famous professsor in
mit last year had some junk papers accpeted, but one of his favorite paper is
rejected by stoc focs and soda...I think that paper is very very good. so
things are quite weird.
rate |
y***u 发帖数: 101 | 44 哪方面快赶上FOCS了? 数量一直是soda多吧. 质量应该还是不如stoc/focs,不过
侧重稍有不同. |
r****c 发帖数: 2585 | 46 For theory, there are too much policy, for soda. I can not tell you guys
exact what happens, but big guy and his student can get in easily even with
not so good paper.
brutally. |
x*****c 发帖数: 1005 | 49 看到这里的说法是,可以吸附酸性气体(例如乳酸)以及碱性气体(肉类腐败产生)
The miracle of baking soda, or sodium bicarbonate, is in its ability to
neutralize pH levels. That is, it takes strong acids and buffers them (it
was popularly used as an antacid before the Tums and Rolaids people took
over the market), and, while slightly on the base side itself, also
stabilizes the pH of highly basic solutions. You got a bad odor? It's almost
always the result of strong acids (in the fridge, often |