s***e 发帖数: 122 | 1 看来是因为这一句:
fread(&sacbin, sizeof(header), 1, fpr);
fread(&sacbin, sizeof(struct header), 1, fpr);
当然你也可以定义struct header为typedef struct header {...} HEADER; 那样你就可以用sizeof(HEADER)了。
struct header {
int hd;
struct sac
struct header hdr;
float * data;
void test2() {
const char * const fn = "test2.txt";
FILE* fpw = fopen(fn, "w");
struct header hdr;
hdr.hd = 18;
fwrite(&hdr, sizeof(hdr), 1, fpw);
fclose(fpw |
X****r 发帖数: 3557 | 2 You need something like "struct X;" or "class X;" in forward declaration.
You also need this struct/class keyword along with the struct/class name
(called elaborated type specifier) if you want to specify a type name
shadowed by a function or variable name, e.g.
struct X {
int a;
int X() {
return 0;
int g = X(); // calls the function
// The 'struct' keyword is required here.
struct X x;
unless |
p***n 发帖数: 635 | 3 in C++, yes, a struct can inherit from another. actually in C++ world, the only
difference btw a struct and a class is that the default access modifiers for
methods are different. for class: private for struct:public
in C#, it is a different story, structs cannot inherit from other structs
however, they can derive from interfaces. it is quite different from class
in C#. |
s*******k 发帖数: 20 | 4 [quote]Within an instance constructor of a struct, "this" corresponds to an
out parameter of the struct type, and within an instance function member of a
struct, "this" corresponds to a ref parameter of the struct type. In both
cases, this is classified as a variable, and it is possible to modify the
entire struct for which the function member was invoked by assigning to "this"
or by passing this as a ref or out parameter.[/quote]
Not quite get it.
Would any DX help with some intances?
Thanks. |
f*******n 发帖数: 12623 | 5 The second person might be confused with something from C. In C, to declare
a variable of a struct type, you have to write "struct MyStruct foo;" unless
you define a typedef. So the keyword "struct" is necessary in the
declaration. However, in C++, "struct" and "class" declare new types
directly, so there is no need to use "struct" or "class" in a declaration. |
w*s 发帖数: 7227 | 6 say in c i have this
struct MyStruct {
struct MyHeader myHeader;
struct MyPayload myPayload;
struct MyHeader{
int id;
char name[MAX];
struct MyPayload {
int field1;
short field2;
.... // could be very long
what's the best ways in python pls ? |
s********a 发帖数: 1447 | 7 请教一下 如何写一个struct
这个struct里面只有 4个项 每个占 1bit
struct {
unsigned char priority :1;
unsigned char nonpriority :1;
unsigned char empty :1;
unsigen char full :1;
但是这个占了bit 因为是char
谢谢 |
c***k 发帖数: 1589 | 8 想在struct a里定义一个dynamic array of pointers,每个pointer都指向另一个
struct b
typedef struct {
b **p
} a;
typedef struct {
int i;
} b;
a *ptr;
ptr->p[3]->i; |
s*****w 发帖数: 215 | 9 最近在写一个C#调用C++ 的dll的东西
struct A
unsigned int numConnections;
char** connectionName;
char** connectionDesc;
请问在C#里面的对应的struct怎么写呢 |
c**********e 发帖数: 2007 | 10 第一个人的回答:
1. Struct has public access by default (class has private access).
2. When you are going to inherit from that class.
Another difference between struct and class can be shown if you try to
declare struct MyClass; or class MyStruct; Both keywords are not
interchangeable in declarations, not just for class/struct definitions.
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/50447/favorite-c-interview-q |
X****r 发帖数: 3557 | 11 For #2, note that this means the struct by default has public base
class(es). It does not mean the struct is a public base class by default
itself. e.g.
class X {};
struct Y : /* public */ X {};
struct A {};
class B : /* private */ A {}; |
d****n 发帖数: 1241 | 12 * 首先,struct的大小依赖于两个因素,一是field的大小,二是field的alignment,
的x86_64 ABI标准,那么double是8byte对齐,如果在32位的机器上,linux下gcc支持
的x86 abi是4byte对齐. 大小的话,double类型都是8 bytes. 在缺省情况下,如果某
个field不符合对齐标准,那么编译器会插入padding bytes,让这个field符合对齐的
struct S {
char f1; // size是1,对齐是1
int f2; // size是4,对齐也是4
sizeof(struct S)是8,因为编译器会在f1后,加入3个padding bytes, 让f2符合对齐
* 如果在定义struct的时候,添加了类似packed的attribute, 那么编译器会忽略对齐
* auto跟动态类型没有关系,在你的例子里,pointer类型是编译器在静态的时候,根
据一定的类型推导规... 阅读全帖 |
w***g 发帖数: 5958 | 13 struct Numbers {
size_t N;
float data[1]; /* 有的编译器要求数组长度至少为1 */
写的时候先把N写进去,然后fwrite(xx.data, sizeof(float), xx.N, file);
xx = (struct Numbers *)malloc(sizeof(struct Numbers) + (N-1) * sizeof(float)
然后xx里的data就可以当N个元素的素组用了。 |
d********i 发帖数: 8 | 14 这是今天的电话面试问题:
struct test{
char a;
int b;
这个STRUCT 多大,我回答是: 假设CHAR 一个字节, INT 4个字节,理论上讲应该5个字节
,但是COMPILER应该会做调整, 有PADDING, 所以很多情况是8个字节. 最好用SIZEOF()
我后来用GCC写了小程序, 是8个字节,不过面试官好象不相信我. 我有说错吗? |
p*******n 发帖数: 273 | 15 I want to read data from files, and the format of data is below:
struct sac
{ struct header hdr;
float * data;
} sacbin;
I try fread(&sacbin.hdr,sizeof(struct header),1,fp), but it does not work.
I don't know why. Thank you! |
w****h 发帖数: 212 | 16 运行时出线如3452816845 3452816845 3452816845这种奇怪的大数字
#define C 10000 //define a fixed maximum capacity for the list that can
be taken away of knapsack
#define N 200 //define number of items for the list
struct body { //define a struct with three parts, the item name, size and
unsigned int name;
unsigned int size;
unsigned int value;
typedef struct body Plist;
void disp(Plist*, unsigned int);
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
srand((un |
p****s 发帖数: 32405 | 17 问一下, 是不是名字其实也可以取重名?
like this:
typedef struct list {
int val;
struct list* next;
} list;
很多人喜欢写成typedef struct _A
} A; 只是为了自己看着清楚,但是在C标准里其实写成一样也没事? |
l*****d 发帖数: 359 | 18 it seems that struct and class are equivalent in c++ except for that the
default access for the member of a class is private while for that of a
struct is public.
My question is: can a struct inherit from a class, and vise versa? |
D***h 发帖数: 183 | 19 【 以下文字转载自 Java 讨论区 】
发信人: Depth (等待), 信区: Java
标 题: error C2223: left of '->GetEnv' must point to struct/union
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Aug 7 13:59:12 2010, 美东)
error C2223: left of '->GetEnv' must point to struct/union
jint JNI_OnLoad(JavaVM* vm, void* reserved)
JNIEnv* env = NULL;
jint result = -1;
if (vm->GetEnv((void**) &env, JNI_VERSION_1_4) != JNI_OK) {
return -1;
jniRegisterNativeMethods |
d****n 发帖数: 1637 | 20 let me try to answer you this.
This would be like, in your example, a struct manage multiple "Connections."
Struct A a;
a.ConnectionsName[0]="CName1"; //mem allocation and str copy ommited
a.ConnecttionDesc[0]="first Connections";
When you have more than one connections.
then ;
a.Connectionsnames[a.numberConnections-1] ="secondName";
a.ConnectionDesc[a.numberConnections-1]="Second Description here";
So char ** here is for maintain multiple c-string... 阅读全帖 |
A**u 发帖数: 2458 | 21 第一个人
你用class 定义类,那么只能用class声明,
你用struct定义类,那么只能用struct声明 |
c***m 发帖数: 2630 | 22 2002 Honda crv才跑不超过60,000迈,dealer说前面漏油了,要换structs。另外,刹
车片也要换。 请问,structs是最好在dealer换吗? 刹车片是不是在carx换比较扁宜
多谢了! |
w******1 发帖数: 520 | 23 这个问题, 我也很困惑啊。
如果是普通的PC机器, 下面的这个STRUCT 改是多少BIT 和BYTE 呢?
struct {
char priority :1;
int abc :3;
float fff:7;
double ddd:8;
}flag; |
d******p 发帖数: 24 | 24 While a struct cannot inherit from another struct, it
can extend a interface. Try to define an interface
for those common properties; |
b*********n 发帖数: 1258 | 25 Ansi C in Unix
大家提点建议吧 |
c********e 发帖数: 383 | 26 我今天和乐点酒,头脑不是很清楚,凑合看吧。
struct Array
unsigned long length_;
int * data_
explicit Array ( const int num) : length_ (num)
{ data = static_castmalloc (sizeof(int)*length);}
~Array (void) {delete data_;}
void init (...) {//initialize ur arrary of int}
int operator [] (int i) { //check boundary maybe; return data[i]; }
private: //or protected
const A& operator=(const A&);
A(const &);
或者用vector得乐。要不自己写个templated struct. 还可以用new 来代替malloc.
或者overlaod operator new,或者用allocat |
d****i 发帖数: 4809 | 27 这个应该是用指针来定义动态数组吧,如下
struct Numbers {
size_t N;
float *data;
struct Numbers numbers;
//read N in
scanf("%d", &numbers.N);
//create the new data array based on N
number.data = malloc(sizeof(float)*N);
//read data in
for(int i=0; i
fscanf(pFile, "%f", &number.data[i]);
float) |
l*l 发帖数: 26 | 28 typedef struct __my_long_long{
u_int64_t val;
u_int32_t low;
u_int32_t high;
my_long_lont_t instance = {
val: 0;
// This is reported error. How to initialize the "instance".
Thanks |
S*******s 发帖数: 13043 | 29 can struct has child class(struct)? |
c***g 发帖数: 472 | 30 I know that struct is identical as class in C++ except the default access
So... the struct has constructor destructor and copy constructor ? |
s***e 发帖数: 793 | 31 sure, struct has every thing. virtural function , function overloading ,
operator overloading .
another issue is that the struct inheritance is public inheritance by
default. |
h**o 发帖数: 548 | 32 假设定义:
typedef struct _icap_flags
unsigned int initialized;
} icap_flags_t;
typedef struct _Node
icap_flags_t icap_flags;
} Node;
Node node;
#define icap_initialized icap_flags.initialized
还是只能用Node.icap_flags.initialized? |
c*****t 发帖数: 1879 | 33 Do something like:
typedef struct list_tag
int val;
struct list_tag* next;
} list; |
b***y 发帖数: 2799 | 34 ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆
campos (campos) 于 (Tue Sep 27 14:42:10 2005) 提到:
typdef struct {
int key;
int data;
} node;
set set1;
现在需要利用set的count/find函数根据输入的key值retrieve到相应的node struct,不
alexx (panda in love~八胖~饲羊员~水木十年) 于 (Tue Sep 27 14:48:37 2005) 提到:
is set supposed to do this?why not use a map?
campos (campos) 于 (Tue Sep 27 14:52:29 2005) 提到:
t |
o****e 发帖数: 916 | 35 here is an example:
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
struct MyStruct
public static readonly int SizeOf = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(MyStruct));
SizeConst = 256)]
public string name;
public int value;
} |
p**o 发帖数: 3409 | 36 咱先不提"nested" struct,不"nested"的struct你知道怎么在python定义么? |
x******a 发帖数: 6336 | 37 code和编译的错误在下面。
1. 把struct Obj和double plus(..)定义在class外面
2. 在total()的定义里面,用for loop而不用std::accumulate.
class Foo{
struct Obj{
double a;
explicit Obj(const double& a_): a(a_){}
double plus(double result, const Obj& obj){
return result+ obj.a;
std::vector v;
void append(const double& a){ v.push_back(Obj(a));}
double total() const{
return std::accumulate(v.begin(), v.... 阅读全帖 |
w****q 发帖数: 133 | 39 大家好,车子是04年suzuki的forenza,开了10万5千迈,修理厂说front shock和
structs要换将近500刀,我开车的时候没什么太大问题,请问需要换么?谢谢大家 |
d*******a 发帖数: 2336 | 40 前一段时间后轮总是慢慢漏气
这个struct 不想自己修
先凑合着 可以不修么 |
r****o 发帖数: 1950 | 42 恩,好像用unsigned int占用空间更大。
问一下,怎么看一个struct 占用了多少bit啊?用sizeof()好像只能看byte。
多谢。 |
r****o 发帖数: 1950 | 43 假设一个结构
struct elem{
unsigned int k : 1;
怎么测量它的长度呢? |
H*X 发帖数: 281 | 44 一般的cpu框架都是最低支持到byte addressable, 所以一次就是操作一个byte, 你如
果一个struct只想用几个bit, 后边会加上padding bits,筹够是byte的整数 |
r****o 发帖数: 1950 | 45 楼主的题目是写个struct只占4个bit,是不是没法实现了? |
发帖数: 1 | 46 还有另一个区别,class可以代替typename, 而struct不行。
知道这些其实也没啥用。 |
m********8 发帖数: 9 | 47 struct默认是public,class默认private 面试问这种问题的公司还是不要去了 双向选
择 |
m****s 发帖数: 79 | 48 我也被问过这个问题。
面试回来上网查到了答案。 |
发帖数: 1 | 49 还有另一个区别,class可以代替typename, 而struct不行。
知道这些其实也没啥用。 |
m********8 发帖数: 9 | 50 struct默认是public,class默认private 面试问这种问题的公司还是不要去了 双向选
择 |