r*********x 发帖数: 3016 | 1 新的tls rating出来了。 要不要在这更新呢?纠结中>.< |
f*******s 发帖数: 3046 | 2 norcal的4/2/14最后更新数据,其他州有5五月末的,啥时候下次更新? |
f*******s 发帖数: 3046 | 6 early start rating是干啥的?norcal没有?
TLS倒是又更新了,看了几个基本靠谱。 |
K****D 发帖数: 30533 | 7 I know one example: TLS 3.73, bumped to 5.0.
, |
d****t 发帖数: 1284 | 8 我觉得TLS的算法还是有没有考虑周到的地方,比如参赛次数。不过it对我的评估到总
是很准,我一直自认是borderline 4.0/4.5, 今年it给我的ranking是4.00,
, |
K****D 发帖数: 30533 | 9 Sorry, my bad, that guy is TLS 3.78. But still...
daughter |
d*g 发帖数: 16592 | 10 最离谱的是我们有个TLS的2.88的4.0C,今年还remain了4.0C。 |
K****D 发帖数: 30533 | 11 你这个还是比不上偶那个3.78的5.0C阿。
TLS rating现在是越来越entertaining了。。。 |
d****t 发帖数: 1284 | 12 这次是不是地区性的放水?我的队里只有我升了,连比我发挥更好的二单都没升,他可
升4 |
f*******s 发帖数: 3046 | 13 恭喜大家!我3.5了 without playing up. 估计这季打不了单打了,不够强。也感觉
usta有点放水。按tls, 我们队大概三四个升,实际上七八个好像。其他队跟我单打差
不多或赢我的都升了。 |
b*********s 发帖数: 6757 | 14 rating updates bases on TLS site
blacklodoss 3.87 to 4.18
mie 3.04 to 3.25
eric to EricfromNY |
r*********x 发帖数: 3016 | 15 according to TLS
moved me to 3.54 |
b*e 发帖数: 3845 | 16 www.tennisleaguestats.com
估计要打得多才有tls rating |
l******a 发帖数: 1478 | 19 办法国的,给了两个月有效期,单次入境。TLS地方不好找,google map指错路,办理
netherlands 和 Switzerland的最快,星期一面试下周三拿卡。其他的有些要两个月,
比如比利时。 |
s***r 发帖数: 500 | 20
都是key logger/木马... 机器早就中毒成肉鸡了,没发现而已。
看了以下,d3用的是类似SSL/TLS之类的东东,哪有那么容易session hack。人家有那
技术为啥不直接hack你的银行的ssl session,把你真钱转走,hack个游戏账号能值几
理登录,这样缺省是不用输authenticator code的。把authenticator设成每次都要输
入就可以了 |
n*********2 发帖数: 357 | 23 >【 在 Immphoenix (键盘侠) 的大作中提到: 】
> 如果你要加密通道,在通道建立期间的安全性现在还没有太完美的办法,最多就是再
取决于具体的应用初始设置, 会话密钥建立已经可以做的很好了; 有很多现成的办法
。 比如 TLS和Kerberos. 当然, 如果应用的初始设置变了, 这些已有的方案不适用
了, 那么事情可以变得很复杂。 |
o**v 发帖数: 1662 | 24 ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆
hanshen (汉神) 于 (Fri May 28 13:06:09 2004) 提到:
我做蠢事了。原来不用 certificate 都可以。
只需要在 Site Properties 里面的 Type 中的 Protocol type 选
FTP with TLS/SSL (Port 990 - Implicit), Port 填 990 就好了。
hanshen (汉神) 于 (Fri May 28 13:43:56 2004) 提到:
128-bit 加密。安全系数高,要未经授权使用就难一些了。
Msc (Master of Science) 于 (Sat May 29 13:48:45 2004) 提到:
我的是cuteftp 4。0,找不到你说的这些设置阿
☆─────────────── |
k*****a 发帖数: 1518 | 25 【 以下文字转载自 History 讨论区,原文如下 】
发信人: minotaur (牛头怪), 信区: History
标 题: 土匪“东北大局”的兴起与灭亡
发信站: Unknown Space - 未名空间 (Sun May 1 21:45:06 2005) WWW-POST
1945 年“八·一五”日本帝国主义投降后,11月中旬,中国共产党接收西丰,建立了
,又不乏政治野心,妄图有朝一日受“中 |
b*****x 发帖数: 3786 | 26 ipad 就说 timeout
OpenVPN server 的 log 说 TLS handshake failed.
网上好像说 openvpn 在 64 bit (ipad air) 下不工作, 但那已经
是 12/2013 的事了,难道到现在还没出 patch? |
x*****g 发帖数: 151 | 27 安全性方面,搞个HTTPS,买个证书,用nginx或者haproxy offload SSL/TLS, 自己装
个防火墙,像iptables, 只开HTTPS 443 端口。
在网上找个VPS, 应该很容易搞定。 |
e*****r 发帖数: 39 | 28 Please message me if you're interested.
Responsibilities: To design and develop advanced server load balancing and
security software; mentor junior engineers; work with HW team on next
generation platform requirement; work with product management, QA and TAC on
internal and external customer requirements.
Qualifications: 5+ years of networking software development; Export of TCP/
IP, real-time OS, SSL/TLS, CAM, parallel computing; Experience with Server
Load Balacing and application proxy a big ... 阅读全帖 |
c*h 发帖数: 33018 | 29 【 以下文字转载自 WashingtonDC 讨论区 】
发信人: cwh (mit normal), 信区: WashingtonDC
标 题: mid level SOFTWARE ENGINEER position in Rockville, MD
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jan 31 09:35:03 2012, 美东)
As a Software Engineer at NSi you will be responsible for the design and
implementation of new features for enterprise-class software products.
Responsibilities may include technical research, high-level and detailed
functional and technical design, coding and testing. The ide... 阅读全帖 |
l***y 发帖数: 791 | 30 call control is encrypted. and it can use port 80/443 for that. however, it's
not riding http and it's not TLS. our enterprise proxy actually drop them on
the floor.
do |
m**t 发帖数: 1292 | 31
有对java 环境的要求吗? 这VPN 可能跑java applet 吧 另外SSL/TLS version 是不
是也有关系? 用不同的browser 呢? 瞎猜,没用过啊 |
s*****g 发帖数: 1055 | 32 来自主题: EmergingNetworking版 - 求面经!! 1)I want to set up Exchange server in firewall's DMZ, my domain controller
is in inside network, give me a step by step plan how to implement this, assuming
authoritative NS servers are managed locally.
2)I want to implement EAP-TLS to secure corp wireless access, give me a step
by step plan to implement it.
3)Assuming my corp ipsec gw is a ASA, my IPsec software clients can not ping
each other, what could be the reasons? what would you do to fix it?
4)CCM is running in corp, we are opening a ne |
l*********0 发帖数: 197 | 33 来自主题: EmergingNetworking版 - 求面经!! 呵呵呵俺没有IE, 估计年薪也到不了12w。 你的问题看了看,试着答答。请大家多多
Q1:1.FIREWALL 上两个WAN口,(负载均衡,冗余)+DMZ
2。最少两个public ip EXCHANG 和 网络访问的。
3, IP 划分,内网,DMZ区,internet 端口,邮件服务器
4。 假设其他都完成。 启动DMZ 端口
6, DMZ-WAN 的路由规则。设一静态路由在内网服务器和DMZ主机之间。
3, 在AD SERVER 中的网卡的属性中配置 EAP
Q3,, 是不是跑道一个V |
w***s 发帖数: 321 | 34 麻烦啊,EAP-TLS/PEAP就要证书,企业网里面没什么用途。
据说瘦AP也出来了,应该没有厂商跟钱过意不去,说不准这回动力有外部的。 |
s*****g 发帖数: 1055 | 35 Probably not, EAP-TLS/TTLS requires back end Radius server which has
authenticator (the legal autonomous AP or LWAPP controller) as trusted client, when your wireless client tries to associate with the repeater/bridge, the repeater/bridge will not understand EAP packets from client, nor can it exchange authentication messages with back end Radius server. |
e*****r 发帖数: 39 | 36 Please message me if you're interested.
Responsibilities: To design and develop advanced server load balancing and
security software; mentor junior engineers; work with HW team on next
generation platform requirement; work with product management, QA and TAC on
internal and external customer requirements.
Qualifications: 5+ years of networking software development; Export of TCP/
IP, real-time OS, SSL/TLS, CAM, parallel computing; Experience with Server
Load Balacing and application proxy a big ... 阅读全帖 |
a**********k 发帖数: 1953 | 37 The protocol stack is like this:
HTTP over SSL/TLS over TCP.
so any HTTP request headers, including that of cookie, are encrypted.
If the reverse proxy is SSL terminated, you may sniffer packets
at its connection to the HTTP server side to get the info.
Hope that helps.
cookie. |
n*********a 发帖数: 1956 | 38 openVPN是基于SSL/TLS的,reside at the bottom of the application layer.
要用这个保护,每个application都得是openVPN aware.
还是两个office一边一个IPSec gateway,配一个strongSwan或openSwan一劳永逸。 |
n**********l 发帖数: 271 | 39
could you please elaborate your comparison between SSL/TLS VPN and IPSec VPN?
Not all VPN technologies are transparent to applications? |
n*********a 发帖数: 1956 | 40 SSL tunnel,openVPN之类都是应用层的solution (尽管TLS的名字是传输层,实际上是
错误命名,实际工作层是应用层的bottom),it is not transparent to
applications。The applications must know the existence of such solution, and
know how to contact the secured tunnel established by the solution.
Layer 3 VPN and Layer 2 VPN are transparent to applications.
In host-to-site IPsec VPN, the host still knows the existence of the VPN.
In site-to-site IPsec VPN, the VPN is totally transparent to both end hosts.
VPN? |
n*********a 发帖数: 1956 | 41 openVPN是基于SSL/TLS的,reside at the bottom of the application layer.
要用这个保护,每个application都得是openVPN aware.
还是两个office一边一个IPSec gateway,配一个strongSwan或openSwan一劳永逸。 |
n**********l 发帖数: 271 | 42
could you please elaborate your comparison between SSL/TLS VPN and IPSec VPN?
Not all VPN technologies are transparent to applications? |
n*********a 发帖数: 1956 | 43 SSL tunnel,openVPN之类都是应用层的solution (尽管TLS的名字是传输层,实际上是
错误命名,实际工作层是应用层的bottom),it is not transparent to
applications。The applications must know the existence of such solution, and
know how to contact the secured tunnel established by the solution.
Layer 3 VPN and Layer 2 VPN are transparent to applications.
In host-to-site IPsec VPN, the host still knows the existence of the VPN.
In site-to-site IPsec VPN, the VPN is totally transparent to both end hosts.
VPN? |
b***d 发帖数: 11 | 44 不是。Server cert and Client cert是两码事。 |
s*****g 发帖数: 1055 | 45 Certificate request from Server to Client is optional, it is not practical
nor necessary to implement this message during handshaking in Web
communication (HTTPS). |
m**k 发帖数: 290 | 46 Normally you get your cert as a pkcs12 file from a CA, for example
your employer. Then import the file to your browser.
firefox -> preferences -> Advanced -> Certificates ->
View Certificates -> Import |
b***d 发帖数: 11 | 48 不是。Server cert and Client cert是两码事。 |
s*****g 发帖数: 1055 | 49 Certificate request from Server to Client is optional, it is not practical
nor necessary to implement this message during handshaking in Web
communication (HTTPS). |