g******4 发帖数: 6339 | 1 The school serves the Chicago North Shore suburbs of Wilmette, Kenilworth,
Winnetka, Glencoe, most of Northfield, and parts of Glenview.
[1] Winnetka
WASPs were a caste, closed off to all not born within it, with the possible
exception of those ...... Yale, Princeton and Harvard were the great WASP
universities, backed up by Choate, Groton, Andover, Exeter and other prep
schools. WASPs tended to live in exclusive neighborhoods: on upper Park and
Fifth Avenues in New York, on the Main Line in Phi... 阅读全帖 |
w******0 发帖数: 28 | 2 【 以下文字转载自 Michigan 讨论区 】
发信人: wang1000 (千元王), 信区: Michigan
标 题: 感觉Ann Arbor township房价的抗干扰性比Ann Arbor市区好
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Apr 27 04:49:51 2010, 美东)
感觉Ann Arbor township房价的抗干扰性比Ann Arbor市区好
如图, AA Township其中09年中还能有一个反弹小波, 然后才继续稳定回落啊
AA city 的干脆就整个一个跌跌不休, 连一点反弹都冒得, 一直挺进到今年 |
t**********s 发帖数: 930 | 3 最近看中了一个房子,让agent带着去看了两次,怎么看都觉得面积比里listing上的大很
多. 而且卧室也比listing上的多两间,这两间在basement.
basement添了两个卧室,但是没有向township报. 估计是省税吧.
谢谢 |
s**********0 发帖数: 266 | 4 想买一个大件电器, 问一下大家知道这边哪些Townships有3.5%的Sales Tax? 平时7%
的税中 3.5%直接给State,另外3.5%给Township。 有几个Township免了那3.5%
我就知道北边 Patterson 的 MicroCenter肯定是3.5%, 不知还有没有其他的? 有没有
什么Walmart, Bestbuy 开在3.5% tax zone 里? |
o*********8 发帖数: 488 | 5 卖主装的,因为inspection不合格。卖主让我们打电话给township,请他们inspect
finished installation. 结果township说卖主还没有申请permit,一个permit需120刀
。房子已经close了,去问agent和律师,都说没听说过装这个还需permit.有人懂吗? |
p**********e 发帖数: 47 | 6 township owns the roads and curbs.., so if curb is damaged, should township
repair it? |
t**********s 发帖数: 930 | 7 还有, 那我们熟年后要卖这个房子的时候, 按照现在的listing的size么.
还有, 我们的agent有无可能查到他们finish basement 有没有report 到township? 他
们finish basement而没有抱给township, 对我们的实际影响是什么? 多谢了. |
l*****8 发帖数: 1095 | 8 大家好,小弟下个月要去GM实习,公司安排的住宿在Clinton Township那边,想问一下
还有小弟现在没有车,不知道有没有在GM R&D上班的,同时也住在Clinton Township的
,能够提供一下carpool?感激不尽阿!!! |
jd 发帖数: 138 | 9 虽然不同但是同一个学区的,小学分开但初高中都在一起。
其实morris township本身倒是挺白的,不过morristown的劳模就多了,西面半个都是
v.s. suburban的意思。 |
f*******r 发帖数: 901 | 11 我们住在Ocean Township,新泽西Red Bank或Ocean Township这边有好的理发店吗?请
大家给推荐一个,谢谢! |
n***s 发帖数: 897 | 12 Parsippany-Troy Hills Police Department
Tuesday October 30th, 2012 :: 06:16 a.m. EDT
State of Emergency Still in Effect
Driving in the Township of Parsippany is prohibited.
A State of Emergency remains in effect in Parsippany-Troy Hills. Driving in
the township is prohibited. Many roads are impassable due to downed trees,
live wires and utility poles. We are working to rectify the situation as
soon as we can.
Parsippany-Troy Hills Police Department
33... 阅读全帖 |
S********5 发帖数: 753 | 13 http://www.mlive.com/news/kalamazoo/index.ssf/2009/03/oshtemo_township_homeowner_fir.html
by Gazette Staff Reports
Tuesday March 10, 2009, 8:25 PM
OSHTEMO TOWNSHIP -- An armed homeowner in Oshtemo Township scared off a pair
of burglars earlier this week when he fired two shots from his gun, police
said Tuesday.
No one was injured, according to a press release from the Kalamazoo County
Sheriff's Office.
Police said two suspects broke into the house in the 7000 block of West H
Avenue Monday aftern |
c********e 发帖数: 4283 | 14 Chester Township已经靠近Delaware了,Baiden的老巢。 |
f*********y 发帖数: 3 | 15 码工男要去navy yard 附近上班, 求租一单间。最好安全,离上班近. Studio, one
bedroom apt , or sharing a multiple bedroom apt is fine. 月租不多于六百刀。
另请问derby township 附近治安好吗?
多谢了! |
c*******i 发帖数: 24 | 16 RT,本人即将来NJ的monroe township附近上班,不知道各位有没有啥合适的房源信息
另外,这边的1 bed apartment 或者studio size的房子的租金一般是多少钱呢?求指
教。非常感谢。 |
c****d 发帖数: 681 | 17 后院几百feet有幢business building,天气热了,空调很吵。24/7连续的高频噪音。
Noise which is objectionable due to volume, frequency or beat shall be
muffled or otherwise controlled so that there is no production of sound
discernible at lot lines in excess of the average intensity of street and
traffic noise at the lot lines.
这种情况可以complain吗?谢谢 |
n***a 发帖数: 1742 | 19 你去你们township网上查查,具体哪些需要permit. |
b******6 发帖数: 572 | 20 换完屋顶后,接到屋顶公司电话,说township 要做屋顶的 inspection,正常吗?
怕涨税。 |
m*******n 发帖数: 46 | 21 家里草地太大,能不能卖了一部分地,让township,或者开放商在旁边建房 |
m*******n 发帖数: 46 | 22 这个如何操作? 找律师,还是直接找township? |
m*******n 发帖数: 46 | 23 这个如何操作? 找律师,还是直接找township? |
k*****i 发帖数: 314 | 24 【 以下文字转载自 NewJersey 讨论区 】
发信人: kiwiwii (金灶沐), 信区: NewJersey
标 题: 求推荐 Central/North Jersey 通勤保姆 (Readington Township)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jun 18 16:14:12 2013, 美东)
左右开始。希望住的近(30min 车程之内)。实在不行,住家保姆也可以。价格面议。
请好心人站内信箱推荐,多谢了。 |
d****k 发帖数: 195 | 25 谢谢
另外请问county/township 和BLS 之间有什么区别? |
s*********a 发帖数: 138 | 26 在网上找了找, 没有找到大家对这个地区的评价。
打算买稍微新一点的condo/apt, 但是发现找出来都在Clintion Township. 是在
Detroit东北部。大家觉得这个区怎么样阿? |
b****n 发帖数: 4166 | 27 township自己管理的网球场?不都是小区管理的么?
我都没见过我们town有... |
a**3 发帖数: 159 | 28
c*******i 发帖数: 24 | 29 RT,本人即将来NJ的monroe township附近上班,不知道各位有没有啥合适的房源信息
另外,这边的1 bed apartment 或者studio size的房子的租金一般是多少钱呢?求指
教。非常感谢。 |
m****s 发帖数: 7397 | 30 excerpt from a Bloomberg article (2010-05-10 00:22:58.147 GMT)
Slices of all four Maxim CDOs were insured by American
International Group Inc., which marked down the value of the
securities to $1.2 billion from $2.5 billion before they were
transferred to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York as part of
AIG’s 2008 government bailout.
Chau left Maxim in 2006 to further capitalize on the CDO
boom. Maxim had a limited interest in the business, according to
two people familiar with the matt... 阅读全帖 |
i******t 发帖数: 11048 | 32 对了城主morristown和 morris township是一个town么? |
n*********n 发帖数: 1063 | 33 我正准备装一个,这个需要township检验吗? |
s*******7 发帖数: 187 | 34 I am a student in Michigan. Next week I plan to go to New Jersey by Amtrak.
I have a friend living in Plainsboro township, NJ 08536. Amtrak station is
at 1 Raymond Plaza West, Market Street, Newark, 07102.
I am wondering how an I get to my friend's place from Amtrak station. I have
never been to New Jersey and my friend has only been in US for one month.
He only knows that his place is close to Princeton station.
Thank you! |
s**********0 发帖数: 266 | 35 这估计不太会是County Level的吧? 一般来说就是一个township。
我主要想找3.5% Walmart 或 BestBuy, 但不知怎么查? |
N****E 发帖数: 1474 | 36 Several township in Hudson county have 3.5% sales tax. I just listed a
couple of towns. There is a Bestbuy in Jersey city and there is a Walmart
in North Bergen that both charge 3.5% sales tax. |
x******t 发帖数: 3911 | 37 收到township的来信说要从新估价房值,还要进屋看。
还让不让人活啊? |
y****r 发帖数: 234 | 38 请问North Brunswick township 周边治安如何?适合工作和生活吗? 谢谢。 |
i*****y 发帖数: 126 | 39 Booton township 看起来还挺好的,中小学是rockaway valley school 然后就上
lakes的高中了。 boonton town 不太好。 |
m****s 发帖数: 8992 | 40 It is very good.
MLH is a great high school. excellent in sports.
you must make sure you are buying in Boonton Township, and not in Boonton.
of course.
The most attractive properties in BTN TS of course are all the farm lands.
get 10 acres, for a little over 1 million. sweet deal.
The Y in MLKS is a VERY good one.
after exercise, You can park on The Boulevard and take LakeLand directly to
midtown. |
m****s 发帖数: 8992 | 41 boonton township cheaper land. much bigger land, but same high school as M
Boonton is different.
了。 |
R*L 发帖数: 10 | 42 打算买房, Hanover township 可以考虑吗?主要是想问问大家怎么看它的学区? bee
meadow 和 Salem drive 小学可以上吗? |
m****s 发帖数: 8992 | 43 推倒重建。
还有,楼上诸位,不要混淆Boonton township 和 Boonton.
Different school, different town, different money!
Same river. |
a**********e 发帖数: 31 | 44 Right, I think Boonton township is way more better than Boonton. |
l*********n 发帖数: 303 | 45 买房时曾经对booton township的某个房子很动心,所以跑了好几次,看了小学、中学
。。。 |
Q*n 发帖数: 211 | 46 因为工作可能分别在Basking Ridge和Princeton,打算搬到Montgomery Township买房,
1. 知道Montgomery是好学区,但是有没有值得推荐的区域或者要避免的区域?现在观
Belle Mead中间紧贴206的区域,面积稍大,多在75万以上,豪宅区?d:Belle Mead最
北边Pike Run那一片,房子较新,50万左右居多。
2. 两个小孩要上daycare, The Learning Experience (北边206上)和 New Horizons
3. 不知道Montgomery有没有中国人的微信群,可以大人一起打球,小孩play date?
先表示感谢! |
M**********3 发帖数: 13 | 47 夫妻两一个在Newark 上班,一个在Montclair 上班,刚调动来新泽西洲,不是很熟悉
情况。最近中介介绍看到一个Chatham Township 的大房子,一百多万,比较不错。仔
心,这样的地理位置,还有人买chatham的房子吗? 据说对身体有隐患。 朋友能不能
resale. Millburn short Hills 房子又贵又旧,livingston, 好房子好地段很难找,
而且部分位置也有高压线穿过。 像burnet hill 小学就离高压线非常近。 |
f*********y 发帖数: 3 | 49 码工男要去navy yard 附近上班, 求租一单间。最好安全,离上班近. Studio, one
bedroom apt , or sharing a multiple bedroom apt is fine. 西南郊似乎近,但安
另请问darby township 附近治安好吗?
多谢了! |
t*****e 发帖数: 3544 | 50 Ridley township 好些,Swarthmore 更好。 |