r******8 发帖数: 430 | 1 我的Vanguard账户里分两部分:Roth IRA and Rollover IRA
Roth IRA 2007年个人开的,知道现在共买了8000刀本金的VANGUARD TARGET
现在刚开Rollover IRA,里面有11500刀的闲钱,是从学校退休账户里转进来的。投资
的东西不懂,不知该买点啥MF?本站考古了一下,有人说买VANGUARD WELLINGTON
INCOME FUND (VWELX)就行,还有其他的吗?请推荐,多谢了!另外,这些钱就打算长
期投资的,基本上不太管理。 |
c******g 发帖数: 2323 | 2 vanguard dividend growth
vanguard wellington
vanguard wellesley income |
c******7 发帖数: 439 | 3 现在网站上还是下面这样, 楼上是不是大账户啊?
What other fees does Vanguard Brokerage Services charge?
Vanguard Brokerage charges the following service fees:
A $20 account service fee, charged annually.*
* The fee is waived for Voyager, Voyager Select, and Flagship clients. |
p**h 发帖数: 1105 | 4 Fidelity和Vanguard在mutual fund的投资没有伯仲之分, Vanguard可以free买到的
mutual fund, 在Fidelity也可以free 买到相同, 或holding相同的equivalent的
mutual fund.. mm选哪一家都没差了。。
但是也许有差异在买卖股票上, 据Vanguard的website的information, 它的stock
trading的commission 是 $7 for the first 25 trades3,$20 for subsequent
trades (对于account < 5w ), 这比Fidelity要贵一些。。 不过要是你的帐户超过5w
, commission就降到$7 了. Fidelity是$7.95 |
p**h 发帖数: 1105 | 5 偶的意思是: 如果在Fidelity开户, 就买equivalent的Fidelity的funds, Fidelity
funds不比vanguard的差, , 干嘛非得买vanguard的funds不可.. 当然要是开户在
Vanguard, 就买V自家的啦。。。LZmm 已经在F家开户了, ROTH IRA 一年只能放5000
, 开两家没意义; 换来换去也没意义。。。
k***i 发帖数: 72 | 6 大家有H1B在Vanguard开户买他家mutual funds的吗?不知道H1B可不可以算是resident
。咨询了Vanguard,他们也说不清楚,让我问tax advisor,还说是non-resident就不能
开户。大家有H1B在Vanguard开户的吗?怎么开的呢?谢谢。 |
b****e 发帖数: 157 | 7 已经买了一个vanguard的all-in-one
VSCGX Vanguard LifeStrategy Conservative Growth Fund
想先搞一个消费行业比重大些的Mutual fund,看了下面这个似乎还不错
VDAIX Vanguard Dividend Appreciation Index Fund Investor Shares
或者,还是应该买VFINX这种follow index的?这个会不会和VSCGX重复了?
多谢啦~ |
r**m 发帖数: 1825 | 8 http://altruistfa.com/etfs.htm
ETFs may be somewhat more tax efficient than similar conventional index
mutual funds. This increased tax-efficiency is in the form of lesser
capital gains distributions (which effectively means that an ETF's capital
gains tend to be more deferred than a similar mutual fund's would be). The
idea that ETFs should have lower capital gains distributions comes from
their ability to shed their lowest-basis shares to institutional
arbitrageurs through in-kind redemption... 阅读全帖 |
r**m 发帖数: 1825 | 9 http://altruistfa.com/etfs.htm
ETFs may be somewhat more tax efficient than similar conventional index
mutual funds. This increased tax-efficiency is in the form of lesser
capital gains distributions (which effectively means that an ETF's capital
gains tend to be more deferred than a similar mutual fund's would be). The
idea that ETFs should have lower capital gains distributions comes from
their ability to shed their lowest-basis shares to institutional
arbitrageurs through in-kind redemption... 阅读全帖 |
G********n 发帖数: 468 | 11 小蝌蚪一枚,今天刚上Vanguard开了一个Roth IRA,结果application到了一半,被要
求选investment options。情急之下,上CNNMoney搜索了一下,看到Vanguard Small
Cap Value ETF,貌似performance比VTSMX还好。但是毕竟初次接触基金,而且是人生
。毕竟选fund不是一晚上能结束的事情。 |
j****n 发帖数: 3465 | 12 Vanguard也有吗?我怎么在Vanguard网站上没找到相关信息?
另外,关于IRA账户的选择,是不是Vanguard比较好?Fedility呢?谢谢! |
M********r 发帖数: 278 | 13 What are you afraid of? If you are afraid of losing money because of bad
investment choice ( say you invest in a very agressive sector fund and lose
money because of market turmoil), the choice is yours. You need to make wise
investment selections based on your investment objectives. You want to be
safe? Vanguard has money market funds for your safety needs.
If you are afraid of vangaurd as a company, keep in mind that vanguard is
one of, if not THE most reputable company arround with a giganti... 阅读全帖 |
s*******e 发帖数: 257 | 14 我现在在考虑taxable account的investment,放在普通taxable account里面每年会被
tax。不知道有没有人清楚vanguard variable annuity?尤其是这个Tax-deferred
retirement savings with the Vanguard Variable Annuity:after-tax的钱投资,然
对于投资外行来说,可能区别也不大。还有一个缺点是expense ratio在0.5%到0.7%左
右,比普通index fund高。请问大家对此有什么建议?谢谢! |
N*C 发帖数: 1987 | 15 Wealthfront是robot advisory
Vanguard、fidelity也有自己的robot advisory,Vanguard的是Vanguard Personal
Advisor Services, fidelity的叫fidelity go。 |
M********r 发帖数: 278 | 16 1. for employment based retirement plan such as 401K, the exact lineup of
funds available to you is determined by your employer. So check with your HR
. For individual retirement plan within Fido or Vanguard, you have access to
all of their funds. Vanguard is known for index funds and low cost active
funds. Fidelity has good funds and more choices of sector funds, which could
be a distraction to novel investors. I personally would choose Vanguard.
2. I don't think it's a big deal. If you go with... 阅读全帖 |
a*****0 发帖数: 3319 | 17 我的投资和退休账户全在fidelity. 最近想买个免税的vanguard bond, 是否最好在
vanguard开个帐号?因为fidelity charge transaction fee of $75.
非常感谢。 |
j**********d 发帖数: 29 | 18 想建个Traditional IRA 再 backdoor convert 到 Roth (至今没有任何IRA). 公司的
401K是 Vanguard. 想在Fidelity or Vanguard 选一个,这种情况选Fidelity可以有
更多的多样性的fund, 还是用Vanguard易于管理? |
M******y 发帖数: 108 | 19 在vanguard上买过etf,等了好几天才收到确认,正常吗?印象中etf买卖应该和股票一
样, 基本上是实时的,
Vanguard ETFs are not redeemable with an Applicant Fund other than in
Creation Unit aggregations. Instead, investors must buy or sell Vanguard ETF
Shares in the secondary market with the assistance of a stockbroker. In
doing so, the investor may incur brokerage commissions and may pay more than
net asset value when buying and receive less than net asset value when
selling. |
x******g 发帖数: 24 | 20 问一下vanguard total bond 和 vanguard total market 应该都是diversified
mutual fund吧
完全外行,想要确认一下。 |
x******g 发帖数: 24 | 21 问一下vanguard total bond 和 vanguard total market 应该都是diversified
mutual fund吧
完全外行,想要确认一下。 |
M******y 发帖数: 108 | 22 在vanguard上买过etf,等了好几天才收到确认,正常吗?印象中etf买卖应该和股票一
样, 应该上是实时的呀。
Vanguard ETFs are not redeemable with an Applicant Fund other than in
Creation Unit aggregations. Instead, investors must buy or sell Vanguard ETF
Shares in the secondary market with the assistance of a stockbroker. In
doing so, the investor may incur brokerage commissions and may pay more than
net asset value when buying and receive less than net asset value when
selling. |
n*******e 发帖数: 4745 | 23 二手交易风险自负!请自行验证是否合法和一手卡!:
Vanguard 8x42 Spirit ED Binocular (Black)
Vanguard 8x42 Spirit ED Binocular (Black)
买卖双方谁承担邮寄损失(Required if not code only):
物品来源(Required for All Cards!):
能否证明是合法的一手卡?(Required for All Cards!):
state and zip: |
d*********u 发帖数: 2100 | 24 二手交易风险自负!请自行验证是否合法和一手卡!:
Vanguard 8x42 Spirit ED Binocular (Black)
Vanguard 8x42 Spirit ED Binocular (Black)
买卖双方谁承担邮寄损失(Required if not code only):
物品来源(Required for All Cards!):
能否证明是合法的一手卡?(Required for All Cards!):
state and zip: |
n*******e 发帖数: 4745 | 25 二手交易风险自负!请自行验证是否合法和一手卡!:
Vanguard 8x42 Spirit ED Binocular (Black)
Vanguard 8x42 Spirit ED Binocular (Black)
买卖双方谁承担邮寄损失(Required if not code only):
物品来源(Required for All Cards!):
能否证明是合法的一手卡?(Required for All Cards!):
state and zip: |
S**C 发帖数: 2964 | 27 For no-load
Domestic stock funds: Vanguard
Foreign stock funds: Fidelity
Municipal bond funds: Fidelity
Taxable bond funds: Vanguard
For load investors
Domestic stock funds: American
Foreign stock funds: American
Municipal bond funds: Franklin/Templeton
Taxable bond funds: Pimco
K****D 发帖数: 30533 | 28 You'll probably have to call Vanguard. Most people who IRA with Vanguard
are buy-and-holders or inactive traders and thus have no experience in
But if you do that, I don't think you'll need to pay tax. Roth IRA is
Roth IRA, regardless what you do. |
J**S 发帖数: 25790 | 29 投资有两种选择:
1)Vanguard® mutual funds
2)Stocks, bonds, ETFs, and non-Vanguard mutual funds
貌似开帐户就要选好股票,基金。 能不能开好ROTH IRA 账户,不选投资的股票,基金
急着开帐户转钱,同学同志们帮忙指导一下吧。谢谢。 |
f****t 发帖数: 1063 | 30 为什么大家都说vanguard好?我看fidelity 的SPARTAN 的费用才0.10%, 比vanguard
还便宜! |
K****D 发帖数: 30533 | 31 FSMKX vs VFINX, 0.10% vs 0.15%.
FUSEX: don't know what's the Vanguard fund.
//nod, like WB, or BOA?
I like Vanguard since I use their target retirement funds, VFIFX is
0.19%, much better than Fidelity's FFFHX 0.8%. |
c*v 发帖数: 93 | 32 第一个问题简单,不可以,除非你开一个brokerage account,不过每年好像要交$30年
费,手续费也很高,我记得是$25. 如果想买股票和ETF, 还是看看fidelity, swim or
think 之类的巴.
第二个问题不好回答,估计所以没人回. 我随便说说,首先你可以考虑考虑index funds
或者retirement target funds, 这些是vg的传统强项.如果你有一定的风险承受能力
和投资经验,想买actively managed funds,你得想好diversified funds 还是
concentrated funds. 前一类的收益和指数基金一般不会相差太多,后一类则可能在任
STAR is a balanced fund,but I like vanguard wellington fund better in that
US Growth is large growth. It was a famously bad fund (by vanguard's
starndard) befor |
m*****u 发帖数: 1342 | 33 Very nice explaination. I have Vanguard Winsor II and International Value. I
also heard its Large Cap Growth was a disaster :-)
I think Vanguard Selected Value is also good, although it has short history.
Bought some at my IRA a while ago.
For mutual fund, my personal opinion is that it's very hard for mutual fund
to outperform the market. So low cost, and index probably is the way to go.
funds |
B*******A 发帖数: 40 | 34 Vanguard Precious Metals and Mining Fund (VGPMX)
Vanguard Emerging Markets Stock Index Fund Investor Shares (VEIEX)
才开始投401k, 不知道现在买这两个是不是已经晚了... |
d*******9 发帖数: 248 | 35 我去年刚来美国,F-1 student..
最近想在vanguard上开一个账户买MF,可是在网站上注册的时候填non-resident alien
就直接被拒了。。然后我问客服,客服说“we will not open an account for non-
resident alien”。。。。
我不知道能不能以resident alien身分注册。。我怕报税的时候有麻烦。。
有人以F-1 status买过vanguard fund么?谢谢。。。 |
c*v 发帖数: 93 | 36 "我看中Vanguard 是因为它是 discounted online brokerage firms 中的 low-cost
leader." 这个基本胡扯。不要把Vanguard的基金账户和brokerage 帐户搞混了。 |
c*v 发帖数: 93 | 37 Vanguard's mutual fund account is pretty good, but you can only buy Vanguard
mutual funds (not even their ETF) in that account. If you want to buy
stocks, ETFs, or other family's funds, you need to have a brokerage account
with them. They will charge you an annual account maintenance fee (waived if
you have $100K assets with VG), and the commissions are high. So if you are
looking for a brokerage account, any other major retail brokerage firms (
Fidelity, Schwarb, TD Ameritrade) or niche players |
K****D 发帖数: 30533 | 38 你的意思是为啥Vanguard 500比Spartan 500差,但是却更贵?
原因是:index fund绝大多数情况下,因为更贵,所以yield更差。你搞颠
偶比较好奇的是为啥你会认为Vanguard 500更差,因为从yield来看两者几乎
完全一样。Spartan 500一般人能买到的是ER 0.10%那种。 |
i**********s 发帖数: 528 | 39 想把vanguard的roth transfer 到scottrade roth
ira。 不知道vanguard会charge多少钱。
请问大家有没有transfer过得 能不能告诉一下。 谢谢 |
m****u 发帖数: 229 | 40 I dont know how much Vanguard will charge you. But per Scottrade
Account Transfer Reimb ursement Request,Scottrade will reimburse the account
transfer fees up to $100 charged by another broker when you transfer your
account with a value of $25,000 or more to Scottrade.
I think it's best if you call Vanguard to find it out before you take any
If someone who is a scottrade user, he or she can refer you and both you
will get THREE free trades.
http://www.scottrade.com/referall/how-it-works. |
m****u 发帖数: 229 | 41 Why do you want to switch? Is there something wrong or bad about Vanguard? I
am currently with Scottrade now. The only good thing that I like about
Scottrade is that they got a branch 25 minutes from my home and they charge
only $7 ish for a trade.
I dont know how much Vanguard will charge you. But per Scottrade
Account Transfer Reimb ursement Request,Scottrade will reimburse the account
transfer fees up to $100 charged by another broker when you transfer your
account with a value of $25,000 or |
f****y 发帖数: 921 | 42 在vanguard买非vanguard的基金,除了expense ratio高一些,相比他们自己的基金还
会有什么额外的费用? |
f****y 发帖数: 2196 | 43 fidelity的帐户暂时没有多余的钱投资了, 想从chase转点钱过去, fidelity没有fee,
chase要收EFT的fee嘛? 我问chase, 一个说要, 一个说不要, 不信他们了. fidelity开
转了两边都没收, 是不是这次也是一样?
顺便问问vanguard是不是也是这样? 本人还没有vanguard的账户, 考虑中.
谢谢 |
g*****h 发帖数: 35 | 44 又有点糊涂了。
只买vanguard的mutual funds,开一个普通的投资账户就可以,选 electronic
delivery 免去account fee。
如果要买vanguard的EFT或别的公司的Fund,需要brokerage account,年费20. |
s****y 发帖数: 44 | 45 在Vanguard开了个Roth IRA,准备买几个index funds长期投资,发现对应的ETF没有
minimum,expense ratio和Admiral Shares一样。Is this too good? Am I missing
any tricks?请收悉Vanguard ETFs 的高人讲解以下。Thanks! |
g********x 发帖数: 4671 | 46 That's the advantage of ETF over MF, lower ER and no minimum purchase
requirement. The drawback (commission) is not an issue if you Vanguard ETF
with vanguard account. |
p*****y 发帖数: 529 | 47 Vanguard ETFs usually have lower expense ratio but lower daily volume
comparing with other ETFs. That means you trade-off your liquidity
requirement with lower maintainance cost.
I remember reading something about Vanguard ETFs that they use a diff
structure so that they can leverage their existing MF to replicate a new ETF
. So this should be the reason why the cost is lower. But google for the
exact reason if you want. |
c*****x 发帖数: 429 | 48 This is a good choice: Vanguard Target Retirement 2050 Inv (VFIFX)
No, you don't need to pay extra besides individual funds expenses for target
retirement funds at Vanguard. |
s****y 发帖数: 682 | 49 The answers are so misleading.
For IRA at Vanguard, you can only buy MF not ETF. ETF is traded in brokerage
Is Fidelity the same as Vanguard? |
k******n 发帖数: 3154 | 50 Vanguard IRA竟然没法买ETF!!!!!!!!!!
更可笑的是,Vanguard没有现金账户,打钱进来要先来个money market account
简直是脱了裤子放屁啊 |