m***a 发帖数: 13878 | 1 Matt Lauer was fired from NBC News on Wednesday after an employee filed a
complaint about "inappropriate sexual behavior in the workplace," the
network announced. |
m**c 发帖数: 7349 | 2 是时候联系HR了,了解各自workplace ethic.
值此革命低潮,建议同志们避免和女的任何身体接触 |
b*****d 发帖数: 61690 | 3 【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: brihand (brihand), 信区: USANews
标 题: 拉里挺幽默的:I believe more in karma
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Dec 1 16:51:46 2017, 美东)
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton commented Thursday night on
longtime NBC host Matt Lauer's firing, remarking that she believes in the
concept of karma a little more "every day," Philly Voice reports.
Clinton was speaking in Philadelphia as part of her national book tour
promoting her memoir, "What Happened," which looks at her unsuccessful 2016
... 阅读全帖 |
W*****B 发帖数: 4796 | 4 就是前几年在奥斯卡颁奖典礼上侮辱小黄人的那个黑不溜秋穆斯林小丑
She wanted to go slow; he wanted to go fast. She told the world. Is Aziz
Ansari a victim or a perpetrator?
The Aziz Ansari cultural moment was inevitable.
Ansari, the immensely talented actor who just won a Golden Globe for his
work on “Master of None,” has been very publicly accused of unwanted
sexual aggression during a first date by an anonymous 23-year-old woman who
met him at an Emmy after-party last year.
Her story, “I went on a date with Aziz Ansari. It tur... 阅读全帖 |
h***n 发帖数: 1275 | 5 人星巴克总裁说了
星巴克卖的不是咖啡,是another place other than home and workplace |
t*****9 发帖数: 10416 | 6 big deal, just workplace shotting target former co-workers
George: Let me ask you something. What do you do for a living, Newman?
Newman: I'm a United States postal worker.
George: Aren't those the guys that always go crazy and come back with a gun
and shoot everybody?
Newman: Sometimes. |
t**x 发帖数: 20965 | 7 美国干脏活累活的人肯定很多
Workplace deaths in the coal mining industry increased last year to their
highest point in three years.
A total of 15 miners died on the job in 2017, Mine Safety and Health
Administration (MSHA) data show, compared with eight in 2016. |
L*****d 发帖数: 5093 | 8 China's biggest tech companies are promising to make changes after being
named in a report detailing discrimination against women in job advertising
in the country.
Entitled "Only Men Need Apply," the report published Monday by Human Rights
Watch says that discrimination in hiring by Chinese government authorities
and private companies is contributing to a widening gender gap in the world'
s second largest economy.
"Nearly one in five job ads for China's 2018 national civil service called
for 'm... 阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 9 Seven years after earning tenure at the College of Wooster, Judith C.
Amburgey-Peters is still working a "nonstop, crazy schedule on 6,000
different things." But she is not sure whether the 80 hours a week she
spends leading the chemistry department, advising students, and trying to
squeeze in time for research will ultimately qualify her for promotion to
full professor.
"When I asked a few years back who could help me with my five-year
professional plan, the looks I got back were: What planet a... 阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 10 Google is still very white and very male
Google is still very white and very male
Its latest diversity report shows it still has work to do.
Mallory Locklear Mallory Locklear, 2h ago
Google released its annual diversity report today and though strides have
been made in some areas, in others, the company has shown little improvement
. Globally, Google is 69.1 percent male and in the US 53.1 percent of the
workforce is white, 36.3 percent is Asian, 3.6 percent is Latinx, 2.5
percent is bl... 阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 11
我只是想问一下可不可以。不可以的话我就不看了。实在很搞不懂美国人、白人的套路。 |
W*****B 发帖数: 4796 | 12 可以看,但是要预先提交申请,说是因为个人性需求的原因,需要看黄网。一般都会批
路。 |
h***n 发帖数: 1275 | 14 美帝也是80年代后女人才普遍进入workplace的 |
b*****d 发帖数: 61690 | 16 多维新闻记者先联系了涉事酒店Generator Hostel 斯德哥尔摩店,相关负责人回复记
workplace(活动区域),并非public place(公共空间),因此未办理入住的旅客是
不能在此区域逗留的。 记者问到是不是所有人只要在这里逗留且不离开,酒店方都会
报警处理,该名工作人员说如果沟通后仍然不离开,这就是他们的处理方式。 当记者
员表示所有相关的公关和回复应该联系Generator Hostel在伦敦的总部,他们会给出答
案。随后拒绝回答记者提出的关于中国游客是否与其发生冲突的问题。 多维新闻随后
联系了Generator Hostel在伦敦总部的负责对接媒体的市场部门办公室,该办公室负责
典的遭遇他最先是通过视频了解到的,看到时候感到deeply shock(极度... 阅读全帖 |
b*****d 发帖数: 61690 | 17 Google has fired 48 employees over the last two years, Google’s CEO Sundar
Pichai said on Thursday after a New York Times report that the company had
protected three senior executives from allegations of sexual misconduct by
offering them hefty payouts.
The email, which The Hill reviewed, said that 13 of which were senior
executives, but that none had received exit payouts.
“Today’s story in the New York Times was difficult to read,” Pichai said
in the opening of his email, which Eileen Naughton... 阅读全帖 |
s******r 发帖数: 5309 | 18 老流氓疮破才出$25000买个鸡想搞倒穆勒? 哈哈哈。
The special counsel's office confirmed to CNBC that it learned about the "
scheme" from journalists who had been approached by a woman alleging that
she had been offered $20,000 by Burkman "to make accusations of sexual
misconduct and workplace harassment against Robert Mueller." |
b********n 发帖数: 38600 | 19 WTF are you talking about? YOu are a dense mfking trumptard. I have told you
a dozen times that Trade deficits are not ledger losses or real deficits.
But you are too fking stupid to grasp it.
When you buy a car from Japan you don't lose, you pay and get a car. HOw the
**** did you lose you *******? The deal is settled when you pay your cash
to the Japanese car maker. The exchange rate discount is what you and that *
****** dumbass Trump thinks is a ledger loss. Its a fking discount to you,
you... 阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 22 我可以看得到,copy paste将就看下吧
CreditCreditPhoto illustration by Joan Wong. Photographs by Ronghui Chen for
The New York Times.
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Where Does Affirmative Action Leave Asian-Americans?
A high-profile lawsuit against Harvard is forcing students and their
families to choose sides.
CreditCreditPhoto illustration by Joan Wong. Photographs by Ronghui Chen for
The New York Times.
By Jay Caspian Kang
Photographs by Ronghui Chen
Published Aug. 28, 2019
Updated Sept. ... 阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 23 有过这种老板,直接撕逼,告HR workplace discrimination, 马上清净了。 |
h*********n 发帖数: 11319 | 25 facebook华人员工被直属老板骗没有换组,然后又被直属老板给低绩效后跳楼自杀。
Facebook试图含混过关。 硅谷华人自发活动,要求facebook给出真相。反对workplace
1. 本周四(9/26)1:00-2:30PM献花和举牌。地点在FB前面的Like Sign 进行。fb不好
2. 活动目的就是献花,引起关注,顺便举牌子表达要full investigation。咱们活动
上班时间,大家都需要想办法挤时间甚至skip meeting,都很不容易。
3. 大家那天不要穿带公司logo的衣服,这个是个人行为,这样保护自己,免得被人断
4. 集体哀悼和发声其实就是为了改善长期的工作环境,减少将来在职场被霸凌的可能。
5. 活动已经跟MP警局报告。
6. FB员工请不要接受媒体采访。其他人请不要提自己公司。 |
r**r 发帖数: 461 | 27 不错。
workplace |
C****2 发帖数: 2904 | 28 支持,为华人争取权利,好样的!
workplace |
z***t 发帖数: 10817 | 29 这种Retaliation in the Workplace
三要件构成了 打赢官司很容易的
fb要和解赔很多 |
C**********e 发帖数: 23303 | 30 老将傻逼想得美
: 这种Retaliation in the Workplace
: 三要件构成了 打赢官司很容易的
: fb要和解赔很多
d*c 发帖数: 588 | 31 https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/84605036
630 人赞同了该文章
最近,Facebook的中国工程师跳楼事件沸沸扬扬。油管博主Patrick Shyu是为数不多的
支持调查的公众人物之一。Patrick Shyu是日裔美国人,伯克利毕业,在Google做过
Tech Lead,在Facebook做过Staff Software Engineer。
徐老师很坦诚:加入Facebook就是为了钱(他的年薪是五十万美圆)。... 阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 32 五毛们素质不行,总是自己还没懂西方概念的含义时,就开始对这个西方概念攻击了,
“言论自由” 是《第一修正案》防止各个政府对言论进行限制,而不是阻止私有的企
业或个人对言论的限制,除非他们代表政府行事。 换句话说,言论自由是防止政府对
The right of free speech is applicable to state and local governments, only
prevents government restrictions on speech, not restrictions imposed by
private individuals or businesses unless they are acting... 阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 33 “言论自由” 是《第一修正案》防止各个政府对言论进行限制,而不是阻止私有的企
业或个人对言论的限制,除非他们代表政府行事。 换句话说,言论自由是防止政府对
The right of free speech is applicable to state and local governments, only
prevents government restrictions on speech, not restrictions imposed by
private individuals or businesses unless they are acting on behalf of the
government. The First Amendment only limits gove... 阅读全帖 |
W*******n 发帖数: 4140 | 34 【The following file was given by me to some physicians, including Dr.
Robert S. April on my Nov. 08, 2019 visit. A very similar file was given to
a treating physician, Dr. Mehrdad Golzad. An earlier version was provided to
NYS Workers' Compensation Board and the WC insurance adjuster Ms. Lisa
White in June 2019. Almost nobody cares. Medical readers can understand why
the deniers want to wipe Neck off the established list of established injury
sites, because the Neck was seriously injured during ... 阅读全帖 |
W*******n 发帖数: 4140 | 35 This kind of state terrorism is involved in my serious injuries from the
falling at workplace and some subsequent "diagnosis" and "treatment".
humans |
W*******n 发帖数: 4140 | 36 【The following file was given by me to some physicians, including Dr.
Robert S. April on my Nov. 08, 2019 visit. A very similar file was given to
a treating physician, Dr. Mehrdad Golzad. An earlier version was provided to
NYS Workers' Compensation Board and the WC insurance adjuster Ms. Lisa
White in June 2019. Almost nobody cares. Medical readers can understand why
the deniers want to wipe Neck off the established list of established injury
sites, because the Neck was seriously injured during ... 阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 37 By Wayne Ma
Nov. 19, 2019 7:01 AM PST
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s Georgetown address about free speech last
month drew skeptical commentary from many quarters. But for one group of
Facebook workers—its community of Chinese employees—his comments touched a
particularly sensitive nerve. Zuckerberg’s criticism of Chinese video app
TikTok and China’s censorship of the internet renewed long-standing
complaints that Facebook’s management is biased against China, according to
one employee who saw me... 阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 38 3M boosts production of face masks as coronavirus spreads in China
By Dee DePass Star Tribune JANUARY 24, 2020 — 7:35PM
People wearing masks head Wednesday for Beijing Station in Beijing, China.
3M has workers on overtime to meet the demand of people wanting protective
respiratory masks to ward against a spreading coronavirus.
3M has dramatically boosted production of respiratory face masks in its
Chinese factories in response to the s... 阅读全帖 |
r*****g 发帖数: 9999 | 39 OK, 把原文也贴这儿
It has been almost a month since I last posted an update of what it is like
here in China. So much has changed between then and now - clearly the
pressing and urgent matter is the spread of the virus around the globe and
the rate of increases of cases in multiple countries.
In Shanghai, the city is back to life this past week. It has slowly been
coming back for the past 2 weeks or so, but this week is the first it has
felt like daily activity is getting back to normal. Restaurants, s... 阅读全帖 |
W*******n 发帖数: 4140 | 40 The "treating" physician or medical assistant at New York City Medical &
Neurological Offices was claiming that "With or without the doctor's
treatment, a patient will recover on his own." The NYS WCB rule for
continuous treatments is to have follow-up appointments within 90 days.
NYCMNO writes "follow-up appointment in two months" in their "medical report
", but NYCMNO actually gives me the follow-up appointment in four full
发帖数: 1 | 41 现在wfh、下室也是workplace,我拿口罩for work,不算西福特。 |
s******n 发帖数: 518 | 42 【 以下文字转载自 History 讨论区 】
发信人: shaodian (有熊), 信区: History
标 题: 美国生物实验室泄露
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Mar 22 15:25:05 2020, 美东)
Investigation reveals hundreds of accidents, safety violations and near
misses put people at risk
Alison Young and Nick Penzenstadler, USA TODAY
Vials of bioterror bacteria have gone missing. Lab mice infected with deadly
viruses have escaped, and wild rodents have b... 阅读全帖 |
l******7 发帖数: 317 | 43 I am an employee of an NYC hospital, non-medical side, our updated policy is
if you have been infected in the hospital, go home, and get full pay until
you are clear. If you are infected outside of your workplace, go home, and
use your sick days, don't come back until you are clear, most of us
accumulated at least a month of sick days. |
i*****s 发帖数: 15215 | 44 We are going to concentrate on the two airplanes: Tu-95MS (a large, four-
engine turboprop-powered strategic bomber and missile platform) and Tu-160 (
a supersonic, variable-sweep wing heavy strategic bomber).
Tu-160 was designed in the 1980s.
The air forces of Russia currently have sixteen units of Tu-160.
Tu-160 is often called “White Swan”. Although several civil and military
transport aircraft are larger in overall dimensions, the Tu-160 is currently
the world’s largest combat aircraft, larg... 阅读全帖 |
m******1 发帖数: 19713 | 45 Virginia 州长反对有关同性恋的“反歧视法”
Virginia Gov. Opposes Gay Antidiscrimination Laws
By Advocate.com Editors
Bob McDonnell X390 (GETTY) | ADVOCATE.COM
Despite growing criticism after Virginia attorney general Ken Cuccinelli
told college and state university officials they lacked legal authority to
enact sexual orientation antidiscrimination policies, Republican Gov. Bob
McDonnell said that he did not support a law protecting LGBT state employees
from workplace harassment.
Saying that he personally pledge |
m******8 发帖数: 2153 | 47 A new survey of more than 7,000 trans people in the US says that 41 per cent
have tried to kill themselves.
The research, carried out by the National Center for Transgender Equality
and the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, also found than 19 per cent had
been refused medical care because of their trans status.
Twenty-eight per cent said they had experience harassment in hospitals or
doctors’ surgeries, while two per cent said they had been violently
assaulted in medical settings.
Half of tho... 阅读全帖 |
g********d 发帖数: 4174 | 48 Posted on Advocate.com February 15, 2011
Colo. Civil Unions Bill Introduced
Colorado state senator Pat Steadman introduced a civil unions bill Monday,
as supporters sent legislators construction-paper “links of love” for
Valentine’s Day.
By Advocate.com Editors
Colorado state senator Pat Steadman introduced his much-anticipated civil
unions bill Monday.
Steadman had been talking about the bill for months, even wondering if he
should sponsor it, as he took into account the criticism that civil un... 阅读全帖 |
m******1 发帖数: 19713 | 49 Obama on Gay Pride Month
By Advocate.com Editors
The White House issued a statement in advance of Gay Pride Month, declaring
LGBT rights to be human rights and recapping President Obama's efforts at
advancing equality here and abroad.
"The story of America's Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT)
community is the story of our fathers and sons, our mothers and daughters,
and our friends and neighbors who continue the task of making our cou... 阅读全帖 |
m******1 发帖数: 19713 | 50 By Trudy Ring
Thirty-three percent of state and local government workers and 29% of
private-sector workers have access to health care benefits for same-sex
domestic partners, according to a new U.S. Department of Labor study, its
first one documenting domestic-partner benefits.
The inclusion of such benefits “provides a better, fuller picture of
employee benefits in workplaces across our nation,” according to a
statement issued by Se... 阅读全帖 |