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Apple版 - iMac mouse tips!!!!
David Pogue: New iMacs and Mac Pro's Coming "Probably in 2013"imac rocks
Snow Leopard将让苹果打开更多商业市场PC想switch到苹果 请教一点问题
Second USB monitor for iMac?觉得iMac没用了
Ethernet and LocalTalk printing有多少人准备入islate的?
ISDN Adaptors for iMaciPad Pro? Or iMac touch? Coming by end of 2011?
[转载] Mac销售强劲--苹果公司盈利大大超不是说今天会发布新的Mac Pro Book吗?
[转载] 艺术苹果VS百变PC,Mac和WinPC的对比测试 1到底是买个13+iPAD或者Mac Mini好呢,还是买个15的低配/中配?
new iMac, Mac mini and Macbook tomorrow?从Vista开始Mac的增长
话题: mouse话题: imac话题: balls话题: my话题: tips
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 82482
Here's a great iMac Tip
My brother in law is a teacher at a training (reform) school and one of the
problems that can sometimes arise with the Macs they have is that students
(inmates) will remove the balls from the mouse and throw or slingshot them.
The balls are very dense and make formidable weapons. Even where the mouse
balls are not abused in this way, they can pretty easily be stolen or
At least one of my suppliers provides a separate SKU for an educational
replacement mouse that c
1 (共1页)
从Vista开始Mac的增长ISDN Adaptors for iMac
最果轮的大学非VT莫属[转载] Mac销售强劲--苹果公司盈利大大超
最近用iMac 27, Mac Mini,MBP 13'', 还有 iPad 的一点[转载] 艺术苹果VS百变PC,Mac和WinPC的对比测试 1
拆分苹果new iMac, Mac mini and Macbook tomorrow?
David Pogue: New iMacs and Mac Pro's Coming "Probably in 2013"imac rocks
Snow Leopard将让苹果打开更多商业市场PC想switch到苹果 请教一点问题
Second USB monitor for iMac?觉得iMac没用了
Ethernet and LocalTalk printing有多少人准备入islate的?
话题: mouse话题: imac话题: balls话题: my话题: tips