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Apple版 - Apple Wins Patent for NFC-Enabled 'iTravel' Transportation Ticketing App
Next-Generation iPhone Prototypes Reportedly Support NFC for Mobile Payments苹果sucks -ios6review
Apple Planning for 7.85-Inch 'iPad Mini' with IGZO Display Later This Year?返璞归真 后劲十足的iPhone5
Video of WWDC 2012 Keynote Now AvailableNFC 现在怎么样了?
Apple-Motorola Judge Questions Need for Software PatentsApple这是以身作则证明“大屏=高端=好”啊 (转载)
Apple Deliberately Holding Back on Mobile Payment SystemApple Pay worked!
ztPassbook的统一可使苹果领先移动支付市场apple pay 上果子有非常多的优势
Next-Generation iPhone with LTE, NFC, and 1 GB RAM Reportedly Still in Engineering Testing看来不是所有支持nfc的都支持Apple pay
Schiller dismisses NFC谨慎怀疑Apple Pay会变成另外一个Siri
话题: apple话题: nfc话题: patent话题: itravel话题: ios
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3492
Tue, 10 Jul 2012 06:48:48 PDT
With Apple announcing its new Passbook digital wallet app for iOS 6 last
month, speculation regarding the inclusion of near field communications (NFC
) and mobile payment capabilities for future iOS devices has begun to
increase. The speculation comes amid rumors of iPhone prototypes with NFC,
although Apple has been said to be intentionally moving slowly on the mobile
payment front.
Now that Passbook has been revealed, today's granting of a new Apple patent
for NFC-enabled transportation ticketing takes on additional significance.
As noted by Unwired View, the disclosed "iTravel" application would handle a
broad array of functions to assist with travel logistics.
The main focus of the patent is how you would use your next iPhone with NFC
chip at the airport check-in. It includes loading your ID info such as
picture, retinal scan and fingerprint data from modern passports with
embedded radio frequency identification tags. Collecting your ticket
information from reservation confirmation e-mails/notifications, or
extracting reservation images via optical character recognition software,
barcode-reading software, or QR-code-reading software. Providing the
necessary information at the NFC equipped check-in counter, and receiving
the boarding pass with luggage info in exchange. Using the stored ID to pass
through airport security, etc.
Apple's iTravel patent application has been known for some time, having been
filed in September 2008 and published for public viewing in April 2010.
But with the patent now having been granted by the U.S. Patent and Trademark
Office, Apple has broader protections should it choose to launch such an
It is unusual for Apple to so thoroughly document an actual iOS application
concept that has yet to see the light of day in a patent application, and it
is unclear exactly why Apple has chosen to do so. But with NFC technology
being a bit slower to establish itself than originally hoped, perhaps Apple
thought it would be able to move faster on its idea. Alternatively, Apple
may have already discarded this specific implementation, but with Passbook
making an appearance later this year and NFC perhaps also being included,
Apple's iTravel concept may still find its way into iOS devices in some form.
1 (共1页)
谨慎怀疑Apple Pay会变成另外一个SiriApple Deliberately Holding Back on Mobile Payment System
现在Apple pay 推广的如何?ztPassbook的统一可使苹果领先移动支付市场
'Google Offers' App Lands on iPhone [iOS Blog]Next-Generation iPhone with LTE, NFC, and 1 GB RAM Reportedly Still in Engineering Testing
Google Brings Notification Center Support to Gmail App for iOS [iOS Blog]Schiller dismisses NFC
Next-Generation iPhone Prototypes Reportedly Support NFC for Mobile Payments苹果sucks -ios6review
Apple Planning for 7.85-Inch 'iPad Mini' with IGZO Display Later This Year?返璞归真 后劲十足的iPhone5
Video of WWDC 2012 Keynote Now AvailableNFC 现在怎么样了?
Apple-Motorola Judge Questions Need for Software PatentsApple这是以身作则证明“大屏=高端=好”啊 (转载)
话题: apple话题: nfc话题: patent话题: itravel话题: ios