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Apple版 - Move Your iTunes Library to Another Hard Drive in Three Simple Steps
Mac OSX 里面如何更改iTunes的Library folder location?iTunes 最大的问题
在3gs上升了ios 4的说说iTunes home sharing不错
How to remove a folder from itunes library?iTunes 中文显示问题
Re: itune有个真让人受不了的地方换硬盘后,是重新装系统,还是copy原系统比较好?
Weidong, 这个比较gay!iPhone Plug-In Tests Organic Food如何import电脑上的video到itune的library里?
从iTunes 11起添加媒体变了。Itunes to Ipod
ipod怎么把歌传到电脑里? (转载)什么时候ipod才能和itune分家呢?
话题: itunes话题: library话题: folder话题: media话题: your
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1540
Open up iTunes' Preferences and go to Advanced. Make sure the "Keep iTunes
Media Folder Organized" box is checked.
Click the Change button under "iTunes Media Folder Location" and choose your
new folder where you want iTunes to reside. Click OK (and if iTunes asks
you if you want to continue matching the "Keep iTunes Media Folder Organized
" preference, choose Yes).
Go to File > Library > Organize Library, check the "Consolidate Files" box,
and click OK. This will copy all of your files over to the new location,
keeping your library structure completely intact.
When you're done, you can delete the files in your original iTunes Media
folder, but don't delete the other .itl and itdb files—iTunes will still
use those in their original location. Hit the link to see the full process,
as well as a few troubleshooting tips if you have any problems.
发帖数: 3715
直接按住option 打开itune ->选取资料库就行了.. 不用这么麻烦


【在 k******g 的大作中提到】
: Open up iTunes' Preferences and go to Advanced. Make sure the "Keep iTunes
: Media Folder Organized" box is checked.
: Click the Change button under "iTunes Media Folder Location" and choose your
: new folder where you want iTunes to reside. Click OK (and if iTunes asks
: you if you want to continue matching the "Keep iTunes Media Folder Organized
: " preference, choose Yes).
: Go to File > Library > Organize Library, check the "Consolidate Files" box,
: and click OK. This will copy all of your files over to the new location,
: keeping your library structure completely intact.
: When you're done, you can delete the files in your original iTunes Media

1 (共1页)
什么时候ipod才能和itune分家呢?Re: itune有个真让人受不了的地方
itune有个真让人受不了的地方Weidong, 这个比较gay!iPhone Plug-In Tests Organic Food
怎样找回从itunes商店买的歌曲?从iTunes 11起添加媒体变了。
行家帮帮Synch Ringtone会把music和application全删掉吗?ipod怎么把歌传到电脑里? (转载)
Mac OSX 里面如何更改iTunes的Library folder location?iTunes 最大的问题
在3gs上升了ios 4的说说iTunes home sharing不错
How to remove a folder from itunes library?iTunes 中文显示问题
话题: itunes话题: library话题: folder话题: media话题: your