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Apple版 - Verizon trade-in iphone4送$200细则
Verizon 的 200刀 trade in没有了?verizon contract 6+还有两个月到期,可以trade in到iPhone 7+么?
Cancel了Verizon,上了ATT的iPhone 4S请问哪里可以买不签合同的iphone 3G or iphone 4?
Verizon upgrade的iPhone 5c 能转让给别人用吗verizon trade-in居然砍单了
给国内父母的朋友买 IPhone 的问题 (转载)苹果增长也太快了吧
烦人啊,国内托带iphone苹果早点出VZW iPhone的话
Verizon iphone 5s哪里有deal嘛iphone 4S rumors: 800万像素;不用4G网络;Qualcomm芯片
请教如何trade in iphoneIPHONE 4s 的lock问题有答案了吗?
V家能trade in几台iPhone 6?HTC下季度或亏损
话题: iphone话题: trade话题: verizon话题: edge话题: plus
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2248
活动有效期9月12-9月30,新签或续两年合同,或者全价买iphone 6或iphone 6 plus,
旧iphone 4,4s,5 都可以trade in for $200 gift card,旧iphone 5S是$300。不论
哪家carrier的旧iphone都eligible。旧iphone 4 trade in 应该比较划算。联系
也是可以的,可以额外省$35,因为walmart iphone 6是$179+ $15 gift card。注意这
个活动唯一的catch,要签2年合同+ new Verizon Edge agreement,这个agreement类
似ATT的 ATT Next,对于share data每月10GB以下的同学似乎不值。ATT Next细节可以
这里是Verizon Edge的link
Verizon trade in old iphones细则在下面
iPhone Trade-in Promotion
1.What is the Verizon Wireless iPhone® Trade-In Promotion?
The Verizon Wireless iPhone Trade-In Promotion allows customers who would
like to purchase a new iPhone® 6 or iPhone® 6 Plus to trade in their
old iPhone 4, iPhone 4s, iPhone 5, iPhone 5c or iPhone 5s from any carrier
and receive a Verizon Wireless gift card. Trading in with Verizon Wireless
provides you:
•The ability to obtain the latest wireless technology.
•An Eco Safe method of disposing old wireless devices and helps keep
waste out of landfills.
•The opportunity to trade in and upgrade on America’s Largest, Most
Reliable 4G LTE Network.
2.How does this trade-in promotion work?
•You will receive a $200 VZW Trade-in Gift Card when you trade in your
old iPhone 4, iPhone 4s, iPhone 5, or iPhone 5c, and purchase a new iPhone
6 or iPhone 6 Plus with a new Verizon Edge agreement, 2 year contract, or
when you pay full retail price.
•You will receive a $300 VZW Trade-in Gift Card when you trade in your
old iPhone 5s and purchase a new iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus with a new
Verizon Edge agreement, 2 year contract, or when you pay full retail price.
•Once you submit your trade online, you will receive shipping
materials to mail your old iPhone back to VZW.
•Mail back your old iPhone in the shipping materials that were mailed
to you after you receive your new iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus. Be aware of
the 11/15 deadline for returning your old iPhone.
•The Trade-In promotion is also available in Verizon Wireless Retail
Stores from 9/12/14 thru 9/30/14.
3.What are the requirements to participate in this offer?
•You must be purchasing either iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus on a new
Verizon Edge agreement, 2 year contract, or when you pay full retail price.
If you do not purchase iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus, you’ will receive the
normal trade-in value for your device.
•Your iPhone trade-in can be from any carrier & must be in good
working condition:
◦Phone can turn on and off.
◦LCD screen is free of cracks and functioning correctly.
◦Phone and connecting ports are free of visible corrosion and water
◦Phone and charging port are free of cracks and dents, and not missing
any pieces or chunks (not including cords or accessories).
◦For iPhones running iOS 7 or higher, the Find My iPhone feature must
be deactivated (turned off) before iPhone is traded in.
•Your account must be in good standing to participate in this trade-in
•Early Edge and Edge Up customers are not eligible for this promotion
at this time.
4.When can I trade my old iPhone and purchase the new iPhone 6 or iPhone 6
Starting on 9/12/14 you can visit verizonwireless.com and place your
preorder for the new iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus.
Once your purchase is complete, visit the online trade-in website to submit
your trade request. You must submit your trade between 9/12/14 & 9/30/14 to
receive this promotion.
Note: Only 1 iPhone can be traded in at this promotional value for each new
iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus purchased with a new Verizon Edge agreement, 2
year contract, or when you pay full retail price..
Government accounts are not eligible for this promotion.
Please allow up to 4-6 weeks from receipt of trade-in device for the Verizon
Wireless Gift Card to arrive if trade-in was submitted online.
Apple, the Apple logo, and iPhone are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered
in the U.S. and other countries.
发帖数: 853
3.What are the requirements to participate in this offer?
•You must be purchasing either iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus on a new
Verizon Edge agreement, 2 year contract, or when you pay full retail price.
If you do not purchase iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus, you’ will receive the
normal trade-in value for your device.
没说一定要edge啊。是不是full retail price最合算?如果GSM slot是unlocked的话。

【在 m******c 的大作中提到】
: 活动有效期9月12-9月30,新签或续两年合同,或者全价买iphone 6或iphone 6 plus,
: 旧iphone 4,4s,5 都可以trade in for $200 gift card,旧iphone 5S是$300。不论
: 哪家carrier的旧iphone都eligible。旧iphone 4 trade in 应该比较划算。联系
: Verizon接线员说,参与这个活动不一定非在verizon店或网上买iphone,去walmart买
: 也是可以的,可以额外省$35,因为walmart iphone 6是$179+ $15 gift card。注意这
: 个活动唯一的catch,要签2年合同+ new Verizon Edge agreement,这个agreement类
: 似ATT的 ATT Next,对于share data每月10GB以下的同学似乎不值。ATT Next细节可以
: 参考greenteabb的帖子。
: http://www.mitbbs.com/article_t/Apple/31739363.html
: 这里是Verizon Edge的link

发帖数: 283
seems like EDGE with More is the best?
Under EDGE, it's full price - 200$ trade in, and then with EDGE and in More
plan, you have $15 for the phone line with 10G or more data.
发帖数: 314
v家有全价机么?这个是不是说trade in 4, 然后就能给200用来买全价机?这全价机是
发帖数: 788
能拿中国电信的旧机器 去 trade in 么?
发帖数: 492
trade in 活动的link有么

【在 m******c 的大作中提到】
: 活动有效期9月12-9月30,新签或续两年合同,或者全价买iphone 6或iphone 6 plus,
: 旧iphone 4,4s,5 都可以trade in for $200 gift card,旧iphone 5S是$300。不论
: 哪家carrier的旧iphone都eligible。旧iphone 4 trade in 应该比较划算。联系
: Verizon接线员说,参与这个活动不一定非在verizon店或网上买iphone,去walmart买
: 也是可以的,可以额外省$35,因为walmart iphone 6是$179+ $15 gift card。注意这
: 个活动唯一的catch,要签2年合同+ new Verizon Edge agreement,这个agreement类
: 似ATT的 ATT Next,对于share data每月10GB以下的同学似乎不值。ATT Next细节可以
: 参考greenteabb的帖子。
: http://www.mitbbs.com/article_t/Apple/31739363.html
: 这里是Verizon Edge的link

发帖数: 1064
现在在ATT contract还没结束,怎么破?

【在 m******c 的大作中提到】
: 活动有效期9月12-9月30,新签或续两年合同,或者全价买iphone 6或iphone 6 plus,
: 旧iphone 4,4s,5 都可以trade in for $200 gift card,旧iphone 5S是$300。不论
: 哪家carrier的旧iphone都eligible。旧iphone 4 trade in 应该比较划算。联系
: Verizon接线员说,参与这个活动不一定非在verizon店或网上买iphone,去walmart买
: 也是可以的,可以额外省$35,因为walmart iphone 6是$179+ $15 gift card。注意这
: 个活动唯一的catch,要签2年合同+ new Verizon Edge agreement,这个agreement类
: 似ATT的 ATT Next,对于share data每月10GB以下的同学似乎不值。ATT Next细节可以
: 参考greenteabb的帖子。
: http://www.mitbbs.com/article_t/Apple/31739363.html
: 这里是Verizon Edge的link

1 (共1页)
iPhone 5S 就要发不了,貌似这次大家没有很期待啊Verizon iphone 5s哪里有deal嘛
为什么QQ在IPHONE 3G上不能通过WI-FI登陆请教如何trade in iphone
紧急求救: 如何在大陆使用在美国买的IPHONE ??V家能trade in几台iPhone 6?
Verizon 的 200刀 trade in没有了?verizon contract 6+还有两个月到期,可以trade in到iPhone 7+么?
Cancel了Verizon,上了ATT的iPhone 4S请问哪里可以买不签合同的iphone 3G or iphone 4?
Verizon upgrade的iPhone 5c 能转让给别人用吗verizon trade-in居然砍单了
给国内父母的朋友买 IPhone 的问题 (转载)苹果增长也太快了吧
话题: iphone话题: trade话题: verizon话题: edge话题: plus