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Apple版 - My Apple ID hacked?
Amazon Launches Cloud Player App for iPhone [iOS Blog]Apple Fighting Back Against In App Purchase Hack, But Service Still Operational
Apple's iCloud and iMessage Services Experiencing Significant Outage [Update: Resolved]Apple Now Including Unique Identifiers for In App Purchase Receipts to Combat Hack
Apple Planning Major Overhaul of iTunes to Emphasize iCloud and SharingGIZMODO某小编的ICLOUD帐号被HACK了, 损失惨重.
Apple Reminds Users of iWork.com Discontinuation on July 31iCloud怎么还不降价
Apple Rolling Out iCloud.com Email Addresses with iOS 6 Beta 3itunes sync
包子:ipad air2无故被锁死怎么办?国内能连icloud吗?
iOS 6 Maps with 'Flyover' 3D Hacked to Run on iPhone 4没设密码的IPad升级IOS后要求密码
Launch Center Pro is a Speed Dial for Everything on the iPhone [iOS Blog]今天下了个中国人写的app,apple id就被盗用了。
话题: apple话题: icloud话题: your话题: browser话题: my
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1416
Got an email:
"Your Apple ID was used to sign in to iCloud via a web browser.
Apple<[email protected]/* */
Dear Jiejun Wu,
Your Apple ID ([email protected]/* */) was used to sign in to iCloud via a
web browser.

Date and Time: June 17, 2016, 3:52 PM PDT
Browser: IE
Operating System: Windows

If the information above looks familiar, you can disregard this email.

If you have not signed in to iCloud recently and believe someone may
have accessed your account, go to Apple ID https://appleid.apple.com and
change your password as soon as possible.
Apple Support "
1 (共1页)
今天下了个中国人写的app,apple id就被盗用了。Apple Rolling Out iCloud.com Email Addresses with iOS 6 Beta 3
Apple sells ten millionth song包子:ipad air2无故被锁死怎么办?
No tax at the Apple Store. Two days only.iOS 6 Maps with 'Flyover' 3D Hacked to Run on iPhone 4
Is AT&T losing its grip on the iPhone?zzLaunch Center Pro is a Speed Dial for Everything on the iPhone [iOS Blog]
Amazon Launches Cloud Player App for iPhone [iOS Blog]Apple Fighting Back Against In App Purchase Hack, But Service Still Operational
Apple's iCloud and iMessage Services Experiencing Significant Outage [Update: Resolved]Apple Now Including Unique Identifiers for In App Purchase Receipts to Combat Hack
Apple Planning Major Overhaul of iTunes to Emphasize iCloud and SharingGIZMODO某小编的ICLOUD帐号被HACK了, 损失惨重.
Apple Reminds Users of iWork.com Discontinuation on July 31iCloud怎么还不降价
话题: apple话题: icloud话题: your话题: browser话题: my