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Arizona版 - Middle School Cancels ‘Honors’ Night Because it Hurts Fee (转载)
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信用分数知多少?Poor or Excellent?免费查询,尽快提高到700分Middle School Cancels ‘Honors’ Night Because it Hurts Feeeeelings
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【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: lczlcz (lcz), 信区: USANews
标 题: Middle School Cancels ‘Honors’ Night Because it Hurts Feeeeelings
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri May 23 16:02:25 2014, 美东)
Middle School Cancels ‘Honors’ Night Because it Hurts Feeeeelings
May 21, 2014 by Warner Todd Huston
A middle school in Rhode Island had canceled its night meant to honor
students who achieved excellent grades because officials felt that the
annual honors ceremony would hurt the self esteem of those more stupid kids
who didn’t get top grades.
Parents whose children attend the Archie R. Cole Middle School in East
Greenwhich, RI, were sent an email this week telling them that the annual
honors night was canceled because administrators were wringing their liberal
hands over the “exclusive nature” of the ceremony.
“Members of the school community have long expressed concerns related to
the exclusive nature of Honors Night,” the email began.
The school wanted to eliminate a special night to honor kids with high
grades or excellence in extra curricular activities and instead have
individual, smaller ceremonies based within the events, teams or classes
where the kids excelled. This would have eliminated the greater recognition
of the high achievers and served to create more understated, less public
displays of recognition. In other words, the school-wide platform of
recognition would be eliminated replaced by quieter recognition that would
not hurt the dumb kids’ feelings.
The school felt that kids who weren’t being honored would be crushed
because they weren’t as smart or successful as others. Why, their self
esteem would be forever destroyed, these foolish “educators” imagined.
Parents started complaining immediately about this spineless, liberal,
social re-engineering of their school’s culture. One parent told the local
TV news, “How else are they suppose to learn coping skills, not just based
on success, but relative failure, it might not be failure, but understand
what it takes to achieve high levels.”
This is a prime example of, well, several things. It is evidence that
liberals need to be eliminated from our system of mis-education, certainly,
but it is also evidence most of the fact that the left is systematically
attempting to destroy achievement and excellence in this country and working
to train kids that being good at something is an evil that must be avoided.
The liberal administrators eventually relented and re-scheduled the honors
night. But the back tracking is meaningless, really, because it is clear
they are quietly teaching kids that achievers are bad.
But this is the liberal credo. If you have achieved excellence in anything
“you didn’t build that.” You stole it, you cheated, you were handed it
without work, or you got it just because you are a white male. What ever it
is you achieved, you didn’t earn it and don’t deserve it. Further you
shouldn’t be recognized for achieving it.
You are a bad person for being better. You should be ashamed.
That is liberalism at its core.
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Summer InternExcel 2010 不行啊, 设计了越来越差了. (转载)
话题: school话题: honors话题: night话题: because话题: kids