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Automobile版 - Don't block police car on the left lane, my observation a few days ago
i don't like left lane blocker今天被撞了,顺带分享下学到的经验
希望大家开车还是平心静气一些看看国人是如何对付Left Line Blocker的
Left lane blocker都是相对的说"Left lane blocker"的基本都是傻逼
Left Lane Blockers才是马路杀手今早开车遇到一白人2B挑衅
left lane并不安全开日车的最猥琐的是开左道压速
Left lane blocker! Move to the right lanes!不要再左lane 开太慢,现成的例子
最牛逼的police chase好像车版上的很多人把限速根本不当回事
话题: lane话题: left话题: police话题: car话题: don
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 936
A few days ago, I was driving on I-78 east-bound in NJ. I was in the right
lane, the middle lane and right lane cars are moving at around 75mph, there
is a car in the left lane around 71-73mph.
Then a police car showed up behind the left lane blocker. The blocker did
not respond in the first minute, then it slowed to below 70mph, still
occupying the left lane. Now the police car lighted up its police light, the
car still stayed in the left lane, but slowed to below 65mph. Finally the
driver came to his/her senses and mover to the middle lane, then to the
right lane and to the shoulder and stopped, even though the police car
pulled head and left the scene in the left lane.
A lesson to the left lane blockers, although the police was really nice not
to ticket the person.
发帖数: 4115
有两种left lane blockers:
发帖数: 27155


【在 w****2 的大作中提到】
: A few days ago, I was driving on I-78 east-bound in NJ. I was in the right
: lane, the middle lane and right lane cars are moving at around 75mph, there
: is a car in the left lane around 71-73mph.
: Then a police car showed up behind the left lane blocker. The blocker did
: not respond in the first minute, then it slowed to below 70mph, still
: occupying the left lane. Now the police car lighted up its police light, the
: car still stayed in the left lane, but slowed to below 65mph. Finally the
: driver came to his/her senses and mover to the middle lane, then to the
: right lane and to the shoulder and stopped, even though the police car
: pulled head and left the scene in the left lane.

发帖数: 5214
這個。。。你在哪条lane都不應該block police car!


【在 w****2 的大作中提到】
: A few days ago, I was driving on I-78 east-bound in NJ. I was in the right
: lane, the middle lane and right lane cars are moving at around 75mph, there
: is a car in the left lane around 71-73mph.
: Then a police car showed up behind the left lane blocker. The blocker did
: not respond in the first minute, then it slowed to below 70mph, still
: occupying the left lane. Now the police car lighted up its police light, the
: car still stayed in the left lane, but slowed to below 65mph. Finally the
: driver came to his/her senses and mover to the middle lane, then to the
: right lane and to the shoulder and stopped, even though the police car
: pulled head and left the scene in the left lane.

发帖数: 936
I was in the right lane, too far away to actually look at the driver.
But I bet the driver was scared to death.
发帖数: 1637
It's not a good idea to be rubbernecking on highway.
发帖数: 936
It did not distract me much, but it is hard not to pay attention to a police
car, especially when it is in action.
1 (共1页)
好像车版上的很多人把限速根本不当回事left lane并不安全
其实有些lane blocker就是贱,并不是不懂。Left lane blocker! Move to the right lanes!
今天早晨差点害死了一个left lane blocker我是不是也该杀人?
这种情况算Lane Blocker吗? 大家都很痛苦最牛逼的police chase
i don't like left lane blocker今天被撞了,顺带分享下学到的经验
希望大家开车还是平心静气一些看看国人是如何对付Left Line Blocker的
Left lane blocker都是相对的说"Left lane blocker"的基本都是傻逼
Left Lane Blockers才是马路杀手今早开车遇到一白人2B挑衅
话题: lane话题: left话题: police话题: car话题: don