g********t 发帖数: 31 | 1 宝马的邮件地址:
c***************[email protected]
In lieu of recent Jimmy Kimmel show scandal of promoting racial killing
among young children, we urge your company to reconsider your sponsorship
with the Jimmy Kimmel Show on ABC.
A 6-year-old boy said "kill all Chinese" when was asked how to solve
government debt crisis and Mr. Kimmel commented "that is an interesting idea
". Mr. Kimmel also followed up this boy's opinion later the show by asking,
"Should we allow Chinese to live?"
As a parent, a BMW owner, and Chinese, I am outrageous about Mr. Kimmel
kidding on killing and genocide. Our children have right to know what is
right and wrong, and killing is never a joke, killing other races is never a
joke. The Chinese community is shocked with Mr. Kimmel's attitude to his
mistake and he still denies that is a mistake at all as of today, thinking
that we Chinese cannot understand his sense of humor.
I regretfully find that BMW is among the brands that sponsor his show. I
want to hear from you about your opinion on this incident. I urge BMW to
reconsider your sponsorship to the show. I cannot tolerate any degree of
racism and killing promotion to kids, or any brands associating, sponsoring,
and endorsing him.
Yours sincerely,
http://entertainment.time.com/2013/10/28/kids-say-the-most-divi |