g*q 发帖数: 26623 | |
d*******3 发帖数: 6550 | |
y**********a 发帖数: 481 | 3 马6完胜
【在 g*q 的大作中提到】
f****o 发帖数: 4067 | 4 胜负看occupant compartment和乘客验伤吧? 说不定tesla driver没事, 马六driver被
气囊打个五眼青呢? 撞车保人应该是前提,车就是个破机器,撞了就不要了. |
r*********5 发帖数: 2838 | 5 这点碰撞能看出来啥。。。。底盘a柱都没事
【在 g*q 的大作中提到】
p***6 发帖数: 939 | 6 不高兴,居然没有看见烟花。。。
【在 g*q 的大作中提到】
g*q 发帖数: 26623 | |
d*******3 发帖数: 6550 | |
y**********a 发帖数: 481 | 9 马6完胜
【在 g*q 的大作中提到】
f****o 发帖数: 4067 | 10 胜负看occupant compartment和乘客验伤吧? 说不定tesla driver没事, 马六driver被
气囊打个五眼青呢? 撞车保人应该是前提,车就是个破机器,撞了就不要了. |
r*********5 发帖数: 2838 | 11 这点碰撞能看出来啥。。。。底盘a柱都没事
【在 g*q 的大作中提到】
p***6 发帖数: 939 | 12 不高兴,居然没有看见烟花。。。
【在 g*q 的大作中提到】
z******7 发帖数: 772 | 13 正解。tesla前面是跟后备箱一样。。
【在 r*********5 的大作中提到】 : 这点碰撞能看出来啥。。。。底盘a柱都没事 : 特斯拉前面是空的,比马六多凹进去一点很正常
r***i 发帖数: 9780 | 14 正面撞侧角,这样很不错了
前天那个mb撞prius差不多情况 |
g***n 发帖数: 14250 | |
T**********e 发帖数: 387 | 16 我发现你这sb即把翻墙五毛什么帖子都能扯上丰田。你麻痹的有毛病是不是,还是祖上
【在 r***i 的大作中提到】 : 正面撞侧角,这样很不错了 : 前天那个mb撞prius差不多情况
i****x 发帖数: 17565 | 17 这事故充分反映了特斯拉的吸能特性强大。请太公日黑老色狼点评吸能设计的重要性和
前瞻性 |
y******y 发帖数: 207 | 18 这两完全没有可比性.
特斯拉的安全 超过所有SUV和minivan
title: Tesla Model S Achieves Best Safety Rating of Any Car Ever Tested--
Sets New NHTSA Vehicle Safety Score Record
PALO ALTO. Independent testing by the National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration (NHTSA) has awarded the Tesla Model S a 5-star safety rating,
not just overall, but in every subcategory without exception. Approximately
one percent of all cars tested by the federal government achieve 5 stars
across the board. NHTSA does not publish a star rating above 5, however
safety levels better than 5 stars are captured in the overall Vehicle Safety
Score (VSS) provided to manufacturers, where the Model S achieved a new
combined record of 5.4 stars.
Of all vehicles tested, including every major make and model approved for
sale in the United States, the Model S set a new record for the lowest
likelihood of injury to occupants. While the Model S is a sedan, it also
exceeded the safety score of all SUVs and minivans. This score takes into
account the probability of injury from front, side, rear and rollover
[在 gjq (不好啦,咕咚掉到井里啦) 的大作中提到:]
:........... |
y******y 发帖数: 207 | |
B*****l 发帖数: 1078 | 20 这个故事唯一说的就是
和马六在一起 特斯拉更漂亮了 |
l****g 发帖数: 5080 | 21 这恰恰说明特斯拉的安全性是有问题的。一般的车密度最大的部分是发动机,人是躲在
【在 z******7 的大作中提到】 : 正解。tesla前面是跟后备箱一样。。
y******y 发帖数: 207 | 22 前面没有发动机的好处见下。自己看吧
The Model S has the advantage in the front of not having a large gasoline
engine block, thus creating a much longer crumple zone to absorb a high
speed impact. This is fundamentally a force over distance problem -- the
longer the crumple zone, the more time there is to slow down occupants at g
loads that do not cause injuries. Just like jumping into a pool of water
from a tall height, it is better to have the pool be deep and not contain
rocks. The Model S motor is only about a foot in diameter and is mounted
close to the rear axle, and the front section that would normally contain a
gasoline engine is used for a second trunk. |
l****g 发帖数: 5080 | 23 在和别的车碰撞时,这种设计是活雷锋好不好,双方受力一样,但溃缩大部分发生在特
【在 y******y 的大作中提到】 : 前面没有发动机的好处见下。自己看吧 : http://ir.teslamotors.com/releasedetail.cfm?releaseid=786136 : The Model S has the advantage in the front of not having a large gasoline : engine block, thus creating a much longer crumple zone to absorb a high : speed impact. This is fundamentally a force over distance problem -- the : longer the crumple zone, the more time there is to slow down occupants at g : loads that do not cause injuries. Just like jumping into a pool of water : from a tall height, it is better to have the pool be deep and not contain : rocks. The Model S motor is only about a foot in diameter and is mounted : close to the rear axle, and the front section that would normally contain a
y******y 发帖数: 207 | 24 不是王婆卖瓜。看看下面第三方的评论:
Despite the fact that the crash looks quite bad at first sight, it’s a good
example of the kind of safety and reliability offered by modern cars. The
vehicles are designed to crumple upon impact, preserving the lives of
passengers inside at the cost of the car’s own integrity. This has
obviously worked as intended, judging from the pictures of the incident, and
it could actually be used to speak in Tesla’s defense to some extent. They
obviously know what they’re doing when it comes to designing a safe car.
If you look at the cars it should be easy to determine that the Tesla should
have less injuries in car accidents. They have much more room for crumple
zones and no motor to get rammed back into the passenger compartment. Should
just be simple logic with that big of a buffer zone to absorb impact that
they are safer than a front mounted combustion engine. Even if they catch
fire electrical fires are normally slower spreading than petroleum fed fires
which are far more likely to be explosive. A safer car usually is more
damaged in head on collisions because the car take more damage to absorb
impact protecting the passengers. Would rather have a totalled car than a
dead child or wife. That is why when you look at the numbers modern cars
have far less deaths per accident when compared to the old full framed cars
of the 1970's and earlier. They may have been tanks and got little
damage but they really didn't protect the people inside of them. |
a***e 发帖数: 27968 | 25 撞墙的时候这是对的
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 1.0.6
【在 y******y 的大作中提到】 : 前面没有发动机的好处见下。自己看吧 : http://ir.teslamotors.com/releasedetail.cfm?releaseid=786136 : The Model S has the advantage in the front of not having a large gasoline : engine block, thus creating a much longer crumple zone to absorb a high : speed impact. This is fundamentally a force over distance problem -- the : longer the crumple zone, the more time there is to slow down occupants at g : loads that do not cause injuries. Just like jumping into a pool of water : from a tall height, it is better to have the pool be deep and not contain : rocks. The Model S motor is only about a foot in diameter and is mounted : close to the rear axle, and the front section that would normally contain a
O**l 发帖数: 12923 | 26 特斯拉南京车主自述:我经历的一次Model S事故
http://www.d1ev.com/37984.html |
O**l 发帖数: 12923 | 27 另外说一句 楼猪堪比古板爱丁堡
model s 13年1季度销量4000的时候
它就在古板claim销量饱和了 |
y******y 发帖数: 207 | 28 Crumple 的时间和冲击力 当然不一样。
极限情况 如两理想刚性体相撞,crumple time 是零 冲击力无限大。越接近刚体
crumple time越短 冲击力越大。
但是对撞的时候,大家crumple的时间是一样的,简单的作用力反作用力 |
a***e 发帖数: 27968 | 29 假设一辆车冲击力持续0.2秒
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 1.0.6
【在 y******y 的大作中提到】 : Crumple 的时间和冲击力 当然不一样。 : 极限情况 如两理想刚性体相撞,crumple time 是零 冲击力无限大。越接近刚体 : crumple time越短 冲击力越大。 : ------------------------- : 但是对撞的时候,大家crumple的时间是一样的,简单的作用力反作用力
a***e 发帖数: 27968 | 30 车轻了还是吃亏
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 1.0.6
【在 O**l 的大作中提到】 : 特斯拉南京车主自述:我经历的一次Model S事故 : 。。。。。 : 4月1日下午,我去火车南站接人。正在马路上正常行驶,一辆马自达6在不 : 到50米的距离忽然拐弯,没打转向灯也没看路,我来不及躲避,两车直接撞上了。后来 : 交警来到现场,初步认定对方负全责。对方受伤比较严重,直接上救护车了。 : 特斯拉 : 我拍摄的事故现场 : 我没有任何受伤,回家以后看到媒体的报道,说特斯拉的前脸都被撞坏了,所以这车不 : 安全。我很气愤,因为这和现场情况完全不符合。。。。。。。。。。。 : http://www.d1ev.com/37984.html