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BIT版 - Openings of two Graduate Research Assistants
Assistantship is available for Ph.D. applicantOpenings of two Graduate Research Assistants
Graduate Assistantship (MS or PhD) Available (转载)Openings of two Graduate Research Assistants
[转载] accounting assistant needed immediatelyOpenings of two Graduate Research Assistants
Openings for Ph. D. Students at Louisiana Tech UniversityOpenings of two Graduate Research Assistants
Openings of two Graduate Research AssistantsOpenings of two Graduate Research Assistants
Openings of two Graduate Research AssistantsOpenings of two Graduate Research Assistants
Openings of two Graduate Research AssistantsOpenings of two Graduate Research Assistants
Openings of two Graduate Research AssistantsOpenings of two Graduate Research Assistants
话题: research话题: two话题: openings话题: assistants话题: graduate
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 21
Two research assistantships are available for two PhD students in Prof.
Cheng Luo's group in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
at the University of Texas at Arlington. The students are expected to have
good education and research backgrounds in solid mechanics and/or fluid
mechanics. They will be collaborating with other members in the group to
explore and apply nanofabrication approaches, and will be responsible for
the related theoretical, numerical and/or experimental wor
1 (共1页)
Openings of two Graduate Research AssistantsOpenings of two Graduate Research Assistants
Openings of two Graduate Research AssistantsOpenings of two Graduate Research Assistants
Openings of two Graduate Research AssistantsOpenings of two Graduate Research Assistants
Openings of two Graduate Research AssistantsOpenings of two Graduate Research Assistants
Assistantship is available for Ph.D. applicantOpenings of two Graduate Research Assistants
Graduate Assistantship (MS or PhD) Available (转载)Openings of two Graduate Research Assistants
[转载] accounting assistant needed immediatelyOpenings of two Graduate Research Assistants
Openings for Ph. D. Students at Louisiana Tech UniversityOpenings of two Graduate Research Assistants
话题: research话题: two话题: openings话题: assistants话题: graduate