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Basketball版 - The Heat Needs to Make History
heat打的太没耐心了。Ray to Heat!
whining index我为什么讨厌 詹姆斯
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我是凯蜜,但是凯队太tmd屎了Heat or Beat?
[NBA竞猜活动] 绿人对热火第五场见证历史 171:0 ----> 171:1
话题: heat话题: needs话题: celtics话题: make话题: history
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发帖数: 4140
The Heat Needs to Make History
by Limin Wang
Here comes the game 6 between Miami Heat and Boston Celtics at the Garden,
with Celtics leading at 3:2.
First of all, the Heat need to think it the right way. To win consecutively
2 games is not a strange thing to the Heat. They won 2 in the beginning, and
Boston won 3 in the following, so why the Heat can not win 2 consecutive
games? To come back is not a strange thing to the Heat. They came back from
1:2 from the Heat-Pacers series just a while ago. And two of the three
Boston wins were so close.
Second of all, Celtics is an OLD team. Although Celtics has the fame, has
the favor from the referees and the NBA, Heat can beat all kinds of odds,
and win just as the Thunder won the Spurs. The Heat need guys taking turns
to chase and defend Rondo, need a guy to prevent Allen's 3-pointers, need a
guy to stay very close to Pierce, and need a guy to stay close to Garnett.
Well, the most important of all, the Heat needs to show its strategy and
tactic to score. It is a TEAM game, so EVERY player is PART of SELF. The
whole TEAM, not a single person, makes a win or burdens a loss. Wade and
James must cooperate well with each other, and with the rest of the Heat. In
other words, KNOW what you yourself and teammates CAN do. Every player
needs to GENERATE good scoring moments for the Heat to win.
发帖数: 424
通篇的Chinglish. LOL


【在 W*******n 的大作中提到】
: The Heat Needs to Make History
: by Limin Wang
: 06/07/2012
: Here comes the game 6 between Miami Heat and Boston Celtics at the Garden,
: with Celtics leading at 3:2.
: First of all, the Heat need to think it the right way. To win consecutively
: 2 games is not a strange thing to the Heat. They won 2 in the beginning, and
: Boston won 3 in the following, so why the Heat can not win 2 consecutive
: games? To come back is not a strange thing to the Heat. They came back from
: 1:2 from the Heat-Pacers series just a while ago. And two of the three

1 (共1页)
见证历史 171:0 ----> 171:1whining index
火箭的主要问题还是没有一个PLAY MAKERZZ(ESPN) The Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing But the Truth
关于我凯的战术[NBA竞猜活动] 绿人对热火第五场
heat打的太没耐心了。Ray to Heat!
话题: heat话题: needs话题: celtics话题: make话题: history