H**U 发帖数: 1814 | 1 LeBron James says he’d take pay cut to play with Carmelo Anthony, Dwyane
Wade and Chris Paul
"I really hope that, before our career is over, we can all play together,”
James said. “At least one, maybe one or two seasons—me, Melo, D-Wade, CP—
we can get a year in. I would actually take a pay cut to do that.”
“It would be pretty cool,” James said. “I’ve definitely had thoughts
about it.” |
m**i 发帖数: 9848 | 2 电话费用激增
【在 H**U 的大作中提到】 : LeBron James says he’d take pay cut to play with Carmelo Anthony, Dwyane : Wade and Chris Paul : 3巨头不够,要4个才踏实 : "I really hope that, before our career is over, we can all play together,” : James said. “At least one, maybe one or two seasons—me, Melo, D-Wade, CP— : we can get a year in. I would actually take a pay cut to do that.” : “It would be pretty cool,” James said. “I’ve definitely had thoughts : about it.”
l*****i 发帖数: 20533 | |
w*********s 发帖数: 8428 | |
w*********s 发帖数: 8428 | |
M****u 发帖数: 17708 | 6 这个配置不能夺冠
【在 H**U 的大作中提到】 : LeBron James says he’d take pay cut to play with Carmelo Anthony, Dwyane : Wade and Chris Paul : 3巨头不够,要4个才踏实 : "I really hope that, before our career is over, we can all play together,” : James said. “At least one, maybe one or two seasons—me, Melo, D-Wade, CP— : we can get a year in. I would actually take a pay cut to do that.” : “It would be pretty cool,” James said. “I’ve definitely had thoughts : about it.”
g*l 发帖数: 385 | 7 Pay cut 留给谁?阿伦?
【在 H**U 的大作中提到】 : LeBron James says he’d take pay cut to play with Carmelo Anthony, Dwyane : Wade and Chris Paul : 3巨头不够,要4个才踏实 : "I really hope that, before our career is over, we can all play together,” : James said. “At least one, maybe one or two seasons—me, Melo, D-Wade, CP— : we can get a year in. I would actually take a pay cut to do that.” : “It would be pretty cool,” James said. “I’ve definitely had thoughts : about it.”
B******Z 发帖数: 9193 | 8 sharp
【在 g*l 的大作中提到】 : Pay cut 留给谁?阿伦? : : ”
m**i 发帖数: 9848 | 9 这个阵容,LBJ隐晦的说自己想打大前的意思…
【在 M****u 的大作中提到】 : 这个配置不能夺冠 : 韦德的伤是个问题,甜瓜的进取心是个问题,泡越来越老,身高也不够 : lbj的意思是不是骑士现在就要球员大甩卖,卖掉乐福欧文,换来他的好朋友们? : : ”
w******e 发帖数: 576 | 10 竟然没有Durant?
【在 H**U 的大作中提到】 : LeBron James says he’d take pay cut to play with Carmelo Anthony, Dwyane : Wade and Chris Paul : 3巨头不够,要4个才踏实 : "I really hope that, before our career is over, we can all play together,” : James said. “At least one, maybe one or two seasons—me, Melo, D-Wade, CP— : we can get a year in. I would actually take a pay cut to do that.” : “It would be pretty cool,” James said. “I’ve definitely had thoughts : about it.”
C*****l 发帖数: 3211 | 11 瓜顶上中锋 乐邦大前
可怜的真巨要是算到这个圈子里 就不用发愁C位了
【在 m**i 的大作中提到】 : 这个阵容,LBJ隐晦的说自己想打大前的意思…
M****u 发帖数: 17708 | 12 不是有tt吗?
【在 C*****l 的大作中提到】 : 瓜顶上中锋 乐邦大前 : 三号位是谁? : 可怜的真巨要是算到这个圈子里 就不用发愁C位了
C*****l 发帖数: 3211 | 13 说起TT,想起了RichPaul,然后想起了今年的状元秀!
刚好是第四条大腿,可能是最大的大腿。刚好上3号位。 等到新秀合同结束,签下
【在 M****u 的大作中提到】 : 不是有tt吗?
l**k 发帖数: 45267 | 14 詹密赶紧发包子吧
【在 H**U 的大作中提到】 : LeBron James says he’d take pay cut to play with Carmelo Anthony, Dwyane : Wade and Chris Paul : 3巨头不够,要4个才踏实 : "I really hope that, before our career is over, we can all play together,” : James said. “At least one, maybe one or two seasons—me, Melo, D-Wade, CP— : we can get a year in. I would actually take a pay cut to do that.” : “It would be pretty cool,” James said. “I’ve definitely had thoughts : about it.”
x******y 发帖数: 361 | 15 乐邦这口气,他不觉得抱团是丢人的事?呼唤14胖熊出来洗地。
【在 H**U 的大作中提到】 : LeBron James says he’d take pay cut to play with Carmelo Anthony, Dwyane : Wade and Chris Paul : 3巨头不够,要4个才踏实 : "I really hope that, before our career is over, we can all play together,” : James said. “At least one, maybe one or two seasons—me, Melo, D-Wade, CP— : we can get a year in. I would actually take a pay cut to do that.” : “It would be pretty cool,” James said. “I’ve definitely had thoughts : about it.”
f****s 发帖数: 5631 | 16 还有咖喱
【在 w******e 的大作中提到】 : 竟然没有Durant? : : ”
v*******n 发帖数: 8995 | 17 四个好基友,退役前底薪玩两年。。。。
【在 H**U 的大作中提到】 : LeBron James says he’d take pay cut to play with Carmelo Anthony, Dwyane : Wade and Chris Paul : 3巨头不够,要4个才踏实 : "I really hope that, before our career is over, we can all play together,” : James said. “At least one, maybe one or two seasons—me, Melo, D-Wade, CP— : we can get a year in. I would actually take a pay cut to do that.” : “It would be pretty cool,” James said. “I’ve definitely had thoughts : about it.”
k*2 发帖数: 2867 | 18 那篇新浪的翻译蛮准确的。老詹03届的,才打三年,06年就动手谋划抱团。合着这历史
【在 H**U 的大作中提到】 : LeBron James says he’d take pay cut to play with Carmelo Anthony, Dwyane : Wade and Chris Paul : 3巨头不够,要4个才踏实 : "I really hope that, before our career is over, we can all play together,” : James said. “At least one, maybe one or two seasons—me, Melo, D-Wade, CP— : we can get a year in. I would actually take a pay cut to do that.” : “It would be pretty cool,” James said. “I’ve definitely had thoughts : about it.”
d********3 发帖数: 7220 | 19 我来说句公道话,我对詹姆斯不黑不粉,今天看ESPN也凑巧听到他说那段话了
抱团的潜质,他们四个加起来,最多也就是东决到头了 |
G******I 发帖数: 64 | 20 别忘了猩猩是群居动物。。。
【在 H**U 的大作中提到】 : LeBron James says he’d take pay cut to play with Carmelo Anthony, Dwyane : Wade and Chris Paul : 3巨头不够,要4个才踏实 : "I really hope that, before our career is over, we can all play together,” : James said. “At least one, maybe one or two seasons—me, Melo, D-Wade, CP— : we can get a year in. I would actually take a pay cut to do that.” : “It would be pretty cool,” James said. “I’ve definitely had thoughts : about it.”
B******Z 发帖数: 9193 | 21 现在说的那么感人,离开迈阿密的时候可没犹豫,那时候不想着朋友了?
【在 d********3 的大作中提到】 : 我来说句公道话,我对詹姆斯不黑不粉,今天看ESPN也凑巧听到他说那段话了 : 问题是人家说的是向和朋友一起打,而不是要抱团,我实在看不出甜瓜和韦德还有啥被 : 抱团的潜质,他们四个加起来,最多也就是东决到头了
s******n 发帖数: 7166 | 22 其实就是想和朋友一起打的意思,大家也肯定都明白,也就调侃一下而已
【在 d********3 的大作中提到】 : 我来说句公道话,我对詹姆斯不黑不粉,今天看ESPN也凑巧听到他说那段话了 : 问题是人家说的是向和朋友一起打,而不是要抱团,我实在看不出甜瓜和韦德还有啥被 : 抱团的潜质,他们四个加起来,最多也就是东决到头了
l**k 发帖数: 45267 | 23 看来D2跑路是因为跟老朋友韦德闹别扭了,现在又想通了床头打架床尾和?
【在 d********3 的大作中提到】 : 我来说句公道话,我对詹姆斯不黑不粉,今天看ESPN也凑巧听到他说那段话了 : 问题是人家说的是向和朋友一起打,而不是要抱团,我实在看不出甜瓜和韦德还有啥被 : 抱团的潜质,他们四个加起来,最多也就是东决到头了
s******r 发帖数: 21961 | 24 明明是看到腮帮又雄起了,比较身下萎靡的小凯,转头又去求欢了。
【在 l**k 的大作中提到】 : 看来D2跑路是因为跟老朋友韦德闹别扭了,现在又想通了床头打架床尾和?
A******8 发帖数: 294 | |
d*********t 发帖数: 4279 | 26 典型coward 心态,克里福兰老板说的一点没错,可怜啊,克里福兰人民从俱乐部到球迷
【在 A******8 的大作中提到】 : 怕决赛被马刺或者warrior虐杀?
q*x 发帖数: 683 | 27 蟹黄有袋盐,陪卡无所谓。
【在 v*******n 的大作中提到】 : 四个好基友,退役前底薪玩两年。。。。 : 好基友,一辈子,不能和最好的你一起玩,但陪最后的你一起玩 : 这么简单的道理,詹黑们居然不懂。。。。。 : 麻痹的,让生活中多一点阳光吧。 : : ”
t****2 发帖数: 694 | 28 明明说的是职业生涯结束前,也就是快打不动的时候玩票性质,黑的有点过了
【在 d********3 的大作中提到】 : 我来说句公道话,我对詹姆斯不黑不粉,今天看ESPN也凑巧听到他说那段话了 : 问题是人家说的是向和朋友一起打,而不是要抱团,我实在看不出甜瓜和韦德还有啥被 : 抱团的潜质,他们四个加起来,最多也就是东决到头了
d*********t 发帖数: 4279 | 29 但是动摇军心了已经。基本没有冲冠可能了今年
【在 t****2 的大作中提到】 : 明明说的是职业生涯结束前,也就是快打不动的时候玩票性质,黑的有点过了
k*2 发帖数: 2867 | 30 你没看明白楼上的?老詹钱捞够了玩票不少啥,那几个哥们跟着玩票能搞到像样最后一
【在 t****2 的大作中提到】 : 明明说的是职业生涯结束前,也就是快打不动的时候玩票性质,黑的有点过了
k*2 发帖数: 2867 | 31 波波维奇欣赏你和他不谋而合 -- 波波说韦德现在是几年来打的最好的,膝盖好了,
【在 s******r 的大作中提到】 : 明明是看到腮帮又雄起了,比较身下萎靡的小凯,转头又去求欢了。
n*********6 发帖数: 1869 | 32 悲剧朋友就像卫生巾,要用的时候贴的倍儿紧,用完不用看甩马桶。
【在 B******Z 的大作中提到】 : 现在说的那么感人,离开迈阿密的时候可没犹豫,那时候不想着朋友了?
j**********r 发帖数: 3798 | 33 难道不是快打不动了?就他那投篮,冲不进去了还怎么玩。
【在 t****2 的大作中提到】 : 明明说的是职业生涯结束前,也就是快打不动的时候玩票性质,黑的有点过了