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Biology版 - Re: 拜托,发个言呐!Re: Your suggestion is appreciated..
请教大家个问题关于ttest中国需要更多的帥才! Re: 谈谈国内生物教育的弊端吧
Re: Am I taking a risk?检讨书
匿名发个锯掉的amazon offer吧 (转载)Know your talents and amplify your talents
Feeling very uncomfortable!what's the scientific term for "borderline significance" or "borderline p-value"
寻找 Tips for your experiments 的出处工作的烦恼
need suggestion -- 谢5个包子请教
Re: 请教各位师兄师姐,怎样读paper有人申请jcc fund 吗?
话题: your话题: evelution话题: proved话题: hypothesis
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 71
Sorry, I am doing some work in the lab. I did not mean that there is not
enough direct evidence to support evelution, it just cannot be proved or
dis-proved by traditional experimental approaches in the lab. You can not
make specific hypothesis then carry on experiment to test your hypothesis.
All those things happened thousands or millions years ago, and observe one you
also need to wait for thousands maybe millions of years.
It just like in high energy physics, you cannot see certain short l
发帖数: 71
I do not know if I made it clear. Let me give an example. You might know the
alternative theory to evelution, one of them is "Acquired trait can be
inherited". I remember someone did one experiment, he will chop off the tail
of mouse before they mate, and he did it for something like 20 generations.
He found out that the new-born from short-tailed mouse have the same length of
tail on average compared with long-tailed mouse. Conclusion: At least for
tail-length this trait, acquired trait (s
1 (共1页)
有人申请jcc fund 吗?寻找 Tips for your experiments 的出处
一个统计问题need suggestion -- 谢5个包子
拿到K99, 麻烦也来了。。。Re: 请教各位师兄师姐,怎样读paper
请教大家个问题关于ttest中国需要更多的帥才! Re: 谈谈国内生物教育的弊端吧
Re: Am I taking a risk?检讨书
匿名发个锯掉的amazon offer吧 (转载)Know your talents and amplify your talents
Feeling very uncomfortable!what's the scientific term for "borderline significance" or "borderline p-value"
话题: your话题: evelution话题: proved话题: hypothesis