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Biology版 - position available: Life Sciences Strategy Consultant
cold spring harbor laboratory自己招学生了。k99
K99 question求教K grant申请
求助!!!ChIP-qPCR中的percentage input方法[转]什么样的学术导师是好导师?
Phosphopeptide Enrichment kitThe Biology I know (Original)
请教gene ontology/enrichment说说我对劝退看法吧
[求助]RNA-seq data怎么做broad的GSEA分析浅谈Management Consulting 的求职准备(引言)
一个关于Reg Affairs的resource请教如何处理novel genes的GO enrichment analysis
话题: sciences话题: clearview话题: life话题: august
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 646
ClearView Healthcare Partners is a premier life sciences consulting firm
with offices in Boston and New York City serving clients in the
biopharmaceutical, medical device, and diagnostics spaces. We provide world
-class strategic decision-making support across a wide range of business
issues. Our goal is to inform actionable recommendations that allow
companies to achieve their business objectives.
ClearView represents a unique opportunity for professional growth and client
impact. We are ranked #11 in Vault.com’s Consulting Fifty based on our
commitment to training, professional development, and providing meaningful
value for our clients.
At ClearView, you will encounter an entrepreneurial environment, interact
with a dynamic group of colleagues, present to clients in critical business
situations, and develop a deep understanding of the life sciences and
biopharmaceutical industry. You will be mentored directly by ClearView
partners and managers, who have a wealth of experience in life sciences
consulting. In addition, you will be exposed to a wide variety of business
issues ranging from new product planning and business development to product
You will interact with both clients and teams within ClearView to address
critical strategic questions within the biopharmaceutical space. During the
course of a typical project, you will engage in a number of activities,
• Conduct complex problem-solving through a hypothesis-based approach
• Complete primary and secondary research to drive to critical
• Create and utilize analytic tools (e.g., forecast models) to support
key decision-making
• Communicate recommendations to clients to inform strategy and
maximize value
At ClearView, you will have the opportunity to lead projects and develop a
broad range of expertise, skills, and connections that will serve as a
foundation and springboard for your career.
We are seeking motivated advanced degree candidates (e.g., PhD, MD, or MBA
degree and postdocs) who are seeking an enriching professional experience
within the life sciences beginning in 2017. Although prior consulting
experience is not necessary, all candidates should have a background in the
life sciences and demonstrated interest in the biopharmaceutical industry.
Candidates must be highly analytical in their approach to solving complex
problems, should be proficient in both written and oral communication, and
must enjoy working within a dynamic team environment.
We are currently accepting applications from advanced degree candidates (e.g
., PhD, MD, or MBA degree and postdocs) through August 7, 2016 for the Life
Sciences Strategy Consultant position to begin in 2017. If selected,
candidates will be invited to interview in August and September 2016.
If you are interested in an enriching professional experience within the
life sciences, we would welcome your application.
How to Apply:
Please apply through our website by uploading your resume and cover letter:
Application Submission Deadline: 11:59 pm EDT, August 7, 2016
Interviews Being Held: August and September 2016
Website: www.clearviewhcp.com
Contact: Sarah Stapleton
[email protected]/* */
发帖数: 1251
1 (共1页)
请教如何处理novel genes的GO enrichment analysis请教gene ontology/enrichment
an amazing paper[求助]RNA-seq data怎么做broad的GSEA分析
求片文章+回答 microarray , pathway enrichment analysis 的简单问题来八一八有趣的论文署名
请教一个DNA sonication的问题一个关于Reg Affairs的resource
cold spring harbor laboratory自己招学生了。k99
K99 question求教K grant申请
求助!!!ChIP-qPCR中的percentage input方法[转]什么样的学术导师是好导师?
Phosphopeptide Enrichment kitThe Biology I know (Original)
话题: sciences话题: clearview话题: life话题: august