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CS版 - A question about visualization
Information Visualization求助Computer Graphics会议 (II)
Two openings available immediately in Computer ScienceRe: OSU CS 的。 (转载)
请教:C++ Ezwindows library 的连接Graph visualization
别佩服别国的天才了Re: 美国的小朋友真牛啊Why did microsoft release visual.net after visual studio?
Microsoft Visual Source Safe 求教关于Computer Animation,Visualization和Vision
Re: can I be a faculty?visualize graph represented by an adjacency matrix
哪位大哥帮忙找一篇paper,(Gennery 92)请问几个CS方向的前景?
Computer Graphics会议 (I)谁熟悉infomation visualization,来评价一下这个哥们的工作
话题: matlab话题: about话题: visualize话题: 64
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 152
Dear all,
I'm a rookie in 3D computer vision and graphics. I want to use Matlab to
visualize a set of surface data which is pure 3-D coordinate (x,y,z). Does
Matlab have such a function? I used isosurface to visualize a 64*64*64 32-bit
gray level volume data aquired by MR scanner, but have no idea about the pure
surface visualization. Could someone please give me a hint? Thanks a lot.
BTW, is there a famous forum focusing on computer vision online? Thanks.
发帖数: 730
paraview can do this job but don't know about matlab.hehe

【在 s*****a 的大作中提到】
: Dear all,
: I'm a rookie in 3D computer vision and graphics. I want to use Matlab to
: visualize a set of surface data which is pure 3-D coordinate (x,y,z). Does
: Matlab have such a function? I used isosurface to visualize a 64*64*64 32-bit
: gray level volume data aquired by MR scanner, but have no idea about the pure
: surface visualization. Could someone please give me a hint? Thanks a lot.
: BTW, is there a famous forum focusing on computer vision online? Thanks.
: Regards,
: Sighaaa

1 (共1页)
谁熟悉infomation visualization,来评价一下这个哥们的工作Microsoft Visual Source Safe 求教
大家给点建议, 那些Artificial Intelligence techniques现在用的比较多?Re: can I be a faculty?
visual studio 支持 C吗?哪位大哥帮忙找一篇paper,(Gennery 92)
visual studio 有什么 plug in to keep the history of modified file.Computer Graphics会议 (I)
Information Visualization求助Computer Graphics会议 (II)
Two openings available immediately in Computer ScienceRe: OSU CS 的。 (转载)
请教:C++ Ezwindows library 的连接Graph visualization
别佩服别国的天才了Re: 美国的小朋友真牛啊Why did microsoft release visual.net after visual studio?
话题: matlab话题: about话题: visualize话题: 64