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Canada版 - Toronto ranked second the top 26 “Cities of Opportunity” of PCW
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发帖数: 1613
Toronto ranked just behind New York City in an annual report on the top 26
“Cities of Opportunity” by PricewaterhouseCoopers. The report heralds
Toronto’s feat as spectacular, given that the “small city” topped
powerhouses like London, Paris and Hong Kong.
“New York might win because it’s really big and has been around a long
time,” said Bill Sand, the firm’s director of thought leadership. “But if
you really look at it, New York didn’t blow the other cities away.” In
fact, by the report’s grading process Toronto was only 31 points behind the
Big Apple. This city was 23 points ahead of San Francisco, which finished
“Toronto is a really attractive place for smart people around the world to
come,” said Sand. “It’s good to do business there, it’s open to
different people . . . it’s a nice, welcoming city, with good education for
my kids. That’s the message about Toronto from our report.”
The report looked at 10 specific categories that make a city great. This is
how Toronto fared:
Intellectual capital and innovation: 2nd
This category looks at much we invest in smartness. Toronto’s future is
bright: The city scored well on classroom size, literacy enrolment, and math
and science skills. Only Stockholm did better.
How can we improve? The research performance of our universities was just a
bit above average, according to the report. Ditto for our investment into
research and development.
Health, Safety and Security: 2nd
Toronto’s relatively low crime rate scored big points in this category. The
city’s end-of-life care and hospital performances are also tops.
How can Toronto do better? The city finished just one point behind Stockholm
, so really, that isn’t bad.
Demographic and livability: 3rd
This has to do with our ability to attract and retain talent. Toronto had
the highest ranking for quality of living and life satisfaction, and also
received points for its low “natural disaster risk.”
However, we slipped to bottom of the pack in both commute time and “thermal
comfort.” Stockholm again ranked first.
Lifestyle assets: 4th
This category attempts to quantify a city’s cultural vibrancy and impact.
Toronto was given top marks for having one or more sports teams that are
important to the city’s “self-definition.” We were middle of the pack in
the “cultural vibrancy” category.
How can we improve? Our “skyline impact” is average, as is our proportion
of green space and the number of hotel rooms in the city. New York had the
Sustainability: 5th
Toronto tied with Mumbai for the 5th spot on the overall sustainability list
. We were the top city for tackling air pollution, and rated high in waste
Toronto’s weaknesses? The city’s carbon footprint is like a size 15, and
it’s just average when it comes using renewable energy. Berlin ranked 1st
in the category.
Economic Clout: 7th
Traditional political and commercial powerhouse cities performed in this
category, despite the financial crisis. It takes into account the number of
Global 500 headquarters, shareholder protection and currency strength.
Toronto was competitive but outmuscled by Singapore, Madrid, Hong Kong, New
York, Paris, and London.
Toronto did poorly in attracting capital investment and attracting
greenfield projects.
Cost: 5th
Toronto was one of the top-ranked cities for its cost of living, which might
surprise some. It was also listed as the cheapest place for a business trip
. Toronto was middle of the pack in terms of tax rate and cost of business
Ease of doing business: 5th
The report says Toronto would be one of the easiest cities in the world to
do business if it improved its ease of hiring and firing and Canada offered
more flexibility on visa requirements.
Technology readiness: 11th
When it comes to quality of Toronto’s Internet services, there is much to
be desired. We’re a bit better than Santiago and a little worse than
Istanbul when it comes to broadband quality.
Toronto’s contributions to software, multimedia development and design also
leave much to be desired, according to the report.
The city did, however, score highly when it comes to Internet access in
schools. Future citizens will be masterful Tweeters.
Transportation and Infrastructure: 13th
While Toronto ranked first for the number of skyscrapers being built, it
fared poorly in most other sections of this category.
Limited transit coverage, the cost of public transportation and an
insufficient number of licensed taxis contributed to our low rating.
Cities near the top of the list have well-entrenched transit systems that
have become part of the area’s cultural identity, such San Francisco’s
cable cars, Chicago’s “L” train and the Metro in Paris.
Sure, second’s not bad — but what will it take for Toronto to top the list
It may not be possible, Sand says, at least by the factors considered his
firm’s report.
“It’s a big city of course,” Sand said of Toronto. “But it’s not this
big bruiser city like London or New York.”
The size and history of a place like New York makes it hard for a city like
Toronto to compete on the same scale. We don’t have the same museums, we
don’t have Broadway, or Central park, or sea of yellow cabs. And likely, we
never will.
Toronto comes in near the top of the report in affordable housing. It’s
first for quality of living. It’s first for ilife satisfaction. It’s the
kind of place quality employees want to be. It’s the kind of place where a
business can thrive.
“What innovative, productive and hardworking people are doing is going to
Toronto and Stockholm,” Sand said. “Sure, you might want to move to London
or New York, but is that the way the world is going?
发帖数: 45075


【在 p*******s 的大作中提到】
: http://www.thestar.com/news/article/991844--forget-paris-toront
: Toronto ranked just behind New York City in an annual report on the top 26
: “Cities of Opportunity” by PricewaterhouseCoopers. The report heralds
: Toronto’s feat as spectacular, given that the “small city” topped
: powerhouses like London, Paris and Hong Kong.
: “New York might win because it’s really big and has been around a long
: time,” said Bill Sand, the firm’s director of thought leadership. “But if
: you really look at it, New York didn’t blow the other cities away.” In
: fact, by the report’s grading process Toronto was only 31 points behind the
: Big Apple. This city was 23 points ahead of San Francisco, which finished

发帖数: 1613

【在 v******a 的大作中提到】
: 哥无语了。
: if
: the

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