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CanadaNews版 - Officials: Suspect unarmed when arrested in boatZT
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这个boston爆炸嫌犯之父,看着有点像Steve Jobs (转载)普京发毛了:莫斯科警方在清真寺拘捕140人 (转载)
话题: officials话题: suspect话题: unarmed话题: associated话题: boston
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发帖数: 1846
Officials: Suspect unarmed when arrested in boat
By ADAM GOLDMAN and PETE YOST | Associated Press – 1 hr 18 mins ago
Associated Press/Massachusetts State Police - This Friday, April 19, 2013
image made available by the Massachusetts State Police shows 19-year-old
Boston Marathon bombing suspect, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, hiding …more
WASHINGTON (AP) — Two U.S. officials say the surviving suspect in the
Boston bombings was unarmed when police captured him hiding inside a boat in
a neighborhood back yard.
Authorities originally said they had exchanged gunfire with Dzhokhar
Tsarnaev (joh-KHAHR' tsahr-NEYE'-ehv) for more than one hour Friday evening
before they were able to subdue him.
The officials, speaking on condition of anonymity because they were not
authorized to discuss the ongoing investigation, say investigators recovered
a 9 mm handgun believed to have been used by Tsarnaev's brother, Tamerlan,
from the site of a gun battle Thursday night, which injured a Massachusetts
Bay Transportation Authority officer. Dzhokhar was believed to have been
shot before he escaped.
The officials tell The Associated Press that no gun was found in the boat.
Boston Police Commissioner Ed Davis said earlier that shots were fired from
inside the boat.
发帖数: 1118
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普京发毛了:莫斯科警方在清真寺拘捕140人 (转载)这个boston爆炸嫌犯之父,看着有点像Steve Jobs
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波士顿爆炸客被以30项罪名起诉Roomies of Boston Bomb Suspect Arrested on Immigration Issues
这个世界怎么了?波士顿爆炸案嫌犯动机令人疑惑这个boston爆炸嫌犯之父,看着有点像Steve Jobs (转载)
suspect's uncle said: he deserves it.这个boston爆炸嫌犯之父,看着有点像Steve Jobs (转载)
被劫持司机告诉歹徒他是中国人这个boston爆炸嫌犯之父,看着有点像Steve Jobs (转载)
被劫持司机告诉歹徒他是中国人 (转载)普京发毛了:莫斯科警方在清真寺拘捕140人 (转载)
波士顿警察饭桶Boston Carjacking Victim: ‘I Was Just Trying to Save Myself'
话题: officials话题: suspect话题: unarmed话题: associated话题: boston