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ChinaNews版 - 看來政變傳言有些根據
抓了1065,3117网站被警告,70被关ZTxinhua (转载)北京首推微博实名制:不实名禁言 三个月内全完成
《卫报》王克勤和中国调查报道的革命zzZZ美联社证实王立军赴美领馆 打黑未按程序失宠 系主动离开
7.23事件 大批中国记者突破禁令报导看到关于小伊伊近况的报道,很是难受啊。
方舟子被指控剽窃密歇根州立教授著作,翻译发表没有征求原作者(转载)TG不如米国政府 - 美嚴重關切緬甸政府對少數民族攻擊行動 (转载)
U.S. public to demand an apology from Fang ZZ,counterfeiting (转载)5岁孩子也被扎引发乌市万人大游行(新华社) (转载)
Long Wait for US Visas对于钱学森的死,美国迄今任何媒体没有任何报导
New York Times: Thousands Chip In to Help Artist Pay Fine (转载)中宣部表态了:Inappropriate to play up Google China's with
话题: china话题: bo话题: xinhua话题: were话题: microblogs
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 7918
Diang如此大動作封幾個小蝦米網站,meizhou.net, xn528.com 和 cndy.com.cn,看起
March 31, 2012
China Clamps Down on Social Networking Over Online Rumors
BEIJING — China started a sweeping crackdown of its vibrant social-
networking scene over the weekend, detaining six people, closing 16 sites
and shutting off the comment function for two gigantic microblogs.
The campaign, which was announced late Friday and put in place in stages
through Saturday, was directly linked to the political instability that has
gripped China since one of its most charismatic politicians, Bo Xilai, lost
his post in mid-March. That spurred rumors of a coup, which the government-
run Xinhua news agency cited as the reason for the measures.
Xinhua quoted an official with the State Internet Information Office as
saying that the sites had spread reports of “military vehicles entering
Beijing and something wrong going on in Beijing.”
The reports, which Xinhua said were carried on the sites meizhou.net, xn528.
com and cndy.com.cn, stemmed from disagreement among senior leaders over
whether to remove Mr. Bo, who is being investigated over accusations of
corruption and abuse of power. One of his backers, the senior leader Zhou
Yongkang, was said to be behind the planned coup, although most Chinese
analysts have discounted this as a fabrication.
In addition to the six detainees — whose names were not released — Xinhua
said others were “admonished and educated” and had promised to “repent.”
The sites that were closed were relatively minor players in China.
More noticeable for most Chinese was the decision to shut off the commenting
services for microblogs run by Sina Corporation and Tencent Holding Ltd.,
which each have 300 million registered accounts.
On Sina’s Weibo service, users who tried to comment on posts after 8 a.m.
Saturday were greeted with a message saying that microblogs contained “many
rumors and illegal, destructive information.” The shutdown was “in order
to carry out a concentrated cleanup.” The notice said comments would be
allowed starting Tuesday morning.
The measures allowed users to post, but not comment on others’ posts.
Even though the actions are linked to the Bo Xilai affair, analysts say the
government began to take steps last July, when a high-speed rail crash led
to an outpouring of reports and criticism that cast doubt on the government
’s version of events. Within a week, most critical posts were deleted.
Later last year, the government announced that all microbloggers would have
to register under their real name, a measure that was supposed to be
enforced by the middle of March. Currently, users with pseudonyms can still
post, but analysts say they expect the rule to be slowly enforced over the
coming months.
The measures come during a sensitive time for China. Besides the scandal
swirling around Mr. Bo, the party is preparing for a once-in-a-decade
leadership transition later this year that has given a boost to rumors and
Despite the official rationale that the measures are justified to promote
accuracy, analysts note that China’s official media itself often is
inaccurate and only gives the government’s position.
“The whole idea of rumors and interest in accuracy is a ruse,” said David
Bandurski with the China Media Project at Hong Kong University.
“It’s a moniker for control.”
发帖数: 7455
1 (共1页)
中宣部表态了:Inappropriate to play up Google China's with方舟子被指控剽窃密歇根州立教授著作,翻译发表没有征求原作者(转载)
Analysis: Bo Xilai (转载)U.S. public to demand an apology from Fang ZZ,counterfeiting (转载)
12th suicide at Foxconn was reportedLong Wait for US Visas
维基解密泄露的中国政府的机密文件(选)New York Times: Thousands Chip In to Help Artist Pay Fine (转载)
抓了1065,3117网站被警告,70被关ZTxinhua (转载)北京首推微博实名制:不实名禁言 三个月内全完成
《卫报》王克勤和中国调查报道的革命zzZZ美联社证实王立军赴美领馆 打黑未按程序失宠 系主动离开
7.23事件 大批中国记者突破禁令报导看到关于小伊伊近况的报道,很是难受啊。
话题: china话题: bo话题: xinhua话题: were话题: microblogs