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ChinaNews2版 - 爆炸犯抓到了!
卢刚居然排名第五!Re: 有去LA的local office 领过interim EAD card 的吗?
爆炸犯抓到了!招生大战开始了,说一下橙虎2016年的四个主要的recruit targets
爆炸犯抓到了! (转载)*** 三星S7和S7 Edge的用户要小心了 *** (转载)
CNN的reality check太搞笑了about slide tackle (ZT)
[2009影展] ESVIX 阿拉橄榄花*** 三星S7和S7 Edge的用户要小心了 ***
猴屯2警察包围嫌疑人时候 相撞 掉枪 走火 吓到狗被咬New Post poll finds negativity toward federal workers
又杀警察了 !3 officers dead; shooter was Missouri man好凶的病人,亲们我该怎么办
奥巴马想起往日苦,两眼泪汪汪Petition to Split California Into Six States Gets Green Light
话题: he话题: said话题: suv话题: officers话题: two
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 17544
Andrew Kitzenburg, 29, said he looked out of this third floor window to see
two young men of slight build in jackets shooting at dozens of police
officers from behind a black Mercedes SUV. The officers and the men were 70
yards apart, he said, and engaged in “constant gunfire.”
A police SUV “drove towards the shooters,” he said, and was shot at until
it was severely damaged. It rolled out of control, Mr. Kitzenberg said, and
crashed into two cars in his driveway.
The two shooters, he said, had a large and unwieldy bomb. “They lit it,
still in the middle of the gunfire, and threw it. But it went 20 yards at
most.” It exploded, he said, and one of the two men ran towards the
gathered police officers. He was tackled, but it was not clear if he was
shot, Mr. Kitzenberg said.
The other, he said, got back into the SUV, turned it toward the officers and
“put the pedal to the metal.” The car “went right through the cops,
broke right through and continued west.”
1 (共1页)
Petition to Split California Into Six States Gets Green Light[2009影展] ESVIX 阿拉橄榄花
Combining mpeg’s - an alternative approach猴屯2警察包围嫌疑人时候 相撞 掉枪 走火 吓到狗被咬
Truck carrying Takata air bag materials explodes又杀警察了 !3 officers dead; shooter was Missouri man
卢刚居然排名第五!Re: 有去LA的local office 领过interim EAD card 的吗?
爆炸犯抓到了!招生大战开始了,说一下橙虎2016年的四个主要的recruit targets
爆炸犯抓到了! (转载)*** 三星S7和S7 Edge的用户要小心了 *** (转载)
CNN的reality check太搞笑了about slide tackle (ZT)
话题: he话题: said话题: suv话题: officers话题: two