a*********7 发帖数: 30080 | 1 这里是不是基本上有不同意见的争论, 最后都会变成PA?
新来这个版没几天, 已经看了若干个例子.
到底是混这个版的人普遍素质有问题, 还是这个版的管理有问题?
一般的PA, 只是暴露了PA一方的低级和可笑, 我是不在乎的.
但这种直接诅咒家人的PA, 超出了我能容忍的程度.
发信人: airdragon77 (aid), 信区: ChineseMed
标 题: Re: 给一个医案--中医西医,能治病就是好医
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Mar 4 12:39:22 2009)
这种直接诅咒家人的PA, 超出了我能容忍的程度. 版主, 是不是该做点啥? | d****8 发帖数: 454 | 2 没看出有人诅咒你呀!!!
强烈反对班主做什么.否则本人离开此班再也不来. | a*********7 发帖数: 30080 | 3 希望你的太太千万别生孩子
【在 d****8 的大作中提到】 : 没看出有人诅咒你呀!!! : 人家是好意:怕你老婆得这病,要防犯.因为你不信中医,这病西医又看不好,你自己认为 : 可以自愈,人家是担心你家人呀. : 强烈反对班主做什么.否则本人离开此班再也不来.
| d****8 发帖数: 454 | | e*****n 发帖数: 3129 | 5 有种得了肺结核去看中医
【在 d****8 的大作中提到】 : 我信中医药,有病不怕.呵呵.
| d****8 发帖数: 454 | | d****8 发帖数: 454 | 7 你这是诅咒吧!!
【在 a*********7 的大作中提到】 : 希望你的太太千万别生孩子 : 希望你的太太遇到类似的疾病
| e*****n 发帖数: 3129 | 8 你逻辑推理问题很大
【在 d****8 的大作中提到】 : 看样子你已经得了,快死了,快看中医药还有的救.
| d****8 发帖数: 454 | 9 按楼主的说法,你这也是诅咒,班主看着办吧.
【在 e*****n 的大作中提到】 : 你逻辑推理问题很大 : 看啥都没救了 : 希望你别有后代
| e*****n 发帖数: 3129 | 10 又成了诅咒了?
【在 d****8 的大作中提到】 : 按楼主的说法,你这也是诅咒,班主看着办吧. : 不过还是希望你有后代,给大家现现眼,别是隔壁刘叔叔的就好.
| | | a*********7 发帖数: 30080 | 11 我本来以为是, 是你自己说这是"好意".
【在 d****8 的大作中提到】 : 你这是诅咒吧!!
| e*****n 发帖数: 3129 | 12 估计要看宾语是谁
【在 a*********7 的大作中提到】 : 我本来以为是, 是你自己说这是"好意". : 这么快就改主意了?
| a*********7 发帖数: 30080 | 13 这个我想到了, 只是没想到伊暴露得这么快.
【在 e*****n 的大作中提到】 : 估计要看宾语是谁 : 在你我身上就是好意 : 用到伊 : 就是诅咒
| l****o 发帖数: 58 | 14 还是那句话:
你自己的太太你自己不疼,别人是没办法的。不要像个小孩子吵不过了, 就断章取义
流, 没有别的方法控制。而且那个并在母乳喂养人群中的发病率较高,每个当妈的都
说错了? | a*********7 发帖数: 30080 | 15 希望你全家得爱滋病, 都不去开刀, 光吃中药.
希望你全家得癌症, 都不去开刀, 光吃中药.
希望你全家得肺结胲, 都不吃西药, 光吃中药.
希望你全家得心脏病, 都不动手术不吃西药, 光吃中药.
希望你全家得白血病, 都不动手术不吃西药, 光吃中药.
这些病的发病率也不低, 你全家成一得了这病, 不接受现代医学的治疗, 不等着吃中药
跳大神喝香炉灰还能干吗? 我哪里说错了?
【在 l****o 的大作中提到】 : 还是那句话: : 你自己的太太你自己不疼,别人是没办法的。不要像个小孩子吵不过了, 就断章取义 : 的抄几句话,找大人告状。你胡搅蛮缠半天,在我的原文中早就讲过,西医除了开刀引 : 流, 没有别的方法控制。而且那个并在母乳喂养人群中的发病率较高,每个当妈的都 : 有可能碰上。你太太万一的了这病,你不让太太吃中药,不等着挨刀还能干吗?我哪里 : 说错了?
| m*****n 发帖数: 3575 | 16 Because you alwasy Claim that disease not cured by western medicines Cannot
be cured by Chinese Med.
Heizhongyi explicitly claimed it is exaggeration in its effectiveness.
And airdragon you once and once more sharp picked "if it can be cured why
not Nobel Prize"?
Under this situation, it is very fair to state if you get that kind of
disease that western medicine cannot cure, you end.
Since you blame and blame again that Chinese Med cure is bluffing, you think
you can get forgiveness by Chinese M | m*****n 发帖数: 3575 | 17 BTW, you believe in science, airdragon, not in Chinese Med or supersition,
do you?
Then why you regard it as 诅咒?
I am very sorry to see a scientist who doesn't believe Chinese Med are
taking some voo-doo trick "诅咒" seriously and report it as something
harmful to him or his family.
If you regard it as harmful, you believe in 诅咒 can harm you and indeed you
can report it. You have no right to criticize Chinese Med not scientific
and get out of this place!
If you believe in science, then 诅咒 is effec | a*********7 发帖数: 30080 | 18
I only remember I said it once, if someone could really cure Cold, he/she
should win the Nobel Prize. I still think so. Because Cold is such a common
disease, and there's still no cure for it.
That is true. But if you understand Chinese (better than how you understand
English, perhaps), you'll see that what he did was not "to state if you get
that kind of disease that western medicine cannot cure, you end."
Just in case you don't understand Chinese, he said something like, I wish
your w
【在 m*****n 的大作中提到】 : Because you alwasy Claim that disease not cured by western medicines Cannot : be cured by Chinese Med. : Heizhongyi explicitly claimed it is exaggeration in its effectiveness. : And airdragon you once and once more sharp picked "if it can be cured why : not Nobel Prize"? : Under this situation, it is very fair to state if you get that kind of : disease that western medicine cannot cure, you end. : Since you blame and blame again that Chinese Med cure is bluffing, you think : you can get forgiveness by Chinese M
| T*****n 发帖数: 18811 | 19 这串帖子到此为止吧
【在 m*****n 的大作中提到】 : BTW, you believe in science, airdragon, not in Chinese Med or supersition, : do you? : Then why you regard it as 诅咒? : I am very sorry to see a scientist who doesn't believe Chinese Med are : taking some voo-doo trick "诅咒" seriously and report it as something : harmful to him or his family. : If you regard it as harmful, you believe in 诅咒 can harm you and indeed you : can report it. You have no right to criticize Chinese Med not scientific : and get out of this place! : If you believe in science, then 诅咒 is effec
| a*********7 发帖数: 30080 | 20 There's a difference between fair discussion and PA.
I don't expect you to understand this, though.
【在 m*****n 的大作中提到】 : BTW, you believe in science, airdragon, not in Chinese Med or supersition, : do you? : Then why you regard it as 诅咒? : I am very sorry to see a scientist who doesn't believe Chinese Med are : taking some voo-doo trick "诅咒" seriously and report it as something : harmful to him or his family. : If you regard it as harmful, you believe in 诅咒 can harm you and indeed you : can report it. You have no right to criticize Chinese Med not scientific : and get out of this place! : If you believe in science, then 诅咒 is effec
| | | a*********7 发帖数: 30080 | 21 So if you don't believe "诅咒" could really harm you, people can freely
curse you and you won't feel a thing?
Especially people can curse your wife, your mother, your father, etc., and
you won't feel a thing?
Come on.
BTW, I never claim myself as a "scientist". That actually means something.
【在 m*****n 的大作中提到】 : BTW, you believe in science, airdragon, not in Chinese Med or supersition, : do you? : Then why you regard it as 诅咒? : I am very sorry to see a scientist who doesn't believe Chinese Med are : taking some voo-doo trick "诅咒" seriously and report it as something : harmful to him or his family. : If you regard it as harmful, you believe in 诅咒 can harm you and indeed you : can report it. You have no right to criticize Chinese Med not scientific : and get out of this place! : If you believe in science, then 诅咒 is effec
| a*********7 发帖数: 30080 | 22 那这到底是该禁的PA, 还是象某个ID说的, 是"好意"?
【在 T*****n 的大作中提到】 : 这串帖子到此为止吧 : 大家都说的没边儿了 : : you
| T*****n 发帖数: 18811 | 23 这类话说出来就不应该
【在 a*********7 的大作中提到】 : 那这到底是该禁的PA, 还是象某个ID说的, 是"好意"?
| h*****9 发帖数: 4028 | 24 你老对中医饭总是宽大的很啊,要是中医黑先这么说,早关70天了。
【在 T*****n 的大作中提到】 : 这类话说出来就不应该 : 这个绝对算不得善意,不鼓励 : 但是这个档次的也搞禁词,那就没完没了了 : 自从开版,反中医就从来没有间断过这样的用语 : 其实大家都是成年人了。何必呢?搞的跟小孩子似的 : 彼此说不通就少说几句,非要把对方整不愉快了才开心?
| a*********7 发帖数: 30080 | 25 唔, 明白为什么这里的风气不好了.
【在 T*****n 的大作中提到】 : 这类话说出来就不应该 : 这个绝对算不得善意,不鼓励 : 但是这个档次的也搞禁词,那就没完没了了 : 自从开版,反中医就从来没有间断过这样的用语 : 其实大家都是成年人了。何必呢?搞的跟小孩子似的 : 彼此说不通就少说几句,非要把对方整不愉快了才开心?
| T*****n 发帖数: 18811 | 26 别说气话。
【在 a*********7 的大作中提到】 : 唔, 明白为什么这里的风气不好了.
| h********i 发帖数: 1303 | | a*********7 发帖数: 30080 | 28 那你觉不觉得这里的风气不好?
如果是, 你觉得是为什么呢?
【在 T*****n 的大作中提到】 : 别说气话。 : 大家说话都让一让,没什么不好。 : 这个道理到哪里都是对的。 : 每个人都指望别人禁止什么来改善风气 : 不如从自身做起,好好说话,同时少计较 : 不习惯了,离开就是。
| s*******a 发帖数: 921 | 29 怎么看怎么觉得你恶心。真是恭喜你了。
【在 a*********7 的大作中提到】 : 希望你的太太千万别生孩子 : 希望你的太太遇到类似的疾病
| a*********7 发帖数: 30080 | 30 希望你的太太千万别生孩子
【在 s*******a 的大作中提到】 : 怎么看怎么觉得你恶心。真是恭喜你了。