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DVD版 - Hollywood to sell HD DVD titles for US$19-29
Re: Hollywood to sell HD DVD titles for推荐几个值得收藏的港台片吧
First blood appears to be going to HD-DVD...DVD only or we talk about VCD too?
Artisan DVDs?DVD Collection Plan
请问Dell Studio能刻CD吗Sex and the city
Where did u guys get in the mood for love?9/11: The Filmmakers Commemorative DVD Edition
Paramount just announced 21 HD-DVD titles for Q4THE LORD OF THE RINGS加长4碟版
Re: Paramount just announced 21 HD-DVD t Indiana Jones DVD?
tf会出加长版么?Korean made DVD
话题: hd话题: dvd话题: us话题: hollywood话题: titles
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 337
TOKYO - Warner Bros Inc, Paramount Pictures Corp and Universal Studios
will likely start selling HD DVD movie titles in Japan and the US in
October for 2,000 yen to 3,000 yen (US$19-29).
The three major Hollywood movie studios, which back the HD DVD format,
had already announced their plans to release a total of 89 HD DVD mov
ie titles in the two nations. Most of these are expected to hit the ma
rket this year.
The generous pricing, which will put the differential between the HD D
VD software an
发帖数: 337
其实,我心底里面还是希望blue ray瀛的

【在 l*****y 的大作中提到】
: TOKYO - Warner Bros Inc, Paramount Pictures Corp and Universal Studios
: will likely start selling HD DVD movie titles in Japan and the US in
: October for 2,000 yen to 3,000 yen (US$19-29).
: The three major Hollywood movie studios, which back the HD DVD format,
: had already announced their plans to release a total of 89 HD DVD mov
: ie titles in the two nations. Most of these are expected to hit the ma
: rket this year.
: The generous pricing, which will put the differential between the HD D
: VD software an

1 (共1页)
Korean made DVDWhere did u guys get in the mood for love?
EvitaParamount just announced 21 HD-DVD titles for Q4
等了很久的Scarface终于要出来了Re: Paramount just announced 21 HD-DVD t
6-month DVD rental from Netflix (Unlimited) for only $86 (20% off purchase price)tf会出加长版么?
Re: Hollywood to sell HD DVD titles for推荐几个值得收藏的港台片吧
First blood appears to be going to HD-DVD...DVD only or we talk about VCD too?
Artisan DVDs?DVD Collection Plan
请问Dell Studio能刻CD吗Sex and the city
话题: hd话题: dvd话题: us话题: hollywood话题: titles