

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
Database版 - How to use the SQL key word EXISTS?
请教2个sql query 问题where is password file for mysql
SQL求助what is Microsoft SQL server 's version number?
Merge table with one single query?Help
A sql questiondb2 default password
SQL中NOT EXIST和NOT IN有什么区别?如何用SQL语句判断一个TABLE是否存在?
再问not exist和not inMySQL数据库用户管理求助
有人给大包子了One Q for DB expert
Help on install SQL server2000what's the user name and password and host name for Oracle SQL plus?
话题: customer话题: exists话题: password话题: sql话题: address
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 32
I use mysql for a web application.
This application requires the customer to log in using his email address and a
Now when I get the customer password, I want to check the customer table in my
database and see if that e-mail address exists. If it exists, I then check if
the password the customer has just entered matches the one in the customer
table associated with the e-mail address.
What SQL statement should I use to check if the customer-supplied e-mail
address exists in the custom
发帖数: 9
SELECT customer_password FROM customer WHERE customer_email = 'bill...';
or more simply
SELECT customer_password FROM customer WHERE customer_email = 'bill...'
AND customer_password = '...';


【在 m****f 的大作中提到】
: I use mysql for a web application.
: This application requires the customer to log in using his email address and a
: password.
: Now when I get the customer password, I want to check the customer table in my
: database and see if that e-mail address exists. If it exists, I then check if
: the password the customer has just entered matches the one in the customer
: table associated with the e-mail address.
: What SQL statement should I use to check if the customer-supplied e-mail
: address exists in the custom

1 (共1页)
what's the user name and password and host name for Oracle SQL plus?SQL中NOT EXIST和NOT IN有什么区别?
Re: what's the user name and password and host name for Oracle SQL plu再问not exist和not in
urgent help! insert value into table有人给大包子了
救救我, SQL Server 安装问题Help on install SQL server2000
请教2个sql query 问题where is password file for mysql
SQL求助what is Microsoft SQL server 's version number?
Merge table with one single query?Help
A sql questiondb2 default password
话题: customer话题: exists话题: password话题: sql话题: address