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BubbleSort (亚特兰蒂斯) 于 h 提到:
我们组的Silverlight网站,头决定用Java Spring MVC完全重做,因为
rodney (√) 于 (Sat Jan 12 13:46:05 2013, 美东) 提到:
goodbug (好虫) 于 (Sat Jan 12 23:00:26 2013, 美东) 提到:
History repeats itself. This is exactly what I predicated a few years ago.
After all it's not the first time that Microsoft has dumped developers to
bring in something that might or might not be better - see Visual Basic 6
for example. Microsoft tends not to come out in the open and say that a
technology is dead instead it tends to simply ignore it and allow it to
Leyunque (Le yunque) 于 (Sun Jan 13 11:17:54 2013, 美东) 提到:
NeverLearn (24K golden bear) 于 (Sun Jan 13 14:15:55 2013, 美东) 提到:
Win8上面那些FAST & FLUID用户体验就是要靠.Net支持才做出来的。虽然
给你几个BUILD 2012上的官方REFERENCE吧,别再让大嘴巴忽悠。
Leyunque (Le yunque) 于 (Sun Jan 13 15:50:52 2013, 美东) 提到:
可是Win8和WinRT都卖得很糟,去店里试过感觉就是个高级的Prototype, 就连WPF做得
Word界面都有明显的UI Defect。。。 都希望微软争点气,现在出去说自己是.NET
developer 都被Java,C++ 甚至RUBy Developer看扁了。
其实也不用争,前两天首页上还有一个做算法的自学一年转Java Senior Developer
BubbleSort (亚特兰蒂斯) 于 (Sun Jan 13 16:16:17 2013, 美东) 提到:
BubbleSort (亚特兰蒂斯) 于 (Sun Jan 13 16:46:03 2013, 美东) 提到:
模式已经是METRO上的DEFAULT MODEL了”恐怕是你的一厢情愿吧。Win8上面3种模式:
1. Javascript + Html5
2. C++
3. .NET
什么时候微软把.NET定位成Default model了?
微软最痛恨.NET的人卷铺盖走人了,你不妨Google一下Steven Sinofsky对.NET的贡献:
Leyunque (Le yunque) 于 (Sun Jan 13 16:46:19 2013, 美东) 提到:
NeverLearn (24K golden bear) 于 (Sun Jan 13 17:15:29 2013, 美东) 提到:
WIN8你还不了解,所以听信IPROGRAMMER的。JS + HTML在WIN8上是个摆设,
C++的语法。这是一种为了使用.Net 4.5的ASYNC支持而特制的扩展C++。骨
runPython (凸-.-) 于 (Sun Jan 13 22:38:09 2013, 美东) 提到:
dachouchou (大脚豆) 于 (Sun Jan 13 22:39:37 2013, 美东) 提到:
moneybull (moneybull) 于 (Sun Jan 13 22:43:59 2013, 美东) 提到:
goodbug (好虫) 于 (Sun Jan 13 22:53:12 2013, 美东) 提到:
dfgqq (小意观海) 于 (Mon Jan 14 10:30:34 2013, 美东) 提到:
siliverlight 和 spring感觉没啥关系。
BubbleSort (亚特兰蒂斯) 于 (Mon Jan 14 12:01:28 2013, 美东) 提到:
没有太大关系。整个网站要重做了,在ASP.NET MVC 和 Spring MVC 之间,头投票
BubbleSort (亚特兰蒂斯) 于 (Mon Jan 14 12:21:24 2013, 美东) 提到:
When designing the new APIs for the new platform, Microsoft -- well,
Sinofsky -- had two options. Base it on .NET or do something different. He
should have based the new platform on .NET -- but for various reasons he
chose to reboot the entire developer story on WinRT. The most likely reason
is that .NET was blamed in part for the failure of Vista. When you're
running the Windows team, the last thing you want is "another Vista".
Sinofsky's decision to base the new developer story on an untried and closed
technology is not only risky, but it obviously fragments the Microsoft
developer platform story along two axis.
On the first axis, it's not .NET. Sure, you can use .NET to build Windows
Store apps, but it's just a baseline technology within a much larger stack.
Generally developers find working on Windows Store apps hard. (I've been
working on .NET since before it was released. Trust me -- it's much more
difficult to build apps with WinRT.) At its core, WinRT is not .NET -- it's
more like the APIs used for building Windows and megalithic applications
like Office and PhotoShop than the more easy going and forgiving experience
that .NET provides. (DevDiv designed .NET to be easy, and so it's easy and a
bit slow. WinDiv -- Sinofsky's team -- designed WinRT to be fast, and so it
's fast, but hard to develop for. In fact, it's not even very fast when you
actually try and use it.)
And on the second axis we have the problem that WinRT and Windows Store apps
are fundamentally closed. In this instance, the WinDiv team are both out of
kilter with their own developers (Microsoft's engineers want to be more
open) and with the community at large.
NeverLearn (24K golden bear) 于 (Mon Jan 14 13:32:39 2013, 美东) 提到:
This is 2nd time you cited dubious posts as credible sources. Here
are some posts straight from Win8 OFFICIAL blog explaining how they
utilized .Net 4.5 Async features to write fast & fluid RT Apps.
Metro RT apps would not be possible w/o .Net Async support.
Pay special attention to the C++ examples. They are managed C++
code for a reason. You should read more from the official guides
rather than the iProgrammer or zdnet rants.
stdio (stdio) 于 (Mon Jan 14 16:16:26 2013, 美东) 提到:
包括 Windows -> Linux? 那这跨度可是够大的
BubbleSort (亚特兰蒂斯) 于 (Mon Jan 14 16:24:56 2013, 美东) 提到:
何况ASP.NET MVC和Spring MVC 差别并不太大。都是JQuery,HTML/CSS那一套。
BubbleSort (亚特兰蒂斯) 于 (Mon Jan 14 16:51:58 2013, 美东) 提到:
我跟你一样都不希望微软把.net的地位贬的很低,这本身是和Java的Spring Framework
相媲美的企业级开发平台。Steven Sinofsky对于.NET的厌恶,对于我们开发者来说就
BubbleSort (亚特兰蒂斯) 于 (Mon Jan 14 16:54:44 2013, 美东) 提到:
rodney (√) 于 (Mon Jan 14 19:03:55 2013, 美东) 提到:
好奇问一句,这里不是列出了javascript做fast and fluid的例子,为什么你前面说只
NeverLearn (24K golden bear) 于 (Mon Jan 14 20:28:07 2013, 美东) 提到:
The relationship b/t RT and .Net is like the one b/t Android and
a full blown JRE. It's that simple.
SS was not big enough to "贬低.net的地位". I can see .Net code all
over the place inside the latest Office, Azure, etc. Those are
the MSFT franchise products. This idea that "微软贬低.net" should
be laughed off instantly. Those iProgrammer and zd folks don't
know what they are talking about.
NeverLearn (24K golden bear) 于 (Mon Jan 14 20:36:06 2013, 美东) 提到:
RT is like a special version of .Net runtime with JS interfaces to
attract some JS developers to the RT platform although I doubt any
will come.
Apps written in C# / C++ can be ported back and forth b/t WP8 and
WinRT easily. You cannot do it w/ JS as it's not supported on WP8.
rodney (√) 于 (Mon Jan 14 21:48:38 2013, 美东) 提到:
js一样可以做,包括fast and fluid对吧?
BubbleSort (亚特兰蒂斯) 于 (Mon Jan 14 23:09:00 2013, 美东) 提到:
从你这段评论可以看出,你对WinRT的认识相当的肤浅和错误。作为Windows Developer
,你不会没开发过Win32 COM程序吧?看看WinRT的定义吧:
WinRT is essentially a COM-based API, although relying on an enhanced COM.
Due to its COM-like basis, WinRT allows interfacing from multiple languages,
just as COM does, but it's essentially an unmanaged, native API.
NeverLearn (24K golden bear) 于 (Tue Jan 15 13:05:48 2013, 美东) 提到:
.Net itself is a wrapper around the COM / COM+ objects. It's been
that way from day one. RT is of the same model with a pure focus
on mobile GUI. Those guys who said MSFT dumped .Net simply didn't
understand it.
RT didn't reuse the existing .Net b/c 1) RT UI is touch-based so
it cannot use the existing .Net desktop GUI; 2) RT apps are pure
GUI apps so it does not need the full .Net framework; 3) RT apps
have to be responsive so it needs a faster set of wrappers than
the current .Net ones to interact with the COM objects.
This is why they used SL/XAML model to build a different runtime.
It's still a .Net model but tuned for the mobile environment.
rodney (√) 于 (Tue Jan 15 14:38:46 2013, 美东) 提到:
“used SL/XAML model to build a different runtime”是什么意思?runtime只有一
WinRT有三个编程方式,一等首选是Native c++,其次是.NET语言和WinRT的XAML frame
NeverLearn (24K golden bear) 于 (Tue Jan 15 15:15:43 2013, 美东) 提到:
C++ RT apps use XAML as well. It's the same XAML model used by WPF
and SL with a C++ interface.
BTW it's not native C++. It's a variation of managed C++. Notice
the 'ref new' and '^' operators in the C++ sample code. They are
not standard C++ but extended VC++ for RT.
BubbleSort (亚特兰蒂斯) 于 (Tue Jan 15 15:33:04 2013, 美东) 提到:
rodney (√) 于 (Tue Jan 15 16:28:27 2013, 美东) 提到:
sdvaline (sdvaline) 于 (Tue Jan 15 18:30:36 2013, 美东) 提到:
desktop CLR 在 win32 之上,
metro CLR 在winRT 之上,
有什么问题么? 看不出严重弱化。
littlebirds (dreamer) 于 (Tue Jan 15 20:30:34 2013, 美东) 提到:
net framework is kind of pointless for windows platform. MS lacks of
incentive to keep investing in this.
goodbug (好虫) 于 (Tue Jan 15 20:43:42 2013, 美东) 提到:
.Net uses Java model but uses a different runtime too.
So much about .Net model.
XAML is not .Net, period.
NeverLearn (24K golden bear) 于 (Tue Jan 15 20:49:01 2013, 美东) 提到:
In desktop you can write desktop apps either in .Net or C++. In
Metro you can write Metro apps either in .Net or C++. It's the
same option. In RT anything you code in C++ can be done in .Net
and vice versa so where's this "弱化" you worry about?
And why would MSFT even want to 弱化 .Net? The WinDiv is craving
for developers from all background to code RT apps, which is why
they support not only .Net/C++ but also JS in RT. You panic for
no reason.
NeverLearn (24K golden bear) 于 (Tue Jan 15 20:58:49 2013, 美东) 提到:
What are you talking about? .Net is used all over the place inside
Office, Azure and other MSFT flagship products. You define that as
"lacks of incentive"?
NeverLearn (24K golden bear) 于 (Tue Jan 15 21:04:08 2013, 美东) 提到:
Well .Net does not get banned by US Govt over security holes so
it's apparently not using the Java model (thank god).
All kidding aside, what a known .Net ignoramus like you know
anything about .Net?
littlebirds (dreamer) 于 (Tue Jan 15 22:22:48 2013, 美东) 提到:
look, .net is practically windows only. The benefit of portability from VM
is lost. The remained benefit of automated memory management is good but not
free,it is at the cost of performance. I don't think MS replicating Java is
very meaningful to begin with. The whole net framework lacks a clear
business case for it.
If you could put a dollar figure on Net's contribution to OS and Office
sales, I believe the situation would be much different.
NeverLearn (24K golden bear) 于 (Tue Jan 15 23:34:58 2013, 美东) 提到:
.Net is designed to be a productive framework. W/o it, you would
still be writing those crazy COM / DCOM code. Imagine coing a WCF
app in that environment. It would be hell.
.Net has simplified that process a lot so it remains a great
framework for writing business apps.
goodbug (好虫) 于 (Wed Jan 16 00:09:10 2013, 美东) 提到:
You are not going against me, you are going against M$ architects who drew
these roadmap charts. One picture is worth one thousand words. It's obvious
SL is dead, .Net is weakened. Call me ignorant, I have no business with M$
and I couldn't care less if .Net dies or not. You are in complete denial.
littlebirds (dreamer) 于 (Wed Jan 16 00:52:30 2013, 美东) 提到:
libraries with simplified interface will just do the job fine.You don't need
virtual machine on top of real machine, especially you when "own" the
underlying machine.
goodbug (好虫) 于 (Wed Jan 16 02:15:59 2013, 美东) 提到:
Silverlight will rule it all.
-- NeverLearn
As of 26 August 2011, 0.3% sites are using Silverlight,[21] whereas site
usage of Adobe Flash is around 27%.[22] Usage of Java on sites during the
same time period is around 4%
taylors (Spear) 于 (Wed Jan 16 03:41:48 2013, 美东) 提到:
.Net itself is a wrapper around the COM / COM+ objects.
BubbleSort (亚特兰蒂斯) 于 (Wed Jan 16 09:28:38 2013, 美东) 提到:
rodeo (rodeo) 于 (Wed Jan 16 10:55:15 2013, 美东) 提到:
Wrapper of COM只是.NET功能里的一小部分吧,
.NET library里除了UI和IO里用到Windows API,其他基本都是和OS无关的native的
rodney (√) 于 (Wed Jan 16 11:04:22 2013, 美东) 提到:
NeverLearn (24K golden bear) 于 (Wed Jan 16 12:56:34 2013, 美东) 提到:
So why are you against this chart coming straight from official
MSFT presentation? .Net covers phone, tablet, web and cloud and
yet you are still YYing '.Net weakened'. You are a joke.
NeverLearn (24K golden bear) 于 (Wed Jan 16 13:01:17 2013, 美东) 提到:
This METRO stuff was SL from day one since Windows Phone 7. In
Win8 they expanded it to support C++ so that more developers,
especially game developers, could bring their apps to WinRT. It
has nothing to do with weakening .Net. You are simply clueless.
NeverLearn (24K golden bear) 于 (Wed Jan 16 13:08:03 2013, 美东) 提到:
You forgot how hard COM development was before .Net. It's .Net
that solved the "DLL HELL" problem that drove COM developers mad.
Without .Net, it would remain a big mess. For business developers,
once you go .Net you don't look back.
NeverLearn (24K golden bear) 于 (Wed Jan 16 13:08:45 2013, 美东) 提到:
BubbleSort (亚特兰蒂斯) 于 (Wed Jan 16 13:44:51 2013, 美东) 提到:
AddIn都没有了,你还Day One,你要让Metro下的Silverlight在空气里运行?
rodney (√) 于 (Wed Jan 16 17:50:29 2013, 美东) 提到:
以前说过SilverLight will rule all之类的话,所以他现在坚持认为XAML+C#就是SL,
这样SL可以继续rule all。
rodney (√) 于 (Wed Jan 16 18:19:21 2013, 美东) 提到:
解决DLL HELL问题的关键是metadata,所有CLR app都可以使用metadata.
现在的WinRT是unmanaged native layer,直接在NT Kernel上面,而不需要CLR。Win32
,COM,.NET API和HTML5/CSS3 API都是WinRT里的小子集。所以,现在.NET在桌面端的
NeverLearn (24K golden bear) 于 (Wed Jan 16 18:45:51 2013, 美东) 提到:
前面已经解释过了,MOBILE平台上不能REUSE .Net的GUI,因为.Net GUI是
作,所以要做一个新的TOUCH GUI平台。这才有了第一版的METRO和WP7。从
你可以不信我,但是你去看看.Net architect SCOTT GU怎么说的
APP是GAMES。大多数GAME FIRM都用C++。支持了C++就可以吸引这些FIRM
来开发METRO GAMES。所以现在的METRO才一定要支持C++。这跟弱化.Net
NeverLearn (24K golden bear) 于 (Wed Jan 16 19:32:12 2013, 美东) 提到:
Have no idea what you are talking about. 桌面开发 can ALWAYS be
done in pure C++/Win32. That option is always there especially
for multimedia apps. .Net never has a monopoly on 桌面开发.
The situation remains the SAME in WinRT. You can code METRO apps
in either .Net or VC++. There's no such thing as '比以前弱了'.
And Win32 is not a "WinRT里的小子集". It's the other way around.
WinRT is a tightened-up pure GUI environment. A lot of Win32 APIs
are not available in METRO due to that tight control, and I think
COM APIs are among the unavailable ones.
BubbleSort (亚特兰蒂斯) 于 (Wed Jan 16 21:24:36 2013, 美东) 提到:
Silverlight的基本运行环境是浏览器的插件,是Rich Internet Applications, 在IE
Win8 App,只能是随着新一代Windows的普及而关闭。微软这么做,就是视Silverlight
Sinofsky也不会被开掉了,我们有时间可以从容的把现有Silerlight网站用Spring MVC
rodney (√) 于 (Wed Jan 16 22:26:33 2013, 美东) 提到:
rodney (√) 于 (Wed Jan 16 22:29:23 2013, 美东) 提到:
NeverLearn (24K golden bear) 于 (Wed Jan 16 23:15:29 2013, 美东) 提到:
Windows8 still has a desktop browser that runs SL, and SL is by
contract supported til 2020 so why do you panic?
Oh yeah, that's right. It's b/c your business requires your app
to be on iPad where SL is not supported. Then I'm sorry but this
has nothing to do with Win8/METRO, does it?
And what is this blab blah "C++/JavaScript/.NET又完全是平起平坐,
恐怕微软自身对于未来的发展都开始混沌不清了"? C++ and .Net have
been "平起平坐" all these years. It's nothing new. JS is simply
a joke in METRO, the next IronPython flop waiting to happen. You
are the one being 混沌不清 here.
NeverLearn (24K golden bear) 于 (Wed Jan 16 23:34:37 2013, 美东) 提到:
So could you show me how to write a JS app to open a named-pipe to
communicate with other Windows apps? It's not too much to ask since
according to you JS can "替代" .NET now. HOHO.
And you "没听说android是java"? So what did Oracle sue Google over
Android for? You really don't know what you are talking about.
rodney (√) 于 (Thu Jan 17 00:27:02 2013, 美东) 提到:
你得先确定WinRT支持named pipe吧。
Metro是用SilverLight写的吗br />
nkw (非死非活) 于 (Thu Jan 17 01:18:33 2013, 美东) 提到:
一个强调开发技术的相似性。 silverlight是和winrt,wpf技术上有很多重合。
Silverlight 6.0,7.0了。
taylors (Spear) 于 (Thu Jan 17 03:49:50 2013, 美东) 提到:
goodbug (好虫) 于 (Thu Jan 17 05:18:27 2013, 美东) 提到:
How does the chart prove me wrong? I said SL is DEAD. And .NET is weakened.
1. I don't see SL in the chart at all. And 0.3% of all websites prove SL is
nothing but on death bed now.
2. .Net comes from the dominant choice, to one of the three choices, that's
weakened. WinRT obviously takes the center stage now, not .Net.
At the end of the day, let's face it. 2012 is the first year in 10+ years
more non-PC are shipped than PC. PC is on fast decline. And WP8 remains a
niche market. You can boast .Net all you will, but it can go nowhere but
goodbug (好虫) 于 (Thu Jan 17 05:26:03 2013, 美东) 提到:
Android不能跑Java Applet说明的是Android不是Applet。Android显然能跑Java,所以
Android是Java。SL对应的是Java Applet。C#对应的才是Java。SL死了,Java Applet
goodbug (好虫) 于 (Thu Jan 17 05:31:59 2013, 美东) 提到:
rodeo (rodeo) 于 (Thu Jan 17 14:31:24 2013, 美东) 提到:
rodney (√) 于 (Thu Jan 17 14:50:33 2013, 美东) 提到:
rodeo (rodeo) 于 (Thu Jan 17 14:55:23 2013, 美东) 提到:
PC个人用户少了又怎么样,只要企业里还在用PC,Outlook和Windows server,微软就
rodeo (rodeo) 于 (Thu Jan 17 14:56:52 2013, 美东) 提到:
rodney (√) 于 (Thu Jan 17 14:58:28 2013, 美东) 提到:
rodeo (rodeo) 于 (Thu Jan 17 15:12:59 2013, 美东) 提到:
rodney (√) 于 (Thu Jan 17 16:50:25 2013, 美东) 提到:
如果说换成ASP.NET MVC比换成Spring MVC好,区别是什么?
要说这两个framework的成熟度,应该是Spring MVC好吧。
maduce (Map Reduce) 于 (Thu Jan 17 17:08:57 2013, 美东) 提到:
我们公司最近上面也放弃 .net,c#,wcf了,要全面转向java。各位转java的可有好的教
小人以前大都是c# wcf 的背景,不喜欢做web app.
BubbleSort (亚特兰蒂斯) 于 (Thu Jan 17 17:12:55 2013, 美东) 提到:
BubbleSort (亚特兰蒂斯) 于 (Thu Jan 17 17:16:25 2013, 美东) 提到:
如果用Spring的话,Spring in Action就挺好。正在学习中。其实.NET和Spring相似程
BubbleSort (亚特兰蒂斯) 于 (Thu Jan 17 17:25:15 2013, 美东) 提到:
ASP.NET MVC和Spring MVC是很类似的技术,核心都是jQuery + HTML/CSS + MVC框架。
maduce (Map Reduce) 于 (Thu Jan 17 17:43:02 2013, 美东) 提到:
那backend web services, rest services也用spring?
公司以前用的是wcf做的soa backend.
上面只想dump .net又不指明方向,唉
BubbleSort (亚特兰蒂斯) 于 (Thu Jan 17 17:56:12 2013, 美东) 提到:
goodbug (好虫) 于 (Thu Jan 17 18:54:40 2013, 美东) 提到:
goodbug (好虫) 于 (Thu Jan 17 18:57:54 2013, 美东) 提到:
你们这种应用无脑用Spring MVC就对了。开发简单,性能好。必要的地方加一点jquery
跟web 2.0的网站不一样,不用那么漂亮。
NeverLearn (24K golden bear) 于 (Thu Jan 17 19:07:17 2013, 美东) 提到:
Did you read the Scott Gu link I posted? Scott Gu is architect
of the .Net team.
When METRO/WP7 was first announced in 2010 he was specifically
asked what this WP7 platform is, and he made it clear: "it isn't
Silverlight light or Silverlight something else. It is Silverlight."
They did take some SL features off in order to fit in mobile devices
but it's still SL from day one.
NeverLearn (24K golden bear) 于 (Thu Jan 17 19:15:54 2013, 美东) 提到:
Yeah. Let's talk about 脸皮. METRO is SL since WP7 as Scott Gu,
the .Net ARCHITECT, made it clear from day one, and yet you, a
known .Net ignoramus, want us to believe you know METRO / SL
better than Scott the architect himself. Some 脸皮, man!
As if you are not stupid enough, you came up with a new ".Net
weakened" spin simply b/c Metro supports non-.Net languages.
Guess what? Windows always support non-.Net languages. Browsers
are C++ apps. Adobe is C++. Winamp is C++, Skype is Delphi ...
Windows apps can always be coded in other languages. Metro is
of the same tradition and yet you came out like a drama queen
as if it's proof Win8 has weakened .Net.
You've got the dumbest and thickest 脸皮 of all, pal. LOL.
rodney (√) 于 (Thu Jan 17 20:01:56 2013, 美东) 提到:
portal界面也去掉了SliverLight UI,换成了HTML5。
然后Scott最有名的就是那篇报道:Microsoft’s Scott Guthrie on what has happen
ed to Silverlight
He seemed to me to be saying that even if Silverlight is dead (nobody expect
s a Silverlight 6), XAML lives on.
It is as if, back in 2009 and early 2010, the memo went out: use Silverlight
for everything. Then, later in 2010, the memo went out: use HTML for everyt
hing; but too late for the current generation of server admin products.
以及Silverlight Transitions Continue for Developers and Microsoft
rodney (√) 于 (Thu Jan 17 20:03:25 2013, 美东) 提到:
准确地说,Metro was SL in WP7.
NeverLearn (24K golden bear) 于 (Thu Jan 17 20:32:24 2013, 美东) 提到:
rodney (√) 于 (Thu Jan 17 21:26:02 2013, 美东) 提到:
Spark (spark) 于 (Thu Jan 17 21:48:50 2013, 美东) 提到:
NeverLearn (24K golden bear) 于 (Thu Jan 17 22:10:13 2013, 美东) 提到:
的功能在METRO环境下是被禁止的,如果支持了就变成SECURITY BREACH了。
goodbug (好虫) 于 (Thu Jan 17 22:52:19 2013, 美东) 提到:
NeverLearn always lives in 2009, just like Silverlight.
goodbug (好虫) 于 (Thu Jan 17 22:53:33 2013, 美东) 提到:
你就继续悲愤吧。连MS OSD都是H5/JS,不是SL,你叽歪有用吗?
rodney (√) 于 (Thu Jan 17 23:02:57 2013, 美东) 提到:
HTML加JS在微软WinRT平台就是rich client了。
NeverLearn (24K golden bear) 于 (Thu Jan 17 23:14:42 2013, 美东) 提到:
HOHO. OSD never uses H5/JS as a rich app framework or they'd end
up in the same embarrassing shoes like Facebook. Keep spinning.
NeverLearn (24K golden bear) 于 (Thu Jan 17 23:20:42 2013, 美东) 提到:
They are rich only b/c they are calling the RT APIs. Such JS apps
are native to Win8 so you won't be able to run them on other
platforms. This is why I told you HTML/JS has no cross-platform
rich client future.
rodney (√) 于 (Thu Jan 17 23:55:49 2013, 美东) 提到:
这是不假。但对于RT API来说,其它语言也是来调用API。API就是做这个用的。应该说
maduce (Map Reduce) 于 (Fri Jan 18 00:24:35 2013, 美东) 提到:
existing .net/wcf servers will stay, but any new components will be written
in java. looks like the management will decide the java service framework
sigh I thought .net /wcf can survive longer than bill gates, but .net is a
dead product in the managements' eyes :(
rodney (√) 于 (Fri Jan 18 00:28:47 2013, 美东) 提到:
halfsea (tough) 于 (Fri Jan 18 02:59:03 2013, 美东) 提到:
Lol, 太逗了
taylors (Spear) 于 (Fri Jan 18 03:09:51 2013, 美东) 提到:
HorseKing (For the Horde!) 于 (Fri Jan 18 03:16:28 2013, 美东) 提到:
逆袭了啊 ,但是死的很悲催。
goodbug (好虫) 于 (Fri Jan 18 03:49:58 2013, 美东) 提到:
You keep spinning huh? OSD is online service to begin with.
They use Html/JS almost exclusively. So much about your rich app framework.
cyfer (水管) 于 (Fri Jan 18 08:53:22 2013, 美东) 提到:
NeverLearn (24K golden bear) 于 (Fri Jan 18 13:15:16 2013, 美东) 提到:
OSD uses HTML for content. They don't write rich apps in HTML.
Those who wrote rich apps in HTML have flopped. PALM wrote WebOS
in HTML. A flop. Zynga wrote games in HTML. A flop.
goodbug (好虫) 于 (Sat Jan 19 03:36:47 2013, 美东) 提到:
LOL, so tell me. Are Bing maps, hotmail.com/outlook.com not RIA, or they are
NeverLearn (24K golden bear) 于 (Sat Jan 19 18:34:52 2013, 美东) 提到:
No one treats TEXT-based hotmail (or any online email services) as
a rich app. The online maps are not rich enough either. All popular
GPS services use native clients. HTML as a rich app framework = fail.
goodbug (好虫) 于 (Sat Jan 19 20:44:54 2013, 美东) 提到:
Maybe you should get yourself educated and stop being so ignorant. This is
how RIA is defined on wiki.
"A Rich Internet Application (RIA) is a Web application that has many of the
characteristics of desktop application software, typically delivered by way
of a site-specific browser, a browser plug-in, an independent sandbox,
extensive use of JavaScript, or a virtual machine."
And some technologies, like GWT, ExtJS and Vaadin are mentioned on that page
, which all render pure html/js in the browsers.
Obviously Gmail and Gmaps deliver by using exclusive html/js. And gmail
delivers most of what a traditional mail client delivers. Now Hotmail and
bing map may be flops, but they are RIA too by mimicking what Google did.
The trend is here. It doesn't matter you get it or not. You can cherish your
SL skills and get out of job soon, I couldn't care less.
NeverLearn (24K golden bear) 于 (Sat Jan 19 21:49:49 2013, 美东) 提到:
Maybe you should stop fooling around with these lame definitions.
No one but you spin text-based web mails as rich apps. Customers
did not find these dumb text pages rich, which is why they dumped
WebOS, skipped Zynga and forced FB to write their apps in native.
HTML as a rich framework = FAIL. Don't hate me. Market says so.
While H5 flops, SL has expanded its model to become the go-to
rich platform for both WP8 and Win8 DUE TO ITS TECHNICAL MERITS.
In fact METRO is so similar to SL that when people hire WP8 and
Win8 developers SL folks are a straight pass. Sorry to bust your
"SL skill useless" pipe dream but market knows it better than you.
While Html flops and remains merely a single page hype, SL is
picked to deliver true richness. Case closed on which is better.
What's your next spin?
goodbug (好虫) 于 (Sat Jan 19 23:14:20 2013, 美东) 提到:
LOL, you are really in your own league in terms of shameless. After boasting
"no one" deemed Ajax apps "rich". Now wiki is lame too becoz it slaps you
in the face.
"Rich" means RIAs do what desktop apps do. And the majority of desktop apps
are nothing but text plus some images too. I guess they ain't rich either.
Whatever, good luck with your 0.3% SL web dominance. HTML5 is just the last
nail on the coffin. I don't want to beat the dead horse.
NeverLearn (24K golden bear) 于 (Sun Jan 20 00:19:48 2013, 美东) 提到:
Whoa!! So text + image = rich? Are you still living in 1990s?? Do
you know what modern users want from a rich platform?
How about some 3D HD gaming in HTML? No? OK, strike 1!
How about some audio / video editing? Still no? Strike 2!
What about touch and gesture support? Another no? Strike 3!
3 swing. 3 miss. ^_^ Alright since you are new I'll be nice and
give you a 2nd shot to see if you can still score some richness.
How about photo editing? No? Strike 4! Now, your last chance.
How about video chat? No again? Strike 5! Enough is enough.
5 swing. 5 miss. Your HTML scores a goose egg to strike its ass
out. Rich HTML. Gimme a goddamn break. LOL!!!
goodbug (好虫) 于 (Sun Jan 20 03:24:51 2013, 美东) 提到:
LOL, just a few examples why it's you living in 1990s.
Plus, who said javascript needs to be capable of doing everything to be an
RIA language. C# can't do many things C can do. So C# can't be used to write
application? Your logic is just ridiculous and it's not even funny.
domini (none) 于 (Sun Jan 20 10:46:33 2013, 美东) 提到:
Google, Apple, Facebook等广大技术公司的拥护,HTML5 is the future。
domini (none) 于 (Sun Jan 20 11:02:06 2013, 美东) 提到:
rodney (√) 于 (Sun Jan 20 15:10:41 2013, 美东) 提到:
rodney (√) 于 (Sun Jan 20 15:15:22 2013, 美东) 提到:
rodney (√) 于 (Sun Jan 20 15:26:10 2013, 美东) 提到:
domini (none) 于 (Sun Jan 20 15:41:35 2013, 美东) 提到:
domini (none) 于 (Sun Jan 20 15:51:43 2013, 美东) 提到:
NeverLearn (24K golden bear) 于 (Sun Jan 20 16:11:41 2013, 美东) 提到:
We just recently discussed how difficult it is to write a rich
list even with today's HTML/JS, didn't we? If it takes so much
hassle to implement sth so simple on a native platform like a
rich list then the HTML/JS framework is fundamentally weak.
If you talk to those who code both native and web apps, they'd
tell you web apps usually take 3 times (or more) as much effort
to code as native ones. Then there're responsiveness and user
experience issues. There's a reason why FB went back to native.
rodney (√) 于 (Sun Jan 20 17:43:49 2013, 美东) 提到:
就拿微软的WinRT平台为例,以前要做一个Win App,需要Win32 API,后来需要MFC,后
来需要.NET,现在只需要JS + WinRT API,对非微软平台的程序员来说,学习成本还是
mobile app确实还不能完全由HTML5取代。不能说mobile app就是HTML app。只不过web
convergence (Rex) 于 (Sun Jan 20 22:00:35 2013, 美东) 提到:
client-side changes too fast. i don't wanna do that kinda job.
domini (none) 于 (Sun Jan 20 22:42:09 2013, 美东) 提到:
器端反而是各种语言和技术并存且互相竞争:Java, .NET(C#),PHP, Python, Perl,
goodbug (好虫) 于 (Sun Jan 20 23:32:45 2013, 美东) 提到:
NeverLearn (24K golden bear) 于 (Mon Jan 21 00:37:25 2013, 美东) 提到:
HTML always lags a big step behind whenever new hardware comes up.
All native apps need is a set of APIs for the new hardware for
developers to use. There's no barrier b/t the apps and the APIs.
If it's HTML you have to wait for the standard group to build a
model and then the browser to implement it while the other native
frameworks are charging way past it.
xpan (没事瞎忙) 于 (Mon Jan 21 02:42:30 2013, 美东) 提到:
NeverLearn 你确实是太落伍了。现在流行的RIA定义就是用Html/Javascript/CSS来做。
你能不能给我决个例子什么是silverlight能作而HTML/Javascript/CSS 不能做的,除
了bypass security check直接access local computer 的 resource 除外。
我们公司前年也经历了一场大辩论,结论是Byebye Silverlight.
BenW (Ben) 于 (Mon Jan 21 03:32:11 2013, 美东) 提到:
That's a smart move. I never installed Sliverlight plugin on my PC or office
computers, never. And I didn't see anyone is using it. The MSNBC website (
MS is a big stock holder of that company) once asked users to use
Sliverlight to access its multimedia content, then abandoned that f**king
thing completely. MS is also smart to stop investing more on a dying
technology and start catching up on implementing HTML5 and other W3C
standards in IE10. But still, IE is the worst browser in terms of supporting
W3C standards. Look around, programmers are all complaining about IE. Many
things that work fine on FF, Safari/Chrome fall apart on IE.
goodbug (好虫) 于 (Mon Jan 21 04:20:08 2013, 美东) 提到:
Let me teach you some basics. HTML is just a layout language. The rendering
is done by the underlying engine written by C/C++, as part of browser. And
the browsers are getting updated twice a year as long as they are not named
IE. If
you think it cannot take advantage of better hardware, think again.
rodney (√) 于 (Mon Jan 21 09:33:02 2013, 美东) 提到:
微软左右为难。它也想开发web app,如果是web app就希望跨浏览器跨平台,但是它又
rodney (√) 于 (Mon Jan 21 09:59:51 2013, 美东) 提到:
应该说,HTML+CSS+JS的目标不是完全取代mobile app。因为现在的mobile带宽和资源有
web app的进步是跟自身比。就连微软也要做skype的web版,因为web app跟native app
digital (你是疯儿我是傻?) 于 (Mon Jan 21 11:12:39 2013, 美东) 提到:
kongzi (鸡龟骨滚羹) 于 (Mon Jan 21 12:17:05 2013, 美东) 提到:
1. 拥有比html/js更大的权限
2. much better cross browser support
3. 使得某些单纯用html/js实现比较复杂的功能简单化。
4. client side performance.
NeverLearn (24K golden bear) 于 (Mon Jan 21 12:21:43 2013, 美东) 提到:
Isn't being able to "access local resource" the key to richness
to begin with? That's why native app always beats HTML app in UX
and richness. You have just shown what blocks HTML from being rich.
NeverLearn (24K golden bear) 于 (Mon Jan 21 12:34:15 2013, 美东) 提到:
In fact these browsers get updated about 4 times a year if you have
any clue what you are talking about and yet they are still lagging
behind simply b/c there's a standardization procedure blocking it
going fast enough.
Also you apparently have closed to zero HTML/JS experience so you
better not try to "educate" anyone here.
NeverLearn (24K golden bear) 于 (Mon Jan 21 12:42:48 2013, 美东) 提到:
Exactly. These are the typical tricks HTML supporters like to play.
I'll add one more reason why HTML5 currently sucks: Javascript.
Javascript is an anti-engineering piece of crap language. It is
simply not good enough for serious apps. Should these browsers
support sth like C# instead HTML would instantly be 500% more
popular. This is why Google is working on Dart now.
domini (none) 于 (Mon Jan 21 14:33:04 2013, 美东) 提到:
魅力吗?BTW, C#也是微软抄袭Java的结果。
rodney (√) 于 (Mon Jan 21 15:04:20 2013, 美东) 提到:
争论holy war这类话题是徒劳,而且还没啥新的信息。
还不如说点新闻,firefox 19开始看PDF不用装PDF插件,直接用内置的javascript写的
你看现在web app全不能算严肃的应用了,都用上了JS,微软更是连桌面metro应用都不
domini (none) 于 (Mon Jan 21 15:15:34 2013, 美东) 提到:
我只是翻点科技史的来龙去脉和典故出来,哈哈。Firefox 19 Beta版看PDF文件不用插
goodbug (好虫) 于 (Mon Jan 21 16:11:06 2013, 美东) 提到:
LOL, 2 times or 4 times. They all contradict your stupid argument. What's
your point? A language doesn't have to be changed every year to take
advantage of new hardware. You are reaching a new low now.
NeverLearn (24K golden bear) 于 (Mon Jan 21 16:46:25 2013, 美东) 提到:
Nobody but a fool like you considers browser change is enough to
support new hardware. It's only after HTML standard is updated that
such support becomes available, and standardization takes time.
Just another example of you don't know what you are talking about.
NeverLearn (24K golden bear) 于 (Mon Jan 21 16:49:10 2013, 美东) 提到:
I'm not the only one with "偏见", OK. There's a reason why even
Google is trying to bring out a Dart alternative. JS has its
inherent problems, and I'm just a messenger.
goodbug (好虫) 于 (Mon Jan 21 17:22:01 2013, 美东) 提到:
LOL, you are so stupid it's not even worth arguing. How frequent Windows
release a new version? Does it support all new hardware once they become
available? For the record, wp7 wasn't able to support multi-core when
Android flagships are running quad-core. M$ is such a flop and yet you are
so picky at browser, a high level application?
As long as the CPU is faster, the browser is automatically faster, simple as
that. PC hasn't quite been changed in many years and HTML doesn't need to
change that frequently either.
goodbug (好虫) 于 (Mon Jan 21 17:29:19 2013, 美东) 提到:
As of 26 August 2011, 0.3% sites are using Silverlight,[21] whereas site
usage of Adobe Flash is around 27%.[
goodbug (好虫) 于 (Mon Jan 21 17:38:14 2013, 美东) 提到:
Sure JS has its problem, all languages have. But a language with problem is
1 million times better than a dead language without problem.
NeverLearn (24K golden bear) 于 (Mon Jan 21 17:49:22 2013, 美东) 提到:
What kinda irrelevant nonsense are you talking about? People
want to access new hardware such as accelerometer or Kinect in
their APPs, and native system can provide such APIs much faster.
They are not asking you for a new CPU. Cut the spinning.
domini (none) 于 (Mon Jan 21 17:52:20 2013, 美东) 提到:
事实胜于雄辩,JS dominate了所有的网站,而且被Google, Apple, 微软,Facebook,
Twitter, Yahoo各大主要技术公司不断推进,各种基于JS的library层出不穷,语言上
mobile app的开发也依靠JS, 所以你再悲愤也没有用了。
NeverLearn (24K golden bear) 于 (Mon Jan 21 17:59:21 2013, 美东) 提到:
事实 is WebOS is DEAD. Facebook switches away from HTML to native
b/c JS is not fast enough. Google works on a JS replacement. MS has
to provide a TypeScript to make it suck less.
The sole reason JS could "dominate" is simply b/c there's no other
alternative to it in the web world, and don't count on that. Should
there be a better option JS will be abandoned, and you know it.
goodbug (好虫) 于 (Mon Jan 21 18:07:08 2013, 美东) 提到:
Facebook switch from HTML to native, on mobile platforms only. The day
Facebook switch html to silverlight on their website, then they are really
Dart or TypeScript, they all compile to JS, not Silverlight, simple as that.
You can argue all day but you can't save your dead SL.
NeverLearn (24K golden bear) 于 (Mon Jan 21 18:17:54 2013, 美东) 提到:
You can put lipstick on that JS pig but it's still a pig. Dart is
compiled down to JS only as a TEMPORARILY makeshift arrangement.
The end goal is having own runtime to speed Dart code up.
SL is good enough to be chosen as the framework for mobile devices
while your HTML/JS is abandoned by its most vocal supporters (FB &
Google). Case is closed which is better.
goodbug (好虫) 于 (Mon Jan 21 18:53:41 2013, 美东) 提到:
LOL, get a real life. Google can't convince M$ and Apple to use Dart in
their browsers and it's going nowhere.
SL is used on 0.3% of total websites and it's be deprecated in wp8 too. You
don't want to wake up in your wet dream but SL is dead. This is a dotnet
forum yet nobody is agreeing with you, you are simply pathetic.
NeverLearn (24K golden bear) 于 (Mon Jan 21 19:16:26 2013, 美东) 提到:
LOL, I could care less if Google Dart goes nowhere b/c it only means
JS will continue to drag HTML down and I have no problem with that.
As for SL, every real .Net developer here agrees SL is much better,
and it shows by now underpinning the Win8 METRO engine. It's only
fools like you in such denial that you call these dumb page websites
as rich apps to prove that HTML/JS is up to the task. What a joke.
rodney (√) 于 (Mon Jan 21 22:59:35 2013, 美东) 提到:
旦推出去了就没法去掉原来的问题了,只能加新的功能。所以现在只用Good Part。
台的语言了,咱们还容不下换不了么。都是随项目转,让用啥就用啥,client side流行
goodbug (好虫) 于 (Mon Jan 21 23:39:51 2013, 美东) 提到:
rodney (√) 于 (Mon Jan 21 23:43:22 2013, 美东) 提到:
goodbug (好虫) 于 (Tue Jan 22 00:03:14 2013, 美东) 提到:
NeverLearn (24K golden bear) 于 (Tue Jan 22 00:52:55 2013, 美东) 提到:
You really have no shame, do you? Based on all the idiotic HTML
examples you posted during the debate I can easily tell you are
also a JS ignoramus and yet pretend to know sth about it.
NeverLearn (24K golden bear) 于 (Tue Jan 22 00:58:09 2013, 美东) 提到:
SL skills are easily applicable on the METRO platform so you don't
need "从一而终". Bring your SL skills to METRO, that's it.
It's kinda funny hearing those of you who apparently never coded
any METRO constantly telling those who did how METRO is no SL.
goodbug (好虫) 于 (Tue Jan 22 02:52:15 2013, 美东) 提到:
Right. Obviously people drew this chart knew nothing about Metro.
goodbug (好虫) 于 (Tue Jan 22 02:54:08 2013, 美东) 提到:
I don't claim being the expert on JS. Then again JS doesn't compete with
what I do for the living. Good luck finding a job with your 0.3% SL
rodney (√) 于 (Tue Jan 22 03:12:09 2013, 美东) 提到:
Goodbug,this is NeverLearn。
NeverLearn (24K golden bear) 于 (Tue Jan 22 03:12:59 2013, 美东) 提到:
Then quit talking as if you had a clue what is going on and good
luck fixing that Christmas crash. Apparently you guys were doing
a great job. LOL.
NeverLearn (24K golden bear) 于 (Tue Jan 22 03:22:11 2013, 美东) 提到:
The chart only shows the entire Win8 desktop market is expanded
for SL developers to work on, So keep masturbating SL skills
being useless if you enjoy being an idiot in denial. LOL
goodbug (好虫) 于 (Tue Jan 22 03:23:42 2013, 美东) 提到:
Right, obviously the entire chart is the SL expanding from the right bottom
corner. SL rules it all. Talk about masturbating and in denial.
NeverLearn (24K golden bear) 于 (Tue Jan 22 03:39:47 2013, 美东) 提到:
Too bad that XAML-based architecture ensures smooth transition
from SL to METRO so you'd have to pull your hands outta your pants
on that "SL skill being useless" dream.
Actually leave them in your pants if you wish. I don't care. LOL
taylors (Spear) 于 (Tue Jan 22 04:10:13 2013, 美东) 提到:
什么逆袭了?难道你是指Chrome OS?
Chrome OS和Android不是一个东西
xpan (没事瞎忙) 于 (Tue Jan 22 05:16:10 2013, 美东) 提到:
existent some?
client side, the performance is just good enough. and more reliable.
littlebirds (dreamer) 于 (Tue Jan 22 12:44:52 2013, 美东) 提到:
kongzi (鸡龟骨滚羹) 于 (Tue Jan 22 13:19:43 2013, 美东) 提到:
每种语言/framework都有自己的pros/cons和适用范围. 很多的时候是一种tradeoff.
goodbug (好虫) 于 (Tue Jan 22 15:24:01 2013, 美东) 提到:
Smooth transition. LOL. I heard the same thing when M$ gave VB developers a
stab from behind. Whatever you believe, man, whatever you believe. It's a
religion for you and I am not gonna change you. And talk about Metro is
nonsense as well, how big is WP in terms of market share? Nothing to write
home about.
You see, Sun died and I didn't shed a tear. If M$ died, good luck for you to
find another job. That's why we are fundamentally different when technology
is being discussed.
NeverLearn (24K golden bear) 于 (Tue Jan 22 17:48:56 2013, 美东) 提到:
You basically are coding light-weight web apps so you don't really
need a rich framework.
NeverLearn (24K golden bear) 于 (Tue Jan 22 17:53:42 2013, 美东) 提到:
So are you saying Java has no framework changes? What did you tell
AWT developers after "back-stabbing" them with SWING? And what did
you tell SWING developers after "back-stabbing" them with SWT?
Based on your own reasoning, there must be lots of jobless JAVA
developers b/c of the changes. And what about this Spring vs JSF
thing? Which group is jobless now? The list goes on and on. LOL.
See the difference is I make sensible points while you just post
BS. You made up all the "Lync ain't Office", "C++ weakens .Net"
rubbish to show your idiocy, and fired off these stupid "jobless
skill" shots only to land them on your own ass. LOL. What a joke.
goodbug (好虫) 于 (Tue Jan 22 18:56:26 2013, 美东) 提到:
You still don't see what's wrong here? It's you who can't accept SL's death
because your stupid claim "Silverlight will rule it all" and you just don't
have the courage to say that you were wrong.
AWT is dead, Java Applet is dead. Sure, I moved on and I didn't claim "Java
Applet will rule it all" in the first place. I didn't need to make further
claim Java Applet is what powers Java world today to save face, like you
insisted. And that's why you are a laughing stock today.
Nobody is perfect, but the ability to admit mistake is basic integrity,
which you are lacking.
gondar (赏金猎人) 于 (Tue Jan 22 21:48:39 2013, 美东) 提到:
而且SilverLight是客户端的技术,要对应也对应的是Java的Applet,Java Applet不也
一样半死不活的。Java Spring对应的应该是Asp。net MVC
说白了SilverLight早5年出来,完全有可能beat flash,不过现在Html 5 is coming,
goodbug (好虫) 于 (Tue Jan 22 22:01:50 2013, 美东) 提到:
你这个说得没有错。无论是flash, silverlight,java applet,都是要死的。
NeverLearn (24K golden bear) 于 (Tue Jan 22 22:13:21 2013, 美东) 提到:
SL is for rich apps and now powers METRO, OK? I never said it is
for thin web pages such as GMail. You are making yourself a fool
calling these pages rich apps and then making a fuss that SL is
not used to code those dumb pages.
I could care less about those thin apps. All rich apps are done
in native regardless what platform it is just like I predicted
long time ago and you are in constant denial.
goodbug (好虫) 于 (Tue Jan 22 23:02:22 2013, 美东) 提到:
LOL, you never learn.
xpan (没事瞎忙) 于 (Wed Jan 23 03:26:33 2013, 美东) 提到:
You just deny most of the ria applications. And i seriously doubt your
definition of rich.
xpan (没事瞎忙) 于 (Wed Jan 23 03:34:01 2013, 美东) 提到:
Wrong! I do need it, and i am using it. However it is for a special
application that I have to rely on SL, for most of my applications, no
matter how rich they are, html/javascript is a much better choice.
drawson (长胖了,可是我还是希望你叫我猴子) 于 (Wed Jan 23 19:39:30 2013, 美东) 提到:
以前我也怎么认为, 现在看到微软又开始推c++,不那么淡定了,什么样的思维的微软人
rodney (√) 于 (Wed Jan 23 19:44:55 2013, 美东) 提到:
drawson (长胖了,可是我还是希望你叫我猴子) 于 (Wed Jan 23 21:01:57 2013, 美东) 提到:
NeverLearn (24K golden bear) 于 (Wed Jan 23 21:12:20 2013, 美东) 提到:
C++ is gaming development. Most people code normal apps in C#.
rodney (√) 于 (Wed Jan 23 23:11:56 2013, 美东) 提到:
goodbug (好虫) 于 (Thu Jan 24 15:44:34 2013, 美东) 提到:
You mean those apps with dumb text and image that don't need "RICH"
experience ?
LOL. Sure, but they are getting converted to web app/mobile app if not
already done.
gondar (赏金猎人) 于 (Thu Jan 24 17:00:45 2013, 美东) 提到:
怎么推C++了?Win RT? | a9 发帖数: 21638 | 2 终于合集了
【在 l*s 的大作中提到】 : ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆ : BubbleSort (亚特兰蒂斯) 于 h 提到: : 我们组的Silverlight网站,头决定用Java Spring MVC完全重做,因为 : 微软今后不会对Silverliht继续升级了。 : 这一两年,微软的脑残决定可不少啊。看看这篇评论: : http://www.i-programmer.info/professional-programmer/i-programm : 网友的杰作: : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRFiu0xfQzw&autoplay=1 : ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆ : rodney (√) 于 (Sat Jan 12 13:46:05 2013, 美东) 提到: