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DotNet版 - embedded ASP tags?
HELP customize context menu关于AppSettings Object in ASP .Net
how to make javascript/jquery in asp.net running fast? Thank you!ASP.Net比ASP倒底好多少?
ASP .Net Portal starter kit 怎么结构那么差ASP help
understand ASP.Net 1: ASP vs ASP.NetASP web application 问题请教
understand ASP .Net 3: why ASP .Net is fasterTime Zone 时间
怎么才能说服老板从php move到asp.net阿can not run ASP by IIS 5.1 in WIN XP (转载)
用ASP .Net 和Python for .Net做了一个小范例[合集] can not run ASP by IIS 5.1 in WIN XP (转载)
recommended ASP .NET books?Curious for VBSCRIPT in ASP file
话题: asp话题: javascript话题: tags话题: file话题: menu
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 70
how to pass parameters from Javascript to .net such as C# code behind? For
example, there is a dynamic mouse move on and pop up menu implemented in
Javascript, once a menu item is selected, how to pass this menu item's value
to the C# code running on server? I only know this can be solved by using
embedded ASP tags <% ... %>.
Similar question, once we want to let the user upload file to the server, we
can use the HTML control to let users select a file name to
upload. How can we pas
发帖数: 1011
"Hidden" + post. use javascript to change the value of the hidden field and
then post it to server.
ASP .Net is based on that. so you can implement your own web controler to
handle these things.


【在 c*o 的大作中提到】
: how to pass parameters from Javascript to .net such as C# code behind? For
: example, there is a dynamic mouse move on and pop up menu implemented in
: Javascript, once a menu item is selected, how to pass this menu item's value
: to the C# code running on server? I only know this can be solved by using
: embedded ASP tags <% ... %>.
: Similar question, once we want to let the user upload file to the server, we
: can use the HTML control to let users select a file name to
: upload. How can we pas

1 (共1页)
Curious for VBSCRIPT in ASP fileunderstand ASP .Net 3: why ASP .Net is faster
Session statement in ASP and ASPX怎么才能说服老板从php move到asp.net阿
请教:新手学 ASP, 关于安装 IIS用ASP .Net 和Python for .Net做了一个小范例
ecommerce的网站选择recommended ASP .NET books?
HELP customize context menu关于AppSettings Object in ASP .Net
how to make javascript/jquery in asp.net running fast? Thank you!ASP.Net比ASP倒底好多少?
ASP .Net Portal starter kit 怎么结构那么差ASP help
understand ASP.Net 1: ASP vs ASP.NetASP web application 问题请教
话题: asp话题: javascript话题: tags话题: file话题: menu