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EB23版 - how this sytem exploits people
公司不给140copy关于previous employment confirmation letter for I140
PERM, I140 处理时间现雇主I140一批,H1B三年EXTENSION待批,换工作一问
Get I140 and PERM Filescan't believe it!!!
F1 OPT is targeted too【请教】EB3转EB2有啥注意事项
About Perm and 140急,在线等,这种情况我能不能自己diy 485
短期的Unauthorized employment对申卡的影响?EB2 I140 approved
My EB2 case is getting complicated, need some helpPERM file了, 自己能track么?
很纠结, EB2 还是EB3Green card cost
话题: employers话题: employer话题: filed话题: him话题: sytem
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 236
this system was designed to exploit immigrants. For example, the green card
applicants can't receive a copy of I140. The employers claim I140 approval
notice as company property. the applicants can't even get a photo copy of it
if the employers don't have mercy. If you beg for it, the employers have
the right to refuse your quest. During your PERM application, it is the same
, you can not ask for any details and the employers have the rights to
refuse your inquiry request. Basically you have to stay in dark during this
Why? because the government and employers want to control the immigrants. If
you apply for PERM/140 now, you may have to wait for 10 years to get your
green card. During these 10 years, you don't have access to any of the
approved documents because these are company property. You don't even know
whether they filed it or not. I know two guys had miserable experience about
this. One guy's employer didn't file any documents for him, but his
employer cheated him and told him it has been filed. He waited for several
years and finally they told him nothing was filed. The other guy's company
field EB3 for him, but the employer told him they filed EB2. He waited for
several years before he knew they filed EB3, not EB2.
This system was designed to exploit people from fresh to bone. EB applicants
have to stay in dark for ten years. It is a system that the employers can
use to manipulate their foreign employees. If you meet an evil employer,
they can cheat you to death!
发帖数: 180
It is so true!
My employer used all kinds of excuse to delay filing and now I see she is
using the same tactics to new comer. The company is fortune 500.
发帖数: 236
yes, the same thing happened to me.
they abused us using "legal" system.
When I asked them about the progress, they refuse to release any information
. They said PERM/140 are company properties and I shouldn't ask. Immigrants
should have the rights to know have a copy of 140 at least! This country
allow employers to play foreigners in such a ridiculous way! Two years
passed and they didn't file a damn thing! These blood suckers treated me
like shit. I don't give a damn to them!
What the hell is this sytem!!!

【在 h********e 的大作中提到】
: It is so true!
: My employer used all kinds of excuse to delay filing and now I see she is
: using the same tactics to new comer. The company is fortune 500.

发帖数: 34805
There are always shitty employer, but you have the right to change one.


【在 n**********s 的大作中提到】
: yes, the same thing happened to me.
: they abused us using "legal" system.
: When I asked them about the progress, they refuse to release any information
: . They said PERM/140 are company properties and I shouldn't ask. Immigrants
: should have the rights to know have a copy of 140 at least! This country
: allow employers to play foreigners in such a ridiculous way! Two years
: passed and they didn't file a damn thing! These blood suckers treated me
: like shit. I don't give a damn to them!
: What the hell is this sytem!!!

1 (共1页)
Green card costAbout Perm and 140
140可以自己交premium process的钱吗?短期的Unauthorized employment对申卡的影响?
Can I file 485 nowMy EB2 case is getting complicated, need some help
有谁是Fragomen file的485?很纠结, EB2 还是EB3
公司不给140copy关于previous employment confirmation letter for I140
PERM, I140 处理时间现雇主I140一批,H1B三年EXTENSION待批,换工作一问
Get I140 and PERM Filescan't believe it!!!
F1 OPT is targeted too【请教】EB3转EB2有啥注意事项
话题: employers话题: employer话题: filed话题: him话题: sytem