Q*K 发帖数: 3464 | 1 这都马上就三月份了,再不用完我们自己的名额就要白给老印了。 |
s******0 发帖数: 1340 | 2 我也一直搞不懂为什么不能,为什么老印可以提前用完自己的年度名额,而EB2C不行?曾
如此明显的事情NIU为什么不能据理力争? |
d****y 发帖数: 1671 | 3 We always ask NIU to do this and that. Have we ever asked ourself to be a
【在 s******0 的大作中提到】 : 我也一直搞不懂为什么不能,为什么老印可以提前用完自己的年度名额,而EB2C不行?曾 : 经在哪里看到老奥说中国VISA使用已经达到季度限额,但是简单算一下,中国每个季度限 : 额是2800/4=700,每个季度只能最多批700(本财年1季度好象还没到),可是每年最后一个 : 季度就开始spillover了,中国最后一个季度的名额就被混进spillover里一起被老印吃 : 了.这样一来,相当于EB2C只拿了2100个自己的名额.这么明显不合理的季度限额为什么 : 不能让老奥更正?而且为什么老印又可以不受季度名额限制而早早用光自己名额等吃从 : EB2C那里被无理克扣的名额? : 如此明显的事情NIU为什么不能据理力争?
s******0 发帖数: 1340 | 4 NIU不是EBC和USCIS沟通的桥梁吗?每个人都和O大傻联系,这不可笑吗?
只要大家支持NIU,能把自己想法说出来和NIU以及这里的XDJM分享,不已经是be a part
【在 d****y 的大作中提到】 : We always ask NIU to do this and that. Have we ever asked ourself to be a : part?
f*******e 发帖数: 4531 | 5 Here is what I got from O earlier this month. I did not publish it because
I don't have exact data. But, O seems to be reluctant to give me detailed
"Over 30% of the China numbers were used Oct. – Dec." |
b***K 发帖数: 332 | 6 你是怎么支持NIU的?
【在 s******0 的大作中提到】 : NIU不是EBC和USCIS沟通的桥梁吗?每个人都和O大傻联系,这不可笑吗? : 只要大家支持NIU,能把自己想法说出来和NIU以及这里的XDJM分享,不已经是be a part : 了吗?
Q*K 发帖数: 3464 | 7 Thanks a lot for contacting O.
Which category was he referring to? EB2? or all EBCs? It's huge difference.
【在 f*******e 的大作中提到】 : Here is what I got from O earlier this month. I did not publish it because : I don't have exact data. But, O seems to be reluctant to give me detailed : data. : "Over 30% of the China numbers were used Oct. – Dec."
f*******e 发帖数: 4531 | 8 I think he referred to overall, including EB2. I tried to get more
information, but out of luck.
【在 Q*K 的大作中提到】 : Thanks a lot for contacting O. : Which category was he referring to? EB2? or all EBCs? It's huge difference. : : because
Q*K 发帖数: 3464 | 9 Yeah. Then what O said is bullshit. Of course EB1C uses a lot of quotas. We
should ask him about Eb2c and eb3c.
Thank you so much for the great work you have done. We all appreciate it a
【在 f*******e 的大作中提到】 : I think he referred to overall, including EB2. I tried to get more : information, but out of luck. : : .
m********7 发帖数: 1791 | 10 thanks for the efforts.
But can you argue with him or NIU argue with him and get an accordance with
him about use our quotes up by end of June. We can wait for EB2I after that.
We won't sue him due to this, however we may sue him as EB3C if he wastes
our quotes.
any more suggestion?
【在 f*******e 的大作中提到】 : I think he referred to overall, including EB2. I tried to get more : information, but out of luck. : : .
s******0 发帖数: 1340 | 11 你根本没资格问我这个问题.不过我还是告诉你NIU成立之初我就捐了.
【在 b***K 的大作中提到】 : 你是怎么支持NIU的? : 捐款?出力? : : part
N*********L 发帖数: 517 | 12 确实目前的NIU运作有些困难,尽管有一些资金( 大约2万),但不足以雇佣专门人员,
就是为了推动绿卡,希望大家都想想办法。谢谢! |
s******0 发帖数: 1340 | 13 确实,如果没有专门人员是难搞.能不能搞个简单预算,看一个项目要多少钱,然后大家再
【在 N*********L 的大作中提到】 : 确实目前的NIU运作有些困难,尽管有一些资金( 大约2万),但不足以雇佣专门人员, : 而且多数项目即使花了钱也不一定能成功。可是如果没有专门人员,由于大家都是职业 : 移民,只能利用少有的空余时间,所以很多项目难以开展。其实我们大家成立这个组织 : 就是为了推动绿卡,希望大家都想想办法。谢谢!
f*******e 发帖数: 4531 | 14 The immigration law stipulates that visa consumption for each quarter can't
exceed 27% which won't allow us to to finish them before June. We can argue
with Indian case. But, the difficulty is that we don't have data to prove
what we argue.
In addition, I would like to clarify that our quota is not shared with
Indians if we can't finish ours before June. How much spill over we can get
purely depends on how much spill over is available and what is the demand
from India. If the spill over is not sufficient to remove the PD gap
between Indian and ours, we won't get anything. We can argue about it. But
, it is unfortuately the current rule. The situation won't change until the
rule changes.
【在 m********7 的大作中提到】 : thanks for the efforts. : But can you argue with him or NIU argue with him and get an accordance with : him about use our quotes up by end of June. We can wait for EB2I after that. : We won't sue him due to this, however we may sue him as EB3C if he wastes : our quotes. : any more suggestion?