

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
EB23版 - 火箭饭(rocketsfan)的贴子可不可以集结成册出版呢?
EB2历史排期以及预测,请指正NSC 应该不会再批了
议员回复 (NSC)版花帮忙呢看看,这个SR结果是到了哪步了?是有人work on my case了吗?十分感谢
Received a copy of the A-file. Pre-adjudication is real!485 一月inventory出来了,请个大牛分析分析
PERM是EB2,140是EB3的实例看看到2011年10月前的EB3C inventory
下个月EB3继续前进两三个月?!eb2 -> eb3 amendment 律师说要重新file 140
参议员问到的case status (EB2-EB3),算好消息吗?TSC SR Response
好郁闷,被background check了DEMAND和建库有什么区别?
Demand data和Inventory有什么区别【求指点】配偶的pending 140 hold申请人一家的485?
话题: department话题: nvc话题: ins话题: uscis
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 4704
什么是fee notice? 什么是SO? 可以简单扫一下盲吗?
为什么网上说NVC是私营公司呢?我太欣赏火箭饭用NVC的收费通知来预测PD current
National Visa Center (NVC): A private company located in Portsmouth, New
Hampshire that processes certain immigration filings under contract with the
U.S. Department of State (DOS). In appropriate cases, NVC receives approved
green card petitions from USCIS or DOS and continues the green card process
by sending forms and instructions to the applicant, receiving the forms and
supporting documents back from the applicant, and then forwarding the
applicant’s file to the proper U.S. embassy or consulate abroad.
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS): An agency of the
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) responsible for ruling on immigration
and naturalization matters and establishing immigration policies and
priorities. USCIS was formerly called the Immigration and Naturalization
Service (INS) and was part of the U.S. Department of Justice. On March 1,
2003, INS transitioned into DHS. Thus, INS no longer exists.
USCIS functions include adjudication of immigrant visa petitions,
adjudication of naturalization petitions, adjudication of asylum and refugee
applications, adjudications performed at the service centers, and all other
adjudications formerly performed by the INS.
Department of State (DOS)
1 (共1页)
【求指点】配偶的pending 140 hold申请人一家的485?下个月EB3继续前进两三个月?!
和大家分享个议员的回信参议员问到的case status (EB2-EB3),算好消息吗?
顶着锅盖说一句:版上还是应该加强降级策略的引导啊好郁闷,被background check了
移民局将申请人社交网络帐号作为审查内容之一Demand data和Inventory有什么区别
EB2历史排期以及预测,请指正NSC 应该不会再批了
议员回复 (NSC)版花帮忙呢看看,这个SR结果是到了哪步了?是有人work on my case了吗?十分感谢
Received a copy of the A-file. Pre-adjudication is real!485 一月inventory出来了,请个大牛分析分析
PERM是EB2,140是EB3的实例看看到2011年10月前的EB3C inventory
话题: department话题: nvc话题: ins话题: uscis