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EB23版 - 收到SR回复,求建议
NSC PD09 RD Fed 16NSC relink 回复
还是没收到FP notice, 做了service request求建议!怎么办?又是无用的Response for Service Request
这个什么意思?status of this service request
PD Oct 2007, RD Jan 2012还没绿是不是只有我?好心人能否给我看一下公司给出的不肯降级的原因
贡献点我以前收藏的排期到了催绿的法子急问:EAD renew 晚了一个月
【EB2 2017年3月第20绿】绿了 EB2 PD 11/29/2012email from NSC followup
Service request 和 InfopassRFE后会收到确认信吗?
e-request is the same as service request by call一个问题:Request for Evidence
话题: service话题: request话题: currently话题: national话题: hotline
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 526
PD 6/30/2007. 两星期前作Service Request.今天收到回复。下面该咋办?
The status of this service request is:
This case is currently still pending with the Nebraska Service Center. We
are currently working through a backlog of applications and your case will
be worked in the order in which we received it. If you do not receive a
decision in the mail within the next 90-120 days please call the National
Customer Hotline at the number below.
1 (共1页)
一个问题:Request for Evidence贡献点我以前收藏的排期到了催绿的法子
Relink EB2 140【EB2 2017年3月第20绿】绿了 EB2 PD 11/29/2012
没收到过485 RFE,却说已经收到RFE回复?Service request 和 Infopass
2012年RD NSC 2015年1月排期到 这个是什么意思e-request is the same as service request by call
NSC PD09 RD Fed 16NSC relink 回复
还是没收到FP notice, 做了service request求建议!怎么办?又是无用的Response for Service Request
这个什么意思?status of this service request
PD Oct 2007, RD Jan 2012还没绿是不是只有我?好心人能否给我看一下公司给出的不肯降级的原因
话题: service话题: request话题: currently话题: national话题: hotline