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EB23版 - USCIS changed Calling menu: Best way to do SR and talk to Tier 1/2 officer
Calling USCIS对美国政府无比失望
惨了,second tier officer也不能打了有人感觉最近uscis的电话服务很不错嘛
催绿经验, (本人还没绿)USCIS 11月1号收到我的485申请,但现在我还没收到打指纹通知
Just Called NSCCalled USCIS tier II about my case
TSC RD 11月初求祝福- PWMB刚打了电话给USCIS,贡献经验,求祝福。。。
收到绿卡关于 USCIS 的客服
Just called USCISIs this a JOKE?! I just talked to a tier 2 officer
Just contacted USCIS (PD Jan 2007)- pre-adjudicatedCalled USCIS - confused on their reponse
话题: sr话题: tier话题: choose话题: uscis话题: case
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 50
I used all kinds of dummy version how to for SR but USCIS just changed the
menu recently. None of them worked. I suspect USCIS change that on purpose.
I decided to go through all the menus. I believe this would help you guys
Call 1-800-375-5283
Choose English (right now is 1)
Choose Immigration Service (right now is 1)
Choose Case status (right now is 1)
Choose Known Receipt Number (right now is 1)
input all your case number started with LIN (NSC) or xxx
then the system will repeat the status you can get from their website.
Choose report a problem
(maybe they will change or add more layers before you go to real person)
then you are connected to a tier 1 contractors. They are super nice because
they are paid to make you happy. Just mention you want to know deatil about
your case, they will generate a SR number for you, it's 15 digits.
Tier 1 has the authorities to determine if you can speak to tier 2 officers,
USCIS website stated they have 152 tier 2 officers who has access to the
real GC DB.
But they definitely will not connect you to tier 2 within 15 days of
creation of SR.
SR will not accelerate your GC but it's very helpful to make sure your case
is good to go (or wait).
发帖数: 1407
Thank you!
I tried several times but could never reach anyone today. They might be
closed on Columbus day.


【在 s*****e 的大作中提到】
: I used all kinds of dummy version how to for SR but USCIS just changed the
: menu recently. None of them worked. I suspect USCIS change that on purpose.
: I decided to go through all the menus. I believe this would help you guys
: out.
: Call 1-800-375-5283
: Choose English (right now is 1)
: Choose Immigration Service (right now is 1)
: Choose Case status (right now is 1)
: Choose Known Receipt Number (right now is 1)
: input all your case number started with LIN (NSC) or xxx

1 (共1页)
Called USCIS - confused on their reponseTSC RD 11月初求祝福- PWMB
如何做service request 催绿?收到绿卡
刚完成降级,律师的办事员不是很给力,现在要在USCIJust called USCIS
有没有主申请人批了副申请没批的?NSC PD 911Just contacted USCIS (PD Jan 2007)- pre-adjudicated
Calling USCIS对美国政府无比失望
惨了,second tier officer也不能打了有人感觉最近uscis的电话服务很不错嘛
催绿经验, (本人还没绿)USCIS 11月1号收到我的485申请,但现在我还没收到打指纹通知
Just Called NSCCalled USCIS tier II about my case
话题: sr话题: tier话题: choose话题: uscis话题: case